PHP统计Nginx日志的User Agent数据

栏目: PHP · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:即将用到爬虫,于是打算收集一下User Agent(UA)数据。接着马上想到自己网站的访问日志不就是现成的优质数据源吗?于是愉快的决定写个脚本统计一下Nginx访问日志中的UA信息。这类简单操作,用脚本语言就足够,毫无疑问肯定要用最熟悉的PHP。打开vim就开撸,十几分钟下来,功能简单的统计脚本就搞定了。脚本目前有三个功能:1. 找出所有的UA信息并排序; 2. 统计操作系统数据; 3. 统计浏览器数据。程序运行截图如下:

即将用到爬虫,于是打算收集一下User Agent(UA)数据。接着马上想到自己网站的访问日志不就是现成的优质数据源吗?于是愉快的决定写个脚本统计一下Nginx访问日志中的UA信息。


脚本目前有三个功能:1. 找出所有的UA信息并排序; 2. 统计操作系统数据; 3. 统计浏览器数据。程序运行截图如下:

  1. UA信息

    PHP统计Nginx日志的User Agent数据

  2. 操作系统信息

    PHP统计Nginx日志的User Agent数据

  3. 浏览器

    PHP统计Nginx日志的User Agent数据


  1. 搜索引擎爬虫比较频繁,每天有好几千次数据访问;
  2. Windows仍是份额最大的操作系统,Linux桌面依然份额很小;
  3. Chrome目前是浏览器领域的霸主,其次是Firefox,Opera已经很小众了。

最后附上 PHP 脚本的代码,也可以从本人的Github里找到:

