内容简介:上一篇关于关于怎么在文字里面加入图片,在这篇文章里面我就不再介绍了,有兴趣的同学可以先看一下Extended Text,原理是一毛一样的。
extended_text_field 相关文章
上一篇关于 extended_text_field 的文章主要介绍下用法,这篇文章介绍下,实现的过程。
关于怎么在文字里面加入图片,在这篇文章里面我就不再介绍了,有兴趣的同学可以先看一下Extended Text,原理是一毛一样的。
除了 工具 类,其他都是从官方那边copy过来,然后进行修改的。
我们先打开 extended_editable_text.dart
class TextInputConnection { TextInputConnection._(this._client) : assert(_client != null), _id = _nextId++; static int _nextId = 1; final int _id; final TextInputClient _client; /// Whether this connection is currently interacting with the text input control. bool get attached => _clientHandler._currentConnection == this; /// Requests that the text input control become visible. void show() { assert(attached); SystemChannels.textInput.invokeMethod<void>('TextInput.show'); } /// Requests that the text input control change its internal state to match the given state. void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) { assert(attached); SystemChannels.textInput.invokeMethod<void>( 'TextInput.setEditingState', value.toJSON(), ); } /// Stop interacting with the text input control. /// /// After calling this method, the text input control might disappear if no /// other client attaches to it within this animation frame. void close() { if (attached) { SystemChannels.textInput.invokeMethod<void>('TextInput.clearClient'); _clientHandler .._currentConnection = null .._scheduleHide(); } assert(!attached); } } 复制代码
可以看到3里面的几个方法都有调用 SystemChannels.textInput.invokeMethod
text field会在点击的时候获得焦点,并且打开键盘的链接,这样就可以接受到键盘的响应,那么原生反馈Flutter是在哪里呢,是在_TextInputClientHandler _clientHandler这个里面. 我们也看看_TextInputClientHandler里面的代码
class _TextInputClientHandler { _TextInputClientHandler() { SystemChannels.textInput.setMethodCallHandler(_handleTextInputInvocation); } TextInputConnection _currentConnection; Future<dynamic> _handleTextInputInvocation(MethodCall methodCall) async { if (_currentConnection == null) return; final String method = methodCall.method; final List<dynamic> args = methodCall.arguments; final int client = args[0]; // The incoming message was for a different client. if (client != _currentConnection._id) return; switch (method) { case 'TextInputClient.updateEditingState': _currentConnection._client.updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue.fromJSON(args[1])); break; case 'TextInputClient.performAction': _currentConnection._client.performAction(_toTextInputAction(args[1])); break; case 'TextInputClient.updateFloatingCursor': _currentConnection._client.updateFloatingCursor(_toTextPoint(_toTextCursorAction(args[1]), args[2])); break; default: throw MissingPluginException(); } } bool _hidePending = false; void _scheduleHide() { if (_hidePending) return; _hidePending = true; // Schedule a deferred task that hides the text input. If someone else // shows the keyboard during this update cycle, then the task will do // nothing. scheduleMicrotask(() { _hidePending = false; if (_currentConnection == null) SystemChannels.textInput.invokeMethod<void>('TextInput.hide'); }); } } final _TextInputClientHandler _clientHandler = _TextInputClientHandler(); 复制代码
case 'TextInputClient.updateEditingState': _currentConnection._client.updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue.fromJSON(args[1])); break; 复制代码
/// The current text being edited. final String text; /// The range of text that is currently selected. final TextSelection selection; /// The range of text that is still being composed. final TextRange composing; 复制代码
- 键盘通过TextInputConnection,执行3个方法传递变化给输入框
