该接口来源于 Retrofit
package retrofit2; import java.io.IOException; import okhttp3.Request; /** * An invocation of a Retrofit method that sends a request to a webserver and returns a response. * Each call yields its own HTTP request and response pair. Use {@link #clone} to make multiple * calls with the same parameters to the same webserver; this may be used to implement polling or * to retry a failed call. * * <p>Calls may be executed synchronously with {@link #execute}, or asynchronously with {@link * #enqueue}. In either case the call can be canceled at any time with {@link #cancel}. A call that * is busy writing its request or reading its response may receive a {@link IOException}; this is * working as designed. * * @param <T> Successful response body type. */ public interface Call<T> extends Cloneable { /** * Synchronously send the request and return its response. * @throws IOException if a problem occurred talking to the server. * @throws RuntimeException (and subclasses) if an unexpected error occurs creating the request * or decoding the response. */ Response<T> execute() throws IOException; /** * Asynchronously send the request and notify {@code callback} of its response or if an error * occurred talking to the server, creating the request, or processing the response. */ void enqueue(Callback<T> callback); /** * Returns true if this call has been either {@linkplain #execute() executed} or {@linkplain * #enqueue(Callback) enqueued}. It is an error to execute or enqueue a call more than once. */ boolean isExecuted(); /** * Cancel this call. An attempt will be made to cancel in-flight calls, and if the call has not * yet been executed it never will be. */ void cancel(); /** True if {@link #cancel()} was called. */ boolean isCanceled(); /** * Create a new, identical call to this one which can be enqueued or executed even if this call * has already been. */ Call<T> clone(); /** The original HTTP request. */ Request request(); } 复制代码
一个retrofit方法的调用接口,通过这些方法可以向服务端发起请求并得到返回结果。 每一个回调都会对应请求和返回结果。可通过
表示 请求成功结果返回值类型
/** * An invocation of a Retrofit method that sends a request to a webserver and returns a response. * Each call yields its own HTTP request and response pair. Use {@link #clone} to make multiple * calls with the same parameters to the same webserver; this may be used to implement polling or * to retry a failed call. * * <p>Calls may be executed synchronously with {@link #execute}, or asynchronously with {@link * #enqueue}. In either case the call can be canceled at any time with {@link #cancel}. A call that * is busy writing its request or reading its response may receive a {@link IOException}; this is * working as designed. * * @param <T> Successful response body type. */ 复制代码
- 同步请求方法
/** * Synchronously send the request and return its response. * * @throws IOException if a problem occurred talking to the server. * @throws RuntimeException (and subclasses) if an unexpected error occurs creating the request * or decoding the response. */ Response<T> execute() throws IOException; 复制代码
- 异步请求方法
/** * Asynchronously send the request and notify {@code callback} of its response or if an error * occurred talking to the server, creating the request, or processing the response. */ void enqueue(Callback<T> callback); 复制代码
- 当调用同步或异步请求时,该值返回true
/** * Returns true if this call has been either {@linkplain #execute() executed} or {@linkplain * #enqueue(Callback) enqueued}. It is an error to execute or enqueue a call more than once. */ boolean isExecuted(); 复制代码
- 一个正在执行的请求可能被取消,但是如果请求没有被执行的话将无法取消。
/** * Cancel this call. An attempt will be made to cancel in-flight calls, and if the call has not * yet been executed it never will be. */ void cancel(); 复制代码
- 当cancel() 方法被回调时,该值为true
/** True if {@link #cancel()} was called. */ boolean isCanceled(); 复制代码
- 克隆一个回调
/** * Create a new, identical call to this one which can be enqueued or executed even if this call * has already been. */ Call<T> clone(); 复制代码
- 原始的Http请求
/** The original HTTP request. */ Request request(); 复制代码
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《译文篇:Retrofit源码之Call接口》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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李振捷 / 电子工业出版社 / 2006-8 / 50.0
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