内容简介:.NET Framework 4在现在的System.Threading命名空间中提供了6个同步原语,通过这个命名空间可以访问遗留的线程类、类型和枚举,还提供了新的基于任务的编程模型及特定情形紧密相关的数据结构Barrier使多个任务能够采用并行方式依据某种算法在多个阶段中协同工作 通过屏障CountdownEvent表示在计数变为0时处于有信号状态的同步基元 通过信号机制
.NET Framework 4在现在的System.Threading命名空间中提供了6个同步原语,通过这个命名空间可以访问遗留的线程类、类型和枚举,还提供了新的基于任务的编程模型及特定情形紧密相关的数据结构
Barrier使多个任务能够采用并行方式依据某种算法在多个阶段中协同工作 通过屏障
CountdownEvent表示在计数变为0时处于有信号状态的同步基元 通过信号机制
ManualResetEventSlim允许很多任务等待直到另一个任务手工发出事件句柄,当预计等待时间很短的时候,ManualResetEventSlim 的性能比对应的重量级ManualResetEvent的性能要高。通过信号机制
SemaphoreSlim限制对可同时访问资源或资源池的线程数,比对应的Semaphore性能要高 通过信号机制
SpinLock 提供一个相互排斥锁基元,在该基元中,尝试获得锁的线程将在重复检查的循环中等待,直至该锁变为可用为止。
SpinWait 提供对基于自旋的等待的支持。
生产东西 demo,普通生产,
一个产品经过 工序1+工序2+工序3
现在有machines台机器 //每台生产4个产品
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { //private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } //private static Barrier _barrier { get; set; } ///*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int machines = Environment.ProcessorCount; private static int requestCount = 4; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "AY2019"; //一个产品经过 工序1+工序2+工序3 //现在有machines台机器 //每台生产4个产品 Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int i = 1; i <= machines; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= requestCount; j++) { Procedure1(i,j); Procedure2(i, j); Procedure3(i, j); } } swTask1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("生产完成,时长:"+ swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.ReadLine(); } //工序1 public static void Procedure1(int toolIndex, int productIndex) { Console.WriteLine($"第{toolIndex}台机器{productIndex}生产了零件1"); Thread.Sleep(100); } //工序2 public static void Procedure2(int toolIndex, int productIndex) { Console.WriteLine($"第{toolIndex}台机器{productIndex}生产了零件2"); Thread.Sleep(100); } //工序3 public static void Procedure3(int toolIndex, int productIndex) { Console.WriteLine($"第{toolIndex}台机器{productIndex}生产了零件3"); Thread.Sleep(100); } } }
组装起来 4*8台机器,可以有32个产品,一共32*3=96个零件,生产时间有点长
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { private static Task[] Tasks { get; set; } private static Barrier _barrier { get; set; } ///*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int machines = Environment.ProcessorCount; private static int requestCount = 4; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "AY2019"; Tasks = new Task[machines]; _barrier = new Barrier(machines, (barrier) => { Console.WriteLine("当前阶段:{0}", barrier.CurrentPhaseNumber); }); Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < machines; i++) { Tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { int index = Convert.ToInt32(num); for (int j = 1; j <= requestCount; j++) { Procedure1(index+1, j); Procedure2(index+1, j); Procedure3(index+1, j); } }, i); } var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(Tasks, (tasks) => { /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(Tasks); swTask1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("生产完成,时长:" + swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*释放资源*/ _barrier.Dispose(); }); //一个产品经过 工序1+工序2+工序3 //现在有machines台机器 //每台生产4个产品 //Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); //swTask1.Start(); //for (int i = 1; i <= machines; i++) //{ // for (int j = 1; j <= requestCount; j++) // { // Procedure1(i,j); // Procedure2(i, j); // Procedure3(i, j); // } //} //swTask1.Stop(); //Console.WriteLine("生产完成,时长:"+ swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.ReadLine(); } //工序1 public static void Procedure1(int toolIndex, int productIndex) { Console.WriteLine($"第{toolIndex}台机器执行第{productIndex}次任务生产了零件1"); Thread.Sleep(100); _barrier.SignalAndWait(); } //工序2 public static void Procedure2(int toolIndex, int productIndex) { Console.WriteLine($"第{toolIndex}台机器执行第{productIndex}次任务生产了零件2"); Thread.Sleep(100); _barrier.SignalAndWait(); } //工序3 public static void Procedure3(int toolIndex, int productIndex) { Console.WriteLine($"第{toolIndex}台机器执行第{productIndex}次任务生产了零件3"); Thread.Sleep(100); _barrier.SignalAndWait(); } } }
现在8个机器同时生产 零件1,零件2,零件3 以此类推完成4次。
try { if (!_barrier.SignalAndWait(2000)) { /*抛出超时异常*/ throw new OperationCanceledException("等待超时,抛出异常"); } } catch (Exception ex) { /*处理异常*/ Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); continue; } Procedure2(index+1, j); _barrier.SignalAndWait();
