Glide 4.2.0 发布,Android 图片加载和缓存库

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 7年前

内容简介:Glide 4.2.0 已发布,本次更新主要包括新功能的添加和 Bug 修复,例如增加了替代 Glide 默认编码器的支持,以及在具有相同的缓存键时,添加了一种更高级的方法来控制如何/何时重启请求。 具体如下: 功能 Added ...

Glide 4.2.0 已发布,本次更新主要包括新功能的添加和 Bug 修复,例如增加了替代 Glide 默认编码器的支持,以及在具有相同的缓存键时,添加了一种更高级的方法来控制如何/何时重启请求。



  • Added support for replacing Glide's default Encoders (03f5bd4#2349, thanks to @MistaGreen)

  • Added a more advanced way to control how/when requests are restarted when they have the same cache keys (b667cab, thanks to @Tolriq).

  • Repackaged Glide's annotation processor dependencies to avoid build errors with the generated API caused by dependency conflicts (a0e388e#2059, thanks to @TWiStErRob)

  • Added a bucketing system when registering custom components to make choosing the order in which the components are called easier and more intuitive (da90633, thanks to asuszek@).

  • Pass Options to ResourceTranscoders to allow customizing behavior (134870e#2417).

  • Added an interface to allow reporting or uncaught exceptions on Glide's thread pools (a1cd3af, thanks to @stephanenicolas)

Bug 修复

  • Fixed incorrect Bitmap pool sizes on some versions of Android (fe5289d#2334, thanks to @SUPERCILEX)

  • Fixed a resource leak when following redirects in Glide's default Http library (7f6259773a8054#2352)

  • Fixed a racy resource leak where DataFetchers were sometimes never closed (d482b8e)

  • Fixed load failures due to a simultaneous put exception in Glide's default disk cache (01f5a3d)

  • Fixed Http load failures caused by unexpected characters in the user agent of some devices (3cd0685)

  • Worked around an O specific ClassCastException in the OkHttp support library (a4af922)

  • Fixed logic in RequestFutureTarget to better match the Future documentation (f033e9b)

  • Fixed a few rounding issues when downsampling and transforming images to eliminate hardware bitmap errors and wasteful allocations when decoded Bitmaps from Downsampler are ~1 pixel off of the size required by Transformations (f5ba374b1b024e4b5ccaa)

  • Fix get(View) failing to find non-support Fragments (a0c5af1)

  • Add better null handling to ListPreloader (c3479c4#2379)

  • Fixed assertions when generated GlideRequests were used to load a model and then modified after the load was started (d56e08c).

  • Fixed load failures on some devices where UUIDs initialization is broken (d67ce32#1510)

  • Improved performance loading video frames slightly be avoiding duplicate setDataSource calls (a84deb3).

  • Handle all types of exceptions thrown by ResourceDecoders to allow other registered ResourceDecoders to run even if one decoder fails or behaves unexpectedly (6cffaab).

  • Fixed an exception using HARDWARE Bitmaps with images where Glide is unable to determine the original dimensions (f9757a5).

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the MediaStore thumbnail would be returned when Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL was used (4501396, thanks to asuszek@).


Glide 是一个 Android 上的图片加载和缓存库,其目的是实现平滑的图片列表滚动效果。

【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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