本教程是《深度学习理论与实战》草稿的部分内容,主要介绍流行的开源语音识别工具Kaldi的基本用法。更多文章请点击 《深度学习理论与实战》拾遗 。阅读本文需要理解基于HMM-GMM和HMM-DNN的语音识别框架的基本原理,了解基于WFST的解码器。另外这里也假设读者已经安装了Kaldi,详细的安装请参考 Kaldi官网文档 。
Kaldi是当前最流行的开源语音识别工具(Toolkit),它使用WFST来实现解码算法。Kaldi的主要代码是C++编写,在此之上使用bash和 python 脚本做了一些工具。
$diff cmd.sh -export train_cmd=queue.pl -export decode_cmd="queue.pl --mem 4G" -export mkgraph_cmd="queue.pl --mem 8G" -export cuda_cmd="queue.pl --gpu 1" +export train_cmd=run.pl +export decode_cmd="run.pl --mem 4G" +export mkgraph_cmd="run.pl --mem 8G" +export cuda_cmd="run.pl --gpu 1"
这个脚本执行后会修改一些环境变量,包括export LC_ALL=C,因为很多kaldi的 工具 需要数据是 排序 的,而排序需要用 C语言 字符串顺序。
#[ -d $thchs ] || mkdir -p $thchs || exit 1 #echo "downloading THCHS30 at $thchs ..." #local/download_and_untar.sh $thchs http://www.openslr.org/resources/18 data_thchs30 || exit 1 #local/download_and_untar.sh $thchs http://www.openslr.org/resources/18 resource || exit 1 #local/download_and_untar.sh $thchs http://www.openslr.org/resources/18 test-noise || exit 1
1 他 仅 凭 腰部 的 力量 在 泳道 上下 翻腾 蛹 动 蛇行 状 如 海豚 一直 以 一头 的 优势 领先 2 ta1 jin3 ping2 yao1 bu4 de5 li4 liang4 zai4 yong3 dao4 shang4 xia4 fan1 teng2 yong3 dong4 she2 xing2 zhuang4 ru2 hai3 tun2 yi4 zhi2 yi3 yi4 tou2 de5 you1 shi4 ling3 xian1 3 t a1 j in3 p ing2 ii iao1 b u4 d e5 l i4 l iang4 z ai4 ii iong3 d ao4 sh ang4 x ia4 f an1 t eng2 ii iong3 d ong4 sh e2 x ing2 zh uang4 r u2 h ai3 t un2 ii i4 zh ix2 ii i3 ii i4 t ou2 d e5 ii iu1 sh ix4 l ing3 x ian1
kaldi需要的“原始”数据主要分为两部分,一部分是”data”相关的数据,通常在data/train下,另一部分是”language”,通常放在data/lang下。”data”部分主要是录音文件相关内容,而”language”部分包括语言相关数据,比如lexicon(词到音子的映射),因子集(phone set)等等。
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data$ ls -l train/ total 5744 -rw-rw-r-- 1 lili lili 2175289 Aug 14 12:38 phone.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 lili lili 80200 Aug 14 12:39 spk2utt -rw-rw-r-- 1 lili lili 1257119 Aug 14 12:38 text -rw-rw-r-- 1 lili lili 120000 Aug 14 12:38 utt2spk -rw-rw-r-- 1 lili lili 974999 Aug 14 12:38 wav.scp -rw-rw-r-- 1 lili lili 1257119 Aug 14 12:38 word.txt
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/train$ head -2 text A02_000 绿 是 阳春 烟 景 大块 文章 的 底色 四月 的 林 峦 更是 绿 得 鲜活 秀媚 诗意 盎然 A02_001 他 仅 凭 腰部 的 力量 在 泳道 上下 翻腾 蛹 动 蛇行 状 如 海豚 一直 以 一头 的 优势 领先
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/train$ head -2 wav.scp A02_000 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/thchs30-openslr/data_thchs30/train/A2_0.wav A02_001 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/thchs30-openslr/data_thchs30/train/A2_1.wav
s5# head -3 data/train/segments sw02001-A_000098-001156 sw02001-A 0.98 11.56 sw02001-A_001980-002131 sw02001-A 19.8 21.31 sw02001-A_002736-002893 sw02001-A 27.36 28.93
这个文件的每行为4列,第1列是utterance-id,第2列是recording-id。什么是recording-id?如果有segments文件,那么wav.scp第一列就不是utterance-id而变成recording-id了。recording-id表示一个录音文件的id,而一个录音文件可能包含多个utterance。因此第3列和第4列告诉kaldi这个utterance-id在录音文件中开始和介绍的实际。比如上面的例子,utterance “sw02001-A_000098-001156”在sw02001-A这个录音文件里,开始和结束时间分别是0.98秒到11.56秒。
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/train$ head -2 utt2spk A02_000 A02 A02_001 A02
这个文件告诉kaldi,utterance-id对应哪个speaker-id。比如上面的文件告诉我们A02_000这个句子的spaker-id是A02。speaker-id不一定要求准确的对应到某个人,只要大致准确就行。如果我们不知道说话人是谁,那么我们可以把speaker-id设置成utterance-id。一种常见的错误做法是把未知说话人的句子都对应到一个“全局”的speaker,这样的坏处是它会使得cepstral mean normalization变得无效。
utils/utt2spk_to_spk2utt.pl data/train/utt2spk > data/train/spk2utt
A04 A04_000 A04_001 A04_002 A04_003 A04_005 A04_006 A04_007 A04_008 ...
