.NET Core ORM 开源项目一览,持续更新

栏目: ASP.NET · 发布时间: 5年前

截至 2019-05-08 共收集 27.NET Core ORM 开源项目, 38.NET ORM 开源项目。

.NET Core ORM 开源项目收集地址: https://github.com/orm-core-group

.NET ORM 开源项目收集地址: https://github.com/orm-group

项目名称 项目描述 代码仓库地址
Insight.Database Fast, lightweight .NET micro-ORM https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Insight.Database
RepoDb A dynamic, lightweight, efficient and very fast Hybrid ORM library for .NET. https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/RepoDb
nhibernate-core NHibernate Object Relational Mapper https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/nhibernate-core
EntityFrameworkCore Entity Framework Core is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/EntityFrameworkCore
cyqdata cyq.data is a high-performance and the most powerful orm.(.NET 最好用的ORM数据层框架,木有之一!支持.NET Core)Support:Txt、Xml、Access、 Sqlite 、Mssql、 Mysql 、Oracle、Sybase、Postgres、 Redis 、MemCache。 https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/cyqdata
FreeSql FreeSql is the most convenient ORM in dotnet. It supports Mysql, Postgresql, SqlServer, Oracle and Sqlite. https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/FreeSql
Chloe A lightweight and high-performance Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) library for .NET --C# https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Chloe
ServiceStack.OrmLite Fast, Simple, Typed ORM for .NET https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/ServiceStack.OrmLite
Dapper Dapper - a simple object mapper for .Net https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Dapper
X 新生命X组件,数据中间件XCode、日志、网络、RPC、序列化、缓存、Windows服务 https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/X
linq2db Linq to database provider. https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/linq2db
Dapper-Plus Dapper Plus - High-Efficient Bulk Actions (Insert, Update, Delete, and Merge) for .NET https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Dapper-Plus
PetaPoco Official PetaPoco, A tiny ORM-ish thing for your POCO's https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/PetaPoco
SmartSql SmartSql = MyBatis .NET Core+ Cache(Memory Redis) + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository + Diagnostics
simplestack.orm Dapper with query generator from NServicekit.OrmLite https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/simplestack.orm
NPoco Simple microORM that maps the results of a query onto a POCO object. Project based on Schotime's branch of PetaPoco https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/NPoco
AntData.ORM 特色:vs插件或者t4一键生成entity 支持配置非物理外键。分离linq转 sql 引擎(原生linq非扩展)和执行dal功能,支持异步,支持netcore2.0 https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/AntData.ORM
Chain Micro ORM for .Net https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Chain
DbEntry DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/DbEntry
Paradigm.ORM .NET Core ORM with dbfirst support, and code scaffolding features. This ORM supports different database sources. https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Paradigm.ORM
Weed3 noear::超强跨平台轻量级ORM(无反射;缓存控制;分布式事务;万能绑定) https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Weed3
SqlFu Fast and versatile .net core data mapper/micro-orm https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/SqlFu
Dos.ORM Dos.ORM(原Hxj.Data)于2009年发布,2015年正式开源。在开发过程中参考了NBear与MySoft,吸取了他们的一些精华,加入新思想,同时参考EF的Lambda语法进行大量扩展。该组件已在数百个成熟项目中应用。官方网站: http://ITdos.com/Dos/ORM/Index.html 交流QQ群:60831381 https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Dos.ORM
Razor.Orm Razor.Orm https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Razor.Orm
SqlSugar Best ORM Fastest ORM Simple Easy Sqlite orm Oracle ORM Mysql Orm postgresql ORm SqlServer oRm https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/SqlSugar
Folke.Elm Object-Relational Mapping library written in C# https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/Folke.Elm
CoPilot Light weight object relational mapper (O/RM) for .Net https://www.github.com/orm-core-group/CoPilot

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




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