Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2 发布,Web 前端 UI 框架

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 7年前

内容简介:Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2 发布了,Bootstrap是快速开发Web应用程序的前端工具包。它是一个CSS和HTML的集合,它使用了最新的浏览器技术,给你的Web开发提供了时尚的版式,表单,buttons,表格,网格系统等等。 此...

Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2 发布了,Bootstrap是快速开发Web应用程序的前端 工具 包。它是一个CSS和HTML的集合,它使用了最新的浏览器技术,给你的Web开发提供了时尚的版式,表单,buttons,表格,网格系统等等。


  • Improved Sass map customization with #23260. With this change, it's now possible to override specific key value pairs instead of resetting the entire map, ideal for color scheme customization.

  • Restored grid .offset- modifiers in #23445. Originally our intent was to supplement this with our margin utilities, but we underestimated the appeal of fixed number column offsets.

  • Remove unnecessary color from .badge, and it's associated $badge-color variable, in #23529.

  • Rename grayscale function to gray to avoid breaking CSS native grayscale filter in #23579.

  • Renamed .table-inverse.thead-inverse, and .thead-default to .*-dark and .*-light, matching our color schemes used elsewhere in #23560.

  • Responsive tables now generate classes for each grid breakpoint, meaning we've added .table-responsive-{sm,md,lg,xl} to the already present .table-responsive. You might need to adjust your usage depending on when you want a table to resize. See #22804.

  • Include two new dist files which contain Popper.js inside bootstrap.bundle.js and bootstrap.bundle.min.js. See #23735.

  • Dropped support for Bower as they've deprecated the package manager. See #23568.

  • Switched breadcrumbs from float to flexbox in #23683.

  • Added new CSS variables in #23761.

  • Switched to Stylelint in #23572.

  • New Theming page in the docs from #23611

  • #23943: Changed the color-yiq from a mixin that included the color property to a function that returns a value, allowing you to use it for any CSS property. For example, instead of color-yiq(#000), you'd write color: color-yiq(#000);.

  • New and improved theming in #24429.



【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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Patrick Niemeyer、Daniel Leuck / 李强、王建新、吴戈 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-7 / 128.00元

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