内容简介:Futex(全称 “fast userspace mutex”)机制由IBM在2002年在这篇文章中给出了futex的概述:他们是怎么工作的,以及他们如何在高层次的APIs与语言中是实现同步原语的。重要的声明:futexes在Linux内核中属于非常低层次的特性,适合在诸如C/C++标准库这种基础运行时组件中使用。非常不建议在应用代码中使用它。
Futex(全称 “fast userspace mutex”)机制由IBM在2002年 1 提出;在2003年并入主线内核。它的核心思想是尽可能地减少内核的参与,在用户空间使用一种更有效的方法来进行线程的同步。
重要的声明:futexes在 Linux 内核中属于非常低层次的特性,适合在诸如C/C++标准库这种基础运行时组件中使用。非常不建议在应用代码中使用它。
在介绍futex之前,资源的互斥需要使用系统调用(比如 semop
Futex的提出基于一个观察:大部分情况下锁并没有被争用。如果一个线程试图获取一个空闲的锁,持有它的代价是非常的廉价,这是因为此时很有可能不存在其他的线程试图获取它。因此,我们可以通过先尝试更廉价的原子操作 2 ,在没有系统调用参与的情况下完成。原子操作很大可能会成功。
futex的简单使用 —— 等待与唤醒
futex(2) 系统调用 在单个API上复用了很多功能。我在这不会讨论任何的高级功能(一些功能相当深奥,也没有再官方文档中提及),仅仅针对 FUTEX_WAIT
。手册页(man page)给了很好的描述:
The futex()
system call provides a method for waiting until a certain
condition becomes true. It is typically used as a blocking construct
in the context of shared-memory synchronization. When using futexes,
the majority of the synchronization operations are performed in user
space. A user-space program employs the futex()
system call only
when it is likely that the program has to block for a longer time
until the condition becomes true. Other futex()
operations can be
used to wake any processes or threads waiting for a particular
简单地说,futex是内核的构造,用于帮助用户空间中的代码在共享的事件中同步。一些用户态的进程(或者线程)会等待事件( FUTEX_EVENT
)。其他用户态进程可以发送事件( FUTEX_WAKE
一定要阅读 futex
的手册页;这篇文章不适合当作文档!至少需要阅读 FUTEX_WAIT
下面是一个 例子 ,演示了futex在进程间同步的基本使用方法。 main
0xA 0xB
0xA 0xB
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int shm_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 4096, IPC_CREAT | 0666); if (shm_id < 0) { perror("shmget"); exit(1); } int* shared_data = shmat(shm_id, NULL, 0); *shared_data = 0; int forkstatus = fork(); if (forkstatus < 0) { perror("fork"); exit(1); } if (forkstatus == 0) { // Child process printf("child waiting for A\n"); wait_on_futex_value(shared_data, 0xA); printf("child writing B\n"); // Write 0xB to the shared data and wake up parent. *shared_data = 0xB; wake_futex_blocking(shared_data); } else { // Parent process. printf("parent writing A\n"); // Write 0xA to the shared data and wake up child. *shared_data = 0xA; wake_futex_blocking(shared_data); printf("parent waiting for B\n"); wait_on_futex_value(shared_data, 0xB); // Wait for the child to terminate. wait(NULL); shmdt(shared_data); } return 0; }
Note,POSIX共享内存API创建了一块共享内存,映射到了两个进程中。因为同一块物理内存在不同的进程中的虚拟地址可能不同 3 ,因此无法使用常规的指针。
这并非 futex
典型的使用方法,更好的方式是从某处等待一个值,而非到某处等待。这里仅仅是展示 futex
这里是 wait_on_futex_value
void wait_on_futex_value(int* futex_addr, int val) { while (1) { int futex_rc = futex(futex_addr, FUTEX_WAIT, val, NULL, NULL, 0); if (futex_rc == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { perror("futex"); exit(1); } } else if (futex_rc == 0) { if (*futex_addr == val) { // This is a real wakeup. return; } } else { abort(); } } }
这个函数的在 futex
系统调用之上添加循环的作用是,当唤醒是假的时候可以继续等待。这种情况发生在当 val
Futex的语义很棘手 4 。若futex地址中的值不等于 val
会立即返回。在我们的例子中,如果紫禁城在父进程写入 0xA
之前发起了等待,这种场景便会发生。例如,这种情况下, futex
调用会返回 EAGAIN
这是 wake_futex_blocking
void wake_futex_blocking(int* futex_addr) { while (1) { int futex_rc = futex(futex_addr, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, NULL, NULL, 0); if (futex_rc == -1) { perror("futex wake"); exit(1); } else if (futex_rc > 0) { return; } } }
