内容简介:这个版本修正了过去六个月中报告的各种问题,另外还添加了若干新特性和配置选项: - Add translation of SUBSTRB into substr. - Allow use of array in MODIFY_TYPE to export Oracl...
这个版本修正了过去六个月中报告的各种问题,另外还添加了若干新特性和配置选项: - Add translation of SUBSTRB into substr. - Allow use of array in MODIFY_TYPE to export Oracle user defined type that are just array of some data type. For example: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mem_type IS VARRAY(10) of VARCHAR2(15); can be directly translated into text[] or varchar[]. In this case use the directive as follow: MODIFY_TYPE CLUB:MEMBERS:text[] Ora2Pg will take care to transform all data of this column into the correct format. Only arrays of characters and numerics types are supported. - Add translation of Oracle function LISTAGG() into string_agg(). - Add TEST_VIEW action to perform a simple count of rows returned by views on both database. - Translate SQL%ROWCOUNT into GET DIAGNOSTICS rowcount = ROW_COUNT and add translation of SQL%FOUND. - Add translation of column in trigger event test with IS DISTINCT, for example: IF updating('ID') THEN ... will be translated into: IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' AND NEW.'ID' IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.'ID' then... - Replace UTL_MATH.EDIT_DISTANCE function by fuzzymatch levenshtein. - Allow use of MODIFY_STRUCT with TABLE export. Table creation DDL will respect the new list of columns and all indexes or foreign key pointing to or from a column removed will not be exported. - Add export of partition and subpartition using PostgreSQL native partitioning. - Auto detect encrypted columns and report them into the assessment. SHOW_COLUMN will also mark columns as encrypted. - Add information to global temporary tables in migration assessment. - Add experimental DATADIFF functionality. - Allow use of multiprocess with -j option or JOBS to FUNCTION and PROCEDURE export. Useful if you have thousands of these objects. - Force RAW(N) type with default value set to sys_guid() as UUID on PostgreSQL. - Replace function with out parameter using select into. For example a call to: get_item_attr( attr_name, p_value ); where p_value is an INOUT parameter, will be rewritten as p_value := get_item_attr( attr_name, p_value ); If there is multiple OUT parameters, Ora2Pg will use syntax: SELECT get_item_attr( attr_name, p_value ) INTO (attr_name, p_value); - Add translation of CONNECT BY using PostgreSQL CTE equivalent. This translation also include a replacement of LEVEL and SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH native Oracle features. On complex queries there could still be manual editing but all the main work is done. - Add support to user defined exception, errcode affected to each custom exception start from 50001. - Translate call to to_char() with a single parameter into a cast to varchar. Can be disabled using USE_ORAFCE directive. - Improve ora2pg_scanner to automatically generates migration assessment reports for all schema on an Oracle instance. Before the schema name to audit was mandatory, now, when the schema is not set Ora2Pg will scan all schema. The connexion user need to have DBA privilege. Ora2Pg will also add the hostname and SID as prefix in the filename of the report. This last changee forbids ora2pg_scanner to overwrite a report if the same schema name is found in several databases. 添加了若干新的配置选项: - Add USE_ORAFCE configuration directive that can be enabled if you want to use functions defined in the Orafce library and prevent Ora2Pg to translate call to these functions. The Orafce library can be found here: https://github.com/orafce/orafce By default Ora2pg rewrite add_month(), add_year(), date_trunc() and to_char() functions, but you may prefer to use the Orafce functions that do not need any code transformation. Directive DATE_FUNCTION_REWRITE has been removed as it was also used to disable replacement of add_month(), add_year() and date_trunc() when Orafce is used, useless now. - Add FILE_PER_FKEYS configuration directive to allow foreign key declaration to be saved in a separate file during schema export. By default foreign keys are exported into the main output file or in the CONSTRAINT_output.sql file. If enabled foreign keys will be exported into a file named FKEYS_output.sql - Add new COMMENT_COMMIT_ROLLBACK configuration directive. Call to COMMIT/ROLLBACK in PL/SQL code are kept untouched by Ora2Pg to force the user to review the logic of the function. Once it is fixed in Oracle source code or you want to comment this calls enable the directive. - Add CREATE_OR_REPLACE configuration directive. By default Ora2Pg use CREATE OR REPLACE in function DDL, if you need not to override existing functions disable this configuration directive, DDL will not include OR REPLACE. - Add FUNCTION_CHECK configuration directive. Disable this directive if you want to disable check_function_bodies. SET check_function_bodies = false; It disables validation of the function body string during CREATE FUNCTION. Default is to use de postgresql.conf setting that enable it by default. - Add PG_SUPPORTS_PARTITION directive, disabled by default. PostgreSQL version prior to 10.0 do not have native partitioning. Enable this directive if you want to use PostgreSQL declarative partitioning instead of the old style check constraint and trigger. - Add PG_SUPPORTS_SUBSTR configuration directive to replace substr() call with substring() on old PostgreSQL versions or some fork like Redshift. - Add PG_INITIAL_COMMAND to send some statements at