内容简介:现在应该很多地方都会使用到高斯模糊的效果,想当初在Android上实现差点没要了我的老命,那么在 Flutter 中实现会是如何?Flutter 提供了 BackdropFilter 来实现高斯模糊的效果,照例打开源码:可以看到必须要传一个
现在应该很多地方都会使用到高斯模糊的效果,想当初在Android上实现差点没要了我的老命,那么在 Flutter 中实现会是如何?
Flutter 提供了 BackdropFilter 来实现高斯模糊的效果,照例打开源码:
class BackdropFilter extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget { /// Creates a backdrop filter. /// /// The [filter] argument must not be null. const BackdropFilter({ Key key, @required this.filter, Widget child, }) : assert(filter != null), super(key: key, child: child); /// The image filter to apply to the existing painted content before painting the child. /// /// For example, consider using [ImageFilter.blur] to create a backdrop /// blur effect final ui.ImageFilter filter; } 复制代码
可以看到必须要传一个 ImageFilter filter
For example, consider using [ImageFilter.blur] to create a backdrop blur effect
例如,考虑使用 ImageFilter.blur 来说创建一个背景模糊的效果。
/// A widget that applies a filter to the existing painted content and then /// paints [child]. /// /// The filter will be applied to all the area within its parent or ancestor /// widget's clip. If there's no clip, the filter will be applied to the full /// screen. /// /// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYRs7Q1vfYI} /// /// {@tool sample} /// If the [BackdropFilter] needs to be applied to an area that exactly matches /// its child, wraps the [BackdropFilter] with a clip widget that clips exactly /// to that child. /// /// ```dart /// Stack( /// fit: StackFit.expand, /// children: <Widget>[ /// Text('0' * 10000), /// Center( /// child: ClipRect( // <-- clips to the 200x200 [Container] below /// child: BackdropFilter( /// filter: ui.ImageFilter.blur( /// sigmaX: 5.0, /// sigmaY: 5.0, /// ), /// child: Container( /// alignment: Alignment.center, /// width: 200.0, /// height: 200.0, /// child: Text('Hello World'), /// ), /// ), /// ), /// ), /// ], /// ) /// ``` 复制代码
然后!他放出来了一个 YouTube 的视频!还有一段Demo
当这一大串 0 显示在我眼前的时候我差点瞎了。
不过可以看到使用 BackdropFilter 非常简单就实现了高斯模糊的效果。
class BlurOvalWidget extends StatelessWidget { final Widget _widget; double _padding = 10; BlurOvalWidget(this._widget, {double padding = 0}) { if (padding != 0) this._padding = padding; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ClipOval( child: BackdropFilter( filter: ImageFilter.blur( sigmaX: 10, sigmaY: 10, ), child: Container( color: Colors.white10, padding: EdgeInsets.all(_padding), child: _widget, ), ), ); } } 复制代码
然后我们的build 方法直接返回一个圆形的模糊背景,横纵向模糊的数值为10,值越大,模糊的效果就越大。
class BlurRectWidget extends StatelessWidget { final Widget _widget; double _padding = 10; BlurRectWidget(this._widget, {double padding = 0}) { if (padding != 0) this._padding = padding; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 50), child: ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10)), child: BackdropFilter( filter: ImageFilter.blur( sigmaX: 20, sigmaY: 20, ), child: Container( color: Colors.white10, padding: EdgeInsets.all(_padding), child: _widget, ), ), ), ); } } 复制代码
代码基本一样,只不过就是把 ClipOval 换成了 ClipRRect
现在我们用封装好的两个 widget 来实现一个比较简单的页面:
class _BackdropFilterPageState extends State<BackdropFilterPage> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('BackdropFilterPageState'), ), body: Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: <Widget>[ Image.asset( 'images/bg.jpg', fit: BoxFit.cover, ), Center( child: BlurRectWidget( Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: <Widget>[ Text( 'BackdropFilter class', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white, ), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 5.0), child: Text( 'A widget that applies a filter to the existing painted content and then paints child.' 'The filter will be applied to all the area within its parent or ancestor widget\'s clip. If there\'s no clip, the filter will be applied to the full screen.', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color: Colors.black87), textAlign: TextAlign.justify, ), ), ], ), ), ), Container( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 150), child: Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: <Widget>[ BlurOvalWidget( IconButton( onPressed: (){ Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context){ return BlurImagePage(); })); }, icon: Icon( Icons.favorite, color: Colors.white, ), iconSize: 30, ), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 50.0), child: BlurOvalWidget( Icon( Icons.share, color: Colors.white, size: 30, ), ), ), BlurOvalWidget( Icon( Icons.bookmark, color: Colors.white, size: 30, ), ), ], ), ), ], ), ); } } 复制代码
当然,这种效果实现起来也是非常的简单,我们只需要把 BackdropFilter 的 child 设置为一个 Container(),并且设置上颜色(我这里使用的是 Colors.white10),然后放在 Stack 中就ok啦。
class BlurImagePage extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Container( alignment: Alignment.center, child: Stack( alignment: Alignment.center, children: <Widget>[ Container( margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20), child: Image.asset( 'images/wanimal.png', fit: BoxFit.cover, ), ), Positioned.fill( child: BackdropFilter( filter: ImageFilter.blur( sigmaX: 15, sigmaY: 15, ), child: Container( color: Colors.white10, ), ), ), RaisedButton( textColor: Colors.white, shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5))), color: Colors.orangeAccent, child: Text('充钱查看更多', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),), onPressed: (){}, ) ], )), ); } } 复制代码
先放我们需要被遮住的 widget,然后放上我们的模糊 widget,再然后就可以让用户充钱了。
BackdropFilter 不仅仅只可以做高斯模糊的效果,也可以用来做旋转,倾斜等。
了解更多可以移步 Flutter 官网:flutter.dev/
原文代码移步Giuhub: github.com/wanglu1209/…
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