Bastion: Hack the box

栏目: 服务器 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Target: (Windows)Kali: conclusion, Bastion is not a medium box. But it would be easier to solve this box with windows VM. Command VM may be a good choice. But it can be finished by kali.

Bastion: Hack the box


Target: (Windows)


In conclusion, Bastion is not a medium box. But it would be easier to solve this box with windows VM. Command VM may be a good choice. But it can be finished by kali.

Information enumeration

Firstly, detect the open ports:

From the open ports, it can be induced that the box may be a windows machine that opens ssh service. Then try to obtain the detailed services of these open ports:


There seem to be nothing special. For a normal box, http service will be the starting. For this box, we should try smb service for port 445. For smb service exploitation in kali, we choose to use smbmap, smbclient, enum4linux, etc. Let's try smbclient:

Bastion: Hack the box

With smbclient, we can see the smb shares of this box without any password. Try to access the share by smbclient// . But the three shares cannot be accessed except Backups .

Bastion: Hack the box

Access to the share of Backups : smbclient// :

Bastion: Hack the box

There is a note.txt in the share:

It does is a hint for something useful in the exploitation. It is inconvenient to access files by smbclient, as you cannot browse the file directly. So try to mount the shared folder to kali:

Here, we can access the files directly. It may be a backup folder. After some exploration, we have found some interesting files.

Bastion: Hack the box

VHD(virtual hard disk) files seem to be very interesting. According to the wiki, VHDisa file format which represents avirtualhard disk drive(HDD).Itmay contain whatisfound on a physical HDD,suchasdisk partitionsanda file system,whichinturn can contain filesandfolders.Itistypically usedasthe hard disk of avirtualmachine . So we may find more interesting contents in the VHD files. There are two vhd files, one is 37M, and the other is 5.1 G. The larger one seems to be attractive to us. But it will be inconvenient to download the whole vhd file. According to the discussions in the forum, the author has said that you don't have to download the vhd file. Try to mount the vhd file to kai:

The operation may cost some time if the network is not very stable. Then, the vhd file in mounted successfully. It seems to be an OS disk. There seem nothing special. Security Account Manager(SAM) is the database file in Windows which stores user passwords. Try to access the SAM files, samdump2 can be utilized to dump the hash.

Bastion: Hack the box

From the dumped hash, the hash of L4mpje seems to be useful. We can access HashKiller to crack the hash.

Bastion: Hack the box

We cracked it! As we know the box opens ssh service, so try to access ssh with the user of L4mpje. Of course, we are in.

Bastion: Hack the box

Privilege escalation

After login with user L4mpje, we find that we have relatively limited permission. PrivEsc is often vulnerable to some specific software vulnerability. It is significant to see the program files of the box.

Bastion: Hack the box

We can find an interesting folder mRemoteNG . It is an open source remote connections management tool. But there is a problem that the connections user information can be obtained by the config files. For this box, someone has created a tool to crack the password in this config file. The config file is store is the AppData folder.

Bastion: Hack the box

Bastion: Hack the box

It seems that the password of Administrator is stored in the XML file. Someone has created mremoteng-decrypt to crack the password. It is so convenient thanks to his awesome work.

Wow, we get the password of Administrator.

Bastion: Hack the box

可以扫描二维码或者搜索 mad_coder 关注微信公众号,点击阅读原文可以获取链接版原文。

Bastion: Hack the box

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[美] 尼古拉斯·卡尔 / 刘纯毅 / 中信出版社 / 2010-12 / 42.00元

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