聊聊Elasticsearch RestClient的DeadHostState

栏目: 后端 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:本文主要研究一下Elasticsearch RestClient的DeadHostStateelasticsearch-7.0.1/client/rest/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/client/DeadHostState.javaelasticsearch-7.0.1/client/rest/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/client/RestClient.java

本文主要研究一下Elasticsearch RestClient的DeadHostState



 * Holds the state of a dead connection to a host. Keeps track of how many failed attempts were performed and
 * when the host should be retried (based on number of previous failed attempts).
 * Class is immutable, a new copy of it should be created each time the state has to be changed.
final class DeadHostState implements Comparable<DeadHostState> {

    private static final long MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_NANOS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(1);
    static final long MAX_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_NANOS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(30);

    private final int failedAttempts;
    private final long deadUntilNanos;
    private final TimeSupplier timeSupplier;

     * Build the initial dead state of a host. Useful when a working host stops functioning
     * and needs to be marked dead after its first failure. In such case the host will be retried after a minute or so.
     * @param timeSupplier a way to supply the current time and allow for unit testing
    DeadHostState(TimeSupplier timeSupplier) {
        this.failedAttempts = 1;
        this.deadUntilNanos = timeSupplier.nanoTime() + MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_NANOS;
        this.timeSupplier = timeSupplier;

     * Build the dead state of a host given its previous dead state. Useful when a host has been failing before, hence
     * it already failed for one or more consecutive times. The more failed attempts we register the longer we wait
     * to retry that same host again. Minimum is 1 minute (for a node the only failed once created
     * through {@link #DeadHostState(TimeSupplier)}), maximum is 30 minutes (for a node that failed more than 10 consecutive times)
     * @param previousDeadHostState the previous state of the host which allows us to increase the wait till the next retry attempt
    DeadHostState(DeadHostState previousDeadHostState) {
        long timeoutNanos = (long)Math.min(MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_NANOS * 2 * Math.pow(2, previousDeadHostState.failedAttempts * 0.5 - 1),
        this.deadUntilNanos = previousDeadHostState.timeSupplier.nanoTime() + timeoutNanos;
        this.failedAttempts = previousDeadHostState.failedAttempts + 1;
        this.timeSupplier = previousDeadHostState.timeSupplier;

     * Indicates whether it's time to retry to failed host or not.
     * @return true if the host should be retried, false otherwise
    boolean shallBeRetried() {
        return timeSupplier.nanoTime() - deadUntilNanos > 0;

     * Returns the timestamp (nanos) till the host is supposed to stay dead without being retried.
     * After that the host should be retried.
    long getDeadUntilNanos() {
        return deadUntilNanos;

    int getFailedAttempts() {
        return failedAttempts;

    public int compareTo(DeadHostState other) {
        if (timeSupplier != other.timeSupplier) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't compare DeadHostStates with different clocks ["
                    + timeSupplier + " != " + other.timeSupplier + "]");
        return Long.compare(deadUntilNanos, other.deadUntilNanos);

    public String toString() {
        return "DeadHostState{" +
                "failedAttempts=" + failedAttempts +
                ", deadUntilNanos=" + deadUntilNanos +
                ", timeSupplier=" + timeSupplier +

     * Time supplier that makes timing aspects pluggable to ease testing
    interface TimeSupplier {
        TimeSupplier DEFAULT = new TimeSupplier() {
            public long nanoTime() {
                return System.nanoTime();

            public String toString() {
                return "nanoTime";

        long nanoTime();
(long)Math.min(MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_NANOS * 2 * Math.pow(2, previousDeadHostState.failedAttempts * 0.5 - 1)
timeSupplier.nanoTime() - deadUntilNanos > 0



