内容简介:继上周 PyCharm 2017.2.2 RC 版本发布后,PyCharm 2017.2.2 发布了,PyCharm 是由 JetBrains 打造的一款 Python IDE 。 该版本主要更新内容有: An issue in the creation of Angular CLI projects Code insight ...
继上周 PyCharm 2017.2.2 RC 版本发布后,PyCharm 2017.2.2 发布了,PyCharm 是由 JetBrains 打造的一款 Python IDE 。
An issue in the creation of Angular CLI projects
Code insight and inspection fixes: “method may be static” issues, and misidentification of Python 3.7
Django: Cache conflict with Jinja template project, and Ctrl+Click on widget templates
Docker: Docker Compose environment variable issues
JavaScript: go to declaration, go to implementation
And much more, check out the release notes for details
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
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Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps
Chris Apers、Daniel Paterson / Apress / 2010-12-15 / USD 39.99
It seems that everyone and her sister has developed an iPhone App—everyone except you, the hard-working web professional. And now with the introduction of the iPad, you may even feel farther behind. B......一起来看看 《Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps》 这本书的介绍吧!