
栏目: 服务器 · 发布时间: 5年前


osquery作为一个主机信息收集的软件,限制其资源使用是非常重要的,尤其如果将osquery部署在高并发服务器的生产环境,查询进程信息、端口信息或者是audit信息,那么势必会造成osquery的内存激增,所以对于osquery的资源限制是必须的。facebook团队也考虑到这一点,于是在osquery中就内置了资源监控和资源限制的设置,具体可以参考 Daemon control flags



$ ps -ef | grep osqueryd                     
root      28232      1  0 16:17 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/osqueryd --flagfile /etc/osquery/osquery.flags --config_path /etc/osquery/osquery.conf
root      28259  28232  2 16:17 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/osqueryd

可以发现存在两个与osqueryd相关的进程。其中pid为28232的osqueryd的进程是 /usr/bin/osqueryd 的父进程。此时pid为28232的osqueryd的进程称之为watcher进程,而pid为28259的进程称之为worker进程。实际执行query查询的是worker进程,而watcher进程则是负责对worker进程的资源监控。

Daemon control flags 中介绍了常见的设置,其中与资源限制,资源监控相关的基本上都带有 watchdog 字样。

  • --disable_watchdog=false ,默认值是 false ,表示osquery是默认开启资源监控的。如果发现超过了阈值,则会重启worker进程
  • --watchdog_level=0 ,资源监控的级别,级别分为三档(0=normal, 1=restrictive, -1=disabled),默认是0。具体的级别划分可以参考英文原文.还可以将其设置为 -1 ,表示完全禁用资源监控。这个和 disable_watchdog 的区别在于, --disable_watchdog=false 仅仅只是对worker进程生效无法对扩展进程生效。而设置 --watchdog_level=-1 会同时worker进程和扩展生效。
  • --watchdog_memory_limit=0 ,设置osquery内存使用阈值。由于在 watchdog_level 已经存在这个值的了,所以如果设置了 watchdog_memory_limit 就会覆盖掉 watchdog_level 中的值。
  • --watchdog_utilization_limit=0watchdog_memory_limit .
  • --watchdog_delay=60 在worker进程启动后,间隔 watchdog_delay 之后watcher进程才开始监控。因为worker进程刚启动时必然会涉及到资源的初始化等等,所以刚启动时内存和CPU占用比较多,此时就需要一个时间间隔,之后由watcher监控。
  • --enable_extensions_watchdog=false ,表示是否开启扩展的监控,默认是关闭的。但是即使在关闭情况下,watcher进程还是会监控扩展的异常关闭,只不过不监控扩展的使用情况。如果需要开启对扩展的资源的监控,将此选项设置为true即可。


与监控的代码位于 osquery/core/watcher.cpp


在前面已经说到通过 watchdog_level 来控制监控级别,每一个监控级别具体的阈值的设定是在osquery的代码中硬编码的。

using WatchdogLimitMap = std::map<WatchdogLimitType, LimitDefinition>;

struct LimitDefinition {
  size_t normal;
  size_t restrictive;
  size_t disabled;

const WatchdogLimitMap kWatchdogLimits = {
    // Maximum MB worker can privately allocate.
    {WatchdogLimitType::MEMORY_LIMIT, {200, 100, 10000}},
    // % of (User + System + Idle) CPU time worker can utilize
    // for LATENCY_LIMIT seconds.
    {WatchdogLimitType::UTILIZATION_LIMIT, {10, 5, 100}},
    // Number of seconds the worker should run, else consider the exit fatal.
    {WatchdogLimitType::RESPAWN_LIMIT, {4, 4, 1000}},
    // If the worker respawns too quickly, backoff on creating additional.
    {WatchdogLimitType::RESPAWN_DELAY, {5, 5, 1}},
    // Seconds of tolerable UTILIZATION_LIMIT sustained latency.
    {WatchdogLimitType::LATENCY_LIMIT, {12, 6, 1000}},
    // How often to poll for performance limit violations.
    {WatchdogLimitType::INTERVAL, {3, 3, 3}},

size_t getWorkerLimit(WatchdogLimitType name) {
    if (kWatchdogLimits.count(name) == 0) {
        return 0;

    if (name == WatchdogLimitType::MEMORY_LIMIT &&
        FLAGS_watchdog_memory_limit > 0) {
        return FLAGS_watchdog_memory_limit;

