以 Java 代码为例,有着Junit、Mockito等开源单元测试框架,并且非常便于测试集成。Golang自身便带有单元测试模块,都是为提高软件质量而设计的,优秀的开源框架其单元测试覆盖率都非常高,才能为其软件质量提供保障。
/** * {@link Resource} represents a resource, which capture identifying information about the entities * for which signals (stats or traces) are reported. */ @Immutable @AutoValue public abstract class Resource { private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 255; private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_CHARS = " should be a ASCII string with a length greater than 0 and not exceed " + MAX_LENGTH + " characters."; private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_VALUE = " should be a ASCII string with a length not exceed " + MAX_LENGTH + " characters."; private static final Resource EMPTY = new AutoValue_Resource(Collections.emptyMap()); Resource() {} public static Resource getEmpty() { return EMPTY; } /** * Returns a map of labels that describe the resource. * * @return a map of labels. */ public abstract Map<String, String> getLabels(); /** * Returns a {@link Resource}. * * @param labels a map of labels that describe the resource. * @return a {@code Resource}. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code labels} is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if label key or label value is not a valid printable ASCII * string or exceed {@link #MAX_LENGTH} characters. */ public static Resource create(Map<String, String> labels) { checkLabels(labels); return new AutoValue_Resource(labels); } /** * Returns a new, merged {@link Resource} by merging the current {@code Resource} with the * {@code other} {@code Resource}. In case of a collision, current {@code Resource} takes * precedence. * * @param other the {@code Resource} that will be merged with {@code this}. * @return the newly merged {@code Resource}. */ public Resource merge(@Nullable Resource other) { if (other == null) { return this; } Map<String, String> mergedLabelMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(other.getLabels()); // Labels from resource overwrite labels from otherResource. for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : this.getLabels().entrySet()) { mergedLabelMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return new AutoValue_Resource(mergedLabelMap); } private static void checkLabels(Map<String, String> labels) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : labels.entrySet()) { Utils.checkArgument( isValidAndNotEmpty(entry.getKey()), "Label key" + ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_CHARS); Utils.checkArgument( isValid(entry.getValue()), "Label value" + ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_VALUE); } } /** * Determines whether the given {@code String} is a valid printable ASCII string with a length not * exceed {@link #MAX_LENGTH} characters. * * @param name the name to be validated. * @return whether the name is valid. */ private static boolean isValid(String name) { return name.length() <= MAX_LENGTH && StringUtils.isPrintableString(name); } /** * Determines whether the given {@code String} is a valid printable ASCII string with a length * greater than 0 and not exceed {@link #MAX_LENGTH} characters. * * @param name the name to be validated. * @return whether the name is valid. */ private static boolean isValidAndNotEmpty(String name) { return !name.isEmpty() && isValid(name); } }
/** Unit tests for {@link Resource}. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public final class ResourceTest { @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); private static final Resource DEFAULT_RESOURCE = Resource.create(Collections.emptyMap()); private Resource resource1; private Resource resource2; @Before public void setUp() { Map<String, String> labelMap1 = new HashMap<>(); labelMap1.put("a", "1"); labelMap1.put("b", "2"); Map<String, String> labelMap2 = new HashMap<>(); labelMap2.put("a", "1"); labelMap2.put("b", "3"); labelMap2.put("c", "4"); resource1 = Resource.create(labelMap1); resource2 = Resource.create(labelMap2); } @Test public void create() { Map<String, String> labelMap = new HashMap<>(); labelMap.put("a", "1"); labelMap.put("b", "2"); Resource resource = Resource.create(labelMap); assertThat(resource.getLabels()).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource.getLabels().size()).isEqualTo(2); assertThat(resource.getLabels()).isEqualTo(labelMap); Resource resource1 = Resource.create(Collections.emptyMap()); assertThat(resource1.getLabels()).isNotNull(); assertThat(resource1.getLabels()).isEmpty(); } @Test public void testResourceEquals() { Map<String, String> labelMap1 = new HashMap<>(); labelMap1.put("a", "1"); labelMap1.put("b", "2"); Map<String, String> labelMap2 = new HashMap<>(); labelMap2.put("a", "1"); labelMap2.put("b", "3"); labelMap2.put("c", "4"); new EqualsTester() .addEqualityGroup(Resource.create(labelMap1), Resource.create(labelMap1)) .addEqualityGroup(Resource.create(labelMap2)) .testEquals(); } @Test public void testMergeResources() { Map<String, String> expectedLabelMap = new HashMap<>(); expectedLabelMap.put("a", "1"); expectedLabelMap.put("b", "2"); expectedLabelMap.put("c", "4"); Resource resource = DEFAULT_RESOURCE.merge(resource1).merge(resource2); assertThat(resource.getLabels()).isEqualTo(expectedLabelMap); } @Test public void testMergeResources_Resource1_Null() { Map<String, String> expectedLabelMap = new HashMap<>(); expectedLabelMap.put("a", "1"); expectedLabelMap.put("b", "3"); expectedLabelMap.put("c", "4"); Resource resource = DEFAULT_RESOURCE.merge(null).merge(resource2); assertThat(resource.getLabels()).isEqualTo(expectedLabelMap); } @Test public void testMergeResources_Resource2_Null() { Map<String, String> expectedLabelMap = new HashMap<>(); expectedLabelMap.put("a", "1"); expectedLabelMap.put("b", "2"); Resource resource = DEFAULT_RESOURCE.merge(resource1).merge(null); assertThat(resource.getLabels()).isEqualTo(expectedLabelMap); } @Test public void testCreateResources_ArgumentKey_Null() { Map<String, String> labelMap = new HashMap<>(); labelMap.put("a", "1"); labelMap.put(null, "2"); thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); Resource.create(labelMap); } @Test public void testCreateResources_ArgumentKey_Unprintable() { Map<String, String> labelMap = new HashMap<>(); labelMap.put("a", "1"); labelMap.put("\2b\3", "2"); thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); Resource.create(labelMap); } }
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《提高单元测试用例覆盖率》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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