/// Requests that this client update its editing state to the given value. void updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue value); /// Requests that this client perform the given action. void performAction(TextInputAction action); /// Updates the floating cursor position and state. void updateFloatingCursor(RawFloatingCursorPoint point); 复制代码
- 输入框通过TextInputConnection,也可以把TextEditingValue传递给键盘,
/// Requests that the text input control change its internal state to match the given state. void setEditingState(TextEditingValue value) /// Requests that the text input control become visible. void show() /// Stop interacting with the text input control. /// /// After calling this method, the text input control might disappear if no /// other client attaches to it within this animation frame. void close() 复制代码
接下来我们移动到buildTextSpan 方法
/// Builds [TextSpan] from current editing value. /// /// By default makes text in composing range appear as underlined. /// Descendants can override this method to customize appearance of text. TextSpan buildTextSpan(BuildContext context) 复制代码
TextSpan buildTextSpan(BuildContext context) { if (!widget.obscureText && _value.composing.isValid) { final TextStyle composingStyle = widget.style.merge( const TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline), ); var beforeText = _value.composing.textBefore(_value.text); var insideText = _value.composing.textInside(_value.text); var afterText = _value.composing.textAfter(_value.text); if (supportSpecialText) { var before = widget.specialTextSpanBuilder .build(beforeText, textStyle: widget.style); var after = widget.specialTextSpanBuilder .build(afterText, textStyle: widget.style); List<TextSpan> children = List<TextSpan>(); if (before != null && before.children != null) { _createImageConfiguration(<TextSpan>[before], context); before.children.forEach((sp) { children.add(sp); }); } else { children.add(TextSpan(text: beforeText)); } children.add(TextSpan( style: composingStyle, text: insideText, )); if (after != null && after.children != null) { _createImageConfiguration(<TextSpan>[after], context); after.children.forEach((sp) { children.add(sp); }); } else { children.add(TextSpan(text: afterText)); } return TextSpan(style: widget.style, children: children); } return TextSpan(style: widget.style, children: <TextSpan>[ TextSpan(text: beforeText), TextSpan( style: composingStyle, text: insideText, ), TextSpan(text: afterText), ]); } String text = _value.text; if (widget.obscureText) { text = RenderEditable.obscuringCharacter * text.length; final int o = _obscureShowCharTicksPending > 0 ? _obscureLatestCharIndex : null; if (o != null && o >= 0 && o < text.length) text = text.replaceRange(o, o + 1, _value.text.substring(o, o + 1)); } if (supportSpecialText) { var specialTextSpan = widget.specialTextSpanBuilder?.build(text, textStyle: widget.style); if (specialTextSpan != null) { _createImageConfiguration(<TextSpan>[specialTextSpan], context); return specialTextSpan; } } return TextSpan(style: widget.style, text: text); } 复制代码
拿到TextSpan,那么下一步,我们就要准备去绘制文字了,我们去看看 extended_render_editable.dart
大概看了下源码,就感觉跟 extended text 里面的extended_render_paragraph 差别不大,区别是输入框增加了对光标,以及选中背景的绘制。
源码的绘制顺序是 选中背景,光标,文本(当然根据平台不同,光标和文本顺序也不同),
修改之后 绘制顺序为 选中背景,特殊文本(图片等),光标,文本(当然根据平台不同,光标和文本顺序也不同)
移动到_paintSpecialText方法中,跟Extended Text一样,支持图片和自定义背景2种特殊文本,区别只是我只遍历children,不会再到children的children里面去找特殊文本了