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/mfcc/train$ head -3 feats.scp A02_000 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/mfcc/train/raw_mfcc_train.1.ark:8 A02_001 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/mfcc/train/raw_mfcc_train.1.ark:12868 A02_002 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/mfcc/train/raw_mfcc_train.1.ark:26222
steps/make_mfcc.sh --nj 8 --cmd "$train_cmd" data/train exp/make_mfcc/train $mfccdir
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/mfcc/train$ head -2 cmvn.scp A02 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/mfcc/train/cmvn_train.ark:4 A04 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/mfcc/train/cmvn_train.ark:247
steps/compute_cmvn_stats.sh data/train exp/make_mfcc/train $mfccdir
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ ls data/lang L_disambig.fst L.fst oov.int oov.txt phones phones.txt topo words.txt
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ ls data/lang/phones align_lexicon.int disambig.int nonsilence.txt sets.int wdisambig.txt align_lexicon.txt disambig.txt optional_silence.csl sets.txt wdisambig_words.int context_indep.csl extra_questions.int optional_silence.int silence.csl context_indep.int extra_questions.txt optional_silence.txt silence.int context_indep.txt nonsilence.csl roots.int silence.txt disambig.csl nonsilence.int roots.txt wdisambig_phones.int
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ head data/lang/phones.txt <eps> 0 sil 1 a1 2 a2 3 a3 4 a4 5 a5 6 aa 7 ai1 8 ai2 9
这个文件是因子和id的映射,WFST里用的都是id。脚本utils/int2sym.pl用于把id转换成符号,而utils/sym2int.pl把符号转换成id。对于英文来说,最常见的音子集合是 ARPABET ,对于汉语,我们常见的音子就是拼音,但是汉语是的韵母是有声调的,不同的声调是不同的因子。因此a1到a5分别表示ā、á、ǎ、à和a,代表阴平、阳平、上声、去声和轻声。
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ head data/lang/words.txt <eps> 0 # 1 <SPOKEN_NOISE> 2 SIL 3 一 4 一一 5 一丁点 6 一万 7 一万元 8 一万多 9
oov.txt里是未登录词(Out of Vocabulary Words)。这里把所有未登录词映射成一个噪音<SPOKEN_NOISE>。而.int文件是词对应的ID。
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ cat data/lang/oov.txt <SPOKEN_NOISE>
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ cat data/lang/oov.int 2
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ head -5 data/local/lang/lexiconp.txt # 1.0 sil <SPOKEN_NOISE> 1.0 sil SIL 1.0 sil 一 1.0 ii i1 一一 1.0 ii i1 ii i1
这两个文件至少有一个(通常只有一个,如果两个都有则忽略lexicon.txt而使用lexiconp.txt)。这个文件就是发音词典文件,它告诉kaldi每个词对应的音素是什么。比如在前面的例子中词“一”的发音是”ii i1”,”ii”就是y的发音,而”i1”就是ī。一个词(字)可以是多音词(字),比如:
和 1.0 h e2 和 1.0 h e4 和 1.0 h u2 和 1.0 h uo2 和 1.0 h uo4
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ cat data/lang/topo <Topology> <TopologyEntry> <ForPhones> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 </ForPhones> <State> 0 <PdfClass> 0 <Transition> 0 0.75 <Transition> 1 0.25 </State> <State> 1 <PdfClass> 1 <Transition> 1 0.75 <Transition> 2 0.25 </State> <State> 2 <PdfClass> 2 <Transition> 2 0.75 <Transition> 3 0.25 </State> <State> 3 </State> </TopologyEntry> <TopologyEntry> <ForPhones> 1 </ForPhones> <State> 0 <PdfClass> 0 <Transition> 0 0.25 <Transition> 1 0.25 <Transition> 2 0.25 <Transition> 3 0.25 </State> <State> 1 <PdfClass> 1 <Transition> 1 0.25 <Transition> 2 0.25 <Transition> 3 0.25 <Transition> 4 0.25 </State> <State> 2 <PdfClass> 2 <Transition> 1 0.25 <Transition> 2 0.25 <Transition> 3 0.25 <Transition> 4 0.25 </State> <State> 3 <PdfClass> 3 <Transition> 1 0.25 <Transition> 2 0.25 <Transition> 3 0.25 <Transition> 4 0.25 </State> <State> 4 <PdfClass> 4 <Transition> 4 0.75 <Transition> 5 0.25 </State> <State> 5 </State> </TopologyEntry> </Topology>
这里我们使用的HMM每个phone有3个状态,每个状态只能自跳转和跳到下一个状态,并且我们指定初始化的概率分别是0.75和0.25。 lexicon.txt和lexiconp.txt的区别在于后者可以在第二列说明一个词发不同音的概率。
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ cat data/lang/phones/context_indep.txt sil
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ cat data/lang/phones/silence.txt sil
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ head -3 data/lang/phones/nonsilence.txt a1 a2 a3
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ head -3 data/lang/phones/disambig.txt #0 #1 #2
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ cat data/lang/phones/optional_silence.txt sil
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ head -3 data/lang/phones/sets.txt sil a1 a2
s5# head -3 data/lang/phones/sets.txt SIL SIL_B SIL_E SIL_I SIL_S SPN SPN_B SPN_E SPN_I SPN_S NSN NSN_B NSN_E NSN_I NSN_S
决策树聚类额外的问题,这个文件不是必须的。和HTK不同,kaldi会自己生成决策树聚类的问题。我们这里提供额外的问题,注意是根据音调来提问(英语通常会对重音)。 这里根据音调的不同把因子分成5类,然后再加上sil和辅音,共7类。