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } private static object o = new object(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrUnLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrMonitorLock = new StringBuilder(); /*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int _particpants = Environment.ProcessorCount; static void Main(string[] args) { _CookTasks = new Task[_particpants]; Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int task_index = 0; task_index < _particpants; task_index++) { _CookTasks[task_index] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { Parallel.For(1, 1000, (i) => { string str = "append message " + i; AppendStrUnLock.Append(str); }); }, task_index); } /*ContinueWhenAll 提供一组任务完成后 延续方法*/ var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_CookTasks, (tasks) => { /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(_CookTasks); swTask1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("不采用Lock操作,字符串长度:{0},耗时:{1}", AppendStrUnLock.Length, swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*释放资源*/ }); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } private static object o = new object(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrUnLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrMonitorLock = new StringBuilder(); /*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int _particpants = Environment.ProcessorCount; static void Main(string[] args) { _CookTasks = new Task[_particpants]; Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int task_index = 0; task_index < _particpants; task_index++) { _CookTasks[task_index] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { Parallel.For(1, 1000, (i) => { string str = "append message " + i; lock (o) { AppendStrLock.Append(str); } }); }, task_index); } /*ContinueWhenAll 提供一组任务完成后 延续方法*/ var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_CookTasks, (tasks) => { /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(_CookTasks); swTask1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("采用Lock操作,字符串长度:{0},耗时:{1}", AppendStrLock.Length, swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*释放资源*/ }); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } private static object o = new object(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrUnLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrMonitorLock = new StringBuilder(); /*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int _particpants = Environment.ProcessorCount; /* coder:释迦苦僧 */ static void Main(string[] args) { _CookTasks = new Task[_particpants]; Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int task_index = 0; task_index < _particpants; task_index++) { _CookTasks[task_index] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { Parallel.For(1, 1000, (i) => { string str = "append message " + i; bool lockTaken = false; try { Monitor.Enter(o, ref lockTaken); AppendStrMonitorLock.Append(str); } finally { if (lockTaken) Monitor.Exit(o); } }); }, task_index); } /*ContinueWhenAll 提供一组任务完成后 延续方法*/ var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_CookTasks, (tasks) => { /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(_CookTasks); swTask1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("使用互斥锁,字符串长度:{0},耗时:{1}", AppendStrMonitorLock.Length, swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*释放资源*/ }); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
锁超时 Monitor.TryEnter(o, 2000, ref lockTaken);
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } private static object o = new object(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrUnLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrMonitorLock = new StringBuilder(); /*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int _particpants = Environment.ProcessorCount; static void Main(string[] args) { _CookTasks = new Task[_particpants]; Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int task_index = 0; task_index < _particpants; task_index++) { _CookTasks[task_index] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { try { Parallel.For(1, 200000, (i) => { string str = "append message " + i; bool lockTaken = false; try { Monitor.TryEnter(o, 2000, ref lockTaken); if (!lockTaken) { throw new OperationCanceledException("锁超时...."); } if (i == 