interface 和 反射
interface的wiki计划整理到这里: golang的interface
itab包含两个rtype,分别是static type和concrete type,而我们在interface类型断言中用到的是concrete type。
static type一般与golang的内置类型相关是创建变量时可以确定的,concrete type一般与用户定义的interface类型相关。
在实现时,golang的类型有通过接口Type和结构体rtype来定义,因为没有继承的概念,所以所以代码中都通过 *rtype这个“基类”来传递,实际使用的时候,通过t.Kind()判断rtype的类型,通过unsafe.Pointer把rtype转换为对应的Type的实现。
// TypeOf returns the reflection Type that represents the dynamic type of i. // If i is a nil interface value, TypeOf returns nil. func TypeOf(i interface{}) Type { eface := *(*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i)) //传入前已经有一次饮食类型转换把接口转换为空接口类型,src/runtime/iface.go中有隐式转换的代码。 return toType(eface.typ) } // toType converts from a *rtype to a Type that can be returned // to the client of package reflect. In gc, the only concern is that // a nil *rtype must be replaced by a nil Type, but in gccgo this // function takes care of ensuring that multiple *rtype for the same // type are coalesced into a single Type. func toType(t *rtype) Type { if t == nil { return nil } return t } func (t *rtype) Elem() Type { switch t.Kind() { case Array: tt := (*arrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(t)) return toType(tt.elem) case Chan: tt := (*chanType)(unsafe.Pointer(t)) return toType(tt.elem) case Map: tt := (*mapType)(unsafe.Pointer(t)) return toType(tt.elem) case Ptr: tt := (*ptrType)(unsafe.Pointer(t)) return toType(tt.elem) case Slice: tt := (*sliceType)(unsafe.Pointer(t)) return toType(tt.elem) } panic("reflect: Elem of invalid type") } //src/runtime/iface.go func convT2E(t *_type, elem unsafe.Pointer) (e eface) { if raceenabled { raceReadObjectPC(t, elem, getcallerpc(), funcPC(convT2E)) } if msanenabled { msanread(elem, t.size) } x := mallocgc(t.size, t, true) // TODO: We allocate a zeroed object only to overwrite it with actual data. // Figure out how to avoid zeroing. Also below in convT2Eslice, convT2I, convT2Islice. typedmemmove(t, x, elem) e._type = t e.data = x return }
先附上网上的一篇博客, https://blog.csdn.net/erlib/article/details/24197069 。尝试对博客的测试进行细化。
首先在 go 1.10.2下更新下测试结果,从中可以看到switch带来的性能损耗在均值下还是存在的(虚表比较?约等于类型断言?),然后测试发现v interface{} 作为接收参数时,不会发生参数转换。
$ go test -test.bench=".*" ./reflect_benchmark_test.go goos: darwin goarch: amd64 Benchmark_TypeSwitch-4 100000000 19.6 ns/op Benchmark_NormalSwitch-4 2000000000 1.69 ns/op Benchmark_InterfaceSwitch-4 100000000 11.7 ns/op Benchmark_InterfaceIn-4 2000000000 1.58 ns/op PASS ok command-line-arguments 10.055s
func assertI2I(inter *interfacetype, i iface) (r iface) { tab := i.tab if tab == nil { // explicit conversions require non-nil interface value. panic(&TypeAssertionError{"", "", inter.typ.string(), ""}) } if tab.inter == inter { r.tab = tab r.data = i.data return } r.tab = getitab(inter, tab._type, false) r.data = i.data return } func getitab(inter *interfacetype, typ *_type, canfail bool) *itab { if len(inter.mhdr) == 0 { throw("internal error - misuse of itab") } // easy case if typ.tflag&tflagUncommon == 0 { if canfail { return nil } name := inter.typ.nameOff(inter.mhdr[0].name) panic(&TypeAssertionError{"", typ.string(), inter.typ.string(), name.name()}) } var m *itab // First, look in the existing table to see if we can find the itab we need. // This is by far the most common case, so do it without locks. // Use atomic to ensure we see any previous writes done by the thread // that updates the itabTable field (with atomic.Storep in itabAdd). t := (*itabTableType)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&itabTable))) if m = t.find(inter, typ); m != nil { goto finish } // Not found. Grab the lock and try again. lock(&itabLock) if m = itabTable.find(inter, typ); m != nil { unlock(&itabLock) goto finish } // Entry doesn't exist yet. Make a new entry & add it. m = (*itab)(persistentalloc(unsafe.Sizeof(itab{})+uintptr(len(inter.mhdr)-1)*sys.PtrSize, 0, &memstats.other_sys)) m.inter = inter m._type = typ m.init() itabAdd(m) unlock(&itabLock) finish: if m.fun[0] != 0 { return m } if canfail { return nil } // this can only happen if the conversion // was already done once using the , ok form // and we have a cached negative result. // The cached result doesn't record which // interface function was missing, so initialize // the itab again to get the missing function name. panic(&TypeAssertionError{concreteString: typ.string(), assertedString: inter.typ.string(), missingMethod: m.init()}) } // find finds the given interface/type pair in t. // Returns nil if the given interface/type pair isn't present. func (t *itabTableType) find(inter *interfacetype, typ *_type) *itab { // Implemented using quadratic probing. // Probe sequence is h(i) = h0 + i*(i+1)/2 mod 2^k. // We're guaranteed to hit all table entries using this probe sequence. mask := t.size - 1 h := itabHashFunc(inter, typ) & mask for i := uintptr(1); ; i++ { p := (**itab)(add(unsafe.Pointer(&t.entries), h*sys.PtrSize)) // Use atomic read here so if we see m != nil, we also see // the initializations of the fields of m. // m := *p m := (*itab)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(p))) if m == nil { return nil } if m.inter == inter && m._type == typ { return m } h += i h &= mask } }
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