内容简介:build script is based on
- GoPlay is a media player framework for iOS. Based on FFmpeg and OpenGL ES 2.0. support all formats and custom your own filters by GLSL.
Build iOS
build script is based on FFmpeg-iOS-build-script
- To build everything:
- PS
After compile, if you want to custom your own library, you shoud notice three points: 1) copy ./ffmpeg-3.4.1/libavformat/avc.h ---> ./FFmpeg-iOS/include/libavformat/ 2) copy ./FFmpeg-iOS ---> ./GoPlay/GoPlay/Vendor/FFmpeg/ 3) config: Build Settings - Header Search Paths - "$(SRCROOT)/GoPlay/Vendor/FFmpeg/FFmpeg-iOS/include"
- H.264/H.265(hevc) hardware accelerator (VideoToolBox)
- support FFmpeg software Decode
- support all formats based on FFmpeg, including RTMP, RTSP, HTTP/HTTPS and so on
- support custom filter(based on OpenGL ES 2.0 glsl)
- support filter chain between source and display (refer GPUImage)
- support watermark filter
- VR video and arcball control
- accurate seek support
- powerful robust algorithm for audio and video synchronization
- support adaptive frame drop
- video-output: OpenGL ES 2.0
- audio-output: AudioUnit
// iOS - AVFoundation.framework - AudioToolBox.framework - VideoToolBox.framework - libiconv.tbd - libbz2.tbd - libz.tbd - FFmpeg 3.4.1
Basic Usage
PlayViewController* vc = [[PlayViewController alloc]init]; vc.url = @""; //input video/audio url [self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
Advanced Usage
//custom your own player based on FFPlay/FFFilter/FFView; //PlayViewController is a demo.
- plane video
- vr video
- video with watermark
- GitHub : dKingbin
- Email : loveforjyboss@163.com
Copyright (c) 2019 dKingbin Licensed under LGPLv2.1 or later
GoPlay required features are based on or derives from projects below:
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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加西亚-莫利纳(Hector Garcia-Molina)、Jeffrey D.Ullman、Jennifer Widom / 杨冬青、吴愈青、包小源 / 机械工业出版社 / 2010-5 / 59.00元
《数据库系统实现(第2版)》是斯坦福大学计算机科学专业数据库系列课程第二门课的教科书。书中对数据库系统实现原理进行了深入阐述,并具体讨论了数据库管理系统的三个主要成分——存储管理器、查询处理器和事务管理器的实现技术。此外,第2版充分反映了数据管理技术的新进展,对内容进行了扩充,除了在第1版中原有的“信息集成”一章(第10章)中加入了新的内容外,还增加了两个全新的章:“数据挖掘”(第11章)和“数据......一起来看看 《数据库系统实现》 这本书的介绍吧!