内容简介:下面来看几个问题,下面将关注几个问题进行阐述:1、 为什么是word2vector?2、 为什么语义的word2vec要好于无语义word2vec?
- 为什么是word2vector
- 为什么语义的word2vec要好于无语义word2vec
- cbow的word2vec结果展示
- TF实现TF-IDF、共轭矩阵、cbow、skip-gram
- 训练好的word embedding通过倒排进行检索
1、 为什么是word2vector?
- 可以看下面这个博文解释的不错: 后面有时间会自己整理: http://www.cnblogs.com/pinard/p/7160330.html
2、 为什么语义的word2vec要好于无语义word2vec?
- 可以对词更好的进行向量表示
- 结果导向,比较几种word2vec方法,并且小样本下cbow会更好
enter an word to search:父亲 ('母亲', 0.5006737825399452) ('姐姐', 0.5005755597664082) ('政变', 0.5005573175296762) ('那一年', 0.5005278451741275) ('都回', 0.5005222345952383) ('孙子', 0.5005130261421589) ('竟被', 0.5005126096655758) ('8岁', 0.5005020163846302) ('姨妈', 0.5005019204893351) ('恩人', 0.5004979418283539) enter an word to search:清华大学 ('双保险', 0.5005635965752527) ('校名', 0.5005391632766295) ('反响', 0.5005145346754163) ('前几年', 0.500504904257443) ('学术会议', 0.5004996103585474) ('访问学者', 0.5004951920034038) ('其父', 0.5004868092502031) ('候机楼', 0.5004797690068876) ('前门', 0.5004781277454816) ('艺术设计', 0.5004773543246614) enter an word to search:母亲 ('父亲', 0.500673782524676) ('丈夫', 0.5005681116695313) ('孙儿', 0.5005407456399389) ('正牌', 0.5005407121014431) ('姐姐', 0.5005404523776542) ('考官', 0.5005350019987418) ('专供', 0.5005300052825112) ('to.', 0.5005233894343813) ('没门', 0.5005207594453653) ('生意人', 0.500518060889508) enter an word to searc教育 ('高等教育', 0.5007404247842682) ('性教育', 0.5006342135348033) ('严正声明', 0.5005783842259223) ('不仅是', 0.5005504417322837) ('教养', 0.5005198775820252) ('精彩演出', 0.5005141053295005) ('医疗', 0.5005133085493552) ('教职员工', 0.5005078418282736) ('教学', 0.5005068915769201) ('医疗卫生', 0.5004921731608394)
数据链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1v-7aaAHWsx7NZ5d3IdWbiQ 密码:k5tx
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 class DataLoader: def __init__(self): self.datafile = 'data/data.txt' self.dataset = self.load_data() '''加载数据集''' def load_data(self): dataset = [] for line in open(self.datafile): line = line.strip().split(',') dataset.append([word for word in line[1].split(' ') if 'nbsp' not in word and len(word) < 11]) return dataset
word2doc.py(TF实现TF-IDF )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from load_data import * import collections import math import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA class WordVector: def __init__(self): self.dataset = DataLoader().dataset self.min_count = 5 self.window_size = 5 self.word_demension = 200 self.embedding_path = 'model/word2doc_wordvec.bin' #统计总词数 def build_word_dict(self): words = [] for data in self.dataset: words.extend(data) reserved_words = [item for item in collections.Counter(words).most_common() if item[1] >= self.min_count] word_dict = {item[0]:item[1] for item in reserved_words} return word_dict #统计词语IDF def build_wordidf_dict(self): df_dict = {} sum_df = len(self.dataset) for data in self.dataset: for word in set(data): if word not in df_dict: df_dict[word] = 1 else: df_dict[word] += 1 idf_dict = {word:math.log(sum_df/word_df+1) for word, word_df in df_dict.items()} return idf_dict #统计词语-doc,tfidf def build_wordtfidf_dict(self): wordidf_dict = self.build_wordidf_dict() doctfidf_dict = {} for index, data in enumerate(self.dataset): doc_words = {item[0]:item[1] for item in [item for item in collections.Counter(data).most_common()]} sum_tf = sum(doc_words.values()) doc_wordtf = {word: word_count/sum_tf for word, word_count in doc_words.items()} doc_wordtfidf = {word: word_tf*wordidf_dict[word] for word, word_tf in doc_wordtf.items()} doctfidf_dict[index] = doc_wordtfidf return doctfidf_dict #构造词语-文档共现矩阵 def