2) { Thread.Sleep(10000); } AppendStrMonitorLock.Append(str); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (lockTaken) Monitor.Exit(o); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }, task_index); } /*ContinueWhenAll 提供一组任务完成后 延续方法*/ var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_CookTasks, (tasks) => { /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(_CookTasks); swTask1.Stop(); foreach (Task task in _CookTasks) { if (task.Exception != null) { /*任务执行完成后 输出所有异常 打印异常报表*/ foreach (Exception exception in task.Exception.InnerExceptions) { Console.WriteLine("异常信息:{0}", exception.Message); } } } Console.WriteLine("不采用Lock操作,字符串长度:{0},耗时:{1}", AppendStrMonitorLock.Length, swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*释放资源*/ }); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
自旋锁 - System.Threading.SpinLock
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } private static object o = new object(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrUnLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrMonitorLock = new StringBuilder(); /*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int _particpants = Environment.ProcessorCount; static void Main(string[] args) { SpinLock sl = new SpinLock(); _CookTasks = new Task[_particpants]; Thread.Sleep(4000); Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int task_index = 0; task_index < _particpants; task_index++) { _CookTasks[task_index] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { Parallel.For(1, 200000, (i) => { string str = "append message " + i; bool lockTaken = false; try { Monitor.Enter(o, ref lockTaken); AppendStrMonitorLock.Append(str); } finally { if (lockTaken) Monitor.Exit(o); } }); }, task_index); } /*ContinueWhenAll 提供一组任务完成后 延续方法*/ var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_CookTasks, (tasks) => { /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(_CookTasks); swTask1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("采用Monitor操作,字符串长度:{0},耗时:{1}", AppendStrMonitorLock.Length, swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*释放资源*/ }); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
class Program { private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } private static object o = new object(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrUnLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrLock = new StringBuilder(); private static StringBuilder AppendStrMonitorLock = new StringBuilder(); /*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int _particpants = Environment.ProcessorCount; static void Main(string[] args) { SpinLock sl = new SpinLock(); _CookTasks = new Task[_particpants]; Thread.Sleep(4000); Stopwatch swTask1 = new Stopwatch(); swTask1.Start(); for (int task_index = 0; task_index < _particpants; task_index++) { _CookTasks[task_index] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { Parallel.For(1, 200000, (i) => { string str = "append message " + i; bool lockTaken = false; try { sl.Enter(ref lockTaken); AppendStrMonitorLock.Append(str); } finally { if (lockTaken) sl.Exit(); } }); }, task_index); } /*ContinueWhenAll 提供一组任务完成后 延续方法*/ var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_CookTasks, (tasks) => { /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(_CookTasks); swTask1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("采用SpinLock操作,字符串长度:{0},耗时:{1}", AppendStrMonitorLock.Length, swTask1.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*释放资源*/ }); Console.ReadLine(); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { private static Task[] _CookTasks { get; set; } /*定义一个变量 该变量指示是否可以进行下一步操作*/ private static bool _stepbool = false; /*获取当前计算机处理器数*/ private static int _particpants = Environment.ProcessorCount; /* coder:释迦苦僧 */ static void Main(string[] args) { _CookTasks = new Task[_particpants]; for (int task_index = 0; task_index < _particpants; task_index++) { _CookTasks[task_index] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) => { CookStep1(); /*等待5秒钟 _stepbool变为true ,如果1秒钟内没有淘好米 则提示超时*/ if (!SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => (_stepbool), 1000)) { Console.WriteLine("淘个米都花这么长时间...."); } else { /*按时淘好米开始煮饭*/ Console.WriteLine("淘好米煮饭...."); } }, task_index); } /*主线程创造超时条件*/ Thread.Sleep(3000); _stepbool = true; Console.ReadLine(); } static void CookStep1() { Console.WriteLine("淘米...."); } } }
