内容简介:关于Java debug架构,有一堆相关的名词。其中JPDA是整个debug架构的缩写:Java Platform Debugger Architecture,整个架构可以从从图中可以看出,
关于Java debug架构,有一堆相关的名词。其中JPDA是整个debug架构的缩写:Java Platform Debugger Architecture,
整个架构可以从 JPDA文档 最开头了解到:
Components Debugger Interfaces / |--------------| / | VM | debuggee ----( |--------------| <------- JVMTI - Java VM Tool Interface \ | back-end | \ |--------------| / | comm channel -( | <--------------- JDWP - Java Debug Wire Protocol \ | |--------------| | front-end | |--------------| <------- JDI - Java Debug Interface | UI | |--------------|
- JDI: Java Debug Interface,作为整个debug架构的客户端API,封装了一些Java API用于debug。包括连接JVM,断点等等功能。
- JDWP:Java Debug Wire Protocol,它实际是一个传输协议,定义了debug客户端和被debug的JVM之间的通信协议。具体协议参见 文档 。
- JVMTI:前文已经介绍过,这是JVM提供的扩展接口。
JDI定义了一堆接口,用于实现整个Debug功能。JDI接口文档在: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/jdk/api/jpda/jdi/index.html 。
JDI中最核心的的类是 VirtualMachine
public class TempAgent { static VirtualMachine vm; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException { attach(); //获取对象 obtainTempTestObj(); } private static void obtainTempTestObj() { List<ReferenceType> referenceTypes = vm.classesByName("TempTest"); for (ReferenceType referenceType : referenceTypes) { List<ObjectReference> instances = referenceType.instances(0L); for (ObjectReference instance : instances) { System.out.println(instance); } } } private static void attach() throws IOException, IllegalConnectorArgumentsException { // 一、取得连接器 VirtualMachineManager vmm = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager(); List<AttachingConnector> connectors = vmm.attachingConnectors(); SocketAttachingConnector sac = null; for (AttachingConnector ac : connectors) { if (ac instanceof SocketAttachingConnector) { sac = (SocketAttachingConnector) ac; break; } } if (sac == null) { System.out.println("JDI error"); return; } // 二、连接到远程虚拟器 Map<String, Argument> arguments = sac.defaultArguments(); Connector.Argument hostArg = (Connector.Argument) arguments.get("hostname"); Connector.Argument portArg = (Connector.Argument) arguments.get("port"); // hostArg.setValue(""); portArg.setValue(String.valueOf(8800)); vm = sac.attach(arguments); vm.process(); } }
JDI实现代码在 jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/VirtualMachineImpl.java
对于本文关注功能(获得对象引用),代码在 jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/ReferenceTypeImpl.java
public List<ObjectReference> instances(long maxInstances) { if (!vm.canGetInstanceInfo()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "target does not support getting instances"); } if (maxInstances < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxInstances is less than zero: " + maxInstances); } int intMax = (maxInstances > Integer.MAX_VALUE)? Integer.MAX_VALUE: (int)maxInstances; // JDWP can't currently handle more than this (in mustang) try { return Arrays.asList( (ObjectReference[])JDWP.ReferenceType.Instances. process(vm, this, intMax).instances); } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } }
实际这个类是构建时生成的,生成规则在 jdk/make/gensrc/GensrcJDWP.gmk
$(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/com/sun/tools/jdi/JDWP.java: $(JDWP_SPEC_FILE) $(MKDIR) -p $(@D) $(MKDIR) -p $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_jdwp_headers $(RM) $@ $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_jdwp_headers/JDWPCommands.h $(ECHO) $(LOG_INFO) Creating JDWP.java and JDWPCommands.h from jdwp.spec $(TOOL_JDWPGEN) $< -jdi $@ -include $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_jdwp_headers/JDWPCommands.h
变量在 Tools.gmk