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ cat data/lang/phones/extra_questions.txt sil a1 ai1 an1 ang1 ao1 e1 ei1 en1 eng1 i1 ia1 ian1 iang1 iao1 ie1 in1 ing1 iong1 iu1 ix1 iy1 o1 ong1 ou1 u1 ua1 uai1 uan1 uang1 ueng1 ui1 un1 uo1 v1 van1 ve1 vn1 a2 ai2 an2 ang2 ao2 e2 ei2 en2 eng2 er2 i2 ia2 ian2 iang2 iao2 ie2 in2 ing2 iong2 iu2 ix2 iy2 o2 ong2 ou2 u2 ua2 uai2 uan2 uang2 ui2 un2 uo2 v2 van2 ve2 vn2 a3 ai3 an3 ang3 ao3 e3 ei3 en3 eng3 er3 i3 ia3 ian3 iang3 iao3 ie3 in3 ing3 iong3 iu3 ix3 iy3 o3 ong3 ou3 u3 ua3 uai3 uan3 uang3 ueng3 ui3 un3 uo3 v3 van3 ve3 vn3 a4 ai4 an4 ang4 ao4 e4 ei4 en4 eng4 er4 i4 ia4 ian4 iang4 iao4 ie4 in4 ing4 iong4 iu4 ix4 iy4 iz4 o4 ong4 ou4 u4 ua4 uai4 uan4 uang4 ueng4 ui4 un4 uo4 v4 van4 ve4 vn4 a5 ai5 an5 ang5 ao5 e5 ei5 en5 eng5 er5 i5 ia5 ian5 iang5 iao5 ie5 in5 ing5 iong5 iu5 ix5 iy5 iz5 o5 ong5 ou5 u5 ua5 uai5 uan5 uang5 ueng5 ui5 un5 uo5 v5 van5 ve5 vn5 aa b c ch d ee f g h ii j k l m n oo p q r s sh t uu vv x z zh
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5$ head data/lang/phones/roots.txt shared split sil shared split a1 shared split a2 shared split a3 shared split a4 shared split a5 shared split aa shared split ai1 shared split ai2 shared split ai3
head data/lang/phones/roots.txt shared split SIL SIL_B SIL_E SIL_I SIL_S shared split SPN SPN_B SPN_E SPN_I SPN_S shared split NSN NSN_B NSN_E NSN_I NSN_S shared split LAU LAU_B LAU_E LAU_I LAU_S ... shared split B_B B_E B_I B_S
local/thchs-30_data_prep.sh $H $thchs/data_thchs30 || exit 1;
我们来看一下脚本local/thchs-30_data_prep.sh,根据kaldi的约定,local目录下是与特定数据集相关的数据处理脚本。这个脚本有两个参数,第一个是输出的目录,这里传入的是当前目录”/home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5”;而第二个参数是数据目录”/home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/thchs30-openslr/data_thchs30”。这个脚本会根据thchs30的数据生成kaldi需要的text, wav.scp, utt2pk, spk2utt等文件。
#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 Tsinghua University (Author: Dong Wang, Xuewei Zhang). Apache 2.0. # 2016 LeSpeech (Author: Xingyu Na) #This script pepares the data directory for thchs30 recipe. #It reads the corpus and get wav.scp and transcriptions. # dir可能是"/home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5" dir=$1 # corpus_dir可能是"/home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/thchs30-openslr/data_thchs30" corpus_dir=$2 cd $dir # 在data目录下创建 train,dev和test子目录 echo "creating data/{train,dev,test}" mkdir -p data/{train,dev,test} # 创建 wav.scp, utt2spk.scp, spk2utt.scp, text ( # x分别取值"train","dev"和"test" for x in train dev test; do echo "cleaning data/$x" # 进入到相应目录,比如data/train cd $dir/data/$x # 删除下面的相关文件 rm -rf wav.scp utt2spk spk2utt word.txt phone.txt text echo "preparing scps and text in data/$x" # 在/home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/thchs30-openslr/data_thchs30/train下找所有的wav文件,并且根据名字排序 for nn in `find $corpus_dir/$x -name "*.wav" | sort -u | xargs -I {} basename {} .wav`; do # 从文件名中抽取信息,比如从C8_742.wav # spkid 为C8(需要了解简单的awk) spkid=`echo $nn | awk -F"_" '{print "" $1}'` # spk_char为C spk_char=`echo $spkid | sed 's/\([A-Z]\).*/\1/'` # spk_num为8 spk_num=`echo $spkid | sed 's/[A-Z]\([0-9]\)/\1/'` # 把spkid变成C08(原来是C8),因为说话人小于100个,这样就可以保证顺序 spkid=$(printf '%s%.2d' "$spk_char" "$spk_num") # 抽取下划线后面的 742 utt_num=`echo $nn | awk -F"_" '{print $2}'` # 变成C08_742 uttid=$(printf '%s%.2d_%.3d' "$spk_char" "$spk_num" "$utt_num") # 输出到wav.scp的一行,类似"C08_742 /home/lili/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/data/thchs30-openslr/data_thchs30/train/C8_742.wav" echo $uttid $corpus_dir/$x/$nn.wav >> wav.scp # 输出到utt2spk的一行 "C08_742 C08" echo $uttid $spkid >> utt2spk # 输出到word.txt "C08_742 这里 说 的 易 牙 蒸 了 他 儿子 给 桀纣 吃 也是 狂人 语 颇 错 杂 无 伦次 的 表现" echo $uttid `sed -n 1p $corpus_dir/data/$nn.wav.trn` >> word.txt # 输出到phone.txt "C08_742 zh e4 l i3 sh uo1 d e5 ii i4 ii ia2 zh eng1 l e5 t a1 ee er2 z iy5 g ei3 j ie2 zh ou4 ch ix1 ii ie3 sh ix4 k uang2 r en2 vv v3 p o1 c uo4 z a2 uu u2 l un2 c iy4 d e5 b iao3 x ian4" echo $uttid `sed -n 3p $corpus_dir/data/$nn.wav.trn` >> phone.txt done # word.txt就是kaldi要的text cp word.txt text # wav.scp排序 sort wav.scp -o wav.scp # utt2spk排序 sort utt2spk -o utt2spk # text排序 sort text -o text # phone.txt排序 sort phone.txt -o phone.txt done ) || exit 1 # 根据utt2spk生成spk2utt utils/utt2spk_to_spk2utt.pl data/train/utt2spk > data/train/spk2utt utils/utt2spk_to_spk2utt.pl data/dev/utt2spk > data/dev/spk2utt utils/utt2spk_to_spk2utt.pl data/test/utt2spk > data/test/spk2utt echo "creating test_phone for phone decoding" ( # 复制data/test目录到data/test_phone rm -rf data/test_phone && cp -R data/test data/test_phone || exit 1 # 把phone.txt复制到text cd data/test_phone && rm text && cp phone.txt text || exit 1 )
对 shell 脚本不熟悉的读者可能需要找一些相关的资料学习一下。上面的脚本里加入了一些注释,请读者参考注释读懂代码。
#produce MFCC features rm -rf data/mfcc && mkdir -p data/mfcc && cp -R data/{train,dev,test,test_phone} data/mfcc || exit 1; for x in train dev test; do #make mfcc steps/make_mfcc.sh --nj $n --cmd "$train_cmd" data/mfcc/$x exp/make_mfcc/$x mfcc/$x || exit 1; #compute cmvn steps/compute_cmvn_stats.sh data/mfcc/$x exp/mfcc_cmvn/$x mfcc/$x || exit 1; done #copy feats and cmvn to test.ph, avoid duplicated mfcc & cmvn cp data/mfcc/test/feats.scp data/mfcc/test_phone && cp data/mfcc/test/cmvn.scp data/mfcc/test_phone || exit 1;