if (!SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => (_stepbool), 1000))
参考: http://www.cnblogs.com/lucifer1982/archive/2008/03/23/1116981.html 大家可以看下 写的不错
private volatile bool stopped; public void Stop() { stopped = true; } public void FindFiles() { while (!stopped) { // searching files } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { static void Main() { MRES_SetWaitReset(); } static void MRES_SetWaitReset() { ManualResetEventSlim mres1 = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); var observer = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Console.WriteLine("阻塞当前线程,使 mres1 处于等待状态...!"); mres1.Wait(); while (true) { if (mres1.IsSet) { /*等待 mres1 Set()信号 当有信号时 在执行后面代码*/ Console.WriteLine("得到mres1信号,执行后续代码....!"); } Thread.Sleep(100); } }); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("取消mres1等待状态"); mres1.Set(); Console.WriteLine("当前信号状态:{0}", mres1.IsSet); Thread.Sleep(300); mres1.Reset(); Console.WriteLine("当前信号状态:{0}", mres1.IsSet); Thread.Sleep(300); mres1.Set(); Console.WriteLine("当前信号状态:{0}", mres1.IsSet); Thread.Sleep(300); mres1.Reset(); Console.WriteLine("当前信号状态:{0}", mres1.IsSet); observer.Wait(); mres1.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { static void Main() { SemaphoreSlim ss = new SemaphoreSlim(3); // 创建SemaphoreSlim 初始化信号量最多计数为3次 Console.WriteLine("创建SemaphoreSlim 初始化信号量最多计数为{0}次", ss.CurrentCount); // Launch an asynchronous Task that releases the semaphore after 100 ms Task t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { /*阻止当前线程,直至它可进入 SemaphoreSlim 为止。*/ /*阻塞当前任务或线程,直到信号量几首大于0时它才能进入信号量*/ ss.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("允许进入 SemaphoreSlim 的线程的数量:{0}", ss.CurrentCount); Thread.Sleep(10); } }); Thread.Sleep(3000); /*当前Task只能进入3次*/ /*退出一次信号量 并递增信号量的计数*/ Console.WriteLine("退出一次信号量 并递增信号量的计数"); ss.Release(); Thread.Sleep(3000); /*退出3次信号量 并递增信号量的计数*/ Console.WriteLine("退出三次信号量 并递增信号量的计数"); ss.Release(3); /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(t1); /*释放*/ ss.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
有时候,需要对数目随时间变化的任务进行跟踪,CountdownEvent是一个非轻量级的同步原语,与Task.WaitAll或者TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll 等待其他任务完成执行而运行代码相比,CountdownEvent的开销要小得多。
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { static void Main() { CountdownEvent cde = new CountdownEvent(3); // 创建SemaphoreSlim 初始化信号量最多计数为3次 Console.WriteLine(" InitialCount={0}, CurrentCount={1}, IsSet={2}", cde.InitialCount, cde.CurrentCount, cde.IsSet); // Launch an asynchronous Task that releases the semaphore after 100 ms Task t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); if (!cde.IsSet) { cde.Signal(); Console.WriteLine(" InitialCount={0}, CurrentCount={1}, IsSet={2}", cde.InitialCount, cde.CurrentCount, cde.IsSet); } } }); cde.Wait(); /*将 CurrentCount 重置为 InitialCount 的值。*/ Console.WriteLine("将 CurrentCount 重置为 InitialCount 的值。"); cde.Reset(); cde.Wait(); /*将 CurrentCount 重置为 5*/ Console.WriteLine("将 CurrentCount 重置为 5"); cde.Reset(5); cde.AddCount(2); cde.Wait(); /*等待任务完成*/ Task.WaitAll(t1); Console.WriteLine("任务执行完成"); /*释放*/ cde.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { static void Main() { Console.Title = "AY2019"; CountdownEvent cde = new CountdownEvent(3); // 创建SemaphoreSlim 初始化信号量最多计数为3次 Console.WriteLine(" InitialCount={0}, CurrentCount={1}, IsSet={2}", cde.InitialCount, cde.CurrentCount, cde.IsSet); /*创建任务执行计数*/ Task t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (int index = 0; index <= 5; index++) { /*重置计数器*/ cde.Reset(); /*创建任务执行计数*/ while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); if (!cde.IsSet) { cde.Signal(); Console.WriteLine("第{0}轮计数 CurrentCount={1}", index, cde.CurrentCount); } else { Console.WriteLine("第{0}轮计数完成", index); break; } } /*等待计数完成*/ cde.Wait(); } }); t1.Wait(); /*释放*/ cde.