QMQ有关actor的一篇 文章 阐述了actor的应用场景。即client消费消息的请求会先进入一个RequestQueue,在client消费消息时,往往存在多个主题、多个消费组共享一个RequestQueue消费消息。在这个Queue中,存在不同主题的有不同消费组数量,以及不同消费组有不同consumer数量,那么就会存在抢占资源的情况。举个 文章 中的例子,一个主题下有两个消费组A和B,A有100个consumer,B有200个consumer,那么在RequestQueue中来自B的请求可能会多于A,这个时候就存在消费unfair的情况,所以需要隔离不同主题不同消费组以保证fair。除此之外,当consumer消费能力不足,造成broker消息堆积,这个时候就会导致consumer所在消费组总在消费"老消息",影响全局整体的一个消费能力。因为"老消息"不会存在page cache中,这个时候很可能就会从磁盘load,那么表现是RequestQueue中来自消费"老消息"消费组的请求处理时间过长,影响到其他主题消费组的消费,因此这个时候也需要做策略来避免不同消费组的相互影响。所以QMQ就有了actor机制,以消除各个消费组之间因消费能力不同、consumer数量不同而造成的相互影响各自的消费能力。
class PullMessageWorker implements ActorSystem.Processor<PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry> { // 消息存储层 private final MessageStoreWrapper store; // actor private final ActorSystem actorSystem; private final ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentMap<String, Object>> subscribers; PullMessageWorker(MessageStoreWrapper store, ActorSystem actorSystem) { this.store = store; this.actorSystem = actorSystem; this.subscribers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } void pull(PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry pullEntry) { // subject+group作actor调度粒度 final String actorPath = ConsumerGroupUtils.buildConsumerGroupKey(pullEntry.subject, pullEntry.group); // actor调度 actorSystem.dispatch(actorPath, pullEntry, this); } @Override public boolean process(PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry entry , ActorSystem.Actor<PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry> self) { QMon.pullQueueTime(entry.subject, entry.group, entry.pullBegin); //开始处理请求的时候就过期了,那么就直接不处理了,也不返回任何东西给客户端,客户端等待超时 //因为出现这种情况一般是server端排队严重,暂时挂起客户端可以避免情况恶化 // deadline机制,如果QMQ认为这个消费请求来不及处理,那么就直接返回,避免雪崩 if (entry.expired()) { QMon.pullExpiredCountInc(entry.subject, entry.group); return true; } if (entry.isInValid()) { QMon.pullInValidCountInc(entry.subject, entry.group); return true; } // 存储层find消息 final PullMessageResult pullMessageResult = store.findMessages(entry.pullRequest); if (pullMessageResult == PullMessageResult.FILTER_EMPTY || pullMessageResult.getMessageNum() > 0 || entry.isPullOnce() || entry.isTimeout()) { entry.processMessageResult(pullMessageResult); return true; } // 没有拉取到消息,那么挂起该actor self.suspend(); // timer task,在超时前唤醒actor if (entry.setTimerOnDemand()) { QMon.suspendRequestCountInc(entry.subject, entry.group); // 订阅消息,一有消息来就唤醒该actor subscribe(entry.subject, entry.group); return false; } // 已经超时,那么即刻唤醒调度 self.resume(); entry.processNoMessageResult(); return true; } // 订阅 private void subscribe(String subject, String group) { ConcurrentMap<String, Object> map = subscribers.get(subject); if (map == null) { map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); map = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(subscribers.putIfAbsent(subject, map), map); } map.putIfAbsent(group, HOLDER); } // 有消息来就唤醒订阅的subscriber void remindNewMessages(final String subject) { final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> map = this.subscribers.get(subject); if (map == null) return; for (String group : map.keySet()) { map.remove(group); this.actorSystem.resume(ConsumerGroupUtils.buildConsumerGroupKey(subject, group)); QMon.resumeActorCountInc(subject, group); } } } // ActorSystem内定义的处理接口 public interface ActorSystem.Processor<T> { boolean process(T message, Actor<T> self); } 复制代码
能看出在这里起作用的是这个actorSystem。PullMessageWorker继承了ActorSystem.Processor,所以真正处理拉取请求的是这个接口里的process方法。请求到达pullMessageWorker,worker将该次请求交给actorSystem调度,调度到这次请求时,worker还有个根据拉取结果做反应的策略,即如果暂时没有消息,那么suspend,以一个timer task定时resume;如果在timer task执行之前有消息进来,那么也会即时resume。
接下来就看看ActorSystem里边是如何做的 公平调度