void _paintSpecialText(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (!handleSpecialText) return; final Canvas canvas = context.canvas; canvas.save(); ///move to extended text canvas.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy); ///we have move the canvas, so rect top left should be (0,0) final Rect rect = Offset(0.0, 0.0) & size; _paintSpecialTextChildren(text.children, canvas, rect); canvas.restore(); } void _paintSpecialTextChildren( List<TextSpan> textSpans, Canvas canvas, Rect rect, {int textOffset: 0}) { if (textSpans == null) return; for (TextSpan ts in textSpans) { Offset topLeftOffset = getOffsetForCaret( TextPosition(offset: textOffset), rect, ); //skip invalid or overflow if (topLeftOffset == null || (textOffset != 0 && topLeftOffset == Offset.zero)) { return; } if (ts is ImageSpan) { ///imageSpanTransparentPlaceholder \u200B has no width, and we define image width by ///use letterSpacing,so the actual top-left offset of image should be subtract letterSpacing(width)/2.0 Offset imageSpanOffset = topLeftOffset - Offset(getImageSpanCorrectPosition(ts, textDirection), 0.0); if (!ts.paint(canvas, imageSpanOffset)) { //image not ready ts.resolveImage( listener: (ImageInfo imageInfo, bool synchronousCall) { if (synchronousCall) ts.paint(canvas, imageSpanOffset); else { if (owner == null || !owner.debugDoingPaint) { markNeedsPaint(); } } }); } } else if (ts is BackgroundTextSpan) { var painter = ts.layout(_textPainter); Rect textRect = topLeftOffset & painter.size; Offset endOffset; if (textRect.right > rect.right) { int endTextOffset = textOffset + ts.toPlainText().length; endOffset = _findEndOffset(rect, endTextOffset); } ts.paint(canvas, topLeftOffset, rect, endOffset: endOffset, wholeTextPainter: _textPainter); } // else if (ts.children != null) { // _paintSpecialTextChildren(ts.children, canvas, rect, // textOffset: textOffset); // } textOffset += ts.toPlainText().length; } } 复制代码
我们把眼光移动到 extended_text_selection.dart
跟它的名字一样,它是OverlayEntry,主要是负责显示那个 比如(copy,paste,select all)这种菜单的。
眼光再次移动到 extended_text_field.dart
child: IgnorePointer( ignoring: !(widget.enabled ?? widget.decoration?.enabled ?? true), child: TextSelectionGestureDetector( onTapDown: _handleTapDown, onForcePressStart: forcePressEnabled ? _handleForcePressStarted : null, onSingleTapUp: _handleSingleTapUp, onSingleTapCancel: _handleSingleTapCancel, onSingleLongTapStart: _handleSingleLongTapStart, onSingleLongTapMoveUpdate: _handleSingleLongTapMoveUpdate, onSingleLongTapEnd: _handleSingleLongTapEnd, onDoubleTapDown: _handleDoubleTapDown, onDragSelectionStart: _handleMouseDragSelectionStart, onDragSelectionUpdate: _handleMouseDragSelectionUpdate, behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent, child: child, ), ), 复制代码
我们使用的真实值以及键盘的值是用TextEditingValue 来保存的,而我们绘画文本是用TextSpan以及TextPainter来进行计算的,所以我们需要给他们2者之间来一个转换,让我们把目光移动到 extended_text_field_utils.dart
TextPosition convertTextInputPostionToTextPainterPostion( TextSpan text, TextPosition textPosition) TextSelection convertTextInputSelectionToTextPainterSelection( TextSpan text, TextSelection selection) TextPosition convertTextPainterPostionToTextInputPostion( TextSpan text, TextPosition textPosition) TextSelection convertTextPainterSelectionToTextInputSelection( TextSpan text, TextSelection selection) 复制代码
其实道理很简单,就是双方文字的差异就是这个光标表示方法的差异,就像上面的例子,"[1]" 和 ""之间差距是2,这就会导致它们表示的光标位置差距也是2,根据这个原理我们就可以把它们进行互相的转换了。
- 图片光标以及选中背景的位置问题
因为ImageSpan的做法是使用\u200B(ZERO WIDTH SPACE,就是宽带为0的空白),而使用letterSpacing当作宽度,所以通过 TextPainter计算出来的位置,是在letterSpacing的中间,图片绘画的地方应该要向前移动width / 2.0。也就是说如果光标在图片前,要向前移动width / 2.0。如果光标在图片之后,要向后移动width / 2.0。 对于选中背景也是同样的道理。