build_worddoc_matrix(self): worddoc_matrix = [] doctfidf_dict = self.build_wordtfidf_dict() word_list = list(self.build_word_dict().keys()) word_all = len(word_list) word_dict = {index : word for index, word in enumerate(word_list)} count = 0 for word_id, word in word_dict.items(): tmp = [] for doc_index, word_dict in doctfidf_dict.items(): weight = word_dict.get(word, 0) tmp.append(weight) count += 1 print(count, '/', word_all) worddoc_matrix.append(tmp) worddoc_matrix = np.array(worddoc_matrix) return worddoc_matrix #使用PCA进行降维 def low_dimension(self): worddoc_matrix = self.build_worddoc_matrix() pca = PCA(n_components=self.word_demension) low_embedding = pca.fit_transform(worddoc_matrix) return low_embedding #保存模型 def train_embedding(self): print('training.....') word_list = list(self.build_word_dict().keys()) word_dict = {index: word for index, word in enumerate(word_list)} word_embedding_dict = {index: embedding for index, embedding in enumerate(self.low_dimension())} print('saving models.....') with open(self.embedding_path, 'w+') as f: for word_index, word_embedding in word_embedding_dict.items(): word_word = word_dict[word_index] word_embedding = [str(item) for item in word_embedding] f.write(word_word + '\t' + ','.join(word_embedding) + '\n') f.close() print('done.....') vec = WordVector() vec.train_embedding()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 from load_data import * import collections from sklearn.decomposition import PCA class WordVector: def __init__(self): self.dataset = DataLoader().dataset[:1000] self.min_count = 5 self.window_size = 5 self.word_demension = 200 self.embedding_path = 'model/word2word_wordvec.bin' #统计总词数 def build_word_dict(self): words = [] for data in self.dataset: words.extend(data) reserved_words = [item for item in collections.Counter(words).most_common() if item[1] >= self.min_count] word_dict = {item[0]:item[1] for item in reserved_words} return word_dict #构造上下文窗口 def build_word2word_dict(self): word2word_dict = {} for data_index, data in enumerate(self.dataset): contexts = [] for index in range(len(data)): if index < self.window_size: left = data[:index] else: left = data[index - self.window_size: index] if index + self.window_size > len(data): right = data[index + 1:] else: right = data[index + 1: index + self.window_size + 1] context = left + [data[index]] + right for word in context: if word not in word2word_dict: word2word_dict[word] = {} else: for co_word in context: if co_word != word: if co_word not in word2word_dict[word]: word2word_dict[word][co_word] = 1 else: word2word_dict[word][co_word] += 1 print(data_index) return word2word_dict #构造词词共现矩阵 def build_word2word_matrix(self): word2word_dict = self.build_word2word_dict() word_dict = self.build_word_dict() word_list = list(word_dict) word2word_matrix = [] words_all = len(word_list) count = 0 for word1 in word_list: count += 1 print(count,'/',words_all) tmp = [] sum_tf = sum(word2word_dict[word1].values()) for word2 in word_list: weight = word2word_dict[word1].get(word2, 0)/sum_tf tmp.append(weight) word2word_matrix.append(tmp) return word2word_matrix # 使用PCA进行降维 def low_dimension(self): worddoc_matrix = self.build_word2word_matrix() pca = PCA(n_components=self.word_demension) low_embedding = pca.fit_transform(worddoc_matrix) return low_embedding # 保存模型 def train_embedding(self): print('training.....') word_list = list(self.build_word_dict().keys()) word_dict = {index: word for index, word in enumerate(word_list)} word_embedding_dict = {index: embedding for index, embedding in