内容简介:lighttpd now performs strict URL parsing and normalization on HTTP requests. This is configurable, but the defaults are now strict unless explicitly configured otherwise.Enabling strict URL parsing and normalization by default provides more consistent beha
lighttpd 1.4.54 已发布 。lighttpd 是一个开源 Web 服务器软件,旨在提供一个专门针对高性能网站,安全、快速、兼容性好并且灵活的 Web Server 环境。具有非常低的内存开销,CPU 占用率低,效能好,以及丰富的模块等特点。
- 对 URL 进行严格和规范化的解析(可配置)
- mod_webdav 现在会拒绝部分 PUT(可配置)
- mod_auth: HTTP Auth Digest algorithm=SHA-256
- mod_webdav: 提升性能、健壮性以及 RFC 合规性
- 性能改进和 bug 修复
( GPG signature
( GPG signature
- SHA256 checksums
Behavior Change
lighttpd now performs strict URL parsing and normalization on HTTP requests. This is configurable, but the defaults are now strict unless explicitly configured otherwise.
Enabling strict URL parsing and normalization by default provides more consistent behavior for mod_redirect and mod_rewrite, which match against the (url-encoded) URL request. However, decoding %2F by default, while generally desirable for consistency, is potentially a breaking change for those encoding URLs in the url-path and relying on the literal ‘/’ as a delimiter. For those uses, “url-path-2f-decode” => “disable” will need to be explicitly set in the lighttpd config.
The recommended settings for server.http-parseopts are the following, unless specific use requires looser settings:
server.http-parseopts = ( "header-strict" => "enable", "host-strict" => "enable", "host-normalize" => "enable", "url-normalize" => "enable", "url-normalize-unreserved" => "enable", "url-normalize-required" => "enable", "url-ctrls-reject" => "enable", "url-path-2f-decode" => "enable", "url-path-dotseg-remove" => "enable", "url-query-20-plus" => "enable" )
Changes from 1.4.53
[mod_evhost] handle IPv6 literal addr; add tests
[core] separate server_main_loop() func, mark hot
- [core] mark startup/shutdown funcs cold
- [core] some server_main_loop() cleanup
- [core] fdevent_process()
- [core] srv→max_fds_lowat and srv→max_fds_hiwat
- [core] remove server.h
- [mod_staticfile] search ext array if not empty
- [core] store joblist pointer on stack
- [core] quickly clear request buffer for reuse
- [core] helper funcs for connection_state_machine()
- [core] perf: optimize connection_read_header()
- [core] parse request in connection_read_header()
- [core] log_request_header_on_error in one place
- [core] copy request only if might need for logging
- [core] make parse_request,request.request same buf
- [core] prefer buffer_caseless_compare()
- [core] pass req hdrs buffer to http_request_parse
- [core] replace con→response.keep_alive
- [core] mark log_error_write*() funcs cold
- [core] http_request_parse() mark error paths cold
- [core] lift code out of request line parse loop
- [core] get_http_method_key() match by strlen first
- [core] RFC7230 HTTP-version parse
- [mod_accesslog] attempt to reconstruct req line
- [multiple] minor: remove duplicated conditions
- [mod_deflate] honor request for x-gzip, x-bzip2
- [mod_auth] minor: adjust config validation
- [core] discard oversized trailers
- [core] no keep-alive if POLLRDHUP,empty read queue
- [core] fix gw_backend spelling of directive in err
- [multiple] reduce code dup in list resizing
- [core] con→is_ssl_sock
- [core] connection_handle_write() updates con state
- [core] skip plugins_call_cleanup if not init’ed
- [core] simpler loops to run plugin hooks
- [core] fix mixed use of srv→split_vals array (fixes #2932 )
- [core] dispatch events from within event framework
- [core] don’t call fd event handlers more than once, they might already be gone (fixes segfault)
- [core] poll: fdarray uses fd as index, not fde_ndx
- [core] map FDEVENT_* to OS system event frameworks
- [core] prefer memchr() over strchr()
- [core] use openssl to read,discard request body
- [mod_openssl] inherit cipherlist from global scope
- [mod_openssl] default: ssl.cipher-list = “HIGH”
- [mod_proxy] pass Content-Length to backend if > 0
- [core] config option to allow GET w/ request body
- [core] some fdevent code streamlining
- [core] remove fde_ndx member outside fdevents
- [core] remove redundant check for allow_http11
- [mod_openssl] use 16k static buffer instead of 64k
- [core] pull server load checks out of main loop
- [core] isolate fdevent processing
- [core] release empty chunk buf when nothing read
- [core] perf: pass (fdnode *) to epoll and kqueue
- [core] modify config parser to handle multiple }
- [core] pass (fdnode *) for registered fdevent fd
- [mod_auth] http_auth_digest_hex2bin()
- [mod_auth] http_auth_info_t digest abstraction
- [mod_auth] pass http_auth_require_t for 401 Unauth