    if (name == WatchdogLimitType::UTILIZATION_LIMIT &&
        FLAGS_watchdog_utilization_limit > 0) {
        return FLAGS_watchdog_utilization_limit;

    auto level = FLAGS_watchdog_level;
    // If no level was provided then use the default (config/switch).
    if (level == -1) {
        return kWatchdogLimits.at(name).disabled;

    if (level == 1) {
        return kWatchdogLimits.at(name).restrictive;
    return kWatchdogLimits.at(name).normal;

getWorkerLimit(WatchdogLimitType::UTILIZATION_LIMIT) . getWorkerLimit() 根据传入的参数名称以及 FLAGS_watchdog_level 的等级决定在 kWatchdogLimits 中具体的取值。上述的代码结构还是很清晰的。


WatcherRunner 就是watcher监控入口。

void WatcherRunner::start() {
    // Hold the current process (watcher) for inspection too.
    auto &watcher = Watcher::get();
    auto self = PlatformProcess::getCurrentProcess();

    // Set worker performance counters to an initial state.
    PerformanceState watcher_state;

    // Enter the watch loop.
    do {
        if (use_worker_ && !watch(watcher.getWorker())) {
            if (watcher.fatesBound()) {
                // A signal has interrupted the watcher.

            auto status = watcher.getWorkerStatus();
            if (status == EXIT_CATASTROPHIC) {

            if (watcher.workerRestartCount() ==
                getWorkerLimit(WatchdogLimitType::RESPAWN_LIMIT)) {
                // Too many worker restarts.
                Initializer::requestShutdown(EXIT_FAILURE, "Too many worker restarts");

            // The watcher failed, create a worker.

        // After inspecting the worker, check the extensions.
        // Extensions may be active even if a worker/watcher is not used.

        if (use_worker_) {
            auto status = isWatcherHealthy(*self, watcher_state);
            if (!status.ok()) {
                        "Watcher has become unhealthy: " + status.getMessage());

        if (run_once_) {
            // A test harness can end the thread immediately.
    } while (!interrupted() && ok());

整个的监控是放在一个大型的 while (!interrupted() && ok()) 中的。分步拆解一下。

  1. watcher.getWorker() 得到worker进程;
  2. watch(watcher.getWorker()) 监控worker进程,监控的所有信息全部是封装在 watcher 对象中。(小插曲其中 watcher.fatesBound() 用于判断watcher进程与worker进程是否是父子进程关系,如果发现不是,则中断监控);
  3. auto status = watcher.getWorkerStatus(); ,得到监控状态。根据不同的监控状态返回不同的错误信息;
  4. 由于进入到 do{} 中基本上都是 watch(watcher.getWorker() 监控到wroker的资源使用存在问题,最后调用 createWorker(); 重启worker进程。

通过分析,在上述过程中 watch()createWorker() 是最为关键的。


void WatcherRunner::createWorker() {
    auto &watcher = Watcher::get();
    * init check
    // Get the complete path of the osquery process binary.
    boost::system::error_code ec;
    auto exec_path = fs::system_complete(fs::path(qd[0]["path"]), ec);
    if (!pathExists(exec_path).ok()) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "osqueryd doesn't exist in: " << exec_path.string();
    if (!safePermissions(exec_path.parent_path().string(), exec_path.string(), true)) {
        // osqueryd binary has become unsafe.
        LOG(ERROR) << RLOG(1382) << "osqueryd has unsafe permissions: " << exec_path.string();

    auto worker = PlatformProcess::launchWorker(exec_path.string(), argc_, argv_);
    if (worker == nullptr) {
        // Unrecoverable error, cannot create a worker process.
        LOG(ERROR) << "osqueryd could not create a worker process";

    VLOG(1) << "osqueryd watcher (" << PlatformProcess::getCurrentPid()
            << ") executing worker (" << worker->pid() << ")";
    watcher.worker_status_ = -1;
  1. 通过 exec_path = fs::system_complete(fs::path(qd[0]["path"]), ec); ,得到 osqueryd 的执行路径;
  2. auto worker = PlatformProcess::launchWorker(exec_path.string(), argc_, argv_); ,通过 launchWorker() 运行 osqueryd ,通过这种方式保证osqueryd启动。这种方式和之前文章 osquery动态调试和重打包 中所讲到的 启动分析 是一样的。最终是调用 ::execve(exec_path.c_str(), argv, ::environ);
  3. watcher.setWorker(worker);watcher.resetWorkerCounters(getUnixTime()); 重新设置worker的pid和启动时间;


