模块包含用于处理上下文管理器和 with
Context Manager API
上下文管理器负责一个代码块内的资源,从进入块时创建到退出块后清理。例如,文件上下文管理器 API,在完成所有读取或写入后来确保它们已关闭。
with open('/tmp/pymotw.txt', 'wt') as f: f.write('contents go here') # file is automatically closed 复制代码
语句启用了上下文管理器,API 涉及两种方法:当执行流进入内部代码块时运行 __enter__()
方法,它返回要在上下文中使用的对象。当执行流离开 with
块时,调用上下文管理器的 __exit__()
class Context: def __init__(self): print('__init__()') def __enter__(self): print('__enter__()') return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): print('__exit__()') with Context(): print('Doing work in the context') # output # __init__() # __enter__() # Doing work in the context # __exit__() 复制代码
组合上下文管理器和 with
语句是一种更简洁的 try:finally
块,即使引发了异常,也总是调用上下文管理器的 __exit__()
方法可以返回与 as
子句中指定的名称关联的任何对象。在此示例中, Context
class WithinContext: def __init__(self, context): print('WithinContext.__init__({})'.format(context)) def do_something(self): print('WithinContext.do_something()') def __del__(self): print('WithinContext.__del__') class Context: def __init__(self): print('Context.__init__()') def __enter__(self): print('Context.__enter__()') return WithinContext(self) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): print('Context.__exit__()') with Context() as c: c.do_something() # output # Context.__init__() # Context.__enter__() # WithinContext.__init__(<__main__.Context object at 0x101f046d8>) # WithinContext.do_something() # Context.__exit__() # WithinContext.__del__ 复制代码
与变量关联的值 c
是返回的 __enter__()
对象,该对象不一定是 Context
在 with
方法接收包含 with
class Context: def __init__(self, handle_error): print('__init__({})'.format(handle_error)) self.handle_error = handle_error def __enter__(self): print('__enter__()') return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): print('__exit__()') print(' exc_type =', exc_type) print(' exc_val =', exc_val) print(' exc_tb =', exc_tb) return self.handle_error with Context(True): raise RuntimeError('error message handled') print() with Context(False): raise RuntimeError('error message propagated') # output # __init__(True) # __enter__() # __exit__() # exc_type = <class 'RuntimeError'> # exc_val = error message handled # exc_tb = <traceback object at 0x101c94948> # # __init__(False) # __enter__() # __exit__() # exc_type = <class 'RuntimeError'> # exc_val = error message propagated # exc_tb = <traceback object at 0x101c94948> # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "contextlib_api_error.py", line 34, in <module> # raise RuntimeError('error message propagated') # RuntimeError: error message propagated 复制代码
如果上下文管理器可以处理异常, __exit__()
则应返回 true 值以指示不需要传播该异常,返回 false 会导致在 __exit__()
类 ContextDecorator
import contextlib class Context(contextlib.ContextDecorator): def __init__(self, how_used): self.how_used = how_used print('__init__({})'.format(how_used)) def __enter__(self): print('__enter__({})'.format(self.how_used)) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): print('__exit__({})'.format(self.how_used)) @Context('as decorator') def func(message): print(message) print() with Context('as context manager'): print('Doing work in the context') print() func('Doing work in the wrapped function') # output # __init__(as decorator) # # __init__(as context manager) # __enter__(as context manager) # Doing work in the context # __exit__(as context manager) # # __enter__(as decorator) # Doing work in the wrapped function # __exit__(as decorator) 复制代码
使用上下文管理器作为装饰器的一个区别是, __enter__()
返回的值在被装饰的函数内部不可用,这与使用 with
和 as
通过用 __enter__()
和 __exit__()
方法编写类来创建上下文管理器的传统方式并不困难。但是,有时候完全写出所有内容对于一些微不足道的上下文来说是没有必要的。在这些情况下,使用 contextmanager()