session startup. This directive is the equivalent used for Oracle connection, ORA_INITIAL_COMMAND. Both can now be used multiple time now. - Add DBLINK_CONN configuration directive. By default if you have an autonomous transaction translated using dblink extension the connection is defined using the values set with PG_DSN, PG_USER and PG_PWD. If you want to fully override the connection string use this directive to set the connection in the autonomous transaction wrapper function. For example: DBLINK_CONN port=5432 dbname=pgdb host=localhost user=pguser password=pgpass - Add STRING_CONSTANT_REGEXP configuration directive. Ora2Pg replace all string constant during the pl/sql to plpgsql translation, string constant are all text include between single quote. If you have some string placeholder used in dynamic call to queries you can set a list of regexp to be temporary replaced to not break the parser. For example: STRING_CONSTANT_REGEXP <cfqueryparam value=".*"> The list of regexp must use the semi colon as separator. - Add FUNCTION_STABLE configuration directive. By default Oracle functions are marked as STABLE as they can not modify data unless when used in PL/SQL with variable assignment or as conditional expression. You can force Ora2Pg to create these function as VOLATILE by disabling this configuration directive. - Add new TO_NUMBER_CONVERSION configuration directive to control TO_NUMBER translation behavior. By default Oracle call to function TO_NUMBER will be translated as a cast into numeric. For example, TO_NUMBER('10.1234') is converted into PostgreSQL call: to_number('10.1234')::numeric. If you want you can cast the call to integer or bigint by changing the value of the configuration directive. If you need better control of the format, just set it as value, for example: � TO_NUMBER_CONVERSION 99999999999999999999D9999999999 will convert the code above as: TO_NUMBER('10.1234', '99999999999999999999D9999999999') Any value of the directive that it is not numeric, integer or bigint will be taken as a mask format. If set to none, then no conversion will be done. - Add LOOK_FORWARD_FUNCTION configuration directive which takes a list of schema to get functions/procedures meta information that are used in the current schema export. When replacing call to function with OUT or INOUT parameters, if a function is declared in an other package then the function call rewriting can not be done because Ora2Pg only knows about functions declared in the current schema. By setting a comma separated list of schema as value of the directive, Ora2Pg will look forward in these packages for all functions, procedures and packages declaration before proceeding to current schema export. - Add PG_SUPPORTS_NAMED_OPERATOR to control the replacement of the PL/SQL operator used in named parameter => with the PostgreSQL proprietary operator := Disable this directive if you are using PG < 9.5 - Add a warning when Ora2Pg reorder the parameters of a function following the PostgreSQL rule that all input parameters following a parameter with a default value must have default values as well. In this case, Ora2Pg extracts all parameters with default values and put them at end of the parameter list. This is to warn you that a manual rewrite is required on calls to this function. 添加了若干新的命令行选项: - Add -N | --pg_schema command line option to be able to override the PG_SCHEMA configuration directive. When this option is set at command line, EXPORT_SCHEMA is automatically activated. - Add --no_header option with equivalent NO_HEADER configuration directive to output the Ora2Pg header but just the translated code. 和之前的版本比,若干行为发生了变更: - Remove SysTimestamp() from the list of not translated function, it is replaced with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for a long time now. - Change migration assessment cost to 84 units (1 day) for type TABLE, INDEX and SYNONYM and to 168 units (2 days) for TABLE PARTITION and GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE, this is more realistic. - Set minimum assessment unit to 1 when an object exists. Improve PL/SQL code translation speed. - Change behavior of COMPILE_SCHEMA directive used to force Oracle to compile schema before exporting code. When this directive is enabled and SCHEMA is set to a specific schema name, only invalid objects in this schema will be recompiled. When SCHEMA is not set then all schema will be recompiled. To force recompile invalid object in a specific schema, set COMPILE_SCHEMA to the schema name you want to recompile. This will ask to Oracle to validate the PL/SQL that could have been invalidate after a export/import for example. The 'VALID' or 'INVALID' status applies to functions, procedures, packages and user defined types. - Default transaction isolation level is now set to READ COMMITTED for all action excluding data export. - Oracle doesn't allow the use of lookahead expression but you may want to exclude some objects that match the ALLOW regexp you have defined. For example if you want to export all table starting with E but not those starting with EXP it is not possible to do that in a single expression. Now you can start a regular expression with the ! character to exclude all objects matching the regexp given just after. Our previous example can be written as follow: ALLOW E.* !EXP.* it will be translated into REGEXP_LIKE(..., '^E.*$') AND NOT REGEXP_LIKE(..., '^EXP.