package main
import (
// Create a binlog syncer with a unique server id, the server id must be different from other MySQL's.
// flavor is mysql or mariadb
func main () {
cfg := replication.BinlogSyncerConfig{
ServerID: 100 ,
Flavor: "mysql" ,
Host: "" ,
Port: 3306 ,
User: "root" ,
Password: "123456" ,
syncer := replication. NewBinlogSyncer (cfg)
// Start sync with specified binlog file and position
streamer , _ := syncer. StartSync (mysql.Position{ "mysql.000001" , 405322 })
// or you can start a gtid replication like
// streamer, _ := syncer.StartSyncGTID(gtidSet)
// the mysql GTID set likes this "de278ad0-2106-11e4-9f8e-6edd0ca20947:1-2"
// the mariadb GTID set likes this "0-1-100"
for {
ev , _ := streamer. GetEvent (context. Background ())
// Dump event
ev. Dump (os.Stdout)
// or we can use a timeout context
for {
ctx , cancel := context. WithTimeout (context. Background (), 2 *time.Second)
ev , err := streamer. GetEvent (ctx)
cancel ()
if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
// meet timeout
ev. Dump (os.Stdout)
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