内容简介:elasticsearch集群发现机制有两种:Zen Discovery和 EC2 discovery。EC2:亚马逊弹性计算云。Zen Discovery作用就相当于solrcloud中的zookeeper。EC2 discovery主要在亚马云平台中使用。
elasticsearch集群发现机制有两种:Zen Discovery和 EC2 discovery。
Zen Discovery作用就相当于solrcloud中的zookeeper。EC2 discovery主要在亚马云平台中使用。
配置 描述 group 默认值为224.2.2.4 port 默认值为54328 ttl 多播消息的ttl。默认为3 address 绑定的地址,默认为null,即绑定所有可用的network接口。
将elasticsearch.yml 配置multicast.enabled设为false可以禁用多播方式。
配置 描述 hosts 是一个数组的配置,或以逗号分隔的字符串。格式为host:port,或者host[port1-port2]
配置 描述 ping_interval 节点ping的频率。默认为1秒。 ping_timeout 等待节点响应的超时时间,默认为30秒 ping_retries ping失败/超时重试次数。默认为3.
{ "request" : { "cluster_name" : "test_cluster" } }
{ "response" : { "cluster_name" : "test_cluster", "transport_address" : "...", "http_address" : "...", "attributes" : { "..." } } }
配置 | 描述 |
group | 默认值为224.2.2.4 |
port | 默认值为54328 |
ttl | 多播消息的ttl。默认为3 |
address | 绑定的地址,默认为null,即绑定所有可用的network接口。 |
将elasticsearch.yml 配置multicast.enabled设为false可以禁用多播方式。
配置 | 描述 |
hosts | 是一个数组的配置,或以逗号分隔的字符串。格式为host:port,或者host[port1-port2] |
配置 | 描述 |
ping_interval | 节点ping的频率。默认为1秒。 |
ping_timeout | 等待节点响应的超时时间,默认为30秒 |
ping_retries | ping失败/超时重试次数。默认为3. |
{ "request" : { "cluster_name" : "test_cluster" } }
{ "response" : { "cluster_name" : "test_cluster", "transport_address" : "...", "http_address" : "...", "attributes" : { "..." } } }
Zen Discovery 概览
Zen Discovery 从功能上可以分为两部分,第一部分是集群刚启动时的选主,或者是新加入集群的节点发现当前集群的Master。第二部分是选主完成后,Master 和 Folower 的相互探活。Zen Discovery 管理着整个集群的 Meta Data。其功能非常类似于 Zookeeper 的功能,但是Elasticsearch 的架构设计使得数据的 CRUD 过程都是不经过 Zen Discovery 模块的,所以 Zen Discovery 是一个相对轻量级的模块,尤其是 Zen Discovery 的通讯复用整个集群的通讯模块(Transport Module),Zen Discovery 的实现还是比较简单的。这可能也是 Elasticsearch 不依赖 Zookeeper 的一个重要原因,避免架构过重。
The zen discovery is integrated with other modules, for example, all communication between nodes is done using the transport module.
本文主要介绍 Zen Discovery 选主实现原理
带中文注释的源代码可见本人 github 仓库中文注释源代码
选主分为两类情况,一类是集群刚启动,不存在 Master,需要从所有的节点中选出 Master;另一类是一个节点加入一个集群,找到当前集群的 Master 加入。不管是哪一种情况,都经历了两个过程:同步集群信息,基于集群信息选主。
选主逻辑的入口在 JoinThreadControl.startNewThreadIfNotRunning函数,核心流程时序图如下
这个阶段,Es 进行了类似于 Gossip 通信的过程。该过程的入口是 ZenDiscovery 的 findMaster 函数,调用流程如下
着重分析 UnicastZenPing.ping 函数:
discovery.zen.ping_timeout finishPingingRound
// UnicastZenPing.ping函数 protected void ping(final Consumer<PingCollection> resultsConsumer, final TimeValue scheduleDuration, final TimeValue requestDuration) { final List<DiscoveryNode> seedNodes; try { /* * 从配置文件中获取 seed nodes */ seedNodes = resolveHostsLists( unicastZenPingExecutorService, logger, configuredHosts, limitPortCounts, transportService, UNICAST_NODE_PREFIX, resolveTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } /* * 加入File-Based Discovery Plugin发现的 seed nodes */ seedNodes.addAll(hostsProvider.buildDynamicNodes()); final DiscoveryNodes nodes = contextProvider.clusterState().nodes(); // add all possible master nodes that were active in the last known cluster configuration for (ObjectCursor<DiscoveryNode> masterNode : nodes.getMasterNodes().values()) { seedNodes.add(masterNode.value); } final ConnectionProfile connectionProfile = ConnectionProfile.buildSingleChannelProfile(TransportRequestOptions.Type.REG, requestDuration, requestDuration); /* * pingingRound 是一个关键的类, 负责向所有的 seedNodes 发送 ping, 并把结果记录在 pingCollections 中 */ final PingingRound pingingRound = new PingingRound(pingingRoundIdGenerator.incrementAndGet(), seedNodes, resultsConsumer, nodes.getLocalNode(), connectionProfile); activePingingRounds.put(pingingRound.id(), pingingRound); final AbstractRunnable pingSender = new AbstractRunnable() { @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { if (e instanceof AlreadyClosedException == false) { logger.warn("unexpected error while pinging", e); } } @Override protected void doRun() throws Exception { sendPings(requestDuration, pingingRound); } }; /* * 一共发送三次 pingRound, pingCollections 是一个 map, 多次发送自动去重, 增加了网络抖动情况下的鲁棒性 */ threadPool.generic().execute(pingSender); threadPool.schedule(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(scheduleDuration.millis() / 3), ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, pingSender); threadPool.schedule(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(scheduleDuration.millis() / 3 * 2), ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, pingSender); /* * finishPingingRound 执行 pingConsumer 的 accept 函数 * 外边传进来的是 CompleteableFuture的complete, 所以此处CompleteableFuture.get()停止阻塞返回pingCollection * 见ZenDiscovery.java pingAndWait函数 */ threadPool.schedule(scheduleDuration, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, new AbstractRunnable() { @Override protected void doRun() throws Exception { finishPingingRound(pingingRound); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { logger.warn("unexpected error while finishing pinging round", e); } }); }
UnicastZenPing.ping一共执行了三轮 ping,下边着重分析每一轮 ping 做了什么,主要逻辑在UnicastZenPing.sendPings 函数
- 首先构造 pingRequest,pingRequest 包含了以下信息
private final long id; 单调递增的 id,反映 pingRequest 的时序关系
private final ClusterName clusterName; 当前集群的 clusterName,用于区分集群
private final DiscoveryNode node; 节点本身
private final DiscoveryNode master; 自己所知的当前集群的 master
private final long clusterStateVersion; 自己 clusterStateVersion
- 构造要发送节点的集合,包含两部分:1. seedNodes 集合;2. nodesFromResponses中的节点,nodesFromResponses记录了ping 过当前节点的节点。这一步是 Gossip 协议的一个关键,要通讯的节点并不是静态的,而包括那些曾经 ping 过自己的节点,即便他们不再 seedNodes 中
- 遍历要发送的节点集合,发送 ping 请求
// UnicastZenPing.sendPings 函数 protected void sendPings(final TimeValue timeout, final PingingRound pingingRound) { final ClusterState lastState = contextProvider.clusterState(); /* * 构造 pingRequest, 包含本身节点信息 */ final UnicastPingRequest pingRequest = new UnicastPingRequest(pingingRound.id(), timeout, createPingResponse(lastState)); Set<DiscoveryNode> nodesFromResponses = temporalResponses.stream().map(pingResponse -> { assert clusterName.equals(pingResponse.clusterName()) : "got a ping request from a different cluster. expected " + clusterName + " got " + pingResponse.clusterName(); return pingResponse.node(); }).collect(Collectors.toSet()); /* * 构造要发送请求的节点集合, 包含两部分: * 1. seed nodes, 在配置文件中配置 * 2. 所有给自己发送过 ping 请求的节点 */ // dedup by address final Map<TransportAddress, DiscoveryNode> uniqueNodesByAddress = Stream.concat(pingingRound.getSeedNodes().stream(), nodesFromResponses.stream()) .collect(Collectors.toMap(DiscoveryNode::getAddress, Function.identity(), (n1, n2) -> n1)); // resolve what we can via the latest cluster state final Set<DiscoveryNode> nodesToPing = uniqueNodesByAddress.values().stream() .map(node -> { DiscoveryNode foundNode = lastState.nodes().findByAddress(node.getAddress()); if (foundNode == null) { return node; } else { return foundNode; } }).collect(Collectors.toSet()); nodesToPing.forEach(node -> sendPingRequestToNode(node, timeout, pingingRound, pingRequest)); }
- 调用了 Transport Module 的transportService.sendRequest函数,并注册了一个收到 response 后的回调。Transport Module的实现不再本文的分析范围,关键分析该回调函数。