*$') in the object search expression. - Fix quoting of PG_SCHEMA with multiple schema in search path. The definition of the search path now follow the following behavior: * when PG_SCHEMA is define, always set search_path to its value. * when EXPORT_SCHEMA is enabled and SCHEMA is set, the search_path is set the name of the schema. - Remove forcing of export_schema when pg_schema is set at command line. This could change the behavior of some previous use of these variables and the resulting value of the search_path but it seems much better understandable. - Rewrite translation of raise_application_error to use RAISE EXCEPTION with a message and the SQLSTATE code. Oracle user defined code -20000 to -20999 are translated to PostgreSQL user define code from 45000 to 45999. Call to raise_application_error(mySQLCODE, myErrmsg); will be translated into RAISE EXCEPTION '%', myErrmsg USING ERRCODE = mySQLCODE; - Remove migration assessment cost for TG_OP and NOT_FOUND they might be fully covered now. 下面是完整的更新列表: - Fix bad inversion of HAVING/GROUP BY clauses. Thanks to bhoot929 for the report. - Fix case of non translation of type in CAST() function. Thanks to Keshavkumbham for the report. - Fix spatial data export when using direct import into PostgreSQL and WKT or INTERNAL format. This can still be improved. Thanks to Valeria El-Samra for the report. - Improve translation of trunc() into date_trunc. Thanks to bhoot929 for the report. - Translate to_char() without format into a simple cast to varchar. Thanks to bhoot929 for the report. - Fix line comment which does not disable multi-line comment. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix overridden of output file global_variables.conf with multiple packages. Thanks to Oliver Del Rosario for the report. - Fix export of data stored in a nested user defined type. Thanks to lupynos for the report. - Fix data export from Oracle user defined types, where output of ROW(...) does not distinguish numeric from string or other types that need to be formatted. Thanks to Petr Silhak for the report. - Fix broken replacement of package procedure name. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Add FLOWS_010600 to the objects exclusion listr. - Improve view/trigger migration assessment accuracy. - Fix OUTER JOIN (+) translation, all join filters with constant was written into the WHERE clause by default. Write them into the JOIN clause. - Fix weight of the number of triggers and views in the report with a limit of 2 man-days, of course SQL difficulties are still add after this limit. - Fix alias added to condition which is not a sub query. Thanks to nitinmverma for the report. - Fix wrong translation of OUTER JOIN with subquery in FROM clause. Thanks to nitinmverma for the report. - Fix typo preventing exclusion of system SYNONYM. - Fix an other case of bad translation of END fct_name. Thanks to nitinmverma for the report. - Fix unwanted translation of REGEXP_SUBSTR() in REGEXP_SUBSTRING(). Thanks to nitinmverma for the report. - Fix broken translation of decode(). Thanks to nitinmverma for the report. - Fix error "Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected continuation byte 0xbf, with no preceding start byte) in pattern match" by including an arbitrary non-byte character into the pattern. Thanks to Bob Sislow for the report. - Fix missing translation of trunc() with date_trunc(). Thanks to nitinmverma for the report. - Add migration assessment weight to concatenation. - Fix space between operator, ex: a < = 15 must be translated as a <= 15. Thanks to nitinmverma for the report. - Handle translation of named parameters in function calls. Thanks to Julien Rouhaud for the patch. - Fix missing renaming of _initial_command() method. - Fix right outer join translation by converting them to left outer join first. Thanks to Julien Rouhaud for the hint. - Fix TEST on default value count and functions belonging to others than public schema, especially functions of packages. - Fix default number of man-days in migration assessment. Thanks to Nate Fitzgerald for the report. - Add host information into the filename of the report to prevent some additional case of report overriding. Thanks to Aurelien Robin for the report. - Prevent ora2pg script to complain if no ora2pg.conf file is found when a DSN is passed at command line and that user connection is set in the environment variables. - Do not declare a function stable if there is update/insert/delete statement inside. - Improve ora2pg_scanner to generate report of each instance schema when the schema to audit is not set. Thanks to Thomas Reiss for the patch. - Fix parser failure with quote in comments. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix case where NVL is not replaced by COALESCE. - Add parenthesis to simple package.function call without parameter. - Fix replacement of INSTR() with optional parameters. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Translate SQL%ROWCOUNT to GET DIAGNOSTICS rowcount = ROW_COUNT. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Add translation of SQL%FOUND. Thanks to Pavel Stehule. - Remove qualifier in create type, "CREATE TYPE fusion.mytable AS (fusion.mytable fusion.finalrecord[]);" becomes "CREATE TYPE fusion.mytable AS (mytable fusion.finalrecord[]);". Thanks to Julien Rouhaud for the report. - Fix extra comma in FROM clause of triggers in outer join translation. Thanks to Pavel Stehule fora the report. - Use record for out parameters replacement only where there is more than one out parameter. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the patch. - Add date type to the inout type array. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Remove possible last spaces in inout type detection. - Fix REGEXP_LIKE translation. - Fix count of default values during test action. - Fix removing of double quote over column name in view declaration. - Do not set default value if it is NULL, this is already the case. - Fix data export that was truncated to the last DATA_LIMIT lines. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix an other bug in rewriting call to function with OUT parameter. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix autodetection of composite out parameters. - Merge typo on PLPGSQL - Fix typo to PLPGSQL keyword. Thanks to Vinayak Pokale. - Fix regexp failure in is_reserved_words() method. Thanks to Patrick Hajek for the patch. - Use only one declaration of ora2pg_r RECORD, it is reusable. - Fix transformation of procedure CALL with OUT parameter that can't works when procedure/function has minimally one OUT parameter is of composite type. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the patch. - Second attempt to fix outer join translation in triggers. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for precious help. - Fix RAISE NOTICE replacement with double % placeholder. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix call to function replacement for function registered with double quote. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Change assessment score of TG_OP. - Fix replacement of outer join in triggers by adding pseudo tables NEW and OLD to the list of tables. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Handle custom exception in declare section of triggers. - Fix FUNCTION_CHECK option, it will be set in all file header. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Replace call to ALL_TABLES to USER_TABLES when USER_GRANTS is enabled. Thanks to Bob Sislow. - Removed PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT() from declare section. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix constant string that was breaking the parser. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix missing space between EXCEPTION and WHEN. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix broken function header resulting in missing space before OUT keyword. Thanks to Pave Stehule for the report. - Fix invalid RAISE command. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Add port information to ORACLE_DSN in documentation and config file. Thanks to Bob Sislow for the report. - Fix broken declaration in triggers related to FOR cycle control variable when there is no declare section. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix broken declaration in triggers related to FOR cycle control variable. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix unterminated C style comment in trigger. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix bug in package+function precedence replacement. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix unwanted and broken export of tables created with CREATE TABLE tablename OF objType. Thanks to threenotrump for the report. - Add explanation on using REPLACE_AS_BOOLEAN when REPLACE_TABLES or REPLACE_COLS is also used on the same object. Thanks to Brendan Le Ny for the report. - Fix unwanted data export of materialized view. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. Fix ORA-00942 with table that are not yet physically created and has no data. - Fix calling functions with same name declared in several packages. The one declared in current package now takes precedence. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Change zero-length lob/long to undef workaround for a bug in DBD::Oracle with the ora_piece_lob option (used when no_lob_locator is enabled) where null values fetch as empty string for certain types. Thanks to Alice Maz for the patch. - Fix createPoint() spatial method issue. Thanks to jwl920919. - Fix comment on REPLACE_COLS directive. - Fix an other issue in transformation of TYPE x IS REF CURSOR. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix an other case of broken declaration in triggers related to FOR cycle control variables. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix broken declaration in triggers related to FOR cycle control variables with empty DECLARE section. - Fix other case of replacement by EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND. - Fix output of global_variables.conf file when OUTPUT_DIR is not set. Fix non replacement of global variables. - Remove some AUTHID garbage in procedure declaration generated by a migration. - Fix trigger name quoting with non supported character. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix use of nextval() in default value. - Fix alias append in from clause of the extract() function. Thanks to Narayanamoorthys for the report. - Disable direct export to partition for PostgreSQL 10 if directive PG_SUPPORTS_PARTITION is enabled, import must be done in the main table. - Do not export partitions of a materialized view. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix wrong replacement of keyword after END. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Remove Oracle hints from queries, they are not supported and can break comments. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix unstable transformation of TYPE x IS REF CURSOR. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix data export failure when no table match the ALLOW/EXCLUDE filter. Thanks to threenotrump for the report. - Add missing search_path to FKEY dedicated file. