
栏目: 后端 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:最近在优化项目,发现字符串拼接的堆内存非常大,而且非常频繁。大概原因如下1.字符串就是char[] 长短发生变化必然要重新分配长度,以及拷贝之前的部分,产生GC



1.字符串就是char[] 长短发生变化必然要重新分配长度,以及拷贝之前的部分,产生GC


3.Append传入值类型数据,它会调用ToString方法,需要new string 然后把char[]拷进去,又会产生堆内存。

4.new StringBuidler 产生堆内存

5.StringBuidler.ToString 产生堆内存

5.string.format 它内部使用的就是StringBuilder,但是 1)new StringBuilder 2)Append 3)ToString都会产生堆内存。



int a = 100;

string b = a + “”;


string b = a.ToString();


3.网上找到一个算法,挺有意思。提前定义好 0 – 9 之间的字符数组,如果传入值类型数据,从高位依次除以10算出每一位的数,然后再去预先声明的0-9字符数组中找对应的char,这样就就不会产生装箱GC了。

4.如果可以提前确定字符串的长度,例如,界面上显示玩家的等级, 我们可以确定level不可能超过3位数也就是100,那么可以提前声明一个长度为3的StringBuilder,通过反射取出来内部的_str,这样就可以避免最后的ToString产生的堆内存了。由于_str内容可能无法擦掉之前的所以需要调用GarbageFreeClear();方法。


using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
    StringBuilder m_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
    string m_StringBuildertxt = string.Empty;
    private void Start()
        m_StringBuildertxt = m_StringBuilder.GetGarbageFreeString();
    private void Update()
        int i = Random.Range(0, 100);
        float f = Random.Range(0.01f, 200.01f);
        float d = Random.Range(0.01f, 200.01f);
        string s = "yusong: " + i;
        string s1 = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", i, f, d, s);
        string s2 = i +"" + f +"" + d +"" + s;
        string s3 = new StringBuilder().Append(i).Append(f).Append(d).Append(s).ToString();
        string s4 = StrExt.Format("{0}{1:0.00}{2:0.00}{3}", i, f, d, s);
        m_StringBuilder.ConcatFormat("{0}{1:0.00}{2:0.00}{3}", i, f, d, s);
        string s5 = m_StringBuildertxt;
        Debug.LogFormat("s1 : {0}",s1);
        Debug.LogFormat("s2 : {0}", s2);
        Debug.LogFormat("s3 : {0}", s3);
        Debug.LogFormat("s4 : {0}", s4);
        Debug.LogFormat("s5 : {0}", s5);



using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
    StringBuilder m_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
    string m_StringBuildertxt = string.Empty;
    private void Start()
        m_StringBuildertxt = m_StringBuilder.GetGarbageFreeString();
    private void Update()
        int i = Random.Range(0, 100);
        float f = Random.Range(0.01f, 200.01f);
        float d = Random.Range(0.01f, 200.01f);
        string s = "yusong: " + i.ToString();
        string s1 = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", i.ToString(), f.ToString(), d.ToString(), s);
        string s2 = i.ToString() + f.ToString() + d.ToString() + s;
        string s3 = new StringBuilder().Append(i).Append(f).Append(d).Append(s).ToString();
        string s4 = StrExt.Format("{0}{1:0.00}{2:0.00}{3}", i, f, d, s);
        m_StringBuilder.ConcatFormat("{0}{1:0.00}{2:0.00}{3}", i, f, d, s);
        string s5 = m_StringBuildertxt;
        Debug.LogFormat("s1 : {0}", s1);
        Debug.LogFormat("s2 : {0}", s2);
        Debug.LogFormat("s3 : {0}", s3);
        Debug.LogFormat("s4 : {0}", s4);
        Debug.LogFormat("s5 : {0}", s5);