下图来自LWN “A futex overview and update” :
在Linux内核中,futex相关源码位于 kernel/futex.c
。内核维护一个由地址作为关键字的hash table,通过它来快速查找队列中正确的数据结构,再把调用的进程添加进查找到的等待队列中。当然,因此内核本身的细粒度锁以及各种高级特性,因此futex本身存在相当多的复杂性。
系统调用有参数 timeout
例子 展示了这种用法。下面是与子进程等待futex有关的源码:
printf("child waiting for A\n"); struct timespec timeout = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 500000000}; while (1) { unsigned long long t1 = time_ns(); int futex_rc = futex(shared_data, FUTEX_WAIT, 0xA, &timeout, NULL, 0); printf("child woken up rc=%d errno=%s, elapsed=%llu\n", futex_rc, futex_rc ? strerror(errno) : "", time_ns() - t1); if (futex_rc == 0 && *shared_data == 0xA) { break; } }
在开篇的动机部分,我解释了futex任何在常见的低争用情况下实现有效的互斥。是时候展示使用futex与原子操作对此的实现了。这基于Ulrich Drepper的 “Futexes are Tricky” 论文的第二种实现。
为了使用标准的原子操作,这里使用C++(C++11可用)。所有的[这里]( https://github.com/eliben/code-for-blog/blob/master/2018/futex-basics/mutex-using-futex.cp下面是最重要的部分:
class Mutex { public: Mutex() : atom_(0) {} void lock() { int c = cmpxchg(&atom_, 0, 1); // If the lock was previously unlocked, there's nothing else for us to do. // Otherwise, we'll probably have to wait. if (c != 0) { do { // If the mutex is locked, we signal that we're waiting by setting the // atom to 2. A shortcut checks is it's 2 already and avoids the atomic // operation in this case. if (c == 2 || cmpxchg(&atom_, 1, 2) != 0) { // Here we have to actually sleep, because the mutex is actually // locked. Note that it's not necessary to loop around this syscall; // a spurious wakeup will do no harm since we only exit the do...while // loop when atom_ is indeed 0. syscall(SYS_futex, (int*)&atom_, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, 0, 0, 0); } // We're here when either: // (a) the mutex was in fact unlocked (by an intervening thread). // (b) we slept waiting for the atom and were awoken. // // So we try to lock the atom again. We set teh state to 2 because we // can't be certain there's no other thread at this exact point. So we // prefer to err on the safe side. } while ((c = cmpxchg(&atom_, 0, 2)) != 0); } } void unlock() { if (atom_.fetch_sub(1) != 1) { atom_.store(0); syscall(SYS_futex, (int*)&atom_, FUTEX_WAKE, 1, 0, 0, 0); } } private: // 0 means unlocked // 1 means locked, no waiters // 2 means locked, there are waiters in lock() std::atomic<int> atom_; };
// An atomic_compare_exchange wrapper with semantics expected by the paper's // mutex - return the old value stored in the atom. int cmpxchg(std::atomic<int>* atom, int expected, int desired) { int* ep = &expected; std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(atom, ep, desired); return *ep; }
代码中的注释解释了它如何工作的;十分建议阅读Drepper的论文,因为它通过一个更的错误实现来构建了这个实现。这段代码中,传递给 futex
系统调用的一个参数类 int *
,这它是由 std::atomic
类型的 atom_
地址强制转换得到的。这是因为 fute期望一个简单的地址,但是C++原子类型封装了未知的数据类型。这段代码可以在x64Linux上工作,却是不可移植的。为了使
std::atomic 与
futex 的可移植性更好,我须添加一个抽象层。但这并非实践中的需要——
有意思的是成员 atom_
的含义。回想一下, futex
系统调用不会赋值——赋值操作取决用户。0、1、2约定对mutex非常有用,也是 glibc 对低级锁(low-level)实现的方式。
glibc mutex与低级锁
这里带来的是 glibc 中POSIX线程与之有关的实现,它的类型是 pthread_mutex_t
