内容简介:Duplex 一年的落地实践,可能还是「唉」来自一家照片存储应用的「全新商业模式」
Duplex 一年的落地实践,可能还是「唉」
来自 Verge 的报道,Google Duplex 在美国多地酒店落地实践的结果:
One year later, Duplex is still limited and, at least for now, has minimal impact on service workers aside from occasionally freaking them out, but there is perhaps an unintended byproduct of AI replacing humans: politeness.
“It’s easier talking to [Duplex],” Thanaraksalakul says. English is her second language and working at the restaurant is where she gets to truly practice it. So when she repeats questions or misunderstands someone on the phone, the customer is not always patient with her. That misunderstanding can sometimes lead to an unpleasant experience when the customer shows up in person, or it can even result in a poor review online that talking to the AI can be an accidental reprieve.
Kindness is not always an expected interaction at work in the service industry, and it’s one thing Myriah also appreciates about the call from Google. “It was kind of creepy,” she says, “but it was very polite.”
来自 NBC 的报道,这家名叫 Ever 的图片存储应用,暗地里将用户上传的照片作为训练脸部识别算法的数据,将其卖过其他公司:
Everything about Ever’s branding is warm and fuzzy, about sharing your “best moments” while freeing up space on your phone.
What isn’t obvious on Ever’s website or app — except for a brief reference that was added to the privacy policy after NBC News reached out to the company in April — is that the photos people share are used to train the company’s facial recognition system, and that Ever then offers to sell that technology to private companies, law enforcement and the military.
In other words, what began in 2013 as another cloud storage app has pivoted toward a far more lucrative business known as Ever AI — without telling the app’s millions of users.
Google 将语音处理下沉到终端设备后,智能语音助手会进入新的阶段吗?
来自 Techrepublic 的一篇分析,将智能能力下沉到终端将是一个重要趋势,接下来就看 Google 如何将这种能力赋能给更多开发者:
Google is pushing this voice recognition from the cloud onto the edge, with the new Google Assistant unveiled at I/O 2019, that uses a compacted machine learning library that the company claims is built from 100 GB of data to less than half a gigabyte, with CNET noting that "the souped-up digital helper requires hefty computing power for a phone, so it will only be available on high-end devices. Google will debut the product on the next premium version of its flagship Pixel phone, expected in the fall."
For developers, Google is expanding their Edge ML capabilities, with betas of the On-device Translation API, an Object Detection & Tracking API, and AutoML Vision Edge unveiled at I/O 2019. The technology that powers the next-generation Google Assistant is not (yet) deployable for developers' projects, however.观点
Oracle 是如何失去中国市场的?
来自 钛媒体 的一篇文章,以 Oracle 中国裁员为契机,盘点了这家数据库巨头在中国的衰退历史,何止是中国市场,Oracle 现在所面临的危机是产品层面的,当 以 AWS 为代表的云服务开始推行云数据库时,Oracle 的荣耀时代已然结束:
但现实并不如他所料。Gartner 的分析指出,2014年商业数据库市场容量大约300亿美元,到2021年将会衰减到220亿美元左右,它正逐渐被开源数据库和云原生数据库追平。在商业数据库中市场占有率超五成的Oracle自然也很难独善其身。
面对云计算的攻城略地,Larry Ellison终于还是急了。错失了窗口期之后,Oracle显得瞻前顾后,裹足不前。在美国,AWS的高管在公开场合,也能理直气壮地diss了Oracle——毕竟相较于AWS,Oracle基本可以算是二流玩家。
“一代人有一代人的使命。”李林想到的是从前Oracle DBA的往事,那时候社区文化发达, Oracle DBA的身份就让人引以为豪,“老兵不死,老兵只是老去。”
在Oracle身后,是中国浩浩荡荡的互联网浪潮。如此不难理解,IOE在中国的衰落,不过是在互联网时代,中国的互联网企业颠覆传统IT厂商的一种体现。谁会拯救 Oracle?至少,这个人不会是 Laryy Ellison。
Moleskine 与 Dropbox 推出全新的智能笔记本
来自 Verge 的报道,Moleskine 的确会做生意呀:
The Dropbox Smart Notebook is a riff on Moleskine’s existing smart notebooks, which do the same thing, but with Creative Cloud or Evernote. The smart notebook pages are lined with small dots to help with text recognition, and there are squares on the corners to help the camera line up journal content. It doesn’t add much beyond what you’d get by taking a photo of a regular journal with your phone camera, but it saves you an extra step. If you’re the type of person to meticulously back up your journal pages, it might be nice to have as a quick shortcut.
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