- 完成与spring boot 与的mybatis的集成处理数据curd
- 使用mybatis完成博客后台管理员列表的jqgird搜索
想要完成列表的搜索,就必须对 sql 按提交搜索条件进行逻辑判断组织sql,也就是动态sql
// build.gradle dependencies { compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web") compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf") compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools") // JPA Data (We are going to use Repositories, Entities, Hibernate, etc...) compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa' // Use MySQL Connector-J compile 'mysql:mysql-connector-java' // 使用mybatis compile("org.mybatis.spring.boot:mybatis-spring-boot-starter:1.3.2") developmentOnly("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools") testCompile("junit:junit") }
- 配置mybatis
spring: jpa: hibernate: ddl-auto: update datasource: url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_sptest?useSSL=false username: mysqluser password: mysqlpwd mvc: static-path-pattern: /static/** mybatis: type-aliases-package: hello.model
- 使用mybatis mapper
// model/AdminMapper @Mapper public interface AdminMapper { //使用注解方式 @Select("SELECT * FROM ADMIN WHERE name = #{name} LIMIT 1") Admin findByName(String name); @Select("SELECT * FROM ADMIN WHERE id = #{id}") Admin findById(Integer id); //动态sql @SelectProvider(type = AdminService.class,method = "selectAdminLike") List<Admin> findBySearch(Admin admin); //动态sql 返回行数 @SelectProvider(type = AdminService.class,method = "countAdminSearch") @ResultType(Integer.class) int countBySearch(Admin admin); }
// service/AdminService import org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SQL; public class AdminService { // With conditionals (note the final parameters, required for the anonymous inner class to access them) public String selectAdminLike(Admin admin) { return new SQL() {{ SELECT("A.name,A.email,A.id"); FROM("ADMIN A"); if (admin.getName() != null) { WHERE("A.name = '" + admin.getName() + "'"); } if (admin.getEmail() != null) { WHERE("A.email = " + admin.getEmail()); } }}.toString(); } public String countAdminSearch(Admin admin){ return new SQL() {{ SELECT("count(*)"); FROM("ADMIN A"); if (admin.getName() != null) { WHERE("A.name = '" + admin.getName() + "'"); } if (admin.getEmail() != null) { WHERE("A.email = " + admin.getEmail()); } }}.toString(); } }
// AdminController @GetMapping(path = "get_list") @ResponseBody public DataResponse<Admin> getAdminList( Admin adminReq, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1", value = "page") String page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "10", value = "rows") String rows) { String total; //页数 List<Admin> admin_list; int records; records = adminMapper.countBySearch(adminReq); int pageSize = Integer.valueOf(rows); total = Integer.toString((records + pageSize - 1) / pageSize); DataResponse<Admin> response = new DataResponse<>(); admin_list = adminMapper.findBySearch(adminReq); response.setTotal(total); response.setRows(admin_list); response.setPage(page); response.setRecords(records); return response; }
- 完成使用jqgrid+spring boot+mybatis 的数据列表搜索
- 遗留page 和 pageSize 的传参控制,下节课对代码进行稍微的改动就可以支持
- 目前使用了jpa的Hibernate entity 这么用合理么?
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