维基链是基于DPOS和账户模型并且支持智能合约运行的高效第三代公链技术, TPS可达1000+ 。维基链的核心代码的开发语言是C++。
欢迎广大开发者在这个GitHub仓库上操作watch, star 和 fork到自己的私有仓库, 同时加入 维基链的开发者电报群 :
https://t.me/waykichaindevs 来进行广泛的公链研发技术讨论。
开发者如果对维基链代码做了修改并且希望合并到维基链公链代码仓库,可以对维基链的代码发起Pull Request, 提交代码申请交由维基链核心开发团队做代码评审和最终合并操作。 维基链团队会根据开发者的贡献程度发放一定数目的WICC作为奖励。 持续贡献者还有机会被团队邀请成为维基链核心开发者成员,获得包括运行核心节点的优先评选机会。
Call for WaykiChain Public Blockchain Development Open-source Developers!
WaykiChain is a third-generation Blockchain technology that is based on DPoS consensus and account-model architecture with smart contract capability built-in and currently supports a moderately hight transaction speed of 1000+ TPS. Its core technology is primarily written in C++ language with its Lua-script VM engine that runs Lua script-based smart contracts. The WaykiChain core dev team has never stopped and will never stop developing WaykiChain core program for continuous refinement and optimization in many technical fronts. Nevertheless, we believe just as many other popular blockchain technologies, there’s still a huge room for further optimization and enhancement in WaykiChain technology. Hence, we’d like to extend our warmest welcome to all zealous and hard-core open source community developers from around the world to join our development effort to make WaykiChain the technology choice for enterprise and commercial applications and services. As a technology zealot, you are welcome to watch, star and fork our Github repo ( https://github.com/WaykiChain/WaykiChain ) . Meanwhile, you are also welcome to join our Telegram group ( https://t.me/waykichaindevs ) to engage in extensive technical discussions, sharing and learning.
If you fix some bugs or add new features into WaykiChain open source programs, you can raise Pull Requests to our GitHub repo. and WaykiChain core team will review and accept them accordingly when deemed as appropriate. For those substantial contributions, WaykiChain team will send out a certain amount of WICC coins as a reward to the contributors in a timely fashion to further incentivize the open source community. Even more, those continuous contributors may be invited to become the core developer team members and even enlisted in the supernode operator candidates list.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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林沛满 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-11-6 / 39.00
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