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { static void Main() { Console.Title = "AY2019"; ConcurrentQueue<Product> products = new ConcurrentQueue<Product>(); /*向集合中添加多条数据 可以修改数据量查看Linq和Plinq的性能*/ Parallel.For(0, 600000, (num) => { products.Enqueue(new Product() { Category = "Category" + num, Name = "Name" + num, SellPrice = num }); }); /*采用LINQ查询符合条件的数据*/ Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Restart(); var productListLinq = from product in products where (product.Name.Contains("1") && product.Name.Contains("2") && product.Category.Contains("1") && product.Category.Contains("2")) select product; Console.WriteLine("采用Linq 查询得出数量为:{0}", productListLinq.Count()); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("采用Linq 耗时:{0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); /*采用PLINQ查询符合条件的数据*/ sw.Restart(); var productListPLinq = from product in products.AsParallel() /*AsParallel 试图利用运行时所有可用的逻辑内核,从而使运行的速度比串行的版本要快 但是需要注意开销所带来的性能损耗*/ where (product.Name.Contains("1") && product.Name.Contains("2") && product.Category.Contains("1") && product.Category.Contains("2")) select product; Console.WriteLine("采用PLinq 查询得出数量为:{0}", productListPLinq.Count()); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("采用PLinq 耗时:{0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.ReadLine(); } } class Product { public string Name { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public int SellPrice { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { /*code:释迦苦僧*/ static void Main() { ConcurrentQueue<string> products = new ConcurrentQueue<string>(); products.Enqueue("E"); products.Enqueue("F"); products.Enqueue("B"); products.Enqueue("G"); products.Enqueue("A"); products.Enqueue("C"); products.Enqueue("SS"); products.Enqueue("D"); /*不采用并行化 其数据输出结果 不做任何处理 */ var productListLinq = from product in products where (product.Length == 1) select product; string appendStr = string.Empty; foreach (string str in productListLinq) { appendStr += str + " "; } Console.WriteLine("不采用并行化 输出:{0}", appendStr); /*不采用任何 排序 策略 其数据输出结果 是直接将分区数据结果合并起来 不做任何处理 */ var productListPLinq = from product in products.AsParallel() where (product.Length == 1) select product; appendStr = string.Empty; foreach (string str in productListPLinq) { appendStr += str + " "; } Console.WriteLine("不采用AsOrdered 输出:{0}", appendStr); /*采用 AsOrdered 排序策略 其数据输出结果 是直接将分区数据结果合并起来 并按原始数据顺序排序*/ var productListPLinq1 = from product in products.AsParallel().AsOrdered() where (product.Length == 1) select product; appendStr = string.Empty; foreach (string str in productListPLinq1) { appendStr += str + " "; } Console.WriteLine("采用AsOrdered 输出:{0}", appendStr); /*采用 orderby 排序策略 其数据输出结果 是直接将分区数据结果合并起来 并按orderby要求进行排序*/ var productListPLinq2 = from product in products.AsParallel() where (product.Length == 1) orderby product select product; appendStr = string.Empty; foreach (string str in productListPLinq2) { appendStr += str + " "; } Console.WriteLine("采用orderby 输出:{0}", appendStr); Console.ReadLine(); } } class Product { public string Name { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public int SellPrice { get; set; } } }
指定执行模式 WithExecutionMode,下面求平均数
ConcurrentQueue<int> products = new ConcurrentQueue<int>(); /*向集合中添加多条数据*/ Parallel.For(0, 6000000, (num) => { products.Enqueue(num); }); /*采用LINQ 返回 IEumerable<int>*/ var productListLinq = (from product in products select product).Average(); Console.WriteLine("采用Average计算平均值:{0}", productListLinq); /*采用PLINQ 返回 ParallelQuery<int>*/ var productListPLinq = (from product in products.AsParallel() select product).Average(); Console.WriteLine("采用Average计算平均值:{0}", productListPLinq); Console.ReadLine();
在LINQ版本中,该方法会返回一个 IEumerable<int>,即调用 Eumerable.Range方法生成指定范围整数序列的结果,
如果想对特定数据源进行LINQ查询时,可以定义为 private IEquatable<int> products
在PLINQ版本中,该方法会返回一个 ParallelQuery<int>,即调用并行版本中System.Linq.ParallelEumerable的ParallelEumerable.Range方法,通过这种方法得到的结果序列也是并行序列,可以再PLINQ中并行运行。
如果想对特定数据源进行PLINQ查询时,可以定义为 private ParallelQuery<int> products
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { /*code:释迦苦僧*/ static void Main() { ConcurrentQueue<Product> products = new ConcurrentQueue<Product>(); /*向集合中添加多条数据*/ Parallel.For(0, 600000, (num) => { products.Enqueue(new Product() { Category = "Category" + num, Name = "Name" + num, SellPrice = num }); }); CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); /*创建tk1 任务 查询 符合 条件的数据*/ Task<ParallelQuery<Product>> tk1 = new Task<ParallelQuery<Product>>((ct) => { Console.WriteLine("开始执行 tk1 任务", products.Count); Console.WriteLine("tk1 任务中 数据结果集数量为:{0}", products.Count); var result = products.AsParallel().Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2")); return result; }, cts.Token); /*创建tk2 任务,在执行tk1任务完成 基于tk1的结果查询 符合 条件的数据*/ Task<ParallelQuery<Product>> tk2 = tk1.ContinueWith<ParallelQuery<Product>>((tk) => { Console.WriteLine("开始执行 tk2 任务", products.Count); Console.WriteLine("tk2 任务中 数据结果集数量为:{0}", tk.Result.Count()); var result = tk.Result.Where(p => p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2")); return result; }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); /*创建tk3 任务,在执行tk1任务完成 基于tk1的结果查询 符合 条件的数据*/ Task<ParallelQuery<Product>> tk3 = tk1.ContinueWith<ParallelQuery<Product>>((tk) => { Console.WriteLine("开始执行 tk3 任务", products.Count); Console.WriteLine("tk3 任务中 数据结果集数量为:{0}", tk.Result.Count()); var result = tk.Result.Where(p => p.SellPrice > 1111 && p.SellPrice < 222222); return result; }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); tk1.Start(); Task.WaitAll(tk1, tk2, tk3); Console.WriteLine("tk2任务结果输出,筛选后记录总数为:{0}", tk2.Result.Count()); Console.WriteLine("tk3任务结果输出,筛选后记录总数为:{0}", tk3.Result.Count()); tk1.Dispose(); tk2.Dispose(); tk3.Dispose(); cts.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); } } class Product { public string Name { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public int SellPrice { get; set; } } }
取消PLINQ WithCancellation
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { /*code:释迦苦僧*/ static void Main() { ConcurrentQueue<Product> products = new ConcurrentQueue<Product>(); /*向集合中添加多条数据*/ Parallel.For(0, 600000, (num) => { products.Enqueue(new Product() { Category = "Category" + num, Name = "Name" + num, SellPrice = num }); }); CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); CancellationToken token = cts.Token; /*创建tk1 任务 查询 符合 条件的数据*/ Task<ParallelQuery<Product>> tk1 = new Task<ParallelQuery<Product>>((ct) => { var result = products.AsParallel(); try { Console.WriteLine("开始执行 tk1 任务", products.Count); Console.WriteLine("tk1 任务中 数据结果集数量为:{0}", products.Count); result = products.AsParallel().WithCancellation(token).Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2")); } catch (AggregateException ex) { foreach (Exception e in ex.InnerExceptions) { Console.WriteLine("tk3 错误:{0}", e.Message); } } return result; }, cts.Token); /*创建tk2 任务,在执行tk1任务完成 基于tk1的结果查询 符合 条件的数据*/ Task<ParallelQuery<Product>> tk2 = tk1.ContinueWith<ParallelQuery<Product>>((tk) => { var result = tk.Result; try { Console.WriteLine("开始执行 tk2 任务", products.Count); Console.WriteLine("tk2 任务中 数据结果集数量为:{0}", tk.Result.Count()); result = tk.Result.WithCancellation(token).Where(p => p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2")); } catch (AggregateException ex) { foreach (Exception e in ex.InnerExceptions) { Console.WriteLine("tk3 错误:{0}", e.Message); } } return result; }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); /*创建tk3 任务,在执行tk1任务完成 基于tk1的结果查询 符合 条件的数据*/ Task<ParallelQuery<Product>> tk3 = tk1.ContinueWith<ParallelQuery<Product>>((tk) => { var result = tk.Result; try { Console.WriteLine("开始执行 tk3 任务", products.Count); Console.WriteLine("tk3 任务中 数据结果集数量为:{0}", tk.Result.Count()); result = tk.Result.WithCancellation(token).Where(p => p.SellPrice > 1111 && p.SellPrice < 222222); } catch (AggregateException ex) { foreach (Exception e in ex.InnerExceptions) { Console.WriteLine("tk3 错误:{0}", e.Message); } } return result; }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); tk1.Start(); try { Thread.Sleep(10); cts.Cancel();//取消任务 Task.WaitAll(tk1, tk2, tk3); Console.WriteLine("tk2任务结果输出,筛选后记录总数为:{0}", tk2.Result.Count()); Console.WriteLine("tk3任务结果输出,筛选后记录总数为:{0}", tk3.Result.Count()); } catch (AggregateException ex) { foreach (Exception e in ex.InnerExceptions) { Console.WriteLine("错误:{0}", e.Message); } } tk1.Dispose(); tk2.Dispose(); tk3.Dispose(); cts.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); } } class Product { public string Name { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public int SellPrice { get; set; } } }
指定查询时所需的并行度 WithDegreeOfParallelism
/*tk1任务 采用所有可用处理器*/ result = products.AsParallel().WithCancellation(token).WithDegreeOfParallelism(Environment.ProcessorCount).Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2") && p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2")); /*tk1任务 采用1个可用处理器*/ result = products.AsParallel().WithCancellation(token).WithDegreeOfParallelism(1).Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2") && p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2"));
products.AsParallel().Where(P => P.Name.Contains("1") && P.Name.Contains("2") && P.Name.Contains("3")).ForAll(product => { Console.WriteLine("Name:{0}", product.Name); });
