package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) //使用函数实现一个简单的图书管理系统 //每本书有书名、作者、价格、上架信息 //用户可以在控制台添加书籍、修改书籍信息、打印所有书籍列表 //需求分析 //0. 定义结构体 type book struct{ title string author string price float32 publish bool } //1. 打印菜单 func showmenu(){ fmt.Println("欢迎登陆BMS!") fmt.Println("1.添加书籍") fmt.Println("2.修改书籍") fmt.Println("3.展示所有书籍") fmt.Println("4.退出") } func userInput() *book { var ( title string author string price float32 publish bool ) fmt.Println("请根据提示输入相关内容") fmt.Print("请输入书名:") fmt.Scanln(&title) fmt.Print("请输入作者:") fmt.Scanln(&author) fmt.Print("请输入价格:") fmt.Scanln(&price) fmt.Print("请输入是否上架(true|false):") fmt.Scanln(&publish) fmt.Println(title,author,price,publish) book := newbook(title,author,price,publish) return book } //2. 等待用户输入菜单选项 //定义一个book指针的切片,用来存储所有书籍 var allbooks = make([]*book,0,200) //定义一个创建新书的构造函数 func newbook(title,author string, price float32, publish bool) *book{ return &book{ title: title, author: author, price: price, publish: publish, } } //3. 添加书籍的函数 func addbook(){ var ( title string author string price float32 publish bool ) fmt.Println("请根据提示输入相关内容") fmt.Print("请输入书名:") fmt.Scanln(&title) fmt.Print("请输入作者:") fmt.Scanln(&author) fmt.Print("请输入价格:") fmt.Scanln(&price) fmt.Print("请输入是否上架(true|false):") fmt.Scanln(&publish) fmt.Println(title,author,price,publish) book := newbook(title,author,price,publish) for _, b := range allbooks{ if b.title == book.title{ fmt.Printf("《%s》这本书已经存在",book.title) return } } allbooks = append(allbooks,book) fmt.Println("添加书籍成功!") } //4. 修改书籍的函数 func updatebook(){ book := userInput() for index, b := range allbooks{ if b.title == book.title{ allbooks[index] = book fmt.Printf("书名:《%s》更新成功!",book.title) return } } fmt.Printf("书名:《%s》不存在!", book.title ) } //5. 展示书籍的函数 func showbook(){ if len(allbooks) == 0 { fmt.Println("啥也么有") } for _, b := range allbooks { fmt.Printf("《%s》作者:%s 价格:%.2f 是否上架销售: %t\n",b.title,b.author,b.price,b.publish) } } //6. 退出 os.Exit(0) func main(){ for { showmenu() var option int fmt.Scanln(&option) switch option { case 1: addbook() case 2: updatebook() case 3: showbook() case 4: os.Exit(0) } } }
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Design Accessible Web Sites
Jeremy Sydik / Pragmatic Bookshelf / 2007-11-05 / USD 34.95
It's not a one-browser web anymore. You need to reach audiences that use cell phones, PDAs, game consoles, or other "alternative" browsers, as well as users with disabilities. Legal requirements for a......一起来看看 《Design Accessible Web Sites》 这本书的介绍吧!