watch() 是整个监控系统的核心部分。 watch() 函数负责对worker进程各项指标进行监控,包括前面说的CPU,内存等等。

bool WatcherRunner::watch(const PlatformProcess &child) const {
    int process_status = 0;
    ProcessState result = child.checkStatus(process_status);
    if (Watcher::get().fatesBound()) {
        // A signal was handled while the watcher was watching.
        return false;

    if (!child.isValid() || result == PROCESS_ERROR) {
        // Worker does not exist or never existed.
        return false;
    } else if (result == PROCESS_STILL_ALIVE) {
        // If the inspect finds problems it will stop/restart the worker.
        auto status = isChildSane(child);
        // A delayed watchdog does not stop the worker process.
        if (!status.ok() && getUnixTime() >= delayedTime()) {
            return false;
        return true;

    if (result == PROCESS_EXITED) {
        // If the worker process existed, store the exit code.
        Watcher::get().worker_status_ = process_status;
        return false;

    return true;

watch() 的参数 const PlatformProcess &child 就是worker进程;

  1. Watcher::get().fatesBound()WatcherRunner::start() 一样,首先判断watcher进程与worker进程是否是父子进程关系。如果发现不是,则直接返回 false ;
  2. ProcessState result = child.checkStatus(process_status); ,检查worker进程当前状态。如果检查到进程是 PROCESS_ERROR 或者是 PROCESS_EXITED ,则直接返回false;
  3. auto status = isChildSane(child); ,如果发现worker进程正常运行,调用 isChildSane() 检测worker进程的资源问题;


Status WatcherRunner::isChildSane(const PlatformProcess &child) const {
    auto rows = getProcessRow(child.pid());
    if (rows.size() == 0) {
        // Could not find worker process?
        return Status(1, "Cannot find process");

    PerformanceChange change;
        WatcherExtensionsLocker locker;
        auto &state = Watcher::get().getState(child);
        change = getChange(rows[0], state);

    // Only make a decision about the child sanity if it is still the watcher's
    // child. It's possible for the child to die, and its pid reused.
    if (change.parent != PlatformProcess::getCurrentPid()) {
        // The child's parent is not the watcher.
        // Do not stop or call the child insane, since it is not our child.
        return Status(0);

    if (exceededCyclesLimit(change)) {
        return Status(1,"Maximum sustainable CPU utilization limit exceeded: " + std::to_string(change.sustained_latency * change.iv));

    // Check if the private memory exceeds a memory limit.
    if (exceededMemoryLimit(change)) {
        return Status(1, "Memory limits exceeded: " + std::to_string(change.footprint));

    // The worker is sane, no action needed.
    // Attempt to flush status logs to the well-behaved worker.
    if (use_worker_ && child.pid() == Watcher::get().getWorker().pid()) {

    return Status(0);
  1. auto rows = getProcessRow(child.pid()); ,根据worker进程的pid在 process 表中查询信息,在 process
  2. auto &state = Watcher::get().getState(child); 拿到worker进程的信息。

    1. getState()

      PerformanceState state_;
      PerformanceState &Watcher::getState(const PlatformProcess &child) {
          if (child == getWorker()) {
              return state_;
          } else {
              return extension_states_[getExtensionPath(child)];
    2. watch.h : PerformanceState

      struct PerformanceState {
          /// A counter of how many intervals the process exceeded performance limits.
          size_t sustained_latency;
          /// The last checked user CPU time.
          size_t user_time;
          /// The last checked system CPU time.
          size_t system_time;
          /// A timestamp when the process/worker was last created.
          size_t last_respawn_time;
          /// The initial (or as close as possible) process image footprint.
          size_t initial_footprint;
          PerformanceState() {
              sustained_latency = 0;
              user_time = 0;
              system_time = 0;
              last_respawn_time = 0;
              initial_footprint = 0;

      可以看到 PerformanceState 是一个结构体,存储了:

    3. getProcessRow()