// UnicastZenPing.sendPingRequestToNode函数 private void sendPingRequestToNode(final DiscoveryNode node, TimeValue timeout, final PingingRound pingingRound, final UnicastPingRequest pingRequest) { submitToExecutor(new AbstractRunnable() { @Override protected void doRun() throws Exception { Connection connection = null; if (transportService.nodeConnected(node)) { try { // concurrency can still cause disconnects connection = transportService.getConnection(node); } catch (NodeNotConnectedException e) { logger.trace("[{}] node [{}] just disconnected, will create a temp connection", pingingRound.id(), node); } } if (connection == null) { connection = pingingRound.getOrConnect(node); } logger.trace("[{}] sending to {}", pingingRound.id(), node); transportService.sendRequest(connection, ACTION_NAME, pingRequest, TransportRequestOptions.builder().withTimeout((long) (timeout.millis() * 1.25)).build(), getPingResponseHandler(pingingRound, node)); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { if (e instanceof ConnectTransportException || e instanceof AlreadyClosedException) { // can't connect to the node - this is more common path! logger.trace(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed to ping {}", pingingRound.id(), node), e); } else if (e instanceof RemoteTransportException) { // something went wrong on the other side logger.debug(() -> new ParameterizedMessage( "[{}] received a remote error as a response to ping {}", pingingRound.id(), node), e); } else { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] failed send ping to {}", pingingRound.id(), node), e); } } @Override public void onRejection(Exception e) { // The RejectedExecutionException can come from the fact unicastZenPingExecutorService is at its max down in sendPings // But don't bail here, we can retry later on after the send ping has been scheduled. logger.debug("Ping execution rejected", e); } }); }
- 该函数逻辑比较简单,把 response 中的 pingResponses 中的节点信息加入到pingCollections 中,也就是最终的返回结果
//UnicastZenPing.getPingResponseHandler函数 protected TransportResponseHandler<UnicastPingResponse> getPingResponseHandler(final PingingRound pingingRound, final DiscoveryNode node) { return new TransportResponseHandler<UnicastPingResponse>() { @Override public UnicastPingResponse read(StreamInput in) throws IOException { return new UnicastPingResponse(in); } @Override public String executor() { return ThreadPool.Names.SAME; } @Override public void handleResponse(UnicastPingResponse response) { logger.trace("[{}] received response from {}: {}", pingingRound.id(), node, Arrays.toString(response.pingResponses)); if (pingingRound.isClosed()) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("[{}] skipping received response from {}. already closed", pingingRound.id(), node); } } else { Stream.of(response.pingResponses).forEach(pingingRound::addPingResponseToCollection); } } @Override public void handleException(TransportException exp) { if (exp instanceof ConnectTransportException || exp.getCause() instanceof ConnectTransportException || exp.getCause() instanceof AlreadyClosedException) { // ok, not connected... logger.trace(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to connect to {}", node), exp); } else if (closed == false) { logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to send ping to [{}]", node), exp); } } }; }
那么pingResponses到底包含什么内容呢?这需要看一个节点收到 pingRequest 后是如何构造 response 的,对应逻辑在UnicastZenPing.handlePingRequest函数:
- 每收到一个 ping 请求,就把发送方节点信息加入到temporalResponses中,下次本节点发送 ping 的时候,会向这些节点发送
- 构造返回的节点信息,节点信息包含了两部分:1. 曾经给自己发送过 ping 请求的节点;2. 节点本身