#prepare language stuff #build a large lexicon that invovles words in both the training and decoding. ( echo "make word graph ..." cd $H; mkdir -p data/{dict,lang,graph} && \ cp $thchs/resource/dict/{extra_questions.txt,nonsilence_phones.txt,optional_silence.txt,silence_phones.txt} data/dict && \ cat $thchs/resource/dict/lexicon.txt $thchs/data_thchs30/lm_word/lexicon.txt | \ grep -v '<s>' | grep -v '</s>' | sort -u > data/dict/lexicon.txt || exit 1; utils/prepare_lang.sh --position_dependent_phones false data/dict "<SPOKEN_NOISE>" data/local/lang data/lang || exit 1; gzip -c $thchs/data_thchs30/lm_word/word.3gram.lm > data/graph/word.3gram.lm.gz || exit 1; utils/format_lm.sh data/lang data/graph/word.3gram.lm.gz $thchs/data_thchs30/lm_word/lexicon.txt data/graph/lang || exit 1; ) #make_phone_graph ( echo "make phone graph ..." cd $H; mkdir -p data/{dict_phone,graph_phone,lang_phone} && \ cp $thchs/resource/dict/{extra_questions.txt,nonsilence_phones.txt,optional_silence.txt,silence_phones.txt} data/dict_phone && \ cat $thchs/data_thchs30/lm_phone/lexicon.txt | grep -v '<eps>' | sort -u > data/dict_phone/lexicon.txt && \ echo "<SPOKEN_NOISE> sil " >> data/dict_phone/lexicon.txt || exit 1; utils/prepare_lang.sh --position_dependent_phones false data/dict_phone "<SPOKEN_NOISE>" data/local/lang_phone data/lang_phone || exit 1; gzip -c $thchs/data_thchs30/lm_phone/phone.3gram.lm > data/graph_phone/phone.3gram.lm.gz || exit 1; utils/format_lm.sh data/lang_phone data/graph_phone/phone.3gram.lm.gz $thchs/data_thchs30/lm_phone/lexicon.txt \ data/graph_phone/lang || exit 1; )
utils/prepare_lang.sh --position_dependent_phones false data/dict "<SPOKEN_NOISE>" data/local/lang data/lang
prepare_lang.sh脚本会生成我们之前在data/lang里看到的文件和目录。它的输入是data/dict,输出是data/lang,而data/local/lang是个临时目录,里面存放一些中间结果。此外需要一个参数告诉kaldi OOV对于哪个词。选项position_dependent_phones告诉脚本我们这里生成的是上下文无关的phone,因为这里数据不太大,所以使用的是上下文无关的phone,但是如果要效果更好,通常这个选项是true(默认值),这时就会生成类似带后缀”_B, _E, _S”的phone。
utils/format_lm.sh data/lang data/graph/word.3gram.lm.gz $thchs/data_thchs30/lm_word/lexicon.txt data/graph/lang
#monophone steps/train_mono.sh --boost-silence 1.25 --nj $n --cmd "$train_cmd" data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/mono || exit 1; #test monophone model local/thchs-30_decode.sh --mono true --nj $n "steps/decode.sh" exp/mono data/mfcc &
这个脚本的输入是之前我们准备好的数据目录data/mfcc/train和lang目录data/lang,输出是exp/mono。 nj选项指定cpu的使用数,读者需要根据自己的机器配置设置合适的值。cmd选项是在是在cmd.sh里设置的。训练好了就会测试,这里测试会在后台运行,然后脚本就往下走了。如果读者的机器没有足够的计算资源,建议把”\&”去掉,否则脚本会继续执行训练下面的模型,同时又在测试刚训练好的monophone模型,机器的负载就会很高。
steps/train_mono.sh --boost-silence 1.25 --nj 4 --cmd run.pl data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/mono steps/train_mono.sh: Initializing monophone system. steps/train_mono.sh: Compiling training graphs steps/train_mono.sh: Aligning data equally (pass 0) steps/train_mono.sh: Pass 1 steps/train_mono.sh: Aligning data steps/train_mono.sh: Pass 2 .... steps/train_mono.sh: Aligning data steps/train_mono.sh: Pass 39 steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh --cmd run.pl data/lang exp/mono steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh: see stats in exp/mono/log/analyze_alignments.log 6154 warnings in exp/mono/log/align.*.*.log 153 warnings in exp/mono/log/acc.*.*.log 1051 warnings in exp/mono/log/update.*.log exp/mono: nj=4 align prob=-100.09 over 25.49h [retry=0.2%, fail=0.0%] states=656 gauss=990 steps/train_mono.sh: Done training monophone system in exp/mono using monophone to generate graph WARNING: the --mono, --left-biphone and --quinphone options are now deprecated and ignored. tree-info exp/mono/tree tree-info exp/mono/tree fstminimizeencoded fstpushspecial fsttablecompose data/graph/lang/L_disambig.fst data/graph/lang/G.fst fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fstisstochastic data/graph/lang/tmp/LG.fst -0.0480882 -0.0488869 [info]: LG not stochastic. fstcomposecontext --context-size=1 --central-position=0 --read-disambig-syms=data/graph/lang/phones/disambig.int --write-disambig-syms=data/graph/lang/tmp/disambig_ilabels_1_0.int data/graph/lang/tmp/ilabels_1_0.27036 fstisstochastic data/graph/lang/tmp/CLG_1_0.fst -0.0480882 -0.0488869 [info]: CLG not stochastic. make-h-transducer --disambig-syms-out=exp/mono/graph_word/disambig_tid.int --transition-scale=1.0 data/graph/lang/tmp/ilabels_1_0 exp/mono/tree exp/mono/final.mdl fsttablecompose exp/mono/graph_word/Ha.fst data/graph/lang/tmp/CLG_1_0.fst fstrmsymbols exp/mono/graph_word/disambig_tid.int fstminimizeencoded fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fstrmepslocal fstisstochastic exp/mono/graph_word/HCLGa.fst 0.644531 -0.0974261 HCLGa is not stochastic add-self-loops --self-loop-scale=0.1 --reorder=true exp/mono/final.mdl steps/decode.