PowerShell是运行在windows平台的脚本,而Bash是运行在 linux 平台的脚本
现在bash能做的事情,PowerShell也能做,PowerShell的强大之处是它可以管理windows服务器(特别是域domain),现在的开源PowerShell 也可以管理Linux和Mac(通过PSRP)。
下面是在 eShopOnContainers 上的一个例子,分别用ps和bash实现了程序的部署
#!/bin/bash declare -a projectList=( '../src/Services/Catalog/Catalog.API' '../src/Services/Basket/Basket.API' '../src/Services/Ordering/Ordering.API' '../src/Services/Identity/Identity.API' '../src/Web/WebMVC' '../src/Web/WebSPA' '../src/Web/WebStatus' ) # Build SPA app # pushd $(pwd)../src/Web/WebSPA # npm run build:prod for project in "${projectList[@]}" do echo -e "\e[33mWorking on $(pwd)/$project" echo -e "\e[33m\tRemoving old publish output" pushd $(pwd)/$project rm -rf obj/Docker/publish echo -e "\e[33m\tRestoring project" dotnet restore echo -e "\e[33m\tBuilding and publishing projects" dotnet publish -o obj/Docker/publish popd done # remove old docker images: images=$(docker images --filter=reference="eshop/*" -q) if [ -n "$images" ]; then docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f echo "Deleting eShop images in local Docker repo" echo $images docker rmi $(docker images --filter=reference="eshop/*" -q) -f fi # No need to build the images, docker build or docker compose will # do that using the images and containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
Param([string] $rootPath) $scriptPath = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Write-Host "Current script directory is $scriptPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rootPath)) { $rootPath = "$scriptPath\.." } Write-Host "Root path used is $rootPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow $projectPaths = @{Path="$rootPath\src\Web\WebMVC";Prj="WebMVC.csproj"}, @{Path="$rootPath\src\Web\WebSPA";Prj="WebSPA.csproj"}, @{Path="$rootPath\src\Services\Identity\Identity.API";Prj="Identity.API.csproj"}, @{Path="$rootPath\src\Services\Catalog\Catalog.API";Prj="Catalog.API.csproj"}, @{Path="$rootPath\src\Services\Ordering\Ordering.API";Prj="Ordering.API.csproj"}, @{Path="$rootPath\src\Services\Basket\Basket.API";Prj="Basket.API.csproj"} @{Path="$rootPath\src\Web\WebStatus";Prj="WebStatus.csproj"} $projectPaths | foreach { $projectPath = $_.Path $projectFile = $_.Prj $outPath = $_.Path + "\obj\Docker\publish" $projectPathAndFile = "$projectPath\$projectFile" Write-Host "Deleting old publish files in $outPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow remove-item -path $outPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host "Publishing $projectPathAndFile to $outPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow dotnet restore $projectPathAndFile dotnet build $projectPathAndFile dotnet publish $projectPathAndFile -o $outPath } ######################################################################################## # Delete old eShop Docker images ######################################################################################## $imagesToDelete = docker images --filter=reference="eshop/*" -q If (-Not $imagesToDelete) {Write-Host "Not deleting eShop images as there are no eShop images in the current local Docker repo."} Else { # Delete all containers Write-Host "Deleting all containers in local Docker Host" docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f # Delete all eshop images Write-Host "Deleting eShop images in local Docker repo" Write-Host $imagesToDelete docker rmi $(docker images --filter=reference="eshop/*" -q) -f } # WE DON'T NEED DOCKER BUILD AS WE CAN RUN "DOCKER-COMPOSE BUILD" OR "DOCKER-COMPOSE UP" AND IT WILL BUILD ALL THE IMAGES IN THE .YML FOR US
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《PowerShell和Bash的介绍》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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周航慈 / 2010-1 / 24.00元
《嵌入式系统软件设计中的常用算法》根据嵌入式系统软件设计需要的常用算法知识编写而成。基本内容有:线性方程组求解、代数插值和曲线拟合、数值积分、能谱处理、数字滤波、数理统计、自动控制、数据排序、数据压缩和检错纠错等常用算法。从嵌入式系统的实际应用出发,用通俗易懂的语言代替枯燥难懂的数学推导,使读者能在比较轻松的条件下学到最基本的常用算法,并为继续学习其他算法打下基础。 《嵌入式系统软件设计中的......一起来看看 《嵌入式系统软件设计中的常用算法》 这本书的介绍吧!