public class RestClient implements Closeable {

     * Select nodes to try and sorts them so that the first one will be tried initially, then the following ones
     * if the previous attempt failed and so on. Package private for testing.
    static Iterable<Node> selectNodes(NodeTuple<List<Node>> nodeTuple, Map<HttpHost, DeadHostState> blacklist,
                                      AtomicInteger lastNodeIndex, NodeSelector nodeSelector) throws IOException {
         * Sort the nodes into living and dead lists.
        List<Node> livingNodes = new ArrayList<>(Math.max(0, nodeTuple.nodes.size() - blacklist.size()));
        List<DeadNode> deadNodes = new ArrayList<>(blacklist.size());
        for (Node node : nodeTuple.nodes) {
            DeadHostState deadness = blacklist.get(node.getHost());
            if (deadness == null) {
            if (deadness.shallBeRetried()) {
            deadNodes.add(new DeadNode(node, deadness));

        if (false == livingNodes.isEmpty()) {
             * Normal state: there is at least one living node. If the
             * selector is ok with any over the living nodes then use them
             * for the request.
            List<Node> selectedLivingNodes = new ArrayList<>(livingNodes);
            if (false == selectedLivingNodes.isEmpty()) {
                 * Rotate the list using a global counter as the distance so subsequent
                 * requests will try the nodes in a different order.
                Collections.rotate(selectedLivingNodes, lastNodeIndex.getAndIncrement());
                return selectedLivingNodes;

         * Last resort: there are no good nodes to use, either because
         * the selector rejected all the living nodes or because there aren't
         * any living ones. Either way, we want to revive a single dead node
         * that the NodeSelectors are OK with. We do this by passing the dead
         * nodes through the NodeSelector so it can have its say in which nodes
         * are ok. If the selector is ok with any of the nodes then we will take
         * the one in the list that has the lowest revival time and try it.
        if (false == deadNodes.isEmpty()) {
            final List<DeadNode> selectedDeadNodes = new ArrayList<>(deadNodes);
             * We'd like NodeSelectors to remove items directly from deadNodes
             * so we can find the minimum after it is filtered without having
             * to compare many things. This saves us a sort on the unfiltered
             * list.
            nodeSelector.select(new Iterable<Node>() {
                public Iterator<Node> iterator() {
                    return new DeadNodeIteratorAdapter(selectedDeadNodes.iterator());
            if (false == selectedDeadNodes.isEmpty()) {
                return singletonList(Collections.min(selectedDeadNodes).node);
        throw new IOException("NodeSelector [" + nodeSelector + "] rejected all nodes, "
                + "living " + livingNodes + " and dead " + deadNodes);

     * Called after each successful request call.
     * Receives as an argument the host that was used for the successful request.
    private void onResponse(Node node) {
        DeadHostState removedHost = this.blacklist.remove(node.getHost());
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && removedHost != null) {
            logger.debug("removed [" + node + "] from blacklist");

     * Called after each failed attempt.
     * Receives as an argument the host that was used for the failed attempt.
    private void onFailure(Node node) {
        while(true) {
            DeadHostState previousDeadHostState =
                blacklist.putIfAbsent(node.getHost(), new DeadHostState(TimeSupplier.DEFAULT));
            if (previousDeadHostState == null) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("added [" + node + "] to blacklist");
            if (blacklist.replace(node.getHost(), previousDeadHostState,
                    new DeadHostState(previousDeadHostState))) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("updated [" + node + "] already in blacklist");

  • RestClient的selectNodes方法首先将不在blacklist中的node,或者在blacklist中但是shallBeRetried返回为true的node归为livingNodes,之后通过nodeSelector来从这些livingNodes中选择一个node
  • RestClient的onResponse方法会将该node的host从blacklist中移除
  • RestClient的onFailure方法会往blacklist创建或更新host对应的DeadHostState,如果之前该host没有DeadHostState则使用TimeSupplier.DEFAULT创建一个新的并放入blacklist,如果该host已经有DeadHostState则使用该DeadHostState创建新的DeadHostState然后更新到blacklist中


timeSupplier.nanoTime() - deadUntilNanos > 0
(long)Math.min(MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_NANOS * 2 * Math.pow(2, previousDeadHostState.failedAttempts * 0.5 - 1)


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《聊聊Elasticsearch RestClient的DeadHostState》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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