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --nj 4 exp/mono/graph_word data/mfcc/test exp/mono/decode_test_word decode.sh: feature type is delta steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/mono/graph_word exp/mono/decode_test_word steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/mono/decode_test_word/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(3,36,176) and mean=69.7 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/mono/decode_test_word/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test exp/mono/graph_word exp/mono/decode_test_word local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0 WARNING: the --mono, --left-biphone and --quinphone options are now deprecated and ignored. tree-info exp/mono/tree tree-info exp/mono/tree fstminimizeencoded fstpushspecial fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fsttablecompose data/graph_phone/lang/L_disambig.fst data/graph_phone/lang/G.fst fstisstochastic data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/LG.fst -0.264706 -0.265648 [info]: LG not stochastic. fstcomposecontext --context-size=1 --central-position=0 --read-disambig-syms=data/graph_phone/lang/phones/disambig.int --write-disambig-syms=data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/disambig_ilabels_1_0.int data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/ilabels_1_0.31511 fstisstochastic data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/CLG_1_0.fst -0.264706 -0.265648 [info]: CLG not stochastic. make-h-transducer --disambig-syms-out=exp/mono/graph_phone/disambig_tid.int --transition-scale=1.0 data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/ilabels_1_0 exp/mono/tree exp/mono/final.mdl fstrmepslocal fstrmsymbols exp/mono/graph_phone/disambig_tid.int fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fstminimizeencoded fsttablecompose exp/mono/graph_phone/Ha.fst data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/CLG_1_0.fst fstisstochastic exp/mono/graph_phone/HCLGa.fst 0.00033643 -0.522085 HCLGa is not stochastic add-self-loops --self-loop-scale=0.1 --reorder=true exp/mono/final.mdl steps/decode.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --nj 4 exp/mono/graph_phone data/mfcc/test_phone exp/mono/decode_test_phone decode.sh: feature type is delta steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/mono/graph_phone exp/mono/decode_test_phone steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/mono/decode_test_phone/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(6,20,62) and mean=28.8 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/mono/decode_test_phone/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test_phone exp/mono/graph_phone exp/mono/decode_test_phone local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/exp/mono/decode_test_word$ cat wer_9_0.0 compute-wer --text --mode=present ark:exp/mono/decode_test_word/scoring_kaldi/test_filt.txt ark,p:- %WER 50.74 [ 41169 / 81139, 511 ins, 2413 del, 38245 sub ] %SER 100.00 [ 2495 / 2495 ] Scored 2495 sentences, 0 not present in hyp.
wer_9_0.0是词错误率的结果,文件名中的9代表语言模型的scale factor。我们可以看到monophone的词错误率在50%左右。 我们可以查看解码测试数据的例子,结果在exp/mono/decode_test_word/log里:
lili@lili-Precision-7720:~/codes/kaldi/egs/thchs30/s5/exp/mono/decode_test_word/log$ cat decode.1.log gmm-latgen-faster --max-active=7000 --beam=13.0 --lattice-beam=6.0 --acoustic-scale=0.083333 --allow-partial=true --word-symbol-table=exp/mono/graph_word/words.txt exp/mono/final.mdl exp/mono/graph_word/HCLG.fst 'ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:data/mfcc/test/split4/1/utt2spk scp:data/mfcc/test/split4/1/cmvn.scp scp:data/mfcc/test/split4/1/feats.scp ark:- | add-deltas ark:- ark:- |' 'ark:|gzip -c > exp/mono/decode_test_word/lat.1.gz' add-deltas ark:- ark:- apply-cmvn --utt2spk=ark:data/mfcc/test/split4/1/utt2spk scp:data/mfcc/test/split4/1/cmvn.scp scp:data/mfcc/test/split4/1/feats.scp ark:- D04_750 受 北京 一些 爱国 驾驶 满载 山 起步 长期 无 说明 艾 根 钱 没 敢 言 奋起 抗战 LOG (gmm-latgen-faster[5.4.232~1-532f3]:DecodeUtteranceLatticeFaster():decoder-wrappers.cc:286) Log-like per frame for utterance D04_750 is -8.33257 over 961 frames. D04_751 王 金山 被 枪毙 后 部分 余孽 宣传 起来 其次 为 捕 鲸 被 抓获
steps/align_si.sh --boost-silence 1.25 --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/mono exp/mono_ali steps/align_si.sh: feature type is delta steps/align_si.sh: aligning data in data/mfcc/train using model from exp/mono, putting alignments in exp/mono_ali steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh --cmd run.pl data/lang exp/mono_ali steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh: see stats in exp/mono_ali/log/analyze_alignments.log steps/align_si.sh: done aligning data.
