内容简介:PHP 7.1.27、7.2.16 和 7.3.3 发布了。 Version 7.1.27 07 Mar 2019 Core: Fixed bug #77630 (rename() across the device may allow unwanted access during processing). EXIF: Fixed bug #77509 (Uninitialize...
PHP 7.1.27、7.2.16 和 7.3.3 发布了。
Version 7.1.27
07 Mar 2019
- Core:
- Fixed bug #77630 (rename() across the device may allow unwanted access during processing).
- SPL:
- Fixed bug #77431 (openFile() silently truncates after a null byte).
Version 7.2.16
07 Mar 2019
- Core:
- COM:
- Fixed bug #77621 (Already defined constants are not properly reported).
- Support Oracle Database tracing attributes ACTION, MODULE, CLIENT_INFO, and CLIENT_IDENTIFIER.
- Fixed bug #77396 (Null Pointer Dereference in phar_create_or_parse_filename).
- SPL:
- Standard:
- Fixed bug #77552 (Unintialized php_stream_statbuf in stat functions).
- MySQL:
- Disabled LOCAL INFILE by default, can be enabled using php.ini directive mysqli.allow_local_infile for mysqli, or PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE attribute for pdo_mysql.
Version 7.3.3
07 Mar 2019
- Core:
- Fixed bug #77589 (Core dump using parse_ini_string with numeric sections).
- Fixed bug #77329 (Buffer Overflow via overly long Error Messages).
- Fixed bug #77494 (Disabling class causes segfault on member access).
- Fixed bug #77498 (Custom extension Segmentation fault when declare static property).
- Fixed bug #77530 (PHP crashes when parsing `(2)::class`).
- Fixed bug #77546 (iptcembed broken function).
- Fixed bug #77630 (rename() across the device may allow unwanted access during processing).
- COM:
- Mbstring:
- Fixed bug #77514 (mb_ereg_replace() with trailing backslash adds null byte).
- MySQL:
- Disabled LOCAL INFILE by default, can be enabled using php.ini directive mysqli.allow_local_infile for mysqli, or PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE attribute for pdo_mysql.
- OpenSSL:
- Fixed bug #77390 (feof might hang on TLS streams in case of fragmented TLS records).
- Support Oracle Database tracing attributes ACTION, MODULE, CLIENT_INFO, and CLIENT_IDENTIFIER.
- phpdbg:
- Fixed bug #76596 (phpdbg support for display_errors=stderr).
- SPL:
- Standard:
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《PHP 7.1.27、7.2.16 和 7.3.3 发布》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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注意力经济: 如何把大众的注意力变成生意
吴修铭 / 中信出版集团股份有限公司 / 2018-4-1 / 69
编辑推荐 这本书由万维钢作序,并在《得到》日课中多次推荐!中文版未上市之前,中文前沿媒体就在力推这本书!关于注意力争夺战的历史和现在,作者给了权威的梳理和定位! 百年来,在争夺注意力的战场上,媒体、广告、商人、企业和大众成为博弈的主角。商人是如何在注意力争夺战中获利的?媒体是如何在改变报道形式的?广告是如何进化的?以及,营销是如何变得随处可见、无孔不入的呢?这本书讲述了令商人或企业从吸......一起来看看 《注意力经济: 如何把大众的注意力变成生意》 这本书的介绍吧!