// zmt double imageTextSpanWidth = 0.0; Offset imageSpanEndCaretOffset; if (handleSpecialText) { var textSpan = text.getSpanForPosition(textPosition); if (textSpan != null) { if (textSpan is ImageSpan) { if (textInputPosition.offset >= textSpan.start && textInputPosition.offset < textSpan.end) { imageTextSpanWidth -= getImageSpanCorrectPosition(textSpan, textDirection); } else if (textInputPosition.offset == textSpan.end) { ///_textPainter.getOffsetForCaret is not right. imageSpanEndCaretOffset = _textPainter.getOffsetForCaret( TextPosition( offset: textPosition.offset - 1, affinity: textPosition.affinity), effectiveOffset & size, ) + Offset( getImageSpanCorrectPosition(textSpan, textDirection), 0.0); } } } else { //handle image text span is last one, textPainter will get wrong offset //last one textSpan = text.children?.last; if (textSpan != null && textSpan is ImageSpan) { imageSpanEndCaretOffset = _textPainter.getOffsetForCaret( TextPosition( offset: textPosition.offset - 1, affinity: textPosition.affinity), effectiveOffset & size, ) + Offset(getImageSpanCorrectPosition(textSpan, textDirection), 0.0); } } } final Offset caretOffset = (imageSpanEndCaretOffset ?? _textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(textPosition, _caretPrototype) + Offset(imageTextSpanWidth, 0.0)) + effectiveOffset; 复制代码
- 特殊文本输入时候的光标修正
///correct caret Offset ///make sure caret is not in image span TextEditingValue correctCaretOffset(TextEditingValue value, TextSpan textSpan, TextInputConnection textInputConnection) { if (value.selection.isValid && value.selection.isCollapsed) { int caretOffset = value.selection.extentOffset; var imageSpans = textSpan.children.where((x) => x is ImageSpan); //correct caret Offset //make sure caret is not in image span for (ImageSpan ts in imageSpans) { if (caretOffset > ts.start && caretOffset < ts.end) { //move caretOffset to end caretOffset = ts.end; break; } } ///tell textInput caretOffset is changed. if (caretOffset != value.selection.baseOffset) { value = value.copyWith( selection: value.selection .copyWith(baseOffset: caretOffset, extentOffset: caretOffset)); textInputConnection?.setEditingState(value); } } return value; } 复制代码
- getFullHeightForCaret api在低版本不支持
TextPainter的getFullHeightForCaret 在低版本上面不支持,如果你是适合的版本建议打开下面的注释,这样光标的高度会更舒服。
///zmt ///1.5.7 ///under lower version of flutter, getFullHeightForCaret is not support /// // Override the height to take the full height of the glyph at the TextPosition // when not on iOS. iOS has special handling that creates a taller caret. // TODO(garyq): See the TODO for _getCaretPrototype. // if (defaultTargetPlatform != TargetPlatform.iOS && // _textPainter.getFullHeightForCaret(textPosition, _caretPrototype) != // null) { // caretRect = Rect.fromLTWH( // caretRect.left, // // Offset by _kCaretHeightOffset to counteract the same value added in // // _getCaretPrototype. This prevents this from scaling poorly for small // // font sizes. // caretRect.top - _kCaretHeightOffset, // caretRect.width, // _textPainter.getFullHeightForCaret(textPosition, _caretPrototype), // ); // } 复制代码
当这5个都介绍完毕的时候,我们就讲的差不多了,为了方便大家查看我修改的地方,你只需要搜索 zmt ,就能快速找到我为支持扩展功能而添加的代码了。
最后放上 extended_text_field ,如果你有什么不明白或者对这个方案有什么改进的地方,请告诉我,欢迎加入 Flutter Candies ,一起生产可爱的Flutter 小糖果(QQ群:181398081)
最最后放上 Flutter Candies 全家桶,真香。
custom flutter candies(widgets) for you to easily build flutter app, enjoy it.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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《一站式学习c编程》有两条线索,一条线索是以linux平台为载体全面深入地介绍c语言的语法和程序的工作原理,另一条线索是介绍程序设计的基本思想和开发调试方法。本书分为两部分:第一部分讲解编程语言和程序设计的基本思想方法,让读者从概念上认识c语言;第二部分结合操作系统和体系结构的知识讲解程序的工作原理,让读者从本质上认识c语言。 《一站式学习c编程》适合做零基础的初学者学习c语言的第一本教材,......一起来看看 《一站式学习C编程》 这本书的介绍吧!