using System;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
public static class StringBuilderExtensions
    // These digits are here in a static array to support hex with simple, easily-understandable code. 
    // Since A-Z don't sit next to 0-9 in the ascii table.
    private static readonly char[] ms_digits = new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
    private static readonly uint ms_default_decimal_places = 5; //< Matches standard .NET formatting dp's
    private static readonly char ms_default_pad_char = '0';
    //! Convert a given unsigned integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Any base value allowed.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, uint uint_val, uint pad_amount, char pad_char, uint base_val)
        Debug.Assert(pad_amount >= 0);
        Debug.Assert(base_val > 0 && base_val <= 16);
        // Calculate length of integer when written out
        uint length = 0;
        uint length_calc = uint_val;
            length_calc /= base_val;
        while (length_calc > 0);
        // Pad out space for writing.
        string_builder.Append(pad_char, (int)Math.Max(pad_amount, length));
        int strpos = string_builder.Length;
        // We're writing backwards, one character at a time.
        while (length > 0)
            // Lookup from static char array, to cover hex values too
            string_builder[strpos] = ms_digits[uint_val % base_val];
            uint_val /= base_val;
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given unsigned integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assume no padding and base ten.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, uint uint_val)
        string_builder.Concat(uint_val, 0, ms_default_pad_char, 10);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given unsigned integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assume base ten.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, uint uint_val, uint pad_amount)
        string_builder.Concat(uint_val, pad_amount, ms_default_pad_char, 10);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given unsigned integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assume base ten.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, uint uint_val, uint pad_amount, char pad_char)
        string_builder.Concat(uint_val, pad_amount, pad_char, 10);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given signed integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Any base value allowed.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, int int_val, uint pad_amount, char pad_char, uint base_val)
        Debug.Assert(pad_amount >= 0);
        Debug.Assert(base_val > 0 && base_val <= 16);
        // Deal with negative numbers
        if (int_val < 0)
            uint uint_val = uint.MaxValue - ((uint)int_val) + 1; //< This is to deal with Int32.MinValue
            string_builder.Concat(uint_val, pad_amount, pad_char, base_val);
            string_builder.Concat((uint)int_val, pad_amount, pad_char, base_val);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given signed integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assume no padding and base ten.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, int int_val)
        string_builder.Concat(int_val, 0, ms_default_pad_char, 10);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given signed integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assume base ten.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, int int_val, uint pad_amount)
        string_builder.Concat(int_val, pad_amount, ms_default_pad_char, 10);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given signed integer value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assume base ten.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, int int_val, uint pad_amount, char pad_char)
        string_builder.Concat(int_val, pad_amount, pad_char, 10);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given float value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, float float_val, uint decimal_places, uint pad_amount, char pad_char)
        Debug.Assert(pad_amount >= 0);
        if (decimal_places == 0)
            // No decimal places, just round up and print it as an int
            // Agh, Math.Floor() just works on doubles/decimals. Don't want to cast! Let's do this the old-fashioned way.
            int int_val;
            if (float_val >= 0.0f)
                // Round up
                int_val = (int)(float_val + 0.5f);
                // Round down for negative numbers
                int_val = (int)(float_val - 0.5f);
            string_builder.Concat(int_val, pad_amount, pad_char, 10);
            int int_part = (int)float_val;
            // First part is easy, just cast to an integer
            string_builder.Concat(int_part, pad_amount, pad_char, 10);
            // Decimal point
            // Work out remainder we need to print after the d.p.
            float remainder = Math.Abs(float_val - int_part);
            // Multiply up to become an int that we can print
                remainder *= 10;
            while (decimal_places > 0);
            // Round up. It's guaranteed to be a positive number, so no extra work required here.
            remainder += 0.5f;
            // All done, print that as an int!
            string_builder.Concat((uint)remainder, 0, '0', 10);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given float value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assumes five decimal places, and no padding.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, float float_val)
        string_builder.Concat(float_val, ms_default_decimal_places, 0, ms_default_pad_char);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given float value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder. Assumes no padding.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, float float_val, uint decimal_places)
        string_builder.Concat(float_val, decimal_places, 0, ms_default_pad_char);
        return string_builder;
    //! Convert a given float value to a string and concatenate onto the stringbuilder.
    public static StringBuilder Concat(this StringBuilder string_builder, float float_val, uint decimal_places, uint pad_amount)
        string_builder.Concat(float_val, decimal_places, pad_amount, ms_default_pad_char);
        return string_builder;
    //! Concatenate a formatted string with arguments
    public static StringBuilder ConcatFormat<A>(this StringBuilder string_builder, String format_string, A arg1)
        where A : IConvertible
        return string_builder.ConcatFormat<A, int, int, int>(format_string, arg1, 0, 0, 0);
    //! Concatenate a formatted string with arguments
    public static StringBuilder ConcatFormat<A, B>(this StringBuilder string_builder, String format_string, A arg1, B arg2)
