当设备配置发生变更时,系统会调用AMS的 updateConfiguration()
方法,来通知AMS处理configuration changed事件, updateConfiguration()
public boolean updateConfiguration(Configuration values) { // ... 省略一段代码 synchronized(this) { // ... 省略一段代码 try { if (values != null) { Settings.System.clearConfiguration(values); } updateConfigurationLocked(values, null, false, false /* persistent */, UserHandle.USER_NULL, false /* deferResume */, mTmpUpdateConfigurationResult); return mTmpUpdateConfigurationResult.changes != 0; } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId); } } } 复制代码
可以看到 updateConfiguration()
内部调用了 private boolean updateConfigurationLocked()
1.调用 updateGlobalConfigurationLocked()
2.调用 ensureConfigAndVisibilityAfterUpdate()
如果返回true表示activity未被重启,否则让该activity destroyed以适配当前配置。 ensureConfigAndVisibilityAfterUpdate()
private boolean ensureConfigAndVisibilityAfterUpdate(ActivityRecord starting, int changes) { boolean kept = true; // 获取当前拥有焦点的activity final ActivityStack mainStack = mStackSupervisor.getFocusedStack(); // mainStack is null during startup. if (mainStack != null) { if (changes != 0 && starting == null) { // If the configuration changed, and the caller is not already // in the process of starting an activity, then find the top // activity to check if its configuration needs to change. starting = mainStack.topRunningActivityLocked(); } if (starting != null) { // 关键代码 kept = starting.ensureActivityConfiguration(changes, false /* preserveWindow */); // And we need to make sure at this point that all other activities // are made visible with the correct configuration. mStackSupervisor.ensureActivitiesVisibleLocked(starting, changes, !PRESERVE_WINDOWS); } } return kept; } 复制代码
可以看到,决定返回值的是 ActivityRecord
的 ensureActivityConfiguration()
boolean ensureActivityConfiguration(int globalChanges, boolean preserveWindow, boolean ignoreStopState) { final ActivityStack stack = getStack(); // 如果马上就会再次调用updateConfiguration(),则忽略本次修改,交由下次处理,节省时间 if (stack.mConfigWillChange) { if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG_CONFIGURATION, "Skipping config check (will change): " + this); return true; } // We don't worry about activities that are finishing. // 如果当前activity已经finish则忽略 if (finishing) { if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG_CONFIGURATION, "Configuration doesn't matter in finishing " + this); stopFreezingScreenLocked(false); return true; } // ...省略一段代码 if (mState == INITIALIZING) { // No need to relaunch or schedule new config for activity that hasn't been launched // yet. We do, however, return after applying the config to activity record, so that // it will use it for launch transaction. if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG_CONFIGURATION, "Skipping config check for initializing activity: " + this); return true; } if (shouldRelaunchLocked(changes, mTmpConfig) || forceNewConfig) { // Aha, the activity isn't handling the change, so DIE DIE DIE. configChangeFlags |= changes; startFreezingScreenLocked(app, globalChanges); forceNewConfig = false; preserveWindow &= isResizeOnlyChange(changes); if (app == null || app.thread == null) { // ...省略log代码 // 如果app不在托管状态,则仅销毁当前activity stack.destroyActivityLocked(this, true, "config"); } else if (mState == PAUSING) { // ...省略log代码 // 如果当前activity处于PAUSING状态,则标记其需要重启,等到PAUSING后reLaunch deferRelaunchUntilPaused = true; preserveWindowOnDeferredRelaunch = preserveWindow; return true; } else if (mState == RESUMED) { // ...省略一段代码 // 如果当前activity处于RESUMED状态,则重启后需要恢复到RESUMED状态 relaunchActivityLocked(true /* andResume */, preserveWindow); } else { // ...省略log代码 relaunchActivityLocked(false /* andResume */, preserveWindow); } // activity自行处理了configuration changed,无需重启 return false; } // Activity可以自己处理配置变更则走这里 if (displayChanged) { scheduleActivityMovedToDisplay(newDisplayId, newMergedOverrideConfig); } else { scheduleConfigurationChanged(newMergedOverrideConfig); } return true; } 复制代码
