内容简介:之前升级 Xcode10 后,给别人的SDK会报错:为什么 iOS SDK 拖入项目中就报错”ld: framework not found IOSurface for architecture arm64”?其实,之前的文章已经说过解决方案:
之前升级 Xcode10 后,给别人的SDK会报错:
ld: framework not found CoreServices for architecture armv7
为什么 iOS SDK 拖入项目中就报错”ld: framework not found IOSurface for architecture arm64”?
其实,之前的文章已经说过解决方案: Xcode8报错:”Framework not found IOSurface for architecture arm64”或者 “Framework not found FileProvider for architecture x86_64/arm64”. | iHTCboy’s blog
当时,反复确认后,网上有些第三方的SDK提供商说升级Xcode10吧!!!慌张~ 你们就只能让别人升级啦!解决不了,重启,升级!但,NO,最后发现是新项目是使用 CocoaPods
因为我们新的项目使用 CocoaPods
组件化,所以最后打SDK的项目是CocoaPods集成的,问题就出在这里!上一个文章说到解决方法很简单:( Xcode8报错:”Framework not found IOSurface for architecture arm64”或者 “Framework not found FileProvider for architecture x86_64/arm64”. | iHTCboy’s blog
Build Settings 中 Link Frameworks Automatically 把默认Yes 改成 No
但是,如果用 CocoaPods
集成,默认是 Yes
!!! 尼玛!!!
知道原因,解决就好办啦!但是,突然想到,以后 pod install
或 pod update
时,难道要人工的设置一次??? 不可能!不可能!不可能!
最后,还是在 CocoaPods
官方文档找到答案 CocoaPods Guides - post_install
在 Podfile
post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['CLANG_MODULES_AUTOLINK'] = 'NO' end end end
这个是一个勾子 hook
- Xcode8报错:”Framework not found IOSurface for architecture arm64”或者 “Framework not found FileProvider for architecture x86_64/arm64”. | iHTCboy’s blog
- SDK引入_常见问题 - 有赞云
- Core Services | Apple Developer Documentation
- ios - Error when trying to link fat binary with 64-bit simulator target - Stack Overflow
- ld: framework not found CoreServices for architecture x86_64 · Issue #21768 · facebook/react-native
- XCode’s New “Link Frameworks Automatically” & How to Fix “framework not found Metal for architecture armv7”
- Add option to set “LINK FRAMEWORKS AUTOMATICALLY” to NO · Issue #48 · CocoaPods/cocoapods-packager
- CocoaPods Guides - Podfile Syntax Reference v1.7.0.beta.2
- 如有疑问,欢迎在评论区一起讨论!
- 如有不正确的地方,欢迎指导!
注:本文首发于iHTCboy’s blog,如若转载,请注来源
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