import contextlib @contextlib.contextmanager def make_context(): print(' entering') try: yield {} except RuntimeError as err: print(' ERROR:', err) finally: print(' exiting') print('Normal:') with make_context() as value: print(' inside with statement:', value) print('\nHandled error:') with make_context() as value: raise RuntimeError('showing example of handling an error') print('\nUnhandled error:') with make_context() as value: raise ValueError('this exception is not handled') # output # Normal: # entering # inside with statement: {} # exiting # # Handled error: # entering # ERROR: showing example of handling an error # exiting # # Unhandled error: # entering # exiting # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "contextlib_contextmanager.py", line 33, in <module> # raise ValueError('this exception is not handled') # ValueError: this exception is not handled 复制代码
生成器应该初始化上下文,只产生一次,然后清理上下文。如果有的话,产生的值绑定到 as
子句中的变量。 with
返回的上下文管理器派生自 ContextDecorator
@contextlib.contextmanager def make_context(): print(' entering') try: # Yield control, but not a value, because any value # yielded is not available when the context manager # is used as a decorator. yield except RuntimeError as err: print(' ERROR:', err) finally: print(' exiting') @make_context() def normal(): print(' inside with statement') @make_context() def throw_error(err): raise err print('Normal:') normal() print('\nHandled error:') throw_error(RuntimeError('showing example of handling an error')) print('\nUnhandled error:') throw_error(ValueError('this exception is not handled')) # output # Normal: # entering # inside with statement # exiting # # Handled error: # entering # ERROR: showing example of handling an error # exiting # # Unhandled error: # entering # exiting # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "contextlib_contextmanager_decorator.py", line 43, in # <module> # throw_error(ValueError('this exception is not handled')) # File ".../lib/python3.7/contextlib.py", line 74, in inner # return func(*args, **kwds) # File "contextlib_contextmanager_decorator.py", line 33, in # throw_error # raise err # ValueError: this exception is not handled 复制代码
如上例所示,当上下文管理器用作装饰器时,生成器产生的值在被装饰的函数内不可用,传递给装饰函数的参数仍然可用,如 throw_error()
类支持上下文管理器 API,但代表打开句柄的一些其他对象并不支持。标准库文档中给出的 contextlib
示例是 urllib.urlopen()
返回的对象。还有其他遗留类使用 close()
方法,但不支持上下文管理器 API。要确保句柄已关闭,请使用 closing()
import contextlib class Door: def __init__(self): print(' __init__()') self.status = 'open' def close(self): print(' close()') self.status = 'closed' print('Normal Example:') with contextlib.closing(Door()) as door: print(' inside with statement: {}'.format(door.status)) print(' outside with statement: {}'.format(door.status)) print('\nError handling example:') try: with contextlib.closing(Door()) as door: print(' raising from inside with statement') raise RuntimeError('error message') except Exception as err: print(' Had an error:', err) # output # Normal Example: # __init__() # inside with statement: open # close() # outside with statement: closed # # Error handling example: # __init__() # raising from inside with statement # close() # Had an error: error message 复制代码
无论 with
忽略异常的最常见方法是使用语句块 try:except
,然后在语句 except
中只有 pass
import contextlib class NonFatalError(Exception): pass def non_idempotent_operation(): raise NonFatalError( 'The operation failed because of existing state' ) try: print('trying non-idempotent operation') non_idempotent_operation() print('succeeded!') except NonFatalError: pass print('done') # output # trying non-idempotent operation # done 复制代码
可以被替换为 contextlib.suppress()
,更明确地抑制类异常在 with
import contextlib class NonFatalError(Exception): pass def non_idempotent_operation(): raise NonFatalError( 'The operation failed because of existing state' ) with contextlib.suppress(NonFatalError): print('trying non-idempotent operation') non_idempotent_operation() print('succeeded!') print('done') # output # trying non-idempotent operation # done 复制代码
设计不良的库代码可能直接写入 sys.stdout
或 sys.stderr
,不提供参数来配置不同的输出目的地。如果源不能被改变接受新的输出参数时,可以使用 redirect_stdout()
和 redirect_stderr()