可以看到决定是否重启的关键代码是 shouldRelaunchLocked(changes, mTmpConfig)
。另外一个值得关注的点是 forceNewConfig
变量,其值仅在 ActivityStack.restartPackage()
时为 true
,此时会忽略activity的 configChanges
配置,强制重启activity。 shouldRelaunchLocked
private boolean shouldRelaunchLocked(int changes, Configuration changesConfig) { // 获取manifest中配置的configChanges属性 int configChanged = info.getRealConfigChanged(); boolean onlyVrUiModeChanged = onlyVrUiModeChanged(changes, changesConfig); // Override for apps targeting pre-O sdks // If a device is in VR mode, and we're transitioning into VR ui mode, add ignore ui mode // to the config change. // For O and later, apps will be required to add configChanges="uimode" to their manifest. if (appInfo.targetSdkVersion < O && requestedVrComponent != null && onlyVrUiModeChanged) { configChanged |= CONFIG_UI_MODE; } // 关键代码 return (changes&(~configChanged)) != 0; } 复制代码
(changes&(~configChanged)) != 0
void relaunchActivityLocked(boolean andResume, boolean preserveWindow) { // ...省略一段代码 try { // ...省略log代码 // 关键代码1 final ClientTransactionItem callbackItem = ActivityRelaunchItem.obtain(pendingResults, pendingNewIntents, configChangeFlags, new MergedConfiguration(service.getGlobalConfiguration(), getMergedOverrideConfiguration()), preserveWindow); final ActivityLifecycleItem lifecycleItem; if (andResume) { lifecycleItem = ResumeActivityItem.obtain(service.isNextTransitionForward()); } else { lifecycleItem = PauseActivityItem.obtain(); } final ClientTransaction transaction = ClientTransaction.obtain(app.thread, appToken); transaction.addCallback(callbackItem); transaction.setLifecycleStateRequest(lifecycleItem); // 关键代码2 service.getLifecycleManager().scheduleTransaction(transaction); } catch (RemoteException e) { if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_STATES) Slog.i(TAG_SWITCH, "Relaunch failed", e); } // ...省略一段代码 } 复制代码
首先我们看关键代码1: ActivityRelaunchItem.obtain()
。 ActivityRelaunchItem
继承自``,其中在 execute()
中调用了 client.handleRelaunchActivity(mActivityClientRecord, pendingActions)
最终 ClientTransaction
的callback的 execute(ClientTransactionHandler client, IBinder token,PendingTransactionActions pendingActions)
都会被调用,而添加的callback: ActivityRelaunchItem
的 execute
public void execute(ClientTransactionHandler client, IBinder token,PendingTransactionActions pendingActions) { if (mActivityClientRecord == null) { if (DEBUG_ORDER) Slog.d(TAG, "Activity relaunch cancelled"); return; } Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "activityRestart"); client.handleRelaunchActivity(mActivityClientRecord, pendingActions); Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER); } 复制代码
是一个抽象类,这里实际是通过 ClientTransaction.obtain(app.thread, appToken)
传入的 IApplicationThread
对象,app.thread是在 attachApplication()
方法中设置的,其实现类是 ApplicationThread
,而其内部调用的是 ActivityThread.handleRelaunchActivity()
void scheduleTransaction(ClientTransaction transaction) { transaction.preExecute(this); sendMessage(ActivityThread.H.EXECUTE_TRANSACTION, transaction); } 复制代码
其中 sendMessage()
由 ActivityThread
case EXECUTE_TRANSACTION: final ClientTransaction transaction = (ClientTransaction) msg.obj; mTransactionExecutor.execute(transaction); if (isSystem()) { transaction.recycle(); } break; 复制代码
是 TransactionExecutor
的实例,其 execute()
方法最终会调用 executeCallbacks(transaction)
调用通过 ClientTransaction#addCallback()
方法添加的所有 ClientTransactionItem
实例的 execute()
。最终会调用 ActivityThread.handleRelaunchActivity()
public void handleRelaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord tmp,PendingTransactionActions pendingActions) { // ...省略一段代码 if (changedConfig != null) { mCurDefaultDisplayDpi = changedConfig.densityDpi; updateDefaultDensity(); handleConfigurationChanged(changedConfig, null); } ActivityClientRecord r = mActivities.get(tmp.token); // ...省略一段代码 handleRelaunchActivityInner(r, configChanges, tmp.pendingResults, tmp.pendingIntents, pendingActions, tmp.startsNotResumed, tmp.overrideConfig, "handleRelaunchActivity"); // ...省略一段代码 } 复制代码