。如篇所述,futex并非用于普通用户的代码,它被低级的运行时(runtime)和库(libraries来实现高级的原语。这里会看到[NPTL]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_POSIX_Thread_Library中有关mutex的使用。在*glibc*中的源码树中,这部分代码在`nptl/pthread_mutex_lock.c`。
因为需要对不同类型的mutex支持,这部分代码异常复杂,但如果挖得足够深,我们会发许多熟悉的身影。除了上面提到的文件外,还有(针对x86 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/lowlevellock.h
与 nptl/lowlevellock.c
。这些码复杂,单原子操作compare-and-exchange与 futex
的组合是显而易见的。低级锁机( lll_
或者 LLL_
前缀)被广泛用在 glibc 中,不仅仅是POSIX线程。
/* Low-level locks use a combination of atomic operations (to acquire and release lock ownership) and futex operations (to block until the state of a lock changes). A lock can be in one of three states: 0: not acquired, 1: acquired with no waiters; no other threads are blocked or about to block for changes to the lock state, >1: acquired, possibly with waiters; there may be other threads blocked or about to block for changes to the lock state. We expect that the common case is an uncontended lock, so we just need to transition the lock between states 0 and 1; releasing the lock does not need to wake any other blocked threads. If the lock is contended and a thread decides to block using a futex operation, then this thread needs to first change the state to >1; if this state is observed during lock release, the releasing thread will wake one of the potentially blocked threads. .. */
Go runtime中的futex
这也是另一个不错地学习futex使用方法的例子。它无法使用 pthread_mutex_t
,所以它必须实现自己的锁。相关的实现是 sync.Mutex
类型(在 src/sync/mutex.go
的 Lock
方法非常复杂。它首先使用原子交换尝试获取锁。如果必须等待,则会转向 runtime_SemacquireMutex
,在其中调用 runtime.lock
。这个函数定义在 src/runtime/lock_futex.go
5 ,其中定义的常量非常熟悉。
const ( mutex_unlocked = 0 mutex_locked = 1 mutex_sleeping = 2 ... ) // Possible lock states are mutex_unlocked, mutex_locked and mutex_sleeping. // mutex_sleeping means that there is presumably at least one sleeping thread.
也尝试预测性地使用原子操作获取锁;这个函数在 Go 运行时中的某些地方使用,它的存在是有意义的,但是我不清楚当它被 Mutex.lock
若它发现不得不睡眠,会跳转 futexsleep
,它是OS相关的代码,在 src/runtime/os_linux.go
的 futex
- [ 1 ] See “Fuss, Futexes and Furwocks: Fast Userlevel Locking in Linux” byFranke, Russell, Kirkwood. Published in 2002 for the Ottawa Linux Symposium.
- [ 2 ] Most modern processors have built-in atomic instructions implementedin HW. For example on Intel architectures
is an instruction. Whileit’s not as cheap as non-atomic instructions (especially in multi-core systems),it’s significantly cheaper than system calls. - [ 3 ] The code repository for this post also contains an equivalent sample using threads instead of processes. There wedon’t need to use shared memory but can instead use the address of a stackvariable.
- [ 4 ] There’s a paper written by Ulrich Drepper named “Futexes are Tricky” that explores some of the nuances. I’ll be using it later on for the mutexdiscussion. It’s a very good paper - please read it if you’re interested in thetopic.
- [ 5 ] For OSes that expose the
system call. The Go runtime has afallback onto the semaphore system calls iffutex
is not supported.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《译文: Basics of Futexes》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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