内容简介:EMQ 2.3.0 正式版发布,改进了 PubSub 设计与消息路由性能,更新 EMQ 自带的自签名 SSL 证书,改进 Dashboard 界面与 API 设计。 Bugfix and Enhancements Fixed the issue that Retained message is not s...
EMQ 2.3.0 正式版发布,改进了 PubSub 设计与消息路由性能,更新 EMQ 自带的自签名 SSL 证书,改进 Dashboard 界面与 API 设计。
Bugfix and Enhancements
Fixed the issue that Retained message is not sent for Subscribe to existing topic. (emqttd#1314)
Fixed the issue that The DUP flag MUST be set to 0 for all QoS0 messages.(emqttd#1319)
Improve the pubsub design and fix the race-condition issue. (emqttd#PR1342)
Crash on macOS High Sierra (emqttd#1297)
emq-dashboard Plugin (emq-dashboard#PR174)
Upgraded the 'subscriptions' RESTful API.
Improvement of the auth failure log. (emq-dashboard#59)
emq-coap Plugin (emq-coap#PR61)
Replaced coap_client with er_coap_client.
Fixed: correct the output format of coap_discover() to enable ".well-known/core".
Refactor the coap_discover method.
Upgraded the bin/nodetool script to fix the rpcterms command.
emq-web-hook Plugin
Fixed the emq_web_hook plugin getting username from client.connected hook. (emq-web-hook#19)
emq-auth-jwt Plugin(emq-auth-jwt#PR15)
Added test cases for emq_auth_jwt.
Fixed jwt:decode/2 functions's return type.
emq-auth-mongo Plugin(emq-auth-mongo#PR92)
Updated the default MongoDB server configuration.
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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