TOOL_JDWPGEN = $(JAVA) -cp $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/btclasses build.tools.jdwpgen.Main
每个JDI接口,基本上都有一个对应的实现。所有JDWP后端实现都在 jdk/src/share/back
对于获取引用的功能,实现在 ReferenceTypeImpl.c
static jboolean instances(PacketInputStream *in, PacketOutputStream *out) { jint maxInstances; jclass clazz; JNIEnv *env; if (gdata->vmDead) { outStream_setError(out, JDWP_ERROR(VM_DEAD)); return JNI_TRUE; } env = getEnv(); clazz = inStream_readClassRef(env, in); maxInstances = inStream_readInt(in); if (inStream_error(in)) { return JNI_TRUE; } WITH_LOCAL_REFS(env, 1) { jvmtiError error; ObjectBatch batch; error = classInstances(clazz, &batch, maxInstances); if (error != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { outStream_setError(out, map2jdwpError(error)); } else { int kk; jbyte typeKey; (void)outStream_writeInt(out, batch.count); if (batch.count > 0) { /* * They are all instances of this class and will all have * the same typeKey, so just compute it once. */ typeKey = specificTypeKey(env, batch.objects[0]); for (kk = 0; kk < batch.count; kk++) { jobject inst; inst = batch.objects[kk]; (void)outStream_writeByte(out, typeKey); (void)outStream_writeObjectRef(env, out, inst); } } jvmtiDeallocate(batch.objects); } } END_WITH_LOCAL_REFS(env); return JNI_TRUE; }
这里最核心的函数调用是 classInstances
,这个函数在 util.c
/* Get instances for one class */ jvmtiError classInstances(jclass klass, ObjectBatch *instances, int maxInstances) { ClassInstancesData data; jvmtiHeapCallbacks heap_callbacks; jvmtiError error; jvmtiEnv *jvmti; /* Check interface assumptions */ if (klass == NULL) { return AGENT_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT; } if ( maxInstances < 0 || instances == NULL) { return AGENT_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } /* Initialize return information */ instances->count = 0; instances->objects = NULL; /* Get jvmti environment to use */ jvmti = getSpecialJvmti(); if ( jvmti == NULL ) { return AGENT_ERROR_INTERNAL; } /* Setup data to passed around the callbacks */ data.instCount = 0; data.maxInstances = maxInstances; data.objTag = (jlong)1; data.error = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE; /* Clear out callbacks structure */ (void)memset(&heap_callbacks,0,sizeof(heap_callbacks)); /* Set the callbacks we want */ heap_callbacks.heap_reference_callback = &cbObjectTagInstance; /* Follow references, no initiating object, just this class, all objects */ error = JVMTI_FUNC_PTR(jvmti,FollowReferences) (jvmti, 0, klass, NULL, &heap_callbacks, &data); if ( error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE ) { error = data.error; } /* Get all the instances now that they are tagged */ if ( error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE ) { error = JVMTI_FUNC_PTR(jvmti,GetObjectsWithTags) (jvmti, 1, &(data.objTag), &(instances->count), &(instances->objects), NULL); /* Verify we got the count we expected */ if ( data.instCount != instances->count ) { error = AGENT_ERROR_INTERNAL; } } /* Dispose of any special jvmti environment */ (void)JVMTI_FUNC_PTR(jvmti,DisposeEnvironment)(jvmti); return error; }
除了开头一些准备工作,这里实际的调用使用了jvmti的 FollowReferences
和 GetObjectsWithTags
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
[英] 维克托•迈尔•舍恩伯格(Viktor Mayer-Schönberger) / 周涛 / 浙江人民出版社 / 2012-12 / 49.90元
《大数据时代》是国外大数据研究的先河之作,本书作者维克托•迈尔•舍恩伯格被誉为“大数据商业应用第一人”,拥有在哈佛大学、牛津大学、耶鲁大学和新加坡国立大学等多个互联网研究重镇任教的经历,早在2010年就在《经济学人》上发布了长达14页对大数据应用的前瞻性研究。 维克托•迈尔•舍恩伯格在书中前瞻性地指出,大数据带来的信息风暴正在变革我们的生活、工作和思维,大数据开启了一次重大的时代转型,并用三......一起来看看 《大数据时代》 这本书的介绍吧!