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr import io import sys def misbehaving_function(a): sys.stdout.write('(stdout) A: {!r}\n'.format(a)) sys.stderr.write('(stderr) A: {!r}\n'.format(a)) capture = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(capture), redirect_stderr(capture): misbehaving_function(5) print(capture.getvalue()) # output # (stdout) A: 5 # (stderr) A: 5 复制代码
在此示例中, misbehaving_function()
写入 stdout
和 stderr
,但两个上下文管理器将该输出发送到同一 io.StringIO
注意: redirect_stdout()
和 redirect_stderr()
大多数上下文管理器一次操作一个对象,例如单个文件或数据库句柄。在这些情况下,对象是事先已知的,并且使用上下文管理器的代码可以围绕该对象构建。在其他情况下,程序可能需要在上下文中创建未知数量的对象,同时希望在控制流退出上下文时清除所有对象。 ExitStack
实例维护清理回调的堆栈数据结构。回调在上下文中显式填充,并且当控制流退出上下文时,以相反的顺序调用已注册的回调。就像有多个嵌套 with
有几种方法可以填充 ExitStack
。此示例用于 enter_context()
import contextlib @contextlib.contextmanager def make_context(i): print('{} entering'.format(i)) yield {} print('{} exiting'.format(i)) def variable_stack(n, msg): with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: for i in range(n): stack.enter_context(make_context(i)) print(msg) variable_stack(2, 'inside context') # output # 0 entering # 1 entering # inside context # 1 exiting # 0 exiting 复制代码
首先调用 __enter__()
上下文管理器,然后将 __exit__()
上下文管理器 ExitStack
被视为处于一系列嵌套 with
# contextlib_context_managers.py import contextlib class Tracker: "Base class for noisy context managers." def __init__(self, i): self.i = i def msg(self, s): print(' {}({}): {}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.i, s)) def __enter__(self): self.msg('entering') class HandleError(Tracker): "If an exception is received, treat it as handled." def __exit__(self, *exc_details): received_exc = exc_details[1] is not None if received_exc: self.msg('handling exception {!r}'.format( exc_details[1])) self.msg('exiting {}'.format(received_exc)) # Return Boolean value indicating whether the exception # was handled. return received_exc class PassError(Tracker): "If an exception is received, propagate it." def __exit__(self, *exc_details): received_exc = exc_details[1] is not None if received_exc: self.msg('passing exception {!r}'.format( exc_details[1])) self.msg('exiting') # Return False, indicating any exception was not handled. return False class ErrorOnExit(Tracker): "Cause an exception." def __exit__(self, *exc_details): self.msg('throwing error') raise RuntimeError('from {}'.format(self.i)) class ErrorOnEnter(Tracker): "Cause an exception." def __enter__(self): self.msg('throwing error on enter') raise RuntimeError('from {}'.format(self.i)) def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.msg('exiting') 复制代码
这些类的示例基于 variable_stack()
,它使用上下文管理器来构造 ExitStack
print('No errors:') variable_stack([ HandleError(1), PassError(2), ]) 复制代码
print('\nError at the end of the context stack:') variable_stack([ HandleError(1), HandleError(2), ErrorOnExit(3), ]) 复制代码
print('\nError in the middle of the context stack:') variable_stack([ HandleError(1), PassError(2), ErrorOnExit(3), HandleError(4), ]) 复制代码
try: print('\nError ignored:') variable_stack([ PassError(1), ErrorOnExit(2), ]) except RuntimeError: print('error handled outside of context') 复制代码
如果堆栈中的任何上下文管理器收到异常并返回 True
$ python3 contextlib_exitstack_enter_context_errors.py No errors: HandleError(1): entering PassError(2): entering PassError(2): exiting HandleError(1): exiting False outside of stack, any errors were handled Error at the end of the context stack: HandleError(1): entering HandleError(2): entering ErrorOnExit(3): entering ErrorOnExit(3): throwing error HandleError(2): handling exception RuntimeError('from 3') HandleError(2): exiting True HandleError(1): exiting False outside of stack, any errors were handled Error in the middle of the context stack: HandleError(1): entering PassError(2): entering ErrorOnExit(3): entering HandleError(4): entering HandleError(4): exiting False ErrorOnExit(3): throwing error PassError(2): passing exception RuntimeError('from 3') PassError(2): exiting HandleError(1): handling exception RuntimeError('from 3') HandleError(1): exiting True outside of stack, any errors were handled Error ignored: PassError(1): entering ErrorOnExit(2): entering ErrorOnExit(2): throwing error PassError(1): passing exception RuntimeError('from 2') PassError(1): exiting error handled outside of context 复制代码
