【Vue】VueCli3 + Vue + typescript 挖坑记
栏目: JavaScript · 发布时间: 5年前
内容简介:VueCli3.0生成Vue+ts的项目组件,中间遇到了一些让我直接放弃结合ts的坑,还是等Vue3.0的发布吧,到那个时候肯定结合得会更好。1 How to fix TSLint: " should be ' (quotemark) while doing organize imports in code editors?In User Preferences set the following.
Vue + typescript 挖坑记
1 How to fix TSLint: " should be ' (quotemark) while doing organize imports in code editors?
In User Preferences set the following.
"tslint.autoFixOnSave": true
2 tslint Missing semicolon (semicolon)
<script lang="ts"> </script>
3 App.vue' is not a module.
分析:弄完第二个问题后,cli紧接着就报了这个错误。想了解的话,请戳vuecli_ts > Github上的这个 Issue ,下面给了一种临时性的解决方案(真的挺丑的),真正的解决还是得等vue3.0的正式发布。
解决方法:// @ts-ignore before each import '*.vue' could be a temporary solution.
// @ts-ignore import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.vue';
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