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Apply default oject name exclusion to synonym. - Skip some PL/SQL translation in migration assessment mode. - Change default type for virtual column whit round() function. Thanks to Julien Rouhaud for the report. - Fix bug with EXIT WHEN command. Thanks to Pavel Stehule. - Fix an other wrong replacement of DECODE in UPDATE statement. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix wrong replacement of DECODE. Thanks to Pavel Stehule. - Fix unwanted replacement of INTO STRICT when this is an INSERT statement. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix potential regexp error with special character in outer join filters. Thanks to Adrian Boangiu for the report. - Fix parsing of PK from file. Thanks to Julien Rouhaud. - Fix parsing of FK from file. Thanks to Julien Rouhaud. - Fix count of unique and primary key in TEST export. Thanks to Liem for the report. - Fix reserved keyword rewrite using double quote when directive USE_RESERVED_WORDS is enabled. Thanks to Michael Vitale. - Remove EVALUATION CONTEXT object type from migration assessment. - Add QUEST_SL_% pattern to the list of table that must be excluded from export. - Fix data export when BFILE are translated as text. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix export of package when a comment is placed just before the AS/IS keyword. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix other cases of function call replacement when they are declared in different packages and one with OUT parameter and the other one with only IN parameters. Thanks to Eric Delanoe. - Fix inconsistent behavior of import_all script with -h and -d Under Linux: When -h not specified, script defaults to unix domain sockets for psql and localhost for perl (which may error depending on pg_hba.conf). Now defaults to more performing sockets. -d wasn't passing DB name to some psql calls where it's necessary. Thanks to BracketDevs for the patch. - Fix file handle close when compression is enabled. Thanks to Sebastian Albert for the report. - Add information about ora2pg behavior during data export to files when files already exists. Thanks to Michael Vitale. - Update readme to provide tar command for bzip2 file. Thanks to Tom Pollard for the patch - Fix unwanted FTS_INDEXES empty file and append unaccent extension creation if not exists. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix missing explicitly declared variable for cycle in trigger. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix global type/cursor declaration doubled in package export. - Always translate Oracle SELECT ... INTO to SELECT ... INTO STRICT in plpgsql as Oracle seems to always throw an exception. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix too much semicolons on end of function. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix ALTER TABLE to set the owner when table is a foreign table. Thanks to Narayanamoorthys for the report. - Fix case of untranslated procedure call when there was parenthesis in the parameters clause. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix broken variable declaration with name containing DEFAULT. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Change query ORDER BY clause to view export query. - Fix missing replacement of quote_reserved_words function by new quote_object_name. Thanks to Sebastian Albert for the report. - Fix REPLACE_COLS replacement of column name in UNIQUE constraint definition. Thanks to Bernard Bielecki for the report. - Fix export of Oracle unlogged table that was exported as normal tables. - Fix regression in package function calls rewrite leading to append unwanted comma when replacing out parameters. Thanks to Pavel Stehule and Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix removing of function name after END keyword. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix bug in package function extraction. - Improve VIEW export by only looking for package function name and fix a bug that was including unwanted "system" package definition. Also fix a potential bad rewriting of function call. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix an other case of missing PERFORM replacement. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix remplacement of "EXIT WHEN cursor%NOTFOUND". Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix missing conversion of type in cast function. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix TO_NUMBER that is now translated as a cast to numeric to correspond to the default behavior in Oracle. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix replacement of function call from different schema, especially in overloaded cases. - Remove OUT parameter from the argument list of function call. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix wrong replacement in FOR ... IN loop inserting EXCLUDE in the statement. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Translate Oracle proprietary VALUES without parenthesis with the proprietary syntax of POstgreSQL. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix function header translation when a comment is present between closing parenthesis and the IS keyword. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix RETURNS in autonomous transaction call when there is OUT parameters. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix call to BMS_UTILITY.compile_schema() when COMPILE_SCHEMA is enable. Thanks to PAvel Stehule for the report. - Fix export of function and procedure with same name in different schema. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix detection and replacement of global variable in package that was producing invalid code export. Fix progress bar on procedure export. - Fix regression in global variables default value export. - Rewrite multiprocess for procedure and function export to solve some performances issues. - Do not waste time trying to replace function call when it is not found in the current code. - Fix default value for FILE_PER_FUNCTION when parallel mode is enabled. - Output a fatal error with export type TABLE and multiple schema set to PG_SCHEMA when EXPORT_SCHEMA is enabled. - Fix replacement of function name with package prefix. - Fix documentation of PG_SCHEMA directive, especially on the use of a schema list. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Fix translation of INSTR() function. - Improve speed in function translation by not calling twice Ora2Pg::PLSQL::convert_plsql_code() on declare and code section. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the profiling. - Fix unwanted replacement of SYSDATE, SYSTIMESTAMP and some other when they are part of variable or object name. Add rewrite of REF CURSOR during type translation. - Require support of LATERAL keyword for DATADIFF (Pg >= 9.3). Patch from Sebastian Albert. - Do not call replace_sdo_function(), replace_sdo_operator() and replace_sys_context() if the string SDO_ or SYSCONTEXT is not found. This might save some performances. - Remove the RETURNS clause when there is an OUT parameter PostgreSQL choose correct type by self. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Add a note about performance improvement by updating stats on Oracle. Thanks to Michael Vitale for the report. - Remove newline characters in REVOKE statement when embedded in a comment. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix replacement with PERFORM into package extracted from an Oracle database. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix translation of call to function with out parameters. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix case where call to procedure without parameter was not prefixed by PERFORM or when called in a exception statement. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Add function quote_object_name to handle all cases where object name need to be double quoted (PRESERVE_CASE to 1, PostgreSQL keyword, digit in front or digit only and non supported character. Thanks to liemdt1811 for the report. - Add a note about RAW(n) column with "SYS_GUID()" as default value that is automatically translated to type of the column 'uuid' by Ora2Pg. - Remove old column count check to use char_length. Thanks to Alice Maz for the patch. - Fix some raise_application_error that was not replaced with a global rewrite of remove comments and text constants to solve some other issues like rewriting of package function call in dynamic queries. Thanks to PAvel Stehule for the report. - Fix cycle variable not generated for LOOP IN SELECT in trigger. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix procedures with OUT parameters not processed in triggers. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Remove other case where PERFORM must be or must not be inserted. - Remove case where PERFORM can be inserted. Thanks to Pavel Stehule and Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix missing ; in some raise_application_error translation. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix missing PERFORM in front of direct call to function and the rewrite of direct call to function with out parameters. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix translation of rownum when the value is not a number. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix missing space between cast and AS keyword. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix translation of views and add support to comment inside views. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix removing of AS after END keyword. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix type in CAST clause not translated to PostgreSQL type. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Treat citext type as text. Thanks to Tomasz Wrobel for the patch. - Fix packages migration assessment that was broken with parser rewriting on package extraction. - Rewrite parsing of PL/SQL packages to better handle package specification and especially types and global variables from this section. - Fix raise_application_error translation by removing extra boolean parameter. - Improve comments processing. - Fix package function name replacement adding a dot before package name. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Add collect of functions/procedures metadata when reading DDL from file. - Fix replacement of function prefixed with their schema name. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Try to minimized comment placeholders by aggregating multiline comments. - Remove new line character from _get_version() output. - Fix ENABLE_MICROSECOND test condition on NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT setting. Thanks to Didier Sterbecq for the report. - Fix another issue with Oracle 8i and table size extraction. - Fix query to show column information on Oracle 8i - Fix query to look for virtual column on Oracle 8i - Fix query to list all table by size on Oracle 8i - Prevent ora2pg to look for external table definition in Oracle 8i. - Fix a regression on timestamp format setting for Oracle 8i. - Fix some regression on queries with Oracle 8i. Thanks to Didier Sterbecq for the report. - Add a function to collect metadata of all functions. - Don't create empty partition index file when there's no partition. - Fix wrong translation in OPEN ... FOR statement. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix call of method close() on an undefined value. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix partition data export issues introduced with previous patches. - Fix unterminated IF / ELSIF block in subpartition export. - Fix subpartition export. Thanks to Maurizio De Giorgi for the report. - Force DATA_LIMIT default value to 2000 on Windows OS instead of 10000 to try to prevent constant OOM error. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix default partition table that was not used PREFIX_PARTITION. Thanks to ssayyadi for the report. - Limit datetime microsecond format to micro second (.FF6) as the format can be FF[0..9] and PostgreSQL just have FF[0..6] - Add to_timestamp_tz Oracle function translation. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the feature request. - Fix custom data type replacement in function code. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix non working INPUT_FILE configuration directive when action is QUERY. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix unwanted global variable implicit declaration to handle autonomous transaction parameters. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix call to dblink in function with PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION and no arguments. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix package constant translation. Thanks to Eric Delanoe. - Fix unwanted alias on join syntax. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix regression on dbms_output.put* translation. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix handling of comments in statements to try to preserve them at maximum in the outer join rewriting. - Do not declare variable when it is an implicit range cursor, it do not need to be declared. - Export implicit variable in FOR ... IN ... LOOP as an integer if it don't use a select statement and export it as a RECORD when a statement is found. Thanks to Eric Delanoe and Pavel Stehule for the report. - Reduce migration assessment weight for CONNECT BY. - Fix derived table pasted two times in from clause. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix some other unexpected ";" in function code. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Remove %ROWTYPE in return type of function. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix doubled AND in expression when a parenthesis is in front after rewriting. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix unexpected ";" in function after post-body END when a comment is present. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix unexpected ";" in some function variable declaration when a comment is at end of the declare section. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Remove %ROWTYPE in function that have not been replaced with RECORD for cursor declaration. Thanks to Eric Delanoe for the report. - Fix removing of WHEN keyword after END. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix missing table name with alias in from clause due to comments in the clause. I have also merge right and left outer join translation function into a single one, most of the code was the same. - Fix output order of outer join. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix untranslated outer join in nested sub query. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Rewrite again the decode() translation as a single function call for all replacement before any other translation. - Append table filter to check constraints extraction. Thanks to danghb for the report. - Fix issue with parenthesis around outer join clause. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Move remove_text_constant_part() and restore_text_constant_part() function into the main module. - Include decode() replacement in recursive function call. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Prevent removing of parenthesis on a sub select. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix missing table exclusion/inclusion in column constraint export. Thanks to danghb for the report. - Fix an alias issue in view parsed from file. - Fix parsing of view from file when no semi comma is found. - Remove FROM clause without alias from migration assessment. - Fix order of outer join during translation. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix case of missing alias on subquery in FROM clause. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix missing alias replacement in nested subqueries. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Fix wrong addition of aliases to using() in join clause - Fix nested decode replacement producing invalid CASE expression. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report. - Append aliases to subqueries in the from clause that do not have one. Thanks to Pavel Stehule for the report.
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Head First PHP & MySQL(中文版)
Lynn Beighley、Michael Morrison / 苏金国、徐阳 / 中国电力 / 2010-6 / 98.00元
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