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("当前计算机处理器数:{0}", Environment.ProcessorCount); ConcurrentQueue<Product> products = new ConcurrentQueue<Product>(); /*向集合中添加多条数据*/ Parallel.For(0, 600000, (num) => { products.Enqueue(new Product() { Category = "Category" + num, Name = "Name" + num, SellPrice = num }); }); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); Thread.Sleep(1000); sw.Restart(); int count = 0; Task tk1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var result = products.AsParallel().WithMergeOptions(ParallelMergeOptions.AutoBuffered).Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2") && p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2")); count = result.Count(); }); Task.WaitAll(tk1); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("ParallelMergeOptions.AutoBuffered 耗时:{0},数量:{1}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, count); sw.Restart(); int count1 = 0; Task tk2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var result = products.AsParallel().WithMergeOptions(ParallelMergeOptions.Default).Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2") && p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2")); count1 = result.Count(); }); Task.WaitAll(tk2); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("ParallelMergeOptions.Default 耗时:{0},数量:{1}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, count1); sw.Restart(); int count2 = 0; Task tk3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var result = products.AsParallel().WithMergeOptions(ParallelMergeOptions.FullyBuffered).Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2") && p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2")); count2 = result.Count(); }); Task.WaitAll(tk3); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("ParallelMergeOptions.FullyBuffered 耗时:{0},数量:{1}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, count2); sw.Restart(); int count3 = 0; Task tk4 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var result = products.AsParallel().WithMergeOptions(ParallelMergeOptions.NotBuffered).Where(p => p.Name.Contains("1") && p.Name.Contains("2") && p.Category.Contains("1") && p.Category.Contains("2")); count3 = result.Count(); }); Task.WaitAll(tk4); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("ParallelMergeOptions.NotBuffered 耗时:{0},数量:{1}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, count3); tk4.Dispose(); tk3.Dispose(); tk2.Dispose(); tk1.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); } } class Product { public string Name { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public int SellPrice { get; set; } } }
需要注意的是:每一个选项都有其优点和缺点,因此一定奥测量显示第一个结果的时间以及完成整个查询所需要的时间,这点很重要 。
使用PLINQ执行MapReduce算法 ILookup IGrouping
mapreduce ,也称为Map/reduce 或者Map&Reduce ,是一种非常流行的框架,能够充分利用并行化处理巨大的数据集,MapReduce的基本思想非常简单:将数据处理问题分解为以下两个独立且可以并行执行的操作:
using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace testmulity { class Program { static void Main() { ConcurrentQueue<string> list = new ConcurrentQueue<string>(); list.Enqueue("A"); list.Enqueue("B"); list.Enqueue("C"); list.Enqueue("D"); list.Enqueue("A"); list.Enqueue("D"); Console.WriteLine("Select......."); list.AsParallel().Select(p => new { Name = p, Count = 1 }).ForAll((p) => { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", p.Name, p.Count); }); Console.WriteLine("ILookup......."); /*map操作生成的键值对由一个单词和数量1组成,该代码意在将每个单词作为键并将1作为值加入*/ ILookup<string, int> map = list.AsParallel().ToLookup(p => p, k => 1); foreach (var v in map) { Console.Write(v.Key); foreach (int val in v) Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", val); } /*reduce操作单词出现的次数*/ var reduce = from IGrouping<string, int> reduceM in map.AsQueryable() select new { key = reduceM.Key, count = reduceM.Count() }; Console.WriteLine("IGrouping......."); foreach (var v in reduce) { Console.Write(v.key); Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", v.count); } Console.ReadLine(); } } class Product { public string Name { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public int SellPrice { get; set; } } }
参考文章: https://www.cnblogs.com/woxpp/p/3951096.html
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采文 / 哈尔滨出版社 / 2014-9 / 29.80
主要介绍了雷军上大学开始创业到加入金山再到成为天使投资人一直最后创立小米公司的过程,以及他的“站在风口的猪”等个人名言思想的涉及。一起来看看 《顺势而为--雷军传》 这本书的介绍吧!