steps/train_deltas.sh --boost-silence 1.25 --cmd run.pl 2000 10000 data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/mono_ali exp/tri1 steps/train_deltas.sh: accumulating tree stats steps/train_deltas.sh: getting questions for tree-building, via clustering steps/train_deltas.sh: building the tree steps/train_deltas.sh: converting alignments from exp/mono_ali to use current tree steps/train_deltas.sh: compiling graphs of transcripts steps/train_deltas.sh: training pass 1 steps/train_deltas.sh: training pass 2 steps/train_deltas.sh: training pass 3 steps/train_deltas.sh: training pass 4 steps/train_deltas.sh: training pass 5 steps/train_deltas.sh: training pass 6 ... steps/train_deltas.sh: training pass 34 steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh --cmd run.pl data/lang exp/tri1 steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh: see stats in exp/tri1/log/analyze_alignments.log 153 warnings in exp/tri1/log/align.*.*.log 1 warnings in exp/tri1/log/compile_questions.log 281 warnings in exp/tri1/log/update.*.log 124 warnings in exp/tri1/log/acc.*.*.log 9 warnings in exp/tri1/log/init_model.log 9 warnings in exp/tri1/log/questions.log 1 warnings in exp/tri1/log/build_tree.log exp/tri1: nj=6 align prob=-96.74 over 25.48h [retry=0.5%, fail=0.0%] states=1648 gauss=10031 tree-impr=4.77 steps/train_deltas.sh: Done training system with delta+delta-delta features in exp/tri1 tree-info exp/tri1/tree tree-info exp/tri1/tree fstcomposecontext --context-size=3 --central-position=1 --read-disambig-syms=data/graph/lang/phones/disambig.int --write-disambig-syms=data/graph/lang/tmp/disambig_ilabels_3_1.int data/graph/lang/tmp/ilabels_3_1.17687 fstisstochastic data/graph/lang/tmp/CLG_3_1.fst 0 -0.0488869 [info]: CLG not stochastic. make-h-transducer --disambig-syms-out=exp/tri1/graph_word/disambig_tid.int --transition-scale=1.0 data/graph/lang/tmp/ilabels_3_1 exp/tri1/tree exp/tri1/final.mdl fstrmepslocal fsttablecompose exp/tri1/graph_word/Ha.fst data/graph/lang/tmp/CLG_3_1.fst fstrmsymbols exp/tri1/graph_word/disambig_tid.int fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fstminimizeencoded fstisstochastic exp/tri1/graph_word/HCLGa.fst 0.644531 -0.128776 HCLGa is not stochastic add-self-loops --self-loop-scale=0.1 --reorder=true exp/tri1/final.mdl steps/decode.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --nj 6 exp/tri1/graph_word data/mfcc/test exp/tri1/decode_test_word decode.sh: feature type is delta steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/tri1/graph_word exp/tri1/decode_test_word steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri1/decode_test_word/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(1,13,72) and mean=28.3 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri1/decode_test_word/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test exp/tri1/graph_word exp/tri1/decode_test_word local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0 tree-info exp/tri1/tree tree-info exp/tri1/tree fstcomposecontext --context-size=3 --central-position=1 --read-disambig-syms=data/graph_phone/lang/phones/disambig.int --write-disambig-syms=data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/disambig_ilabels_3_1.int data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/ilabels_3_1.24591 fstisstochastic data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/CLG_3_1.fst 0 -0.265648 [info]: CLG not stochastic. make-h-transducer --disambig-syms-out=exp/tri1/graph_phone/disambig_tid.int --transition-scale=1.0 data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/ilabels_3_1 exp/tri1/tree exp/tri1/final.mdl fstrmepslocal fstminimizeencoded fstrmsymbols exp/tri1/graph_phone/disambig_tid.int fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fsttablecompose exp/tri1/graph_phone/Ha.fst data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/CLG_3_1.fst fstisstochastic exp/tri1/graph_phone/HCLGa.fst 0.000486116 -0.797725 HCLGa is not stochastic add-self-loops --self-loop-scale=0.1 --reorder=true exp/tri1/final.mdl steps/decode.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --nj 6 exp/tri1/graph_phone data/mfcc/test_phone exp/tri1/decode_test_phone decode.sh: feature type is delta steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/tri1/graph_phone exp/tri1/decode_test_phone steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri1/decode_test_phone/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(3,10,32) and mean=14.7 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri1/decode_test_phone/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test_phone exp/tri1/graph_phone exp/tri1/decode_test_phone local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0 steps/align_si.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/tri1 exp/tri1_ali steps/align_si.sh: feature type is delta steps/align_si.sh: aligning data in data/mfcc/train using model from exp/tri1, putting alignments in exp/tri1_ali steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh --cmd run.pl data/lang exp/tri1_ali steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh: see stats in exp/tri1_ali/log/analyze_alignments.log steps/align_si.sh: done aligning data.
steps/train_lda_mllt.sh --cmd run.pl --splice-opts --left-context=3 --right-context=3 2500 15000 data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/tri1_ali exp/tri2b steps/train_lda_mllt.sh: Accumulating LDA statistics. steps/train_lda_mllt.sh: Accumulating tree stats steps/train_lda_mllt.sh: Getting questions for tree clustering. steps/train_lda_mllt.sh: Building the tree steps/train_lda_mllt.sh: Initializing the model ...
steps/train_sat.sh --cmd run.pl 2500 15000 data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/tri2b_ali exp/tri3b steps/train_sat.sh: feature type is lda steps/train_sat.sh: obtaining initial fMLLR transforms since not present in exp/tri2b_ali steps/train_sat.sh: Accumulating tree stats steps/train_sat.sh: Getting questions for tree clustering. steps/train_sat.sh: Building the tree steps/train_sat.sh: Initializing the model ...