enumerate(self.low_dimension())} print('saving models.....') with open(self.embedding_path, 'w+') as f: for word_index, word_embedding in word_embedding_dict.items(): word_word = word_dict[word_index] word_embedding = [str(item) for item in word_embedding] f.write(word_word + '\t' + ','.join(word_embedding) + '\n') f.close() print('done.....') vec = WordVector() vec.train_embedding()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import math import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import collections from load_data import * class CBOW: def __init__(self): self.data_index = 0 self.min_count = 5 # 默认最低频次的单词 self.batch_size = 200 # 每次迭代训练选取的样本数目 self.embedding_size = 200 # 生成词向量的维度 self.window_size = 1 # 考虑前后几个词,窗口大小 self.num_steps = 1000000#定义最大迭代次数,创建并设置默认的session,开始实际训练 self.num_sampled = 100 # Number of negative examples to sample. self.trainfilepath = './data/data' self.modelpath = './model/cbow_wordvec.bin' self.dataset = DataLoader().dataset self.words = self.read_data(self.dataset) #定义读取数据的函数,并把数据转成列表 def read_data(self, dataset): words = [] for data in dataset: words.extend(data) return words #创建数据集 def build_dataset(self, words, min_count): # 创建词汇表,过滤低频次词语,这里使用的人是mincount>=5,其余单词认定为Unknown,编号为0, # 这一步在gensim提供的wordvector中,采用的是minicount的方法 #对原words列表中的单词使用字典中的ID进行编号,即将单词转换成整数,储存在data列表中,同时对UNK进行计数 count = [['UNK', -1]] reserved_words = [item for item in collections.Counter(words).most_common() if item[1] >= min_count] count.extend(reserved_words) dictionary = dict() for word, _ in count: dictionary[word] = len(dictionary) data = list() unk_count = 0 for word in words: if word in dictionary: index = dictionary[word] else: index = 0 # dictionary['UNK'] unk_count = unk_count + 1 data.append(index) count[0][1] = unk_count print(len(count)) reverse_dictionary = dict(zip(dictionary.values(), dictionary.keys())) return data, count, dictionary, reverse_dictionary #生成训练样本,assert断言:申明其布尔值必须为真的判定,如果发生异常,就表示为假 def generate_batch(self, batch_size, skip_window, data): # 该函数根据训练样本中词的顺序抽取形成训练集 # batch_size:每个批次训练多少样本 # skip_window:单词最远可以联系的距离(本次实验设为5,即目标单词只能和相邻的两个单词生成样本),2*skip_window>=num_skips span = 2 * skip_window + 1 # [ skip_window target skip_window ] batch = np.ndarray(shape=(batch_size, span - 1), dtype=np.int32) labels = np.ndarray(shape=(batch_size, 1), dtype=np.int32) buffer = collections.deque(maxlen=span) for _ in range(span): buffer.append(data[self.data_index]) self.data_indexdata_index = (self.data_index + 1) % len(data) for i in range(batch_size): target = skip_window target_to_avoid = [skip_window] col_idx = 0 for j in range(span): if j == span // 2: continue batch[i, col_idx] = buffer[j] col_idx += 1 labels[i, 0] = buffer[target] buffer.append(data[self.data_index]) self.data_index = (self.data_index + 1) % len(data) assert batch.shape[0] == batch_size and batch.shape[1] == span - 1 return batch, labels def train_wordvec(self, vocabulary_size, batch_size, embedding_size, window_size, num_sampled, num_steps, data): #定义CBOW Word2Vec模型的网络结构 graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(), tf.device('/cpu:0'): train_dataset = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size, 2 * window_size]) train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size, 1]) embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0)) softmax_weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(embedding_size))) softmax_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size])) # 与skipgram不同, cbow的输入是上下文向量的均值,因此需要做相应变换 context_embeddings = [] for i in range(2 * window_size): context_embeddings.append(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, train_dataset[:, i])) avg_embed = tf.reduce_mean(tf.stack(axis=0, values=context_embeddings), 0, keep_dims=False) loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(weights=softmax_weights, biases=softmax_biases, inputs=avg_embed, labels=train_labels, num_sampled=num_sampled, num_classes=vocabulary_size)) optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(1.0).minimize(loss) norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embeddings), 1, keep_dims=True)) normalized_embeddings = embeddings / norm with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session: tf.global_variables_initializer().run() print('Initialized') average_loss = 0 for step in range(num_steps): batch_data, batch_labels = self.generate_batch(batch_size, window_size, data) feed_dict = {train_dataset: batch_data, train_labels: batch_labels} _, l = session.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict=feed_dict) average_loss += l if step % 2000 == 0: if step > 0: average_loss = average_loss / 2000 print('Average loss at step %d: %f' % (step, average_loss)) average_loss = 0 final_embeddings = normalized_embeddings.eval() return final_embeddings #保存embedding文件 def save_embedding(self, final_embeddings, model_path, reverse_dictionary): f = open(model_path,'w+') for index, item in enumerate(final_embeddings): f.write(reverse_dictionary[index] + '\t' + ','.join([str(vec) for vec in item]) + '\n') f.close() #训练主函数 def train(self): data, count, dictionary, reverse_dictionary = self.build_dataset(self.words, self.min_count) vocabulary_size = len(count) final_embeddings = self.train_wordvec(vocabulary_size, self.batch_size, self.embedding_size, self.window_size, self.num_sampled, self.num_steps, data) self.save_embedding(final_embeddings, self.modelpath, reverse_dictionary) def test(): vector = CBOW() vector.train() test()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import collections import math import random import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from load_data import * class SkipGram: def __init__(self): self.data_index = 0 self.trainpath = './data/data.txt' self.modelpath = './model/skipgram_wordvec.bin' self.min_count = 5#最低词频,保留模型中的词表 self.batch_size = 200 # 每次迭代训练选取的样本数目 self.embedding_size = 200 # 生成词向量的维度 self.window_size = 5 # 考虑前后几个词,窗口大小, skipgram中的中心词-上下文pairs数目就是windowsize *2 self.num_sampled = 100 # 负样本采样. self.num_steps = 1000000#定义最大迭代次数,创建并设置默认的session,开始实际训练 self.dataset = DataLoader().dataset self.words = self.read_data(self.dataset) # 定义读取数据的函数,并把数据转成列表 def read_data(self, dataset): words = [] for data in dataset: words.extend(data) return words #创建数据集 def build_dataset(self, words, min_count): # 创建词汇表,过滤低频次词语,这里使用的人是mincount>=5,其余单词认定为Unknown,编号为0, # 这一步在gensim提供的wordvector中,采用的是minicount的方法 #对原words列表中的单词使用字典中的ID进行编号,即将单词转换成整数,储存在data列表中,同时对UNK进行计数 count = [['UNK', -1]] count.extend([item for item in collections.Counter(words).most_common() if item[1] >= min_count]) dictionary = dict() for word, _ in count: dictionary[word] = len(dictionary) data = list() unk_count = 0 for word in words: if word in dictionary: index = dictionary[word] else: index = 0 unk_count += 1 data.append(index) count[0][1] = unk_count # 将dictionary中的数据反转,即可以通过ID找到对应的单词,保存在reversed_dictionary中 reverse_dictionary = dict(zip(dictionary.values(), dictionary.keys())) return data, count, dictionary, reverse_dictionary #生成训练样本,assert断言:申明其布尔值必须为真的判定,如果发生异常,就表示为假 def generate_batch(self, batch_size, window_size, data): # 该函数根据训练样本中词的顺序抽取形成训练集 # 这个函数的功能是对数据data中的每个单词,分别与前一个单词和后一个单词生成一个batch, # 即[data[1],data[0]]和[data[1],data[2]],其中当前单词data[1]存在batch中,前后单词存在labels中 # batch_size:每个批次训练多少样本 # num_skips: 为每个单词生成多少样本(本次实验是2个),batch_size必须是num_skips的整数倍,这样可以确保由一个目标词汇生成的样本在同一个批次中。 # window_size:单词最远可以联系的距离(本次实验设为1,即目标单词只能和相邻的两个单词生成样本),2*window_size>=num_skips ''' eg: batch, labels = generate_batch(batch_size = 8, num_skips = 2, window_size = 1) #Sample data [0, 5241, 3082, 12, 6, 195, 2, 3137, 46, 59] ['UNK', 'anarchism', 'originated', 'as', 'a', 'term', 'of', 'abuse', 'first', 'used'] #假设取num_steps为2, window_size为1, batchsize为8 #batch:[5242, 3084, 12, 6] #labels[0, 3082, 5241, 12, 3082, 6, 12, 195] print(batch) [5242 5242 3084 3084 12 12 6 6],共8维 print(labels) [[ 0] [3082] [ 12] [5242] [ 6] [3082] [ 12] [ 195]],共8维 ''' batch = np.ndarray(shape = (batch_size), dtype = np.int32) #建一个batch大小的数组,保存任意单词 labels = np.ndarray(shape = (batch_size, 1), dtype = np.int32)#建一个(batch,1)大小的二位数组,保存任意单词前一个或者后一个单词,从而形成一个pair span = 2 * window_size + 1 #窗口大小,为3,结构为[ window_size target window_size ][wn-i,wn,wn+i] buffer = collections.deque(maxlen = span) #建立一个结构为双向队列的缓冲区,大小不超过3,实际上是为了构造bath以及labels,采用队列的思想 for _ in range(span): buffer.append(data[self.data_index]) self.data_index = (self.data_index + 1) % len(data) #batch_size一定是Num_skips的倍数,保证每个batch_size都能够用完num_skips for i in range(batch_size // (window_size*2)): target = window_size targets_to_avoid = [window_size] for j in range(window_size*2): while target in targets_to_avoid: target = random.randint(0, span - 1) targets_to_avoid.append(target) batch[i * window_size*2 + j] = buffer[window_size] labels[i * window_size*2 + j, 0] = buffer[target] buffer.append(data[self.data_index]) self.data_index = (self.data_index + 1)%len(data) return batch, labels def train_wordvec(self, vocabulary_size, batch_size, embedding_size, window_size, num_sampled, num_steps, data): #定义Skip-Gram Word2Vec模型的网络结构 graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): #输入数据, 大小为一个batch_size train_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = [batch_size]) #目标数据,大小为[batch_size] train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = [batch_size, 1]) #使用cpu进行训练 with tf.device('/cpu:0'): #生成一个vocabulary_size×embedding_size的随机矩阵,为词表中的每个词,随机生成一个embedding size维度大小的向量, #词向量矩阵,初始时为均匀随机正态分布,tf.random_uniform((4, 4), minval=low,maxval=high,dtype=tf.float32))) #随机初始化一个值于介于-1和1之间的随机数,矩阵大小为词表大小乘以词向量维度 embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0)) #tf.nn.embedding_lookup函数的用法主要是选取一个张量里面索引对应的元素。用于查找对应的wordembedding, ,将输入序列向量化 #tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params, ids, partition_strategy='mod', name=None, validate_indices=True, max_norm=None) embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, train_inputs) #全连接层,Wx+b,设置W大小为,embedding_size×vocabulary_size的权重矩阵,模型内部参数矩阵,初始为截断正太分布 nce_weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([vocabulary_size, embedding_size], stddev = 1.0 / math.sqrt(embedding_size))) # 全连接层,Wx+b,设置W大小为,vocabulary_size×1的偏置 nce_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocabulary_size])) #定义loss,损失函数,tf.reduce_mean求平均值,# 得到NCE损失(负采样得到的损失) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.nce_loss(weights = nce_weights,# 权重 biases = nce_biases,# 偏差 labels = train_labels,# 输入的标签 inputs = embed, # 输入向量 num_sampled = num_sampled,# 负采样的个数 num_classes = vocabulary_size))# 类别数目 #定义优化器,使用梯度下降优化算法 optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1.0).minimize(loss) #计算每个词向量的模,并进行单位归一化,保留词向量维度 norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(embeddings), 1, keep_dims = True)) normalized_embeddings = embeddings / norm #初始化模型变量 init = tf.global_variables_initializer() #基于构造网络进行训练 with tf.Session(graph = graph) as session: #初始化运行 init.run() #定义平均损失 average_loss = 0 #每步进行迭代 for step in range(num_steps): batch_inputs, batch_labels = self.generate_batch(batch_size, window_size, data) #feed_dict是一个字典,在字典中需要给出每一个用到的占位符的取值。 