HashiCorp Consul 1.0 发布,重大更新版本

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 7年前

内容简介:HashiCorp Consul 1.0 已发布,该产品自2014年4月发布已增加了重要的功能,Consul 1.0 的更新亮点包括引入HCL配置文件和许多较小的改进、修复和界面清理。  您可以在 Changelog 中找到更改的完整列表。此版本中...

HashiCorp Consul 1.0 发布,重大更新版本

HashiCorp Consul 1.0 已发布,该产品自2014年4月发布已增加了重要的功能,Consul 1.0 的更新亮点包括引入HCL配置文件和许多较小的改进、修复和界面清理。 

您可以在 Changelog 中找到更改的完整列表。此版本中有一些破坏性的更改,因此请务必阅读 1.0 的升级说明


  • Support for HCL Config Files: Consul now supports HashiCorp's HCL format for config files. This is easier to work with than JSON and supports comments. As part of this change, all config files will need to have either an .hcl or .jsonextension in order to specify their format. [GH-3480]

  • Support for Binding to Multiple Addresses: Consul now supports binding to multiple addresses for its HTTP, HTTPS, and DNS services. You can provide a space-separated list of addresses to -client and addresses configurations, or specify a go-sockaddr template that resolves to multiple addresses. [GH-3480]

  • Support for RFC1434 DNS TXT records: Consul DNS responses now contain the node meta data encoded according to RFC1434 as TXT records. [GH-3343]

  • Support for Running Subproccesses Directly Without a Shell: Consul agent checks and watches now support an argsconfiguration which is a list of arguments to run for the subprocess, which runs the subprocess directly without a shell. The old script and handler configurations are now deprecated (specify a shell explicitly if you require one). A -shell=false option is also available on consul lockconsul watch, and consul exec to run the subprocesses associated with those without a shell. [GH-3509]

  • Sentinel Integration: (Consul Enterprise) Consul's ACL system integrates with Sentinel to enable code policies that apply to KV writes.


Consul 是一个服务管理软件,支持多数据中心下,分布式高可用的服务发现和配置共享。Consul 支持健康检查,允许存储键值对。一致性协议采用 Raft 算法,来保证服务的高可用。成员管理和消息广播采用 GOSSIP 协议,支持 ACL 访问控制。

【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

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