原文链接: github.com/cf020031308…
中一个或多个 hyperloglog
数据进行合并时,结果会以稠密的结构进行存储,占用内存 12k,与之相对的是,以稀疏结构存储的数据(在我的数据库中)平均仅占 200B。
因此我写了个 Lua
脚本,用于 将稠密的数据转回稀疏结构
在我的 MacBook Pro (2.4 GHz Intel Core i5) 上,这个脚本每称可转换 182 个 hyperloglog
local function hll_dense2sparse(key) local exec = redis.call local sub = string.sub local byte = string.byte local char = string.char local insert = table.insert local concat = table.concat local floor = math.floor local magic = "HYLL" local dense = exec("GET", key) if sub(dense, 1, 4) ~= magic then -- not a hll return -1 end if byte(dense, 5) == 1 then -- already sparse return 0 end if #dense ~= 12304 then -- 12304 = 16 + 16384 * 6 / 8 is the length of a dense hll return -1 end local sparse = {magic, char(1), sub(dense, 6, 16)} local c, v, _v = 1, nil, nil for i = 0, 16384 do local offset = i * 6 % 8 local j = (i * 6 - offset) / 8 + 17 local x, y = byte(dense, j, j + 1) if x then _v = (floor(x / 2 ^ offset) + (y or 0) * 2 ^ (8 - offset)) % 64 else _v = nil end if _v and _v > 32 then -- cannot translate to sparse representation return -2 end if _v == v then c = c + 1 else if v == 0 then while c >= 16384 do insert(sparse, char(127) .. char(255)) c = c - 16384 end if c > 64 then c = c - 1 insert(sparse, char(64 + floor(c / 256)) .. char(c % 256)) elseif c > 0 then insert(sparse, char(c - 1)) end elseif v then v = v - 1 while c >= 4 do insert(sparse, char(128 + v * 4 + 3)) c = c - 4 end if c > 0 then insert(sparse, char(128 + v * 4 + c - 1)) end end c, v = 1, _v end end exec("SET", key, concat(sparse)) return 1 end 复制代码
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Christopher Bishop / Springer / 2007-10-1 / USD 94.95
The dramatic growth in practical applications for machine learning over the last ten years has been accompanied by many important developments in the underlying algorithms and techniques. For example,......一起来看看 《Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning》 这本书的介绍吧!