- [core] no SOCK_NONBLOCK on QNX 7.0
- [mod_auth] HTTP Auth Digest algorithm=SHA-256
- [core] silence coverity warning
- [mod_magnet] fix invalid script return-type crash (fixes #2938 )
- [build] remove -Wdeclaration-after-statement
- [core] pass conf.follow_symlink in more places
- [core] fix assertion with server.error-handler (fixes #2941 )
- [core] extend dir redirection to take HTTP status
- [doc] minor adjust create-mime.conf.pl regex match ( #2942 )
- [core] attribute ((fallthrough)) for GCC 7.0
- [core] fdevent_mkstemp_append() (shared)
- [core] off_t upload_temp_file_size
- [core] clear FDEVENT_RDHUP if no POLLRDHUP
- [mod_wstunnel] fix ping-interval for big-endian (fixes #2944 )
- [core] fix abort in http-parseopts (fixes #2945 )
- [core] remove repeated slashes in http-parseopts
- [core] fix 1.4.52 regression in mem use with POST (fixes #2948 )
- [multiple] cleaner calloc use in SETDEFAULTS_FUNC
- [core] add const to some etag prototypes
- [core] attribute ((format …))
- [core] struct log_error_st for error logging
- [core] log_error, log_perror using printf-like fmt
- [core] new worker_init hook to follow parent fork
- [core] replace open() with fdevent_open_cloexec()
- [mod_webdav] major rewrite (fixes #1818 )
- [core] 200 for OPTIONS /non-existent/path HTTP/1.1 (fixes #2939 )
- [mod_webdav] surround Lock-Token with “<…>”
- [mod_webdav] fix uuid detection macro
- [mod_webdav] fix misbehavior on blank nodes in PROPPATCH
- [mod_webdav] clean up resources after do{}while(0)
- [mod_webdav] check If-Match, If-Unmodified-Since ( #1818 )
- [mod_webdav] deprecated unsafe partial PUT compat
- [mod_webdav] provide ETag in more responses
- [mod_webdav] platform portability fixes
- [mod_webdav] disable elftc_copyfile() on FreeBSD
- [mod_webdav] special-case If: ( )
- [mod_webdav] check If-None-Match ( #1818 )
- [stat_cache] separate func for symlink policy chk
- [stat_cache] separate symlink pol from data struct
- [stat_cache] store entries without trailing slash
- [stat_cache] pass age param for stat cache cleanup
- [stat_cache] remove splaytree ins/del debug code
- [stat_cache] FAM: reduce string copying
- [stat_cache] FAM: check FAMNextEvent() return code
- [stat_cache] FAM: use entry hash index as userdata
- [stat_cache] FAM: improve handling modified file
- [stat_cache] FAM: ignore follow-symlink config
- [stat_cache] FAM: check hash collision before add
- [stat_cache] FAM: ignore event with no valid match
- [stat_cache] FAM: funcs to invalidate entries
- [stat_cache] interfaces to invalidate entries
- [mod_webdav] update stat_cache after file mod
- [core] use high precision stat timestamp in etag
- [scons] adjustment for static build under CentOS
- [core] emit trace using path before clearing path
- [core] http_chunk_append_file_fd()
- [multiple] open target file earlier in some cases
- [stat_cache] no longer stat() and open() for stat
- [stat_cache] FAM: improve monitoring, cache 16 sec
- [stat_cache] FAM: separate routine for FDEVENT_IN
- [stat_cache] FAM: whitespace-only change
- [mod_webdav] quiet coverity warnings
- [doc] highlight relevance of module load order (fixes #2946 )
- [core] behavior change: stricter URL normalization
- [stat_cache] fix compilation error for cmake
- [cmake] help cmake on FreeBSD find sys/event.h
- [scons] help scons on FreeBSD find sys/event.h
- [build] detect FreeBSD elftc_copyfile()
- [mod_openssl] use SSL_CTX_set_client_hello_cb()
- [core] support weak etags with If-None-Match
- [core] store log_state_handling flag on stack
- [core] check if splay_tree NULL before invalidate
- [mod_webdav] workaround Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir
- [mod_webdav] doc Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir bugs
- [mod_webdav] invalidate parent dir in stat_cache
- [doc] systemd socket activation config example
- [core] chunkqueue perf: code reuse
- [core] chunkqueue perf: specialized buffer.h funcs
- [core] chunkqueue perf: skip opening 0-length file
- [core] chunkqueue perf: read small files into mem
- [core] buffer_reset() should not be passed NULL
- [tests] has_feature() helper func
- [tests] skip mod-secdownload HMAC-SHA1,HMAC-SHA256
- [core] use high precision stat timestamp on OS X
- [mod_magnet] expose server addr (local IP) to lua
- [core] adjust http_chunk read() retry loop
- [mod_maxminddb] MaxMind GeoIP2 support
- [mod_authn_ldap] ldap_set_option LDAP_OPT_RESTART (fixes #2940 )
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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李善友 / 机械工业出版社 / 2015-3-1
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