// UnicastZenPing.handlePingRequest private UnicastPingResponse handlePingRequest(final UnicastPingRequest request) { assert clusterName.equals(request.pingResponse.clusterName()) : "got a ping request from a different cluster. expected " + clusterName + " got " + request.pingResponse.clusterName(); /* * 每收到一个请求加到 temporalResponses 中 */ temporalResponses.add(request.pingResponse); // add to any ongoing pinging /* * 加到 pingingCollection 中 */ activePingingRounds.values().forEach(p -> p.addPingResponseToCollection(request.pingResponse)); /* * temporalResponse 中的 response 会定时过期 */ threadPool.schedule(TimeValue.timeValueMillis(request.timeout.millis() * 2), ThreadPool.Names.SAME, () -> temporalResponses.remove(request.pingResponse)); /* * 返回给请求节点的 responses 集合包含两部分 * 1. 自己曾经收到ping 请求的节点 * 2. 本身节点 */ List<PingResponse> pingResponses = CollectionUtils.iterableAsArrayList(temporalResponses); pingResponses.add(createPingResponse(contextProvider.clusterState())); return new UnicastPingResponse(request.id, pingResponses.toArray(new PingResponse[pingResponses.size()])); }
通过以上代码分析,整个过程就比较清晰了,请求的发送和响应都是典型的 Gossip 的模式
- 发送方会向 seedNodes 和曾经ping 过自己的节点发送 ping 请求,发送方包含了本节点的信息
- 接收方会向发送方返回所有 ping 过自己的节点信息
一共进行了3轮 Gossip 的通信,3轮通讯完毕后返回收到的所有节点信息。这三次通信过程收到的节点信息是指数增长的,所以在没有网络分区的情况下,3轮通信就可以获得集群的所有节点信息。为了更直观的说明这个过程,本文举例如下:
- initial state:seedNodes 是 node1,初始状态,每个节点只知道自己和 seedNodes 节点
- round 1: node 1只知道自己,不需发送ping; node 2 向 node 1发送 ping,node 1 知道了 node 2的存在;node 3 向 node 1 发送 ping,node 1 知道了 node 3 的存在
- round 2: node 1 向 node 2, node 3 发送 ping,node 2, node 3知道了 node 1的存在(本身通过 seedNodes 已经知道);另外,node 2 向 node 1发送 ping,收到的返回包含 node 1,node 2,node 3,所以,node 2 知道了所有的节点。类似的,node 3 向 node 1 发送 ping, 收到的返回包含了 node 1, node 2,node 3,node 3 也知道集群的所有节点信息。
- round 3: 任一个节点向其他两个节点发送ping,ping 中包含本节点信息。任一节点收到 ping 请求后,将三个节点的信息返回给请求节点。
本例中,经过两轮 ping,所有节点已经知道了集群中全部节点信息。
基于集群信息选主分为两步,1. 选出当前的 master 2. 如果 master 不是自己,则给 master发请求加入集群;如果 master 是自己,则等待其他节点给自己发请求。
选出当前 master 节点主要在ZenDiscovery.findMaster 函数中:
- 找到集群已有的 master 节点和 candidate 节点
- 如果当前集群没有 master 节点,并且自己与足够的 candidate 保持连接,则从 candidate 中选出 master,否则返回 null
- 如果集群中有 master 一个或者多个节点,选择 id 较小的节点作为 master
//ZenDiscovery.findMaster 函数 private DiscoveryNode findMaster() { logger.trace("starting to ping"); List<ZenPing.PingResponse> fullPingResponses = pingAndWait(pingTimeout).toList(); if (fullPingResponses == null) { logger.trace("No full ping responses"); return null; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (fullPingResponses.size() == 0) { sb.append(" {none}"); } else { for (ZenPing.PingResponse pingResponse : fullPingResponses) { sb.append("\n\t--> ").append(pingResponse); } } logger.trace("full ping responses:{}", sb); } final DiscoveryNode localNode = transportService.getLocalNode(); /* * 没有把自己加到 pingCollections 中 */ // add our selves assert fullPingResponses.stream().map(ZenPing.PingResponse::node) .filter(n -> n.equals(localNode)).findAny().isPresent() == false; fullPingResponses.add(new ZenPing.PingResponse(localNode, null, this.clusterState())); // filter responses final List<ZenPing.PingResponse> pingResponses = filterPingResponses(fullPingResponses, masterElectionIgnoreNonMasters, logger); /* * 找到当前集群的 master */ List<DiscoveryNode> activeMasters = new ArrayList<>(); for (ZenPing.PingResponse pingResponse : pingResponses) { // We can't include the local node in pingMasters list, otherwise we may up electing ourselves without // any check / verifications from other nodes in ZenDiscover#innerJoinCluster() if (pingResponse.master() != null && !localNode.equals(pingResponse.master())) { activeMasters.add(pingResponse.master()); } } /* * 找到当前集群的 master candidate */ // nodes discovered during pinging List<ElectMasterService.MasterCandidate> masterCandidates = new ArrayList<>(); for (ZenPing.PingResponse pingResponse : pingResponses) { if (pingResponse.node().isMasterNode()) { masterCandidates.add(new ElectMasterService.MasterCandidate(pingResponse.node(), pingResponse.getClusterStateVersion())); } } /* * 当前集群没有 master */ if (activeMasters.isEmpty()) { /* * 当前节点与超过 minimum candidate 个节点保持联系 * 从候选节点中选出 master */ if (electMaster.hasEnoughCandidates(masterCandidates)) { final ElectMasterService.MasterCandidate winner = electMaster.electMaster(masterCandidates); logger.trace("candidate {} won election", winner); return winner.getNode(); } else { /* * 无法选出 master 返回 null */ // if we don't have enough master nodes, we bail, because there are not enough master to elect from logger.warn("not enough master nodes discovered during pinging (found [{}], but needed [{}]), pinging again", masterCandidates, electMaster.minimumMasterNodes()); return null; } } else { assert !activeMasters.contains(localNode) : "local node should never be elected as master when other nodes indicate an active master"; // lets tie break between discovered nodes /* * 集群存在多个 master 节点, 选择 id 较小的当做 master */ return electMaster.tieBreakActiveMasters(activeMasters); } }
选出当前 master 后则需要发请求加入集群或等待其他节点加入,主要逻辑在ZenDiscovery.innerJoinCluster 中:
- 如果master 是当前节点,则等待minimumMasterNodes() – 1个节点向自己发送 joinRequest,如果超时则重新开始innerJoinCluster过程
- 如果master 不是当前节点,则向 master 节点发送 joinRequest,阻塞等待,master 会在收集到足够的选票后统一回复
收集 joinRequest 这个事情由nodeJoinController负责,nodeJoinController每收到一个 joinRequest 都会统计一下总数,超过就会触发一个 callBack,阻塞等待这个逻辑就是借助这个 callBack 实现的。这种实现方式感觉各模块的职责划分非常清晰:统计选票的模块只负责统计选票,至于在统计选票过程中,外部模块需要等待,则完全由外部模块通过 callBack 去实现。Es 很多地方都有阻塞等待这种逻辑,不同地方的实现也不尽相同。
// ZenDiscovery.innerJoinCluster函数 private void innerJoinCluster() { DiscoveryNode masterNode = null; final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); nodeJoinController.startElectionContext(); while (masterNode == null && joinThreadControl.joinThreadActive(currentThread)) { masterNode = findMaster(); } if (!joinThreadControl.joinThreadActive(currentThread)) { logger.trace("thread is no longer in currentJoinThread. Stopping."); return; } /* * 当前节点被选为 master */ if (transportService.getLocalNode().equals(masterNode)) { final int requiredJoins = Math.max(0, electMaster.minimumMasterNodes() - 1); // we count as one logger.debug("elected as master, waiting for incoming joins ([{}] needed)", requiredJoins); nodeJoinController.waitToBeElectedAsMaster(requiredJoins, masterElectionWaitForJoinsTimeout, new NodeJoinController.ElectionCallback() { @Override public void onElectedAsMaster(ClusterState state) { synchronized (stateMutex) { joinThreadControl.markThreadAsDone(currentThread); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { logger.trace("failed while waiting for nodes to join, rejoining", t); synchronized (stateMutex) { joinThreadControl.markThreadAsDoneAndStartNew(currentThread); } } } ); } else { // process any incoming joins (they will fail because we are not the master) nodeJoinController.stopElectionContext(masterNode + " elected"); // send join request /* * 此处会阻塞等待,并有多次重试, */ final boolean success = joinElectedMaster(masterNode); synchronized (stateMutex) { if (success) { DiscoveryNode currentMasterNode = this.clusterState().getNodes().getMasterNode(); if (currentMasterNode == null) { // Post 1.3.0, the master should publish a new cluster state before acking our join request. we now should have // a valid master. logger.debug("no master node is set, despite of join request completing. retrying pings."); joinThreadControl.markThreadAsDoneAndStartNew(currentThread); } else if (currentMasterNode.equals(masterNode) == false) { // update cluster state joinThreadControl.stopRunningThreadAndRejoin("master_switched_while_finalizing_join"); } joinThreadControl.markThreadAsDone(currentThread); } else { // failed to join. Try again... joinThreadControl.markThreadAsDoneAndStartNew(currentThread); } } } }
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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