内容简介:给定一个完美二叉树,其所有叶子节点都在同一层,每个父节点都有两个子节点。二叉树定义如下:struct Node {int val;
struct Node {
int val;
Node *left;
Node *right;
Node *next;
填充它的每个 next 指针,让这个指针指向其下一个右侧节点。如果找不到下一个右侧节点,则将 next 指针设置为 NULL。
初始状态下,所有 next 指针都被设置为 NULL。
输入:{"$id":"1","left":{"$id":"2","left":{"$id":"3","left":null,"next":null,"right":null,"val":4},"next":null,"right":{"$id":"4","left":null,"next":null,"right":null,"val":5},"val":2},"next":null,"right":{"$id":"5","left":{"$id":"6","left":null,"next":null,"right":null,"val":6},"next":null,"right":{"$id":"7","left":null,"next":null,"right":null,"val":7},"val":3},"val":1} 输出:{"$id":"1","left":{"$id":"2","left":{"$id":"3","left":null,"next":{"$id":"4","left":null,"next":{"$id":"5","left":null,"next":{"$id":"6","left":null,"next":null,"right":null,"val":7},"right":null,"val":6},"right":null,"val":5},"right":null,"val":4},"next":{"$id":"7","left":{"$ref":"5"},"next":null,"right":{"$ref":"6"},"val":3},"right":{"$ref":"4"},"val":2},"next":null,"right":{"$ref":"7"},"val":1} 解释:给定二叉树如图 A 所示,你的函数应该填充它的每个 next 指针,以指向其下一个右侧节点,如图 B 所示。
方法一: 层序遍历
class Solution { public Node connect(Node root) { if (root == null) return null; Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.add(root); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int size = queue.size(); Node current = null; while (size > 0) { Node node = queue.poll(); if (node.right != null) queue.add(node.right); if (node.left != null) queue.add(node.left); node.next = current; current = node; size--; } } return root; } }
- 左右子树分别连起来
- node == null, 直接返回
- node.left != null, 把left.next连到node.right
- node.right != null && node.next != null, 把node的right 连到 node.next的left。例如遍历到2这个节点,把5连接到6.
class Solution { public Node connect(Node root) { // o(1) space. if (root == null) return null; if (root.left != null) root.left.next = root.right; if (root.right != null && root.next != null) root.right.next = root.next.left; connect(root.left); connect(root.right); return root; } }
方法三: 层序遍历 o(1)空间复杂度
层序遍历我们之前用队列来做,但是有时候我们会要求层序遍历用常数的空间复杂度来解。这种方法最关键的地方在于理解 如何从上一层切换到下一层的 。dummy的作用用于记录上一层的第一个节点是谁,每当遍历完一层之后,切到下一层.
class Solution { public Node connect(Node root) { Node dummy = new Node(0); Node pre = dummy; Node currentRoot = root; while (currentRoot != null) { if (currentRoot.left != null) { pre.next = currentRoot.left; pre = pre.next; } if (currentRoot.right != null) { pre.next = currentRoot.right; pre = pre.next; } currentRoot = currentRoot.next; if (currentRoot == null) { // 切换层. pre = dummy; currentRoot = dummy.next; dummy.next = null; } } return root; } }
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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