steps/train_quick.sh --cmd run.pl 4200 40000 data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/tri3b_ali exp/tri4b steps/train_quick.sh: feature type is lda steps/train_quick.sh: using transforms from exp/tri3b_ali steps/train_quick.sh: accumulating tree stats steps/train_quick.sh: Getting questions for tree clustering. steps/train_quick.sh: Building the tree steps/train_quick.sh: Initializing the model WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 109 of new tree has no stats. WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 121 of new tree has no stats. WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 163 of new tree has no stats. WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 175 of new tree has no stats. WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 176 of new tree has no stats. WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 177 of new tree has no stats. WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 203 of new tree has no stats. WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.4.232~1-532f3]:InitAmGmmFromOld():gmm-init-model.cc:147) Leaf 208 of new tree has no stats. steps/train_quick.sh: This is a bad warning. steps/train_quick.sh: mixing up old model. steps/train_quick.sh: converting old alignments steps/train_quick.sh: compiling training graphs steps/train_quick.sh: pass 1 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 2 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 3 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 4 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 5 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 6 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 7 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 8 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 9 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 10 steps/train_quick.sh: aligning data steps/train_quick.sh: pass 11 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 12 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 13 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 14 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 15 steps/train_quick.sh: aligning data steps/train_quick.sh: pass 16 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 17 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 18 steps/train_quick.sh: pass 19 steps/train_quick.sh: estimating alignment model Done tree-info exp/tri4b/tree tree-info exp/tri4b/tree make-h-transducer --disambig-syms-out=exp/tri4b/graph_word/disambig_tid.int --transition-scale=1.0 data/graph/lang/tmp/ilabels_3_1 exp/tri4b/tree exp/tri4b/final.mdl fsttablecompose exp/tri4b/graph_word/Ha.fst data/graph/lang/tmp/CLG_3_1.fst fstrmsymbols exp/tri4b/graph_word/disambig_tid.int fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fstrmepslocal fstminimizeencoded fstisstochastic exp/tri4b/graph_word/HCLGa.fst 0.644531 -0.128947 HCLGa is not stochastic add-self-loops --self-loop-scale=0.1 --reorder=true exp/tri4b/final.mdl steps/decode_fmllr.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --nj 6 exp/tri4b/graph_word data/mfcc/test exp/tri4b/decode_test_word steps/decode.sh --scoring-opts --num-threads 1 --skip-scoring false --acwt 0.083333 --nj 6 --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --beam 10.0 --model exp/tri4b/final.alimdl --max-active 2000 exp/tri4b/graph_word data/mfcc/test exp/tri4b/decode_test_word.si decode.sh: feature type is lda steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/tri4b/graph_word exp/tri4b/decode_test_word.si steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_word.si/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(1,6,35) and mean=13.7 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_word.si/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test exp/tri4b/graph_word exp/tri4b/decode_test_word.si local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0 steps/decode_fmllr.sh: feature type is lda steps/decode_fmllr.sh: getting first-pass fMLLR transforms. steps/decode_fmllr.sh: doing main lattice generation phase steps/decode_fmllr.sh: estimating fMLLR transforms a second time. steps/decode_fmllr.sh: doing a final pass of acoustic rescoring. steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/tri4b/graph_word exp/tri4b/decode_test_word steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_word/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(1,6,35) and mean=13.9 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_word/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test exp/tri4b/graph_word exp/tri4b/decode_test_word local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0 tree-info exp/tri4b/tree tree-info exp/tri4b/tree make-h-transducer --disambig-syms-out=exp/tri4b/graph_phone/disambig_tid.int --transition-scale=1.0 data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/ilabels_3_1 exp/tri4b/tree exp/tri4b/final.mdl fstrmsymbols exp/tri4b/graph_phone/disambig_tid.int fstminimizeencoded fstrmepslocal fsttablecompose exp/tri4b/graph_phone/Ha.fst data/graph_phone/lang/tmp/CLG_3_1.fst fstdeterminizestar --use-log=true fstisstochastic exp/tri4b/graph_phone/HCLGa.fst 0.00048422 -0.797661 HCLGa is not stochastic add-self-loops --self-loop-scale=0.1 --reorder=true exp/tri4b/final.mdl steps/decode_fmllr.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --nj 6 exp/tri4b/graph_phone data/mfcc/test_phone exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone steps/decode.sh --scoring-opts --num-threads 1 --skip-scoring false --acwt 0.083333 --nj 6 --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --beam 10.0 --model exp/tri4b/final.alimdl --max-active 2000 exp/tri4b/graph_phone data/mfcc/test_phone exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone.si decode.sh: feature type is lda steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/tri4b/graph_phone exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone.si steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone.si/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(2,6,17) and mean=7.9 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone.si/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test_phone exp/tri4b/graph_phone exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone.si local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0 steps/decode_fmllr.sh: feature type is lda steps/decode_fmllr.sh: getting first-pass fMLLR transforms. steps/decode_fmllr.sh: doing main lattice generation phase steps/decode_fmllr.sh: estimating fMLLR transforms a second time. steps/decode_fmllr.sh: doing a final pass of acoustic rescoring. steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G exp/tri4b/graph_phone exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone/log/analyze_alignments.log Overall, lattice depth (10,50,90-percentile)=(2,5,14) and mean=6.9 steps/diagnostic/analyze_lats.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone/log/analyze_lattice_depth_stats.log local/score.sh --cmd run.pl --mem 4G data/mfcc/test_phone exp/tri4b/graph_phone exp/tri4b/decode_test_phone local/score.sh: scoring with word insertion penalty=0.0,0.5,1.0