在 handleRelaunchActivityInner()
中,先调用 ActivityThread.handleDestroyActivity()
销毁当前activity,随便调用 ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity()
重启了activity。我们都知道,Activity有一个回调方法 onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
,当设备信息变更时,会保存该方法返回的Object,之后可以在重启的Activity中通过 getLastNonConfigurationInstance()
获取该Object。 onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
并非仅会在发生reLaunchActivity时回调,而是在Activity destoryed时,在 ActivityThread.performDestroyActivity()
中调用 Activity.retainNonConfigurationInstances()
获取的。该方法返回的是 NonConfigurationInstances
,其 activity
属性便是调用 Activity.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
获取的。而之所以 getLastNonConfigurationInstance()
能获取到值,是因为在reLaunchActivity中将同一 ActivityRecord
作为参数,传递给了新Activity。该方法是在 ComponentActivity
,已经被重写为final方法,子类如果想保存数据,可以通过 onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance
现在要解决的疑惑是,当变更的配置在activity自处理的配置列表时,activity仅会回调 onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)
,这又是在哪里调用的呢?答案就在 ActivityRecord
的 ensureActivityConfiguration()
// Activity可以自己处理配置变更则走这里 if (displayChanged) { scheduleActivityMovedToDisplay(newDisplayId, newMergedOverrideConfig); } else { scheduleConfigurationChanged(newMergedOverrideConfig); } 复制代码
这两个分支,最终都会调用 ClientTransactionHandler.handleActivityConfigurationChanged()
方法,该方法由 ActivityThread
public void handleActivityConfigurationChanged(IBinder activityToken,Configuration overrideConfig, int displayId) { // ...省略一段代码 final boolean movedToDifferentDisplay = displayId != INVALID_DISPLAY && displayId != r.activity.getDisplay().getDisplayId(); // ...省略一段代码 if (movedToDifferentDisplay) { // ...省略一段代码 final Configuration reportedConfig = performConfigurationChangedForActivity(r, mCompatConfiguration, displayId, true /* movedToDifferentDisplay */); // ...省略一段代码 } else { if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG, "Handle activity config changed: " + r.activityInfo.name + ", config=" + overrideConfig); performConfigurationChangedForActivity(r, mCompatConfiguration); } // ...省略一段代码 } 复制代码
最终会调用 performActivityConfigurationChanged()
private Configuration performActivityConfigurationChanged(Activity activity,Configuration newConfig, Configuration amOverrideConfig, int displayId,boolean movedToDifferentDisplay) { // ...省略一段代码 boolean shouldChangeConfig = false; if (activity.mCurrentConfig == null) { shouldChangeConfig = true; } else { // If the new config is the same as the config this Activity is already running with and // the override config also didn't change, then don't bother calling // onConfigurationChanged. final int diff = activity.mCurrentConfig.diffPublicOnly(newConfig); if (diff != 0 || !mResourcesManager.isSameResourcesOverrideConfig(activityToken, amOverrideConfig)) { // Always send the task-level config changes. For system-level configuration, if // this activity doesn't handle any of the config changes, then don't bother // calling onConfigurationChanged as we're going to destroy it. // 如果共用配置发生变更 // mUpdatingSystemConfig这里为false所以shouldChangeConfig=true if (!mUpdatingSystemConfig || (~activity.mActivityInfo.getRealConfigChanged() & diff) == 0 || !REPORT_TO_ACTIVITY) { shouldChangeConfig = true; } } } if (!shouldChangeConfig && !movedToDifferentDisplay) { // Nothing significant, don't proceed with updating and reporting. return null; } // ...省略一段代码 if (shouldChangeConfig) { activity.mCalled = false; activity.onConfigurationChanged(configToReport); if (!activity.mCalled) { throw new SuperNotCalledException("Activity " + activity.getLocalClassName() + " did not call through to super.onConfigurationChanged()"); } } return configToReport; } 复制代码
最终我们找到了 activity.onConfigurationChanged(configToReport)
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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