import { AnalyzeJSON } from "./AnalyzeJSON"; const {ccclass, property} = cc._decorator; @ccclass export class Dialog extends cc.Component { @property({type:cc.Float, tooltip:"播放速度"}) playSpeed:number = 0; _speed:number; _dialogLabel:cc.Label = null; //文本框 _contentStr:string = ""; //当前播放的内容 _currTextIndex:number = 0; //当前播放内容的索引 _currDialogIndex:number = 0; //当前对话列表的索引 _isPlaying:boolean = false; //是否正在播放 _contentList:Array<string> = null; //谈话内容 _endEvent:Function = null; //结束处理事件 onLoad () { this._dialogLabel = this.node.getComponentInChildren(cc.Label); this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, this._onClickBox, this); } /**点击跳过打字机效果 */ _onClickBox():void{ if(this._isPlaying){ this._dialogLabel.string = this._contentStr; this._reset(); }else{ //对话是否结束 TODO this._currDialogIndex++; if(this._contentList[this._currDialogIndex] == null) this._currDialogIndex = 0; this.playDialog(this._contentList[this._currDialogIndex]); } } start () { this._speed = this.playSpeed; this._contentList = AnalyzeJSON._instance.getDialog(); //从管理器里读取要显示的对话 this.playDialog(this._contentList[this._currDialogIndex]); } update (dt) { //#region 打字机效果 if(this._isPlaying){ this._speed -= dt; if(this._speed <= 0){ this._speed = this.playSpeed; if(this._contentStr[this._currTextIndex] == null){ this._reset(); }else{ this._addText(this._contentStr[this._currTextIndex]); this._currTextIndex++; } }else return; } //#endregion } /**开始对话 */ playDialog(str:string, callback?:Function):void{ this._isPlaying = true; this._contentStr = str; this._clearContent(); if(callback) this._endEvent = callback; } /**设置速度 */ setSpeed(val:number):void{ this.playSpeed = val; } /**重置内容 */ _reset():void{ this._isPlaying = false; this._contentStr = ""; this._currTextIndex = 0; this._speed = this.playSpeed; } /**清除对话框内容 */ _clearContent():void{ this._dialogLabel.string = ""; } /**添加文字 */ _addText(aStr:string):void{ this._dialogLabel.string += aStr; } }
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《游戏开发之——对话系统(CocosCreator)》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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Learn Python 3 the Hard Way
Zed A. Shaw / Addison / 2017-7-7 / USD 30.74
You Will Learn Python 3! Zed Shaw has perfected the world’s best system for learning Python 3. Follow it and you will succeed—just like the millions of beginners Zed has taught to date! You bring t......一起来看看 《Learn Python 3 the Hard Way》 这本书的介绍吧!