来自 Koa.js 官方文档
中关于设置请求响应的部分 response.status=
,列出了从 1xx ~ 5xx HTTP 状态码及含义,现摘录如下:
- 100 "continue"
- 101 "switching protocols"
- 102 "processing"
- 200 "ok"
- 201 "created"
- 202 "accepted"
- 203 "non-authoritative information"
- 204 "no content"
- 205 "reset content"
- 206 "partial content"
- 207 "multi-status"
- 208 "already reported"
- 226 "im used"
- 300 "multiple choices"
- 301 "moved permanently"
302 "found" 资源临时不可用,但在其他位置找到了,返回 302 同时带上
Location: 新的资源地址
响应头。客户端根据新地址再次请求。- 假如第一次请求使用的 POST,后面这次重新请求浏览器有可能变成 GET。
- 如果想要两次请求保持一致的请求方式,使用 307
- 运用场景:某些原因资源无法访问了,此时为了不让搜索引擎更新,可使用 302 告诉引擎资源还在。
- 303 "see other"
- 304 "not modified"
- 305 "use proxy"
307 "temporary redirect"
- 和 302 一模一样,区别在于两次请求保持一致的 http verb
- 308 "permanent redirect"
400 "bad request"
- 由于请求有语法错误,服务器不能识别
- 401 "unauthorized"
- 402 "payment required"
- 403 "forbidden"
- 404 "not found"
- 405 "method not allowed"
- 406 "not acceptable" 内容协商后没有合适的类型返回
- 407 "proxy authentication required"
- 408 "request timeout"
- 409 "conflict"
- 410 "gone"
- 411 "length required"
- 412 "precondition failed"
413 "payload too large"
- 比如 post 的数据也就是request body过大
- 414 "uri too long"
- 415 "unsupported media type"
- 416 "range not satisfiable"
- 417 "expectation failed"
- 418 "I'm a teapot"
- 422 "unprocessable entity"
- 423 "locked"
- 424 "failed dependency"
- 426 "upgrade required"
- 428 "precondition required"
- 429 "too many requests"
- 431 "request header fields too large"
- 500 "internal server error"
- 501 "not implemented"
- 502 "bad gateway"
- 503 "service unavailable"
- 504 "gateway timeout"
- 505 "http version not supported"
- 506 "variant also negotiates"
- 507 "insufficient storage"
- 508 "loop detected"
- 510 "not extended"
- 511 "network authentication required"
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《HTTP 状态码及含义》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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Alex Rosenblat / University of California Press / 2018-11-19 / GBP 21.00
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