public class ActorSystem { // 内部维护的是一个ConcurrentMap,key即PullMessageWorker里的subject+group private final ConcurrentMap<String, Actor> actors; // 执行actor的executor private final ThreadPoolExecutor executor; private final AtomicInteger actorsCount; private final String name; public ActorSystem(String name) { this(name, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4, true); } public ActorSystem(String name, int threads, boolean fair) { this.name = name; this.actorsCount = new AtomicInteger(); // 这里根据fair参数初始化一个优先级队列作为executor的参数,处理关于前言里说的"老消息"的情况 BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = fair ? new PriorityBlockingQueue<>() : new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); this.executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threads, threads, 60, TimeUnit.MINUTES, queue, new NamedThreadFactory("actor-sys-" + name)); this.actors = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); QMon.dispatchersGauge(name, actorsCount::doubleValue); QMon.actorSystemQueueGauge(name, () -> (double) executor.getQueue().size()); } } 复制代码
// PullMessageWorker调用的就是这个方法 public <E> void dispatch(String actorPath, E msg, Processor<E> processor) { // 取得actor Actor<E> actor = createOrGet(actorPath, processor); // 在后文Actor定义里能看到,actor内部维护一个queue,这里actor仅仅是offer(msg) actor.dispatch(msg); // 执行调度 schedule(actor, true); } // 无消息时,则会挂起 public void suspend(String actorPath) { Actor actor = actors.get(actorPath); if (actor == null) return; actor.suspend(); } // 有消息则恢复,可以理解成线程的"就绪状态" public void resume(String actorPath) { Actor actor = actors.get(actorPath); if (actor == null) return; actor.resume(); // 立即调度,可以留意一下那个false // 当actor是"可调度状态"时,这个actor是否能调度是取决于actor的queue是否有消息 schedule(actor, false); } private <E> Actor<E> createOrGet(String actorPath, Processor<E> processor) { Actor<E> actor = actors.get(actorPath); if (actor != null) return actor; Actor<E> add = new Actor<>(this.name, actorPath, this, processor, DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE); Actor<E> old = actors.putIfAbsent(actorPath, add); if (old == null) { LOG.info("create actorSystem: {}", actorPath); actorsCount.incrementAndGet(); return add; } return old; } // 将actor入队的地方 private <E> boolean schedule(Actor<E> actor, boolean hasMessageHint) { // 如果actor不能调度,则ret false if (!actor.canBeSchedule(hasMessageHint)) return false; // 设置actor为"可调度状态" if (actor.setAsScheduled()) { // 提交时间,和actor执行总耗时共同决定在队列里的优先级 actor.submitTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 入队,入的是线程池里的优先级队列 this.executor.execute(actor); return true; } // actor.setAsScheduled()里,这里是actor已经是可调度状态,那么没必要再次入队 return false; } 复制代码
public static class Actor<E> implements Runnable, Comparable<Actor> { // 初始状态 private static final int Open = 0; // 可调度状态 private static final int Scheduled = 2; // 掩码,二进制表示:11 与Open和Scheduled作&运算 // shouldScheduleMask¤tStatus != Open 则为不可置为调度状态(当currentStatus为挂起状态或调度状态) private static final int shouldScheduleMask = 3; private static final int shouldNotProcessMask = ~2; // 挂起状态 private static final int suspendUnit = 4; //每个actor至少执行的时间片 private static final int QUOTA = 5; // status属性内存偏移量,用Unsafe操作 private static long statusOffset; static { try { statusOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(Actor.class.getDeclaredField("status")); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(t); } } final String systemName; final ActorSystem actorSystem; // actor内部维护的queue,后文简单分析下 final BoundedNodeQueue<E> queue; // ActorSystem内部定义接口,PullMessageWorker实现的就是这个接口,用于真正业务逻辑处理的地方 final Processor<E> processor; private final String name; // 一个actor执行总耗时 private long total; // actor执行提交时间,即actor入队时间 private volatile long submitTs; //通过Unsafe操作 private volatile int status; Actor(String systemName, String name, ActorSystem actorSystem, Processor<E> processor, final int queueSize) { this.systemName = systemName; this.name = name; this.actorSystem = actorSystem; this.processor = processor; this.queue = new BoundedNodeQueue<>(queueSize); QMon.actorQueueGauge(systemName, name, () -> (double) queue.count()); } // 入队,是actor内部的队列 boolean dispatch(E message) { return queue.add(message); } // actor执行的地方 @Override public void run() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String old = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { Thread.currentThread().setName(systemName + "-" + name); if (shouldProcessMessage()) { processMessages(); } } finally { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; // 每次actor执行的耗时累加到total total += duration; QMon.actorProcessTime(name, duration); Thread.currentThread().setName(old); // 设置为"空闲状态",即初始状态 (currentStatus & ~Scheduled) setAsIdle(); // 进行下一次调度 this.actorSystem.schedule(this, false); } } void processMessages() { long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + QUOTA; while (true) { E message = queue.peek(); if (message == null) return; // 处理业务逻辑 boolean process = processor.process(message, this); // 失败,该message不会出队,等待下一次调度 // 如pullMessageWorker中没有消息时将actor挂起 if (!process) return; // 出队 queue.pollNode(); // 每个actor只有QUOTA个时间片的执行时间 if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= deadline) return; } } final boolean shouldProcessMessage() { // 能够真正执行业务逻辑的判断 // 一种场景是,针对挂起状态,由于没有拉取到消息该actor置为挂起状态 // 自然就没有抢占时间片的必要了 return (currentStatus() & shouldNotProcessMask) == 0; } // 能否调度 private boolean canBeSchedule(boolean hasMessageHint) { int s = currentStatus(); if (s == Open || s == Scheduled) return hasMessageHint || !queue.isEmpty(); return false; } public final boolean resume() { while (true) { int s = currentStatus(); int next = s < suspendUnit ? s : s - suspendUnit; if (updateStatus(s, next)) return next < suspendUnit; } } public final void suspend() { while (true) { int s = currentStatus(); if (updateStatus(s, s + suspendUnit)) return; } } final boolean setAsScheduled() { while (true) { int s = currentStatus(); // currentStatus为非Open状态,则ret false if ((s & shouldScheduleMask) != Open) return false; // 更新actor状态为调度状态 if (updateStatus(s, s | Scheduled)) return true; } } final void setAsIdle() { while (true) { int s = currentStatus(); // 更新actor状态位不可调度状态,(这里可以理解为更新为初始状态Open) if (updateStatus(s, s & ~Scheduled)) return; } } final int currentStatus() { // 根据status在内存中的偏移量取得status return Unsafe.instance.getIntVolatile(this, statusOffset); } private boolean updateStatus(int oldStatus, int newStatus) { // Unsafe 原子操作,处理status的轮转变更 return Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, oldStatus, newStatus); } // 决定actor在优先级队列里的优先级的地方 // 先看总耗时,以达到动态限速,保证执行"慢"的请求(已经堆积的消息拉取请求)在后执行 // 其次看提交时间,先提交的actor先执行 @Override public int compareTo(Actor o) { int result = Long.compare(total, o.total); return result == 0 ? Long.compare(submitTs, o.submitTs) : result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Actor<?> actor = (Actor<?>) o; return Objects.equals(systemName, actor.systemName) && Objects.equals(name, actor.name); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(systemName, name); } } 复制代码
Actor内部维护一个Queue,这个Queue是自定义的,是一个Lock-free bounded non-blocking multiple-producer single-consumer queue。JDK里的QUEUE多数都是用锁控制,不用锁,猜测也应该是用Unsafe 原子操作实现。那么来看看吧:
private static class BoundedNodeQueue<T> { // 头结点、尾节点在内存中的偏移量 private final static long enqOffset, deqOffset; static { try { enqOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(BoundedNodeQueue.class.getDeclaredField("_enqDoNotCallMeDirectly")); deqOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(BoundedNodeQueue.class.getDeclaredField("_deqDoNotCallMeDirectly")); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(t); } } private final int capacity; // 尾节点,通过enqOffset操作 private volatile Node<T> _enqDoNotCallMeDirectly; // 头结点,通过deqOffset操作 private volatile Node<T> _deqDoNotCallMeDirectly; protected BoundedNodeQueue(final int capacity) { if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("AbstractBoundedNodeQueue.capacity must be >= 0"); this.capacity = capacity; final Node<T> n = new Node<T>(); setDeq(n); setEnq(n); } // 获取尾节点 private Node<T> getEnq() { // getObjectVolatile这种方式保证拿到的都是最新数据 return (Node<T>) Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, enqOffset); } // 设置尾节点,仅在初始化时用 private void setEnq(Node<T> n) { Unsafe.instance.putObjectVolatile(this, enqOffset, n); } private boolean casEnq(Node<T> old, Node<T> nju) { // cas,循环设置,直到成功 return Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, enqOffset, old, nju); } // 