 * @brief stat UA in access log
 * @author tlanyan<<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" data-cfemail="b9cdd5d8d7c0d8d7f9d1d6cdd4d8d0d597dad6d4">[email protected]</a>>
 * @link
/* vim: set ts=4; set sw=4; set ss=4; set expandtab; */
function getFileList(string $path) : array {
    return glob(rtrim($path, "/") . "/*access.log*");
function statFiles(array $files) : array {
    $stat = [];
    echo PHP_EOL, "start to read files...", PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        echo "read file: $file ...", PHP_EOL;
        $contents = getFileContent($file);
        foreach ($contents as $line) {
            $ua = getUA($line);
            if (isset($stat[$ua])) {
                $stat[$ua] += 1;
            } else {
                $stat[$ua] = 1;
    echo "stat all files done!", PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
    return $stat;
function getFileContent(string $file) : array {
    if (substr($file, -3, 3) === ".gz") {
        return gzfile($file);
    return file($file);
function getUA(string $line) : ?string {
    // important! Nginx log format determins the UA location in the line!
    // You may have to refactor following codes to get the right result
    // UA starts from fifth double quote 
    $count = 0;  $offset = 0;
    while ($count < 5) {
        $pos = strpos($line, '"', $offset);
        if ($pos === false) {
            echo "Error! Unknown line: $line", PHP_EOL;
            return null;
        $count ++;
        $offset = $pos + 1;
    $end = strpos($line, '"', $offset);
    return substr($line, $offset, $end - $offset);
function usage() {
    echo "Usage: php statUA.php [option] [dir]", PHP_EOL;
    echo "  options:", PHP_EOL;
    echo "    -h: show this help", PHP_EOL;
    echo "    -v: verbose mode", PHP_EOL;
    echo "-n NUM: UA list number", PHP_EOL;
    echo "   dir: directory to the log files", PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;
function filterUA(array& $stat, array $UAFilters) {
    $filterCount = 0;
    foreach ($UAFilters as $filter) {
        foreach ($stat as $ua => $count) {
            if (stripos($ua, $filter) !== false) {
                $filterCount += $count;
    echo "filter $filterCount records!", PHP_EOL;
function printCount(array $stat) {
    $sum = array_sum($stat);
    foreach ($stat as $key => $count) {
        echo $key, " : ", $count, ", percent: ", sprintf("%.2f", 100*$count/$sum), PHP_EOL;
function statOS(array $UAs) : array {
    global $debug;
    echo PHP_EOL, "stat OS...", PHP_EOL;
    $os = ["Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "Android", "iOS", "other"];
    $stat = array_fill_keys($os, 0);
    foreach ($UAs as $key => $count) {
        if (strpos($key, "Windows") !== false) {
            $stat["Windows"] += $count;
        } else if (strpos($key, "Macintosh") !== false) {
            $stat["MacOS"] += $count;
        // must deal Android first, then Linux
        } else if (strpos($key, "Android") !== false) {
            $stat["Android"] += $count;
        } else if (strpos($key, "Linux") !== false) {
            $stat["Linux"] += $count;
        } else if (strpos($key, "iPhone") !== false || strpos($key, "iOS") !== false || strpos($key, "like Mac OS") !== false || strpos($key, "Darwin") !== false) {
            $stat["iOS"] += $count;
        } else {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "other: $key, count: $count", PHP_EOL;
            $stat["other"] += $count;
    return $stat;
function statBrowser(array $UAs) : array {
    global $debug;
    echo PHP_EOL, "stat brwoser...", PHP_EOL;
    $browsers = ["Chrome", "Firefox", "IE", "Safari", "Edge", "Opera", "other"];
    $stat = array_fill_keys($browsers, 0);
    foreach ($UAs as $key => $count) {
        if (strpos($key, "MSIE") !== false) {
            $stat["IE"] += $count;
        } else if (strpos($key, "Edge") !== false) {
            $stat["Edge"] += $count;
        } else if (strpos($key, "Firefox") !== false) {
            $stat["Firefox"] += $count;
        } else if (strpos($key, "OPR") !== false) {
            $stat["Opera"] += $count;
        // first Chrome, then Safari
        } else if (strpos($key, "Chrome") !== false) {
            $stat["Chrome"] += $count;
        } else if (strpos($key, "Safari") !== false) {
            $stat["Safari"] += $count;
        } else {
            if ($debug) {
                echo "other: $key, count: $count", PHP_EOL;
            $stat["other"] += $count;
    return $stat;
function parseCmd() {
    global $debug, $num, $path, $argc, $argv;
    $optind = null;
    $options = getopt("hvn:", [], $optind);
    if ($argc > 2 && empty($options)) {
    if (isset($options['h'])) {
    if (isset($options['v'])) {
        $debug = true;
    if (isset($options['n'])) {
        $num = intval($options['n']);
        if ($num <= 0) {
            $num = 10;
    if ($argc === 2 && empty($options)) {
        $path = $argv[1];
    if ($argc > $optind) {
        $path = $argv[$optind];
    if (!is_dir($path)) {
        echo "invalid directory: $path", PHP_EOL;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "num: $num", PHP_EOL;
        echo "verbose: ", var_export($debug, true), PHP_EOL;
        echo "path: $path", PHP_EOL;
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "7.1") < 0) {
    exit("scripts require PHP >=7.1");
$path = ".";
$debug = false;
$num = 10;
$UAFilters = [
$files = getFileList($path);
if (empty($files)) {
    echo '"' . realpath($path) . '" does not contain access log files.', PHP_EOL;
$allUA = statFiles($files);
if (empty($allUA)) {
    echo "no data", PHP_EOL;
filterUA($allUA, $UAFilters);
// sort array with count
uasort($allUA, function ($a, $b) {
    return $b - $a;
if ($debug) {
echo PHP_EOL, "---- top $num UA ----", PHP_EOL;
printCount(array_slice($allUA, 0, $num));
echo "-------------------", PHP_EOL;
$os = statOS($allUA);
echo PHP_EOL, "os count:", PHP_EOL;
$browser = statBrowser($allUA);
echo PHP_EOL, "browser count:", PHP_EOL;

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




Java 8实战

Java 8实战

厄马(Raoul-Gabriel Urma)、弗斯科(Mario Fusco)、米克罗夫特(Alan Mycroft) / 陆明刚、劳佳 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2016-4-1 / CNY 79.00

本书全面介绍了Java 8 这个里程碑版本的新特性,包括Lambdas、流和函数式编程。有了函数式的编程特性,可以让代码更简洁,同时也能自动化地利用多核硬件。全书分四个部分:基础知识、函数式数据处理、高效Java 8 编程和超越Java 8,清晰明了地向读者展现了一幅Java 与时俱进的现代化画卷。一起来看看 《Java 8实战》 这本书的介绍吧!

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