        where A : IConvertible
        where B : IConvertible
        return string_builder.ConcatFormat<A, B, int, int>(format_string, arg1, arg2, 0, 0);
    //! Concatenate a formatted string with arguments
    public static StringBuilder ConcatFormat<A, B, C>(this StringBuilder string_builder, String format_string, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3)
        where A : IConvertible
        where B : IConvertible
        where C : IConvertible
        return string_builder.ConcatFormat<A, B, C, int>(format_string, arg1, arg2, arg3, 0);
    //! Concatenate a formatted string with arguments
    public static StringBuilder ConcatFormat<A, B, C, D>(this StringBuilder string_builder, String format_string, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4)
        where A : IConvertible
        where B : IConvertible
        where C : IConvertible
        where D : IConvertible
        int verbatim_range_start = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < format_string.Length; index++)
            if (format_string[index] == '{')
                // Formatting bit now, so make sure the last block of the string is written out verbatim.
                if (verbatim_range_start < index)
                    // Write out unformatted string portion
                    string_builder.Append(format_string, verbatim_range_start, index - verbatim_range_start);
                uint base_value = 10;
                uint padding = 0;
                uint decimal_places = 5; // Default decimal places in .NET libs
                char format_char = format_string[index];
                if (format_char == '{')
                    if (format_string[index] == ':')
                        // Extra formatting. This is a crude first pass proof-of-concept. It's not meant to cover
                        // comprehensively what the .NET standard library Format() can do.
                        // Deal with padding
                        while (format_string[index] == '0')
                        if (format_string[index] == 'X')
                            // Print in hex
                            base_value = 16;
                            // Specify amount of padding ( "{0:X8}" for example pads hex to eight characters
                            if ((format_string[index] >= '0') && (format_string[index] <= '9'))
                                padding = (uint)(format_string[index] - '0');
                        else if (format_string[index] == '.')
                            // Specify number of decimal places
                            decimal_places = 0;
                            while (format_string[index] == '0')
                    // Scan through to end bracket
                    while (format_string[index] != '}')
                    // Have any extended settings now, so just print out the particular argument they wanted
                    switch (format_char)
                        case '0': string_builder.ConcatFormatValue<A>(arg1, padding, base_value, decimal_places); break;
                        case '1': string_builder.ConcatFormatValue<B>(arg2, padding, base_value, decimal_places); break;
                        case '2': string_builder.ConcatFormatValue<C>(arg3, padding, base_value, decimal_places); break;
                        case '3': string_builder.ConcatFormatValue<D>(arg4, padding, base_value, decimal_places); break;
                        default: Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid parameter index"); break;
                // Update the verbatim range, start of a new section now
                verbatim_range_start = (index + 1);
        // Anything verbatim to write out?
        if (verbatim_range_start < format_string.Length)
            // Write out unformatted string portion
            string_builder.Append(format_string, verbatim_range_start, format_string.Length - verbatim_range_start);
        return string_builder;
    //! The worker method. This does a garbage-free conversion of a generic type, and uses the garbage-free Concat() to add to the stringbuilder
    private static void ConcatFormatValue<T>(this StringBuilder string_builder, T arg, uint padding, uint base_value, uint decimal_places) where T : IConvertible
        switch (arg.GetTypeCode())
            case System.TypeCode.UInt32:
                    string_builder.Concat(arg.ToUInt32(System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo), padding, '0', base_value);
            case System.TypeCode.Int32:
                    string_builder.Concat(arg.ToInt32(System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo), padding, '0', base_value);
            case System.TypeCode.Single:
                    string_builder.Concat(arg.ToSingle(System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo), decimal_places, padding, '0');
            case System.TypeCode.String:
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown parameter type");
    public static void Empty(this StringBuilder string_builder)
        string_builder.Remove(0, string_builder.Length);
    public static string GetGarbageFreeString(this StringBuilder string_builder)
        return (string)string_builder.GetType().GetField("_str", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(string_builder);
    public static void GarbageFreeClear(this StringBuilder string_builder)
        string_builder.Length = 0;
        string_builder.Append(' ', string_builder.Capacity);
        string_builder.Length = 0;
public static class StrExt
    private static StringBuilder s_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder(50, 50);
    public static string Format<A>(String format_string, A arg1)
            where A : IConvertible
        return s_StringBuilder.ConcatFormat<A, int, int, int>(format_string, arg1, 0, 0, 0).ToString();
    public static string Format<A, B>(String format_string, A arg1, B arg2)
        where A : IConvertible
        where B : IConvertible
        return s_StringBuilder.ConcatFormat<A, B, int, int>(format_string, arg1, arg2, 0, 0).ToString();
    public static string Format<A, B, C>(String format_string, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3)
        where A : IConvertible
        where B : IConvertible
        where C : IConvertible
        return s_StringBuilder.ConcatFormat<A, B, C, int>(format_string, arg1, arg2, arg3, 0).ToString();
    public static string Format<A, B, C, D>(String format_string, A arg1, B arg2, C arg3, D arg4)
        where A : IConvertible
        where B : IConvertible
        where C : IConvertible
        where D : IConvertible
        return s_StringBuilder.ConcatFormat<A, B, C, D>(format_string, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4).ToString();

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