内容简介:Peach是基于Github地址: https://github.com/xuanye/Peach
Peach是基于 DotNetty 的Socket网络通讯帮助类库,可以帮助开发者简化使用DotNetty,关于DotNetty可参考我之前的这篇文章。 Peach内置实现了一个基于文本协议的CommandLineProtocol,下面的实例以这个协议展开,最后以 DotBPE 中Amp协议来介绍下如何扩展自定义协议。
Github地址: https://github.com/xuanye/Peach
QuickStart 使用
dotnet nuget add Peach
- 实现协议传输消息IMessage
- 实现协议打包和解包逻辑IProtocol
- 实现ISocketService完成服务端逻辑编写 <!-- more --> 在快速开始的实例中,我们使用内置的CommandLineProtocol,所以省去了步骤1,2让我们开始吧!
1 服务端
1.1 实现MyService
OnConnected OnDisConnected OnReceive OnException
public class MyService : Peach.AbsSocketService<Peach.Messaging.CommandLineMessage> { private readonly ILogger<MyService> _logger; public MyService(ILogger<MyService> logger) { _logger = logger; } public override void OnConnected(ISocketContext<CommandLineMessage> context) { _logger.LogInformation("client connected from {0}", context.RemoteEndPoint); base.OnConnected(context); } public override void OnDisconnected(ISocketContext<CommandLineMessage> context) { _logger.LogInformation("client disconnected from {0}", context.RemoteEndPoint); base.OnDisconnected(context); } public override void OnException(ISocketContext<CommandLineMessage> context, Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex,"client from {0}, occ error {1}", context.RemoteEndPoint,ex.Message); base.OnException(context, ex); } public override void OnReceive(ISocketContext<CommandLineMessage> context, CommandLineMessage msg) { string replyMessage = string.Empty; string replyCmd = string.Empty; switch (msg.Command) { case "echo": replyMessage = msg.Parameters[0]; replyCmd = "echo"; break; case "init": replyMessage = "ok"; replyCmd = "init_reply"; break; default: replyMessage = "error unknow command"; break; } Task.Run(async () => { await context.SendAsync(new CommandLineMessage(replyCmd, replyMessage)); }); } }
2. 挂载服务
static void Main(string[] args) { var builder = new HostBuilder() .ConfigureServices((context,services) => { //协议 services.AddSingleton<IProtocol<CommandLineMessage>, CommandLineProtocol>(); //挂载服务逻辑 services.AddSingleton<ISocketService<CommandLineMessage>, MyService>(); //添加挂载的宿主服务 services.AddTcpServer<CommandLineMessage>(); }) .ConfigureLogging( logger => { logger.AddConsole(); } ); builder.RunConsoleAsync().Wait(); }
2. 客户端
2.1 使用内置的TcpClient
TcpClient<CommandLineMessage> client = new TcpClient<CommandLineMessage>(new CommandLineProtocol()); client.OnReceived += Client_OnReceived; client.OnConnected += Client_OnConnected; Task.Run(async () => { //连接服务器 var socketContext = await client.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(Hey.IPUtility.GetLocalIntranetIP(), 5566)); //发送消息 var initCmd = new Hey.Messaging.CommandLineMessage("init"); await socketContext.SendAsync(initCmd); }).Wait();
OnReceived OnError OnConnected OnDisconnected OnIdleState
3. 自定义协议
3.1. IMessage 接口
public interface IMessage { int Length { get; } }
3.2. IProtocol 接口
实现类需要描述消息头信息和具体打包解包逻辑,头信息描述参见 ProtocolMeta
/// <summary> /// 协议接口 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TMessage"></typeparam> public interface IProtocol<TMessage> where TMessage : Messaging.IMessage { ProtocolMeta GetProtocolMeta(); TMessage Parse(Buffer.IBufferReader reader); void Pack(Buffer.IBufferWriter writer, TMessage message); }
3.3 Amp协议
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16171819 20 <length>-21 +------------+----------+---------+------+-------------+---------+---------+--------+------------+ | <ver/argc> | <length> | <seq> |<type>| <serviceId> | <msgId> | <code> | <codec>| <data> | +------------+----------+---------+------+-------------+---------+---------+--------+------------+
- ver/argc = 版本 固定填1
- length = 为总包长
- seq = 请求序列号
- type = 消息类型
- 1 = Request 请求消息
- 2 = Response 响应消息
- 3 = Notify 通知消息
- 4 = OneWayRequest 调用不关心返回值
- serId = serviceId 服务号
- msgId = msgId 消息ID
- code = 当 type = 0 (请求时)固定传0 ,其他即为响应码,如果响应码不为0 则认为请求失败,具体错误码再定义
- codecType = 编码方式 0=默认 Protobuf 1=MessagePack 2=JSON
- data = 实际的业务数据
3.3.1 AmpMessage实现
为了避免干扰因素,这里的代码去除了一些,辅助行的字段和方法,AmpMessage其实是主要用于描述头信息的,并且包含body的buffer数据 Data
