虽然在Golang程序中,使用 go func
的方式开启一个 goroutine
协程是非常轻量级的操作。但是,完全不管理的任意创建,会造成很多资源的浪费。虽然golang本身提供了GC功能,但是GC释放是需要时机的。通过更加合理的创建 goroutine
for { go func(){ fmt.Println("xxx") }() }
随着程序复杂度的上升, goroutine
通常也会随之增长。如何控制这些新创建的 goroutine
呢。这就需要通过 context.Context
上下文对象,进行父子级传递,完成父子 goroutine
如何实现 Goroutine
除了以上两点原因之外,针对 goroutine
goroutine pool go crontab job
具体的实现已经初步实现在该项目 github.com/x-mod/routine 中。
dedicated goroutine managment for go main
, go func
, go routine pool
, go crontab jobs
- go main
- go func
- go routine pool
- go crontab jobs
Quick Start
In routine
package, it use the Executor
interface or ExecutorFunc
instance for your implemention.
type Executor interface{ Execute(context.Context, ...interface{}) } type ExecutorFunc func(context.Context, ...interface{})
Go Main
is the basic function, when use the routine
package. The routine.Main
does the following things for you:
- arguments from context
- support signal interupts
- support context wait & cancel
import "github.com/x-mod/routine" func main(){ routine.Main(routine.WithArguments(context.TODO(), "first arg", "second", false), ExecutorFunc(func(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}){ //out put args log.Println(args...) }), routine.DefaultCancelInterruptors...) } # output # first arg second false
define your own signal interruptor
// InterruptHandler definition type InterruptHandler func(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc) (exit bool) // Interruptor definition type Interruptor interface { Signal() os.Signal Interrupt() InterruptHandler }
Go Func
is the wrapper for the system keyword go
, this function should used in the routine.Main
scope. It does the following this:
- sync.wait Add & Done
- context.Context Done check for executor go routine
import "github.com/x-mod/routine" func main(){ routine.Main(context.TODO(), ExecutorFunc(func(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}){ routine.Go(routine.WithArguments(ctx, args1...), Executor1) routine.Go(routine.WithArguments(ctx, args2...), Executor2) }), routine.DefaultCancelInterruptors...) }
Go routine pool
is the go routine pool manager. you should use it in routine.Main
scope either, for the routine.Main
controls the routines exiting events. And the routine.Pool
does the following things for you:
- go routines management, like auto create new routine & release idle routine
- support fixed Executor & dynamic Executor
- async invoke functions
dynamic executor example:
import "github.com/x-mod/routine" func main(){ routine.Main(context.Backgroud(), ExecutorFunc(func(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}){ //dynamic executors pool pool := routine.NewPool(routine.RunningSize(4), routine.WatingSize(8)) //open if err := pool.Open(ctx); err != nil { //TODO return } //close defer pool.Close() //async invoke multiple dynamic executors pool.Go(routine.WithArguments(ctx, args1...), executor1) pool.Go(routine.WithArguments(ctx, args2...), executor2) }), routine.DefaultCancelInterruptors...) }
fixed executor example:
import "github.com/x-mod/routine" func main(){ routine.Main(context.Backgroud(), ExecutorFunc(func(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}){ //fixed executor pool fixedPool := routine.NewPool(routine.RunningSize(4), routine.WatingSize(8), routine.FixedExecutor(executor3)) //open if err := fixedPool.Open(ctx); err != nil { //TODO return } //close defer fixedPool.Close() //async invoke fixed executor fixedPool.Execute(ctx, args1...) fixedPool.Execute(ctx, args2...) }), routine.DefaultCancelInterruptors...) }
Go crontab jobs
is similar interface like linux system's crontab jobs. You can
import "github.com/x-mod/routine" func main(){ crontab := routine.NewCrontab(routine.RunningSize(4)) defer crontab.Close() routine.Main(context.Backgroud(), ExecutorFunc(func(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}){ //open crontab if err := crontab.Open(ctx); err != nil { //TODO return } // crontab format schedule crontab.JOB("* * * * *", executor1).Go(ctx, args1...) crontab.JOB("* * * * *", executor2).Go(ctx, args2...) // every interval crontab.EVERY(time.Second, executor3).Go(ctx, args3 ...) crontab.EVERY(time.Minute, executor4).Go(ctx, args4 ...) // now, run executor at once crontab.NOW(executor5).Go(ctx, args5...) }), routine.DefaultCancelInterruptors...) }
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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[日] 大塚弘记 / 支鹏浩、刘斌 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-7 / 39.00元
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