栏目: 数据库 · PostgreSQL · 发布时间: 5年前
在学习具体的Postgresql用法之前,我们来思考一下Postgresql与目前最常用的关系型数据库 MySQL 的区别在哪里,主要集中在两者的底层结构、使用场景和特别之处。
2.Postgresql vs MySQL
特性 | Postgresql | MySQL |
描述 | The world’s most advanced open source database | The world’s most popular open source database |
发展 | PostgreSQL is an open source project | MySQL is an open-source product |
实现语言 | C | C、C++ |
图形化工具 | PgAdmin | MySQL Workbench |
ACID | Yes | Yes |
存储引擎 | Single storage engine | Multiple storage engines e.g., InnoDB and MyISAM |
全文检索 | Yes | Yes |
Drop atemporary table(删除一个临时表) | No TEMP or TEMPORARY keyword in DROP TABLE statement(随着数据库的连接的断开而被删除) |
MySQL supports the TEMP or TEMPORARY keyword in the DROP TABLE statement that allows you to remove the temporary table only.(需要手动删除) |
DROP TABLE (删除表) |
Support CASCADE option to drop table’s dependent objects e.g., tables, views, etc.,(级联操作:也就是更新、删除父表,将会同步更新、删除子表;而反过来则不变) |
Does not support CASCADE option |
PostgreSQL TRUNCATE TABLE supports more features like CASCADE , RESTART IDENTITY , CONTINUE IDENTITY , transaction-safe, etc.(对于移除表中的数据,delete是可以的,但是对于一个大表,truncate是更加有效的方式,因为truncate删除表中所有行的时候不需要扫表整个表) |
MySQL TRUNCATE TABLE does not support CASCADE and transaction safe i.e,. once data is deleted, it cannot be rolled back.(永久性删除,不可以撤销) |
自动增加列 | SERIAL |
解析功能 | Yes | No |
Data types | Support many advanced types such asarray,hstore, and user-defined type. | SQL-standard types |
Unsignedinteger | No | Yes |
Boolean type | Yes | Use TINYINT(1) internally forBoolean |
IP address data type | Yes | No |
设置列默认值 | Support both constant and function call | Must be a constant or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for TIMESTAMP or DATETIME columns |
CTE(Common Table Expressions) | Yes | No |
EXPLAIN output |
More detailed | Less detailed |
Materialized views(物化视图) | Yes(Postgresql将视图概念扩展到下一个级别,允许视图在物理上存储数据,我们将这些视图称为物化视图,物化视图会缓存复杂的查询结果,然后允许定期刷新此结果) | No |
CHECK constraint(检查约束) | Yes | No (MySQL ignores theCHECK constraint) |
Table inheritance(表继承) | Yes | No |
Programming languages forstored procedures | Ruby, Perl, Python, TCL, PL/pgSQL, SQL, JavaScript, etc. | SQL:2003 syntax forstored procedures |
Yes | No |
Yes(Postgresql的INTERSECT运算符将两个或多个SELECT语句的结果集合并到一个结果集中) | No |
Yes(Except运算符通过比较两个或多个quires的结果集来返回行,此返回行存在于第一查询子句而不存在第二查询子句中) | No |
Partial indexes(部分索引) | Yes | No |
Bitmap indexes(位图索引) | Yes | No |
Expression indexes(表达式索引) | Yes | NO |
Covering indexes(覆盖索引) | Yes (since version 9.2)例子1、 例子2 | Yes. MySQL supports covering indexes that allow data to be retrieved by scanning the index alone without touching the table data. This is advantageous in case of large tables with millions of rows. |
Common table expression (CTE) | Yes | Yes. (since version 8.0, MySQL has supportedCTE) |
Triggers(触发器) | Support triggers that can fire on most types of command, except for ones affecting the database globally e.g., roles and tablespaces. | Limited to some commands |
Partitioning(分区) | RANGE, LIST | RANGE, LIST, HASH, KEY, and composite partitioning using a combination of RANGE or LIST with HASH or KEY subpartitions |
Task Schedule(任务定时) | pgAgent | Scheduled event |
Connection Scalability(连接规模) | Each new connection is an OS process(进程) | Each new connection is an OS thread(线程) |
SQL compliant(SQL兼容性) | PostgreSQL is largely SQL compliant. | MySQL is partially SQL compliant. For example, it does not support check constraint. |
Best suited | PostgreSQL performance is utilized when executing complex queries. | MySQL performs well in OLAP& OLTP systems when only read speeds are needed. |
Support for JSON | Support JSON and other NoSQL features like native XML support. It also allows indexing JSON data for faster access. | MySQL has a JSON data type support but does not support any other NoSQL feature. |
Default values | The default values can be changed at the system level only | The default values can be overwritten at the session level and the statement level |
B-tree Indexes | B-tree indexes merged at runtime to evaluate are dynamically converted predicates. | Two or more B-tree indexes can be used when it is appropriate. |
Object statistics | Very good object statistics | Fairly good object statistics |
1、Full outer join全外连接
作用:Postgresql full outer join返回来自两个参与表的所有行,如果他们在相对的表上没有匹配,则使用null填充。full outer join组合了左外链接和右外连接的结果,并返回连接子句两侧表中的所有行(匹配或者不匹配)行。
3.Disadvantages of using MySQL(MySQL的缺点)
- Transactions related to system catalog are not ACID compliant(与系统目录相关的事务不符合ACID)
- Some time A server crash can corrupt the system catalog(有时服务器崩溃可能会破坏系统目录)
- No pluggable authentication module preventing centrally managed account(没有可插入的身份验证模块阻止集中管理账户)
- No support for roles so it is difficult in maintaining privileges for many users(不支持角色,因此很难为许多用户维护权限)
- Stored procedures are not cacheable(存储过程不可缓存)
- Tables used for the procedure or trigger are always pre-locked(用于程序或触发器的表始终是预先锁定的)
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Postgresql与MySQL的区别》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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