quick align
steps/align_fmllr.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/mfcc/train data/lang exp/tri4b exp/tri4b_ali steps/align_fmllr.sh: feature type is lda steps/align_fmllr.sh: compiling training graphs steps/align_fmllr.sh: aligning data in data/mfcc/train using exp/tri4b/final.alimdl and speaker-independent features. steps/align_fmllr.sh: computing fMLLR transforms steps/align_fmllr.sh: doing final alignment. steps/align_fmllr.sh: done aligning data. steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh --cmd run.pl data/lang exp/tri4b_ali steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b_ali/log/analyze_alignments.log 72 warnings in exp/tri4b_ali/log/align_pass2.*.log 4 warnings in exp/tri4b_ali/log/fmllr.*.log 49 warnings in exp/tri4b_ali/log/align_pass1.*.log steps/align_fmllr.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/mfcc/dev data/lang exp/tri4b exp/tri4b_ali_cv steps/align_fmllr.sh: feature type is lda steps/align_fmllr.sh: compiling training graphs steps/align_fmllr.sh: aligning data in data/mfcc/dev using exp/tri4b/final.alimdl and speaker-independent features. steps/align_fmllr.sh: computing fMLLR transforms steps/align_fmllr.sh: doing final alignment. steps/align_fmllr.sh: done aligning data. steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh --cmd run.pl data/lang exp/tri4b_ali_cv steps/diagnostic/analyze_alignments.sh: see stats in exp/tri4b_ali_cv/log/analyze_alignments.log 6 warnings in exp/tri4b_ali_cv/log/align_pass2.*.log 5 warnings in exp/tri4b_ali_cv/log/align_pass1.*.log
DNN training: stage 0: feature generation producing fbank for train steps/make_fbank.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/fbank/train exp/make_fbank/train fbank/train utils/validate_data_dir.sh: Successfully validated data-directory data/fbank/train steps/make_fbank.sh: [info]: no segments file exists: assuming wav.scp indexed by utterance. Succeeded creating filterbank features for train steps/compute_cmvn_stats.sh data/fbank/train exp/fbank_cmvn/train fbank/train Succeeded creating CMVN stats for train producing fbank for dev steps/make_fbank.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/fbank/dev exp/make_fbank/dev fbank/dev utils/validate_data_dir.sh: Successfully validated data-directory data/fbank/dev steps/make_fbank.sh: [info]: no segments file exists: assuming wav.scp indexed by utterance. Succeeded creating filterbank features for dev steps/compute_cmvn_stats.sh data/fbank/dev exp/fbank_cmvn/dev fbank/dev Succeeded creating CMVN stats for dev producing fbank for test steps/make_fbank.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/fbank/test exp/make_fbank/test fbank/test utils/validate_data_dir.sh: Successfully validated data-directory data/fbank/test steps/make_fbank.sh: [info]: no segments file exists: assuming wav.scp indexed by utterance. Succeeded creating filterbank features for test steps/compute_cmvn_stats.sh data/fbank/test exp/fbank_cmvn/test fbank/test Succeeded creating CMVN stats for test producing test_fbank_phone # INFO steps/nnet/train.sh : Training Neural Network dir : exp/tri4b_dnn Train-set : data/fbank/train 10000, exp/tri4b_ali CV-set : data/fbank/dev 893 exp/tri4b_ali_cv SKIPPING TRAINING... (steps/nnet/train.sh) nnet already trained : exp/tri4b_dnn/final.nnet (nnet/nnet_iter14_learnrate7.8125e-06_tr1.0435_cv1.3938_final_) # Accounting: time=1 threads=1 # Ended (code 0) at Tue Aug 7 21:42:03 CST 2018, elapsed time 1 seconds # steps/nnet/train.sh --copy_feats false --cmvn-opts "--norm-means=true --norm-vars=false" --hid-layers 4 --hid-dim 1024 --learn-rate 0.008 data/fbank/train data/fbank/dev data/lang exp/tri4b_ali exp/tri4b_ali_cv exp/tri4b_dnn # Started at Tue Aug 21 11:10:36 CST 2018 # steps/nnet/train.sh --copy_feats false --cmvn-opts --norm-means=true --norm-vars=false --hid-layers 4 --hid-dim 1024 --learn-rate 0.008 data/fbank/train data/fbank/dev data/lang exp/tri4b_ali exp/tri4b_ali_cv exp/tri4b_dnn # INFO steps/nnet/train.sh : Training Neural Network dir : exp/tri4b_dnn Train-set : data/fbank/train 10000, exp/tri4b_ali CV-set : data/fbank/dev 893 exp/tri4b_ali_cv SKIPPING TRAINING... (steps/nnet/train.sh) nnet already trained : exp/tri4b_dnn/final.nnet (nnet/nnet_iter14_learnrate7.8125e-06_tr1.0435_cv1.3938_final_) # Accounting: time=0 threads=1 # Ended (code 0) at Tue Aug 21 11:10:36 CST 2018, elapsed time 0 seconds steps/nnet/align.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl data/fbank/train data/lang exp/tri4b_dnn exp/tri4b_dnn_ali steps/nnet/decode.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --srcdir exp/tri4b_dnn --config conf/decode_dnn.config --acwt 0.1 exp/tri4b/graph_word data/fbank/test exp/tri4b_dnn/decode_test_word steps/nnet/decode.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --srcdir exp/tri4b_dnn --config conf/decode_dnn.config --acwt 0.1 exp/tri4b/graph_phone data/fbank/test_phone exp/tri4b_dnn/decode_test_phone steps/nnet/align.sh: aligning data 'data/fbank/train' using nnet/model 'exp/tri4b_dnn', putting alignments in 'exp/tri4b_dnn_ali' run.pl: 6 / 6 failed, log is in exp/tri4b_dnn/decode_test_phone/log/decode.*.log run.pl: 6 / 6 failed, log is in exp/tri4b_dnn/decode_test_word/log/decode.*.log steps/nnet/align.sh: done aligning data. steps/nnet/make_denlats.sh --nj 6 --cmd run.pl --mem 4G --config conf/decode_dnn.config --acwt 0.1 data/fbank/train data/lang exp/tri4b_dnn exp/tri4b_dnn_denlats Making unigram grammar FST in exp/tri4b_dnn_denlats/lang sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing = with 2 sym2int.pl: replacing l with 2 ....
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The Black Box Society
Frank Pasquale / Harvard University Press / 2015-1-5 / USD 35.00
Every day, corporations are connecting the dots about our personal behavior—silently scrutinizing clues left behind by our work habits and Internet use. The data compiled and portraits created are inc......一起来看看 《The Black Box Society》 这本书的介绍吧!