public class AmpMessage : Peach.Messaging.IMessage { /// <summary> /// 第一个版本为18个字节头固定长度 /// </summary> public const int VERSION_0_HEAD_LENGTH = 18; /// <summary> /// 现有版本21个字节头固定长度 /// </summary> public const int VERSION_1_HEAD_LENGTH = 21; /// <summary> /// 状态码 /// </summary> public int Code { get; set; } //0 默认为Protobuf 1 MessagePack 2 = JSON public CodecType CodecType { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 实际的请求数据 /// </summary> public byte[] Data { get; set; } public int Length { get { var hl = Version == 0 ? VERSION_0_HEAD_LENGTH : VERSION_1_HEAD_LENGTH; if(Data == null) { return hl; } return hl + this.Data.Length; } } /// <summary> /// 消息标识 /// </summary> public string Id => $"{ServiceId}|{MessageId}|{Sequence}"; /// <summary> /// 调用服务的唯一消息号 确定哪个方法 /// </summary> public ushort MessageId { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 请求的序列号 /// </summary> public int Sequence { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 调用服务的唯一服务号 确定哪个服务 /// </summary> public int ServiceId { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 协议版本0/1 /// </summary> public byte Version { get; set; } public InvokeMessageType InvokeMessageType { get; set; } } public enum InvokeMessageType : byte { Request = 1, Response = 2, Notify = 3, OnewayRequest=4 //请求且不等待回复 }
3.3.2 AmpProtocol的实现
/// <summary> /// Amp Protocol /// </summary> public class AmpProtocol : IProtocol<AmpMessage> { private readonly ISerializer _serializer; public AmpProtocol(ISerializer serializer) { this._serializer = serializer; } static readonly ProtocolMeta AMP_PROTOCOL_META = new ProtocolMeta { InitialBytesToStrip = 0, //读取时需要跳过的字节数 LengthAdjustment = -5, //包实际长度的纠正,如果包长包括包头和包体,则要减去Length之前的部分 LengthFieldLength = 4, //长度字段的字节数 整型为4个字节 LengthFieldOffset = 1, //长度属性的起始(偏移)位 MaxFrameLength = int.MaxValue, //最大的数据包字节数 HeartbeatInterval = 30 * 1000 // 30秒没消息发一个心跳包 }; public ProtocolMeta GetProtocolMeta() { return AMP_PROTOCOL_META; } public void Pack(IBufferWriter writer, AmpMessage message) { writer.WriteByte(message.Version); writer.WriteInt(message.Length); writer.WriteInt(message.Sequence); writer.WriteByte((byte)message.InvokeMessageType); if (message.Version == 0) { writer.WriteUShort((ushort)message.ServiceId); } else { writer.WriteInt(message.ServiceId); } writer.WriteUShort(message.MessageId); writer.WriteInt(message.Code); if(message.Version == 1) { writer.WriteByte(_serializer.CodecType); } if (message.Data != null) { writer.WriteBytes(message.Data); } } public AmpMessage Parse(IBufferReader reader) { if (reader.ReadableBytes == 0) { return null; } var msg = new AmpMessage {Version = reader.ReadByte()}; int headLength; if (msg.Version == 0 ) { headLength = AmpMessage.VERSION_0_HEAD_LENGTH; if (reader.ReadableBytes < AmpMessage.VERSION_0_HEAD_LENGTH - 1) { throw new RpcCodecException($"decode error ,ReadableBytes={reader.ReadableBytes+1},HEAD_LENGTH={AmpMessage.VERSION_0_HEAD_LENGTH}"); } } else if (msg.Version == 1 ) { headLength = AmpMessage.VERSION_1_HEAD_LENGTH; if (reader.ReadableBytes < AmpMessage.VERSION_1_HEAD_LENGTH - 1) { throw new RpcCodecException($"decode error ,ReadableBytes={reader.ReadableBytes+1},HEAD_LENGTH={AmpMessage.VERSION_1_HEAD_LENGTH}"); } } else { throw new RpcCodecException($"decode error ,{msg.Version} is not support"); } var length = reader.ReadInt(); msg.Sequence = reader.ReadInt(); var type = reader.ReadByte(); msg.InvokeMessageType = (InvokeMessageType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(InvokeMessageType), type); msg.ServiceId = msg.Version == 0 ? reader.ReadUShort() : reader.ReadInt(); msg.MessageId = reader.ReadUShort(); msg.Code = reader.ReadInt(); if (msg.Version == 1) { byte codeType = reader.ReadByte(); if (codeType != this._serializer.CodecType) { throw new RpcCodecException($"CodecType:{codeType} is not Match {this._serializer.CodecType}"); } msg.CodecType = (CodecType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(CodecType), codeType); } else { msg.CodecType = CodecType.Protobuf; } int left = length - headLength; if (left > 0) { if (left > reader.ReadableBytes) { throw new RpcCodecException("message not long enough!"); } msg.Data = new byte[left]; reader.ReadBytes(msg.Data); } return msg; } } }
4. 后记
Peach的产生主要是源于对DotBPE的重构,因为在其他项目中有关于通讯的其他需求,所以这块虽然比较简单,也可比较独立,所以单独开了一个库来实现对DotNetty的封装。另外欢迎各位dotnet core的同学一起学习交流 QQ群号:699044833
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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