内容简介:高德地图Echarts 中国地图
- 高德地图申请key
- 安装Echarts 中国地图
- 官方API:点我进入
- 创建AMap.js
export default function MapLoader () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (window.AMap) { resolve(window.AMap) } else { // 动态创建script标签 var script = document.createElement('script') script.type = 'text/javascript' script.async = true script.src = 'https://webapi.amap.com/maps?v=1.4.9&callback=initAMap&key=Key&plugin=AMap.DistrictSearch,AMap.Circle,AMap.LngLat,AMap.Polyline,AMap.LngLat,AMap.Text,AMap.Geocoder'; // plugin后的是需要的插件 script.onerror = reject document.head.appendChild(script) } window.initAMap = () => { resolve(window.AMap) } }) } 复制代码
Echarts 中国地图
- 安装Echarts
npm install echarts -S 复制代码
- 创建组件 distribution.vue
- 写入Echarts 需要的DOM
<div class="main_wrap" > <div ref="main" class="main_box"></div> <div class="Rankingtips"> <p>分布指数</p> <div class="color_tip"> <span style="float: left">高</span> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <span style="margin-left: 5px">低</span> </div> </div> </div> 复制代码
- 写入高德地图需要的DOM
<div class="main_wrap" v-show="activeState2"> <div id="container" style="height: 100%"></div> </div> 复制代码
- 引入高德地图、Echarts
import 'echarts/map/js/china'; //中国地图js import MapLoader from 'components/home/AMap' 复制代码
- Echarts方法
generateEcharts() { var echarts = require('echarts'); var myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs.main); // 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例 this.$ajax.get(this.HOST + "/redesign/home/findEnterpriseistribution").then( (res) => { // 数据格式 // [ // {name: "北京", value: 3, ranking: 1}, // {name: "河北", value: 2, ranking: 2}, // {name: "上海", value: 1, ranking: 3}, // {name: "广东", value: 1, ranking: 4} // ... // ] this.homebution = res.data.resultObject; var data = []; for (let i = 0; i < res.data.resultObject.length; i++) { this.homebutionnum += res.data.resultObject[i].value; let classnum = "" // 排名显示样式 if(res.data.resultObject[i].ranking == 1) { classnum = "#1669e6" }else if(res.data.resultObject[i].ranking > 1 && res.data.resultObject[i].ranking <= 4) { classnum = "#31a4ed" }else if(res.data.resultObject[i].ranking > 4 && res.data.resultObject[i].ranking <= 10) { classnum = '#2cccfd' }else if(res.data.resultObject[i].ranking > 10 && res.data.resultObject[i].ranking <= 20) { classnum = '#7fe2fd' }else { classnum = '#d9f4fe' } data.push( { name: res.data.resultObject[i].name, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: classnum, // borderWidth: 2 }, emphasis: {//高亮状态下的多边形和标签样式 borderWidth: 1, // borderColor: '#d9f4fe', areaColor: '#d9f4fe', label: { shadowColor: '#d9f4fe', //默认透明 shadowBlur: 10, show: true, textStyle: { fontSize: 12, color: '#3db77f' } } } }, label: { normal: { show: true, textStyle: { fontSize: 12, color: '#0d6fb8' } }, emphasis: { show: true, color: '#3db77f' } }, value: res.data.resultObject[i].value ? res.data.resultObject[i].value: "", ranking: res.data.resultObject[i].ranking ? res.data.resultObject[i].ranking: "" } ) } // 准备提示数据 var option = { tooltip: { formatter: (params) => { var info = ""; if(params.data) { info = `<div style="width: 60px;height: 60px"> <p style="font-size:12px">${ params.name }</p> <p style="font-size:12px">${ params.data.value }</p> <p style="font-size:12px">排名:${ params.data.ranking }</p> </div>` }else { info = `<div style="width: 60px;height: 60px"> <p style="font-size:12px">${ params.name }</p> </div>` } return info; }, backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.6)",//提示标签背景颜色 textStyle: { color: "#fff" } //提示标签字体颜色 }, //配置属性 series: [{ name: '数据', type: 'map', mapType: 'china', roam: true, label: { normal: { show: false //省份名称 }, emphasis: { show: false } }, data: data //数据 }], }; //使用制定的配置项和数据显示图表 myChart.setOption(option); }) } 复制代码
- 高德地图方法
Scottmap() { let that = this; that.map = ""; MapLoader().then(AMap => { console.log('地图加载成功') that.map = new AMap.Map('container', { center: [116.05438, 38.98065], // center: [116.397428, 39.90923], zoom: 5 }) // 由于项目是按雄安地区使用 API暂时还未把雄安划分 所以决定把安新县、雄县、容城县(三县合一就是雄安)绘制成高亮 // 绘制高亮 var district = new AMap.DistrictSearch({ // 返回行政区边界坐标等具体信息 extensions: 'all', // 设置查询行政区级别为 区 level: 'district' }) var polygons=[]; var polygons2=[]; var polygons3=[]; district.search('安新县', (status, result) => { if(polygons) { that.map.remove(polygons)//清除上次结果 } polygons = []; let bounds = result.districtList[0].boundaries; if (bounds) { for (let i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) { //生成行政区划polygon var polygon = new AMap.Polygon({ strokeWeight: 1, path: bounds[i], fillOpacity: 0.4, fillColor: '#80d8ff', strokeColor: '#0091ea' }); polygons.push(polygon); } } that.map.add(polygons); }); district.search('雄县', (status2, result2) => { if(polygons2) { that.map.remove(polygons2)//清除上次结果 } polygons2 = []; let bounds = result2.districtList[0].boundaries; if (bounds) { for (let i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) { //生成行政区划polygon var polygon = new AMap.Polygon({ strokeWeight: 1, path: bounds[i], fillOpacity: 0.4, fillColor: '#80d8ff', strokeColor: '#0091ea' }); polygons2.push(polygon); } } that.map.add(polygons2) }) district.search('容城县', (status2, result2) => { if(polygons3) { that.map.remove(polygons2)//清除上次结果 } polygons3 = []; let bounds = result2.districtList[0].boundaries; if (bounds) { for (let i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) { //生成行政区划polygon var polygon = new AMap.Polygon({ strokeWeight: 1, path: bounds[i], fillOpacity: 0.4, fillColor: '#80d8ff', strokeColor: '#0091ea' }); polygons3.push(polygon); } } that.map.add(polygons3) }) // 构造矢量圆形(圆) let circle = new AMap.Circle({ center: [116.05438, 38.98065], // 雄安的中心点 radius: that.distance * 1000, //半径 strokeColor: "#ffffff", //线颜色 strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度 strokeWeight: 3, //线粗细度 fillColor: "#276cd4", //填充颜色 fillOpacity: 0.2 //填充透明度 }); that.map.add(circle); that.map.setFitView(circle); let lnglat = new AMap.LngLat(116.05438, 38.98065) // lng, lat 替换成传入的坐标 let polylinePath = [ new AMap.LngLat(116.05438, 38.98065), new AMap.LngLat(lnglat.offset(that.distance * 1000,0).lng,38.98065) ]; // 创建线覆盖物 let polyline = new AMap.Polyline({ path: polylinePath, strokeColor: "#ffffff", //线颜色 strokeOpacity: 1, //线透明度 strokeWeight: 2, //线宽 strokeStyle: "solid", //线样式 strokeDasharray: [10, 5] //补充线样式 }); that.map.add(polyline); // 绘制字 let textPos = lnglat.offset(that.distance * 500,that.distance * 50); let text = new AMap.Text({ text: `${ that.distance }公里`, position: textPos, map: this.map, style:{ 'background': 'transparent', 'border': '0 none', 'color': '#276cd4', 'font-size':'14px'} }) that.map.add(text); // 测试距离 let Centralpoint = [116.05438, 38.98065]; let targetpoint = this.region // debugger // 转经纬度 let geocoder = new AMap.Geocoder({ city: '全国', //城市设为北京,默认:“全国” }); let markernum = 0 for (let i = 0; i < targetpoint.length; i++) { geocoder.getLocation(targetpoint[i], (status, result) => { if (status === 'complete'&& result.geocodes.length) { let dis = AMap.GeometryUtil.distance(Centralpoint,result.geocodes[0].location); // 绘制点标记显示内容,HTML要素字符串 if(dis <= that.distance * 1000) { markernum++; let markerContent = '' + '<div class="custom-content-marker" style="position: relative;">' + ' <img src="//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/poi-marker-red.png" style="width: 23px;height: 30px">' + '<div style="width: 23px;position: absolute;left: 0px;top: 0;margin: auto;color: #ffffff;text-align: center">'+ markernum +'</div>'+ '</div>'; this.$ajax.get(this.HOST + "/redesign/home/findCompanyAll").then( (res) => { this.matchingenterpriseList.push(res.data.resultObject[i]) }) let marker = new AMap.Marker({ content: markerContent, position: result.geocodes[0].location, offset: new AMap.Pixel(-13, -30), extData:{ id: markernum } }); that.markers.push(marker); marker.setMap(this.map); } } }) } that.matchingenterpriseState = true; }, e => { console.log('地图加载失败' ,e) }) }, 复制代码
- 左侧企业列表
// 企业鼠标经过 matchingenterprisemouseenter(item,index) { this.activemetchmouseenter = index; let targetMarker = {}; for (let i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) { let id = this.markers[i].getExtData().id; if(id == index){ targetMarker = this.markers[i]; break; } } // 重新替换样式 let markerContent = '' + '<div class="custom-content-marker" style="position: relative;">' + ' <img src="//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/poi-marker-default.png" style="width: 25px;height: 34px">' + '<div style="position: absolute;left: 9px;top: 0;margin: auto;color: #ffffff">'+ index +'</div>'+ '</div>'; // targetMarker.setIcon('//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/poi-marker-default.png'); targetMarker.setContent(markerContent) let position = targetMarker.getPosition(); this.infoWindow = new AMap.InfoWindow({ position: position, offset: new AMap.Pixel(0, -35), content: item.companyName }); this.infoWindow.open(this.map); }, 复制代码
// 企业鼠标离开 matchingenterprisemouseleave(item,index) { this.activemetchmouseenter = ""; let targetMarker = {}; for (let i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) { let id = this.markers[i].getExtData().id; if(id == index){ targetMarker = this.markers[i]; break; } } let markerContent = '' + '<div class="custom-content-marker" style="position: relative;">' + ' <img src="//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/poi-marker-red.png" style="width: 25px;height: 34px">' + '<div style="position: absolute;left: 9px;top: 0;margin: auto;color: #ffffff">'+ index +'</div>'+ '</div>'; // targetMarker.setIcon('//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/poi-marker-default.png'); targetMarker.setContent(markerContent) this.map.remove(this.infoWindow); }, 复制代码
// 企业点击 matchingenterpriseclick(item,index) { this.activeState3 = true; this.activeState1 = false; this.activeState = false; this.itemList = item; // this.map.remove(overlayGroups); let geocoder = new AMap.Geocoder({ city: '全国', //城市设为北京,默认:“全国” }); geocoder.getLocation(item.address, (status, result) => { this.map.setCenter(result.geocodes[0].location); //设置地图中心点 this.map.setZoom(30); // 缩放级别 }) }, 复制代码
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《VUE 记一次高德地图和Echarts(中国地图)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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