      QueryData WatcherRunner::getProcessRow(pid_t pid) const {
          int p = pid;
          #ifdef WIN32
              WIN32 code....
          return SQL::selectFrom(
              {"parent", "user_time", "system_time", "resident_size"},

      getProcessRow(pid_t pid) 其实就是查询的 processes 表,然后获取了 parent (父进程进程ID即PPID), user_time (在用户态运行的CPU时间), system_time (在内核态运行CPU的时间), resident_size (进程使用的私有内存大小)。 getProcessRow(pid_t pid) 查询得到的信息与第二步中的 auto &state = Watcher::get().getState(child); 得到的信息基本一致。在 processes 表中查询到的是 worker 当前状态下的实时资源使用信息。这样通过比较之前的资源使用情况和当前的进程的使用情况,通过 change = getChange(rows[0], state); 比较分析就能够判断当前的进程是否存在问题。

    4. change.parent != PlatformProcess::getCurrentPid() ,这种情况下有可能是 worker 进程中途发生了改变,此时比较之后如果发现不一样,就执行 Watcher::get().reset(child); 重置 watcher 监控进程的子进程。
    5. 调用 (exceededMemoryLimit(change)exceededCyclesLimit(change) 对change之后的结果进行判断,分别判断内存和CPU的情况。以 exceededMemoryLimit(chaneg) 为例来说明。

      static bool exceededMemoryLimit(const PerformanceChange &change) {
      if (change.footprint == 0) {
          return false;
      return (change.footprint >
          getWorkerLimit(WatchdogLimitType::MEMORY_LIMIT) * 1024 * 1024);

      通过 change.footprint >getWorkerLimit(WatchdogLimitType::MEMORY_LIMIT) * 1024 * 1024 ,通过判断diff的结果与预设的结果的比较。而 WatchdogLimitType::MEMORY_LIMIT 的定义在前面的 kWatchdogLimits 中已经说明了。

  3. 由此看来在 isChildSane(const PlatformProcess &child) 中最为关键的是比较方法,即 change = getChange(rows[0], state);


PerformanceChange getChange(const Row &r, PerformanceState &state) {
    PerformanceChange change;

    // IV is the check interval in seconds, and utilization is set per-second.
    change.iv = std::max(getWorkerLimit(WatchdogLimitType::INTERVAL), 1_sz); // 3
    long long user_time = 0, system_time = 0;
    try {
        change.parent =
                static_cast<pid_t>(tryTo<long long>(r.at("parent")).takeOr(0LL));
        user_time = tryTo<long long>(r.at("user_time")).takeOr(0LL);
        system_time = tryTo<long long>(r.at("system_time")).takeOr(0LL);
        change.footprint = tryTo<long long>(r.at("resident_size")).takeOr(0LL);
    } catch (const std::exception & /* e */) {
        state.sustained_latency = 0;

    // Check the difference of CPU time used since last check.
    auto percent_ul = getWorkerLimit(WatchdogLimitType::UTILIZATION_LIMIT);
    percent_ul = (percent_ul > 100) ? 100 : percent_ul;

    UNSIGNED_BIGINT_LITERAL iv_milliseconds = change.iv * 1000;  //3*1000
    // 此时cpu_ul = (10*3000*1)/100=300
            (percent_ul * iv_milliseconds * kNumOfCPUs) / 100;

    auto user_time_diff = user_time - state.user_time;
    auto sys_time_diff = system_time - state.system_time;
    auto cpu_utilization_time = user_time_diff + sys_time_diff;

    if (cpu_utilization_time > cpu_ul) {
    } else {
        state.sustained_latency = 0;
    // Update the current CPU time.
    state.user_time = user_time;
    state.system_time = system_time;

    // Check if the sustained difference exceeded the acceptable latency limit.
    change.sustained_latency = state.sustained_latency;

    // Set the memory footprint as the amount of resident bytes allocated
    // since the process image was created (estimate).
    // A more-meaningful check would limit this to writable regions.
    if (state.initial_footprint == 0) {
        state.initial_footprint = change.footprint;

    // Set the measured/limit-applied footprint to the post-launch allocations.
    if (change.footprint < state.initial_footprint) {
        change.footprint = 0;
    } else {
        change.footprint = change.footprint - state.initial_footprint;

    return change;

getChange() 函数中,主要是对内存和CPU的使用情况进行了判断,由于这两个逻辑是混在一起的。为了便于分析,我们将内存和CPu的使用情况分开分析。


change.footprint = tryTo<long long>(r.at("resident_size")).takeOr(0LL);
if (state.initial_footprint == 0) {
    state.initial_footprint = change.footprint;

