内容简介:Korora 26 发布了,Korora 的诞生是为了让 Linux 对新手而言更易于使用的同时对专业用户依然有用。Korora 的主旨是为通用计算提供一份完整的、易于使用的系统。 起初在 2005 年它是基于 Gentoo Linux 的,但在 ...
Korora 26 发布了,Korora 的诞生是为了让 Linux 对新手而言更易于使用的同时对专业用户依然有用。Korora 的主旨是为通用计算提供一份完整的、易于使用的系统。 起初在 2005 年它是基于 Gentoo Linux 的,但在 2010 年 Korora 重新以 Fedora 衍化的形式问世,并带有额外的微调及部件,具有各种用户友好的增强功能,并可选择五种桌面环境 — Cinnamon,GNOME,KDE Plasma,MATE 和 Xfce,以让系统能开箱即用。
Cinnamon 3.4
This new release of Cinnamon includes lots of refinements to the popular desktop environment. Refer to the Cinnamon Release Announcement for more details.
GNOME 3.24
GNOME 3.24 brings a number of new features to the Gnome desktop including the new Night Light setting which reduces eye strain. Refer to the GNOME Release Announcementfor more details.
KDE Plasma 5.10
KDE Plasma 5.10 gains a new default desktop view and improvements to the Task Manager among a long list of improvements. Refer to the KDE Plasma Release Announcementfor more details.
Mate 1.18
This release completes the migration to GTK3 but also includes many new features. Refer to the Mate Release announcement for more details.
Xfce 4.12
This release mainly focused on polishing the desktop and improving the user experience in various ways. Several core applications have been updated. Refer to the Xfce Tour for more details.
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Korora 26 发布,Linux 发行版》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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