首先就是你要有一个 go 的环境啦!
https://golang.google.cn/dl/ // 去这个地方下载安装 go的环境 // windows: 后缀 msi // linux: gz // mac: pkg //FreeBSD: gz 复制代码
ps:我是直接使用的 beego框架
go get github.com/astaxie/beego // beego 框架 go get github.com/beego/bee // bee 工具 复制代码
控制台 cmd/powershell/vscode 输入 bee // 下面是bee的功能 Bee is a Fast and Flexible tool for managing your Beego Web Application. Usage: bee command [arguments] The commands are: version show the bee & beego version migrate run database migrations api create an api application base on beego framework bale packs non-Go files to Go source files new create an application base on beego framework run run the app which can hot compile pack compress an beego project fix Fixes your application by making it compatible with newer versions of Beego dlv Start a debugging session using Delve dockerize Generates a Dockerfile for your Beego application generate Source code generator hprose Creates an RPC application based on Hprose and Beego frameworks new Creates a Beego application pack Compresses a Beego application into a single file rs Run customized scripts run Run the application by starting a local development server server serving static content over HTTP on port Use bee help [command] for more information about a command. 复制代码
安装完之后 beego 提供了几种快速搭建方法如下
new命令:bee new myproject(name)
命令是新建一个 Web 项目,我们在命令行下执行 bee new <项目名>
就可以创建一个新的项目。但是注意该命令必须在 $GOPATH/src
下执行。最后会在 $GOPATH/src
bee new myproject [INFO] Creating application... /gopath/src/myproject/ /gopath/src/myproject/conf/ /gopath/src/myproject/controllers/ /gopath/src/myproject/models/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/js/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/css/ /gopath/src/myproject/static/img/ /gopath/src/myproject/views/ /gopath/src/myproject/conf/app.conf /gopath/src/myproject/controllers/default.go /gopath/src/myproject/views/index.tpl /gopath/src/myproject/main.go 13-11-25 09:50:39 [SUCC] New application successfully created! 复制代码
myproject ├── conf │ └── app.conf ├── controllers │ └── default.go ├── main.go ├── models ├── routers │ └── router.go ├── static │ ├── css │ ├── img │ └── js ├── tests │ └── default_test.go └── views └── index.tpl 8 directories, 4 files 复制代码
api命令:bee api apiproject(name)
上面的 new
命令是用来新建 Web 项目,不过很多用户使用 beego 来开发 API 应用。所以这个 api
命令就是用来创建 API 应用的,执行命令之后如下所示:
bee api apiproject create app folder: /gopath/src/apiproject create conf: /gopath/src/apiproject/conf create controllers: /gopath/src/apiproject/controllers create models: /gopath/src/apiproject/models create tests: /gopath/src/apiproject/tests create conf app.conf: /gopath/src/apiproject/conf/app.conf create controllers default.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/controllers/default.go create tests default.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/tests/default_test.go create models object.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/models/object.go create main.go: /gopath/src/apiproject/main.go 复制代码
apiproject ├── conf │ └── app.conf ├── controllers │ └── object.go │ └── user.go ├── docs │ └── doc.go ├── main.go ├── models │ └── object.go │ └── user.go ├── routers │ └── router.go └── tests └── default_test.go 复制代码
从上面的目录我们可以看到和 Web 项目相比,少了 static 和 views 目录,多了一个 test 模块,用来做单元测试的。
同时,该命令还支持一些自定义参数自动连接数据库创建相关 model 和 controller: bee api [appname] [-tables=""] [-driver=mysql] [-conn="root:<password>@tcp("]
如果 conn 参数为空则创建一个示例项目,否则将基于链接信息链接数据库创建项目。
启动命令:bee run
bee run 13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Uses 'myproject' as 'appname' 13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Initializing watcher... 13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject/controllers) 13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject/models) 13-11-25 09:53:04 [TRAC] Directory(/gopath/src/myproject) 13-11-25 09:53:04 [INFO] Start building... 13-11-25 09:53:16 [SUCC] Build was successful 13-11-25 09:53:16 [INFO] Restarting myproject ... 13-11-25 09:53:16 [INFO] ./myproject is running... 复制代码
我们打开浏览器就可以看到效果 http://localhost:8080/
其他还请参考 beego 官方文档:
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《体验下 Go 语言的魅力(初试)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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