import contextlib def callback(*args, **kwds): print('closing callback({}, {})'.format(args, kwds)) with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.callback(callback, 'arg1', 'arg2') stack.callback(callback, arg3='val3') # output # closing callback((), {'arg3': 'val3'}) # closing callback(('arg1', 'arg2'), {}) 复制代码
与 __exit__()
import contextlib def callback(*args, **kwds): print('closing callback({}, {})'.format(args, kwds)) try: with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.callback(callback, 'arg1', 'arg2') stack.callback(callback, arg3='val3') raise RuntimeError('thrown error') except RuntimeError as err: print('ERROR: {}'.format(err)) # output # closing callback((), {'arg3': 'val3'}) # closing callback(('arg1', 'arg2'), {}) # ERROR: thrown error 复制代码
回调可以方便清楚地定义清理逻辑,而无需创建新的上下文管理器类。为了提高代码可读性,该逻辑可以封装在内联函数中, callback()
import contextlib with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: @stack.callback def inline_cleanup(): print('inline_cleanup()') print('local_resource = {!r}'.format(local_resource)) local_resource = 'resource created in context' print('within the context') # output # within the context # inline_cleanup() # local_resource = 'resource created in context' 复制代码
无法为使用装饰器形式注册的 callback()
有时,在构建复杂的上下文时,如果上下文无法完全构建,可以中止操作,但是如果延迟清除所有资源,则能够正确设置所有资源。例如,如果操作需要多个长期网络连接,则最好不要在一个连接失败时启动操作。但是,如果可以打开所有连接,则需要保持打开的时间长于单个上下文管理器的持续时间。可以在此方案中使用 ExitStack
的 pop_all()
从调用它的堆栈中清除所有上下文管理器和回调,并返回一个预先填充了相同上下文管理器和回调的新堆栈。 在原始堆栈消失之后,可以稍后调用新堆栈的 close()
import contextlib from contextlib_context_managers import * def variable_stack(contexts): with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: for c in contexts: stack.enter_context(c) # Return the close() method of a new stack as a clean-up # function. return stack.pop_all().close # Explicitly return None, indicating that the ExitStack could # not be initialized cleanly but that cleanup has already # occurred. return None print('No errors:') cleaner = variable_stack([ HandleError(1), HandleError(2), ]) cleaner() print('\nHandled error building context manager stack:') try: cleaner = variable_stack([ HandleError(1), ErrorOnEnter(2), ]) except RuntimeError as err: print('caught error {}'.format(err)) else: if cleaner is not None: cleaner() else: print('no cleaner returned') print('\nUnhandled error building context manager stack:') try: cleaner = variable_stack([ PassError(1), ErrorOnEnter(2), ]) except RuntimeError as err: print('caught error {}'.format(err)) else: if cleaner is not None: cleaner() else: print('no cleaner returned') # output # No errors: # HandleError(1): entering # HandleError(2): entering # HandleError(2): exiting False # HandleError(1): exiting False # # Handled error building context manager stack: # HandleError(1): entering # ErrorOnEnter(2): throwing error on enter # HandleError(1): handling exception RuntimeError('from 2') # HandleError(1): exiting True # no cleaner returned # # Unhandled error building context manager stack: # PassError(1): entering # ErrorOnEnter(2): throwing error on enter # PassError(1): passing exception RuntimeError('from 2') # PassError(1): exiting # caught error from 2 复制代码
此示例使用前面定义的相同上下文管理器类,其差异是 ErrorOnEnter
产生的错误是 __enter__()
而不是 __exit__()
。在 variable_stack()
内,如果输入的所有上下文都没有错误,则返回一个 ExitStack
的 close()
方法。如果发生处理错误,则 variable_stack()
返回 None
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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计文柯 / 机械工业出版社 / 2010-1-1 / 55.00元
内容简介: 本书是Spring领域的问鼎之作,由业界拥有10余年开发经验的资深Java专家亲自执笔!Java开发者社区和Spring开发者社区一致强烈推荐。 国内第一本基于Spring3.0的著作,从源代码的角度对Spring的内核和各个主要功能模块的架构、设计和实现原理进行了深入剖析。你不仅能从木书中参透Spring框架的优秀架构和设计思想,而且还能从Spring优雅的实现源码中一窥......一起来看看 《Spring技术内幕》 这本书的介绍吧!