获取头结点 private Node<T> getDeq() { return (Node<T>) Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, deqOffset); } // 仅在初始化时用 private void setDeq(Node<T> n) { Unsafe.instance.putObjectVolatile(this, deqOffset, n); } // cas设置头结点 private boolean casDeq(Node<T> old, Node<T> nju) { return Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, deqOffset, old, nju); } // 与其叫count,不如唤作index,但是是否应该考虑溢出的情况? public final int count() { final Node<T> lastNode = getEnq(); final int lastNodeCount = lastNode.count; return lastNodeCount - getDeq().count; } /** * @return the maximum capacity of this queue */ public final int capacity() { return capacity; } public final boolean add(final T value) { for (Node<T> n = null; ; ) { final Node<T> lastNode = getEnq(); final int lastNodeCount = lastNode.count; if (lastNodeCount - getDeq().count < capacity) { // Trade a branch for avoiding to create a new node if full, // and to avoid creating multiple nodes on write conflict á la Be Kind to Your GC if (n == null) { n = new Node<T>(); n.value = value; } n.count = lastNodeCount + 1; // Piggyback on the HB-edge between getEnq() and casEnq() // Try to putPullLogs the node to the end, if we fail we continue loopin' // 相当于 // enq -> next = new Node(value); enq = neq -> next; if (casEnq(lastNode, n)) { // 注意一下这个Node.setNext方法 lastNode.setNext(n); return true; } } else return false; // Over capacity—couldn't add the node } } public final boolean isEmpty() { // enq == deq 即为empty return getEnq() == getDeq(); } /** * Removes the first element of this queue if any * * @return the value of the first element of the queue, null if empty */ public final T poll() { final Node<T> n = pollNode(); return (n != null) ? n.value : null; } public final T peek() { Node<T> n = peekNode(); return (n != null) ? n.value : null; } protected final Node<T> peekNode() { for (; ; ) { final Node<T> deq = getDeq(); final Node<T> next = deq.next(); if (next != null || getEnq() == deq) return next; } } /** * Removes the first element of this queue if any * * @return the `Node` of the first element of the queue, null if empty */ public final Node<T> pollNode() { for (; ; ) { final Node<T> deq = getDeq(); final Node<T> next = deq.next(); if (next != null) { if (casDeq(deq, next)) { deq.value = next.value; deq.setNext(null); next.value = null; return deq; } // else we retry (concurrent consumers) // 比较套路的cas操作,就不多说了 } else if (getEnq() == deq) return null; // If we got a null and head meets tail, we are empty } } public static class Node<T> { private final static long nextOffset; static { try { nextOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(Node.class.getDeclaredField("_nextDoNotCallMeDirectly")); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(t); } } protected T value; protected int count; // 也是利用偏移量操作 private volatile Node<T> _nextDoNotCallMeDirectly; public final Node<T> next() { return (Node<T>) Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, nextOffset); } protected final void setNext(final Node<T> newNext) { // 这里有点讲究,下面分析下 Unsafe.instance.putOrderedObject(this, nextOffset, newNext); } } } 复制代码
如上代码,是通过属性在内存的偏移量,结合cas原子操作来进行更新赋值等操作,以此来实现lock-free,这是比较常规的套路。值得一说的是Node里的setNext方法,这个方法的调用是在cas节点后,对"上一位置"的next节点进行赋值。而这个方法使用的是Unsafe.instance.putOrderedObject,要说这个putOrderedObject,就不得不说MESI,缓存一致性协议。如volatile,当进行写操作时,它是依靠storeload barrier来实现其他线程对此的可见性。而putOrderedObject也是依靠内存屏障,只不过是storestore barrier。storestore是比storeload快速的一种内存屏障。在硬件层面,内存屏障分两种:Load-Barrier和Store-Barrier。Load-Barrier是让高速缓存中的数据失效,强制重新从主内存加载数据;Store-Barrier是让写入高速缓存的数据更新写入主内存,对其他线程可见。而 java 层面的四种内存屏障无非是硬件层面的两种内存屏障的组合而已。那么可见,storestore barrier自然比storeload barrier快速。那么有一个问题,我们可不可以在这里也用cas操作呢?答案是可以,但没必要。你可以想想这里为什么没必要。
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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Head First Design Patterns
Elisabeth Freeman、Eric Freeman、Bert Bates、Kathy Sierra、Elisabeth Robson / O'Reilly Media / 2004-11-1 / USD 49.99
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