-- download from file server. -- run command as DownloadExt.`` where -- from="public/SogouCS.reduced.tar" and -- to="/tmp/nlp/sogo"; -- or you can use command line: -- !saveUploadFileToHome public/SogouCS.reduced.tar /tmp/nlp/sogo; -- load data with xml format load xml.`/tmp/nlp/sogo/news_sohusite_xml.dat` where rowTag="doc" and charset="GBK" as xmlData; --extract `sports` from url[http://sports.sohu.com/20070422/n249599819.shtml] select temp.* from (select split(split(url,"/")[2],"\\.")[0] as labelStr,content from xmlData) as temp where temp.labelStr is not null as rawData; -- try to use the follow sql to explore how many label we have and how they looks like. -- -- select distinct(split(split(url,"/")[2],"\\.")[0]) as labelStr from rawData as output; -- select split(split(url,"/")[2],"\\.")[0] as labelStr,url from rawData as output; -- train a model which can map label to number and vice versa train rawData as StringIndex.`/tmp/nlp/label_mapping` where inputCol="labelStr"and outputCol="label" ; -- convert label to number predict rawData as StringIndex.`/tmp/nlp/label_mapping` as rawDataWithLabel; -- you can use register to convert a model to a functioin register StringIndex.`/tmp/nlp/label_mapping` as convert_label; -- we can reduce the dataset. Because if there are too much data but just get limited resource -- it may take too long. you can use command line -- or you can use raw ET: -- -- run xmlData as RateSampler.`` -- where labelCol="url" and sampleRate="0.9,0.1" -- as xmlDataArray; !split rawDataWithLabel by label with "0.9,0.1" named xmlDataArray; -- then we fetch the xmlDataArray with position one to get the 10% data. select * from xmlDataArray where __split__=1 as miniXmlData; -- we can save the result data, because it really take much time. save overwrite miniXmlData as parquet.`/tmp/nlp/miniXmlData`; load parquet.`/tmp/nlp/miniXmlData` as miniXmlData; -- select * from miniXmlData limit 10 as output; --convert the content to tfidf format train miniXmlData as TfIdfInPlace.`/tmp/nlp/tfidf` where inputCol="content" as trainData; save overwrite trainData as parquet.`/tmp/nlp/trainData`; load parquet.`/tmp/nlp/trainData` as trainData; -- again register a model as a functioin register TfIdfInPlace.`/tmp/nlp/tfidf` as tfidf_predict; -- use algorithm RandomForest to train train trainData as RandomForest.`/tmp/nlp/rf` where keepVersion="true" and fitParam.0.featuresCol="content" and fitParam.0.inputLabel="labelCol" and fitParam.0.maxDepth="4" and fitParam.0.checkpointInterval="100" ; -- register RF model as a functioin register RandomForest.`/tmp/nlp/rf` as rf_predict; -- end to end predict; you can also deploy this as a API service select rf_predict(tfidf_predict("新闻不错")) as predicted as output;
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Andy Hunt / 崔康 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-12-10 / 39.00元
本书解释了为什么软件开发是一种精神活动,思考如何解决问题,并就开发人员如何能更好地开发软件进行了评论。书中不仅给出了一些理论上的答案,同时提供了大量实践技术和窍门。 本书供各层次软件开发人员阅读。一起来看看 《程序员的思维修炼》 这本书的介绍吧!