feed_dict = {train_inputs: batch_inputs, train_labels: batch_labels} #计算每次迭代中的loss _, loss_val = session.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict = feed_dict) #计算总loss average_loss += loss_val if step % 2000 == 0: if step > 0: average_loss /= 2000 print("Average loss at step ", step, ":", average_loss) average_loss = 0 final_embeddings = normalized_embeddings.eval() return final_embeddings #保存embedding文件 def save_embedding(self, final_embeddings, reverse_dictionary): f = open(self.modelpath, 'w+') for index, item in enumerate(final_embeddings): f.write(reverse_dictionary[index] + '\t' + ','.join([str(vec) for vec in item]) + '\n') f.close() #训练主函数 def train(self): data, count, dictionary, reverse_dictionary = self.build_dataset(self.words, self.min_count) vocabulary_size = len(count) final_embeddings = self.train_wordvec(vocabulary_size, self.batch_size, self.embedding_size, self.window_size, self.num_sampled, self.num_steps, data) self.save_embedding(final_embeddings, reverse_dictionary) def test(): vector = SkipGram() vector.train() test()
5、训练好的word embedding通过倒排进行检索?
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import numpy as np class WordCluster: def __init__(self): self.embedding_path = 'model/word2word_wordvec.bin' self.embedding_path = 'model/word2doc_wordvec.bin' self.embedding_path = 'model/skipgram_wordvec.bin' self.embedding_path = 'model/cbow_wordvec.bin' self.word_embedding_dict, self.word_dict, self.word_embeddings = self.load_model(self.embedding_path) self.similar_num = 10 #加载词向量文件 def load_model(self, embedding_path): print('loading models....') word_embedding_dict = {} word_embeddings = [] word_dict = {} index = 0 for line in open(embedding_path): line = line.strip().split('\t') word = line[0] word_embedding = np.array([float(item) for item in line[1].split(',') if item]) word_embedding_dict[word] = word_embedding word_embeddings.append(word_embedding) word_dict[index] = word index += 1 return word_embedding_dict, word_dict, np.array(word_embeddings) # 计算相似度 def similarity_cosine(self, word): A = self.word_embedding_dict[word] B = (self.word_embeddings).T dot_num = np.dot(A, B) denom = np.linalg.norm(A) * np.linalg.norm(B) cos = dot_num / denom sims = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos sim_dict = {self.word_dict[index]: sim for index, sim in enumerate(sims.tolist()) if word != self.word_dict[index]} sim_words = sorted(sim_dict.items(), key=lambda asd: asd[1], reverse=True)[:self.similar_num] return sim_words #获取相似词语 def get_similar_words(self, word): if word in self.word_embedding_dict: return self.similarity_cosine(word) else: return [] def test(): vec = WordCluster() while 1: word = input('enter an word to search:').strip() simi_words = vec.get_similar_words(word) for word in simi_words: print(word) test()
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
小马宋 / 北京联合出版公司 / 2015-10 / 45
什么文案60年前就在使用互联网思维? 什么文案让一辆小车在崇尚大车的国度畅销不衰? 什么文案让做文案的人产生“既生瑜何生亮”的绝望? 没错,它是甲壳虫。 远在上世纪五六十年代,这些文案让这辆不起眼的小车畅销不衰。 它的文案风趣而又言之凿凿,它的文案机智而又无可辩驳。 它充满自黑精神,善于借势时事热点,懂得乖巧卖萌,也是天生的段子手。 为了让国内读者一睹这一......一起来看看 《那些让文案绝望的文案》 这本书的介绍吧!