// Set the measured/limit-applied footprint to the post-launch allocations.
if (change.footprint < state.initial_footprint) {
    change.footprint = 0;
} else {
    change.footprint = change.footprint - state.initial_footprint;

change.footprint = tryTo<long long>(r.at("resident_size")).takeOr(0LL);change.footprint 拿的就是在上面通过查询 process 表拿到的结果,即当前情况下 worker 进程的资源使用情况;

其中 state 则是 PerformanceState 结构体,存储了当前的 worker 的资源使用信息。

初始化 change.footprint 中存储的就是当前的信息,最终返回 change.footprint = change.footprint - state.initial_footprint 。此时 change.footprint 返回的就是当前的资源使用与上一次的资源使用的差值。其中的一个小细节就是,如果返现 change.footprint < state.initial_footprint ,那么就将 change.footprint 置为0,也就是说差值都是大于或等于0的。



// cpu_ul的默认设置
UNSIGNED_BIGINT_LITERAL cpu_ul = (percent_ul * iv_milliseconds * kNumOfCPUs) / 100;
// 得到当前状态的在用户态下消耗的时间和在内核态下消耗的时间
user_time = tryTo<long long>(r.at("user_time")).takeOr(0LL);
system_time = tryTo<long long>(r.at("system_time")).takeOr(0LL);

auto user_time_diff = user_time - state.user_time;
auto sys_time_diff = system_time - state.system_time;
// cpu_utilization_time 就是当前状态与上次状态的内核态时间和用户态时间的差值总和
auto cpu_utilization_time = user_time_diff + sys_time_diff;

// 如果超过了cpu_ul的默认设置,则sustained_latency的数量加1,为什么使用的是state.sustained_latency?因为state.sustained_latency可能之前就不为空,之前就有可能超过了预设的设置
if (cpu_utilization_time > cpu_ul) {
} else {
    state.sustained_latency = 0;
// 将state.sustained_latency赋值给change.sustained_latency,用于之后的CPU资源使用的分析判断。
change.sustained_latency = state.sustained_latency;、

最后通过 change = getChange(rows[0], state); 得到了变化情况之后,分别调用 exceededCyclesLimit(change)exceededMemoryLimit(change) 进行分析判断CPU和内存是否超标,具体的实现方法在前面也简要地说明了。如果最终发现存在问题,则返回类似于 return Status(1, "Memory limits exceeded: " + std::to_string(change.footprint)); 的错误信息,如果运行正常,则返回 Status(0)

watch(const PlatformProcess &child)

前面已经说过了 watch() 是整个监控系统的核心部分。 watch() 函数负责对worker进程各项指标进行监控。那么就会根据 isChildSane(child) 的检测结果决定下一步的动作。

auto status = isChildSane(child);
// A delayed watchdog does not stop the worker process.
if (!status.ok() && getUnixTime() >= delayedTime()) {
    // Since the watchdog cannot use the logger plugin the error message
    // should be logged to stderr and to the system log.
    std::stringstream error;
    error << "osqueryd worker (" << child.pid()<< ") stopping: " << status.getMessage();
    LOG(WARNING) << error.str();
    return false;
return true;

如果发现 worker 的资源使用过多,就会调用 systemLog(error.str()); 打出日志,同时还会调用 stopChild(child); 停止掉 worker 进程。

void WatcherRunner::stopChild(const PlatformProcess &child) const {

    // Clean up the defunct (zombie) process.
    if (!child.cleanup()) {
        auto child_pid = child.pid();

        LOG(WARNING) << "osqueryd worker (" << std::to_string(child_pid)
                        << ") could not be stopped. Sending kill signal.";

        if (!child.cleanup()) {
            auto message = std::string("Watcher cannot stop worker process (") +
                            std::to_string(child_pid) + ").";
            Initializer::requestShutdown(EXIT_CATASTROPHIC, message);

bool PlatformProcess::killGracefully() const {
  if (!isValid()) {
    return false;

  // 关于kill进程的用法:http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/kill.2.html
  // In the case of SIGCONT, it suffices when the sending and receiving processes belong to the same session
  int status = ::kill(nativeHandle(), SIGTERM);
  return (status == 0);

通过追踪调用栈,可以发现最终调用的是 ::kill(nativeHandle(), SIGTERM) 方法杀掉 worker 进程的。


do {
    if (use_worker_ && !watch(watcher.getWorker())) {
} while (!interrupted() && ok());

WatcherRunner::start() 中发现 watch(watcher.getWorker()) 发现 workder 的状态有问题时,最终就会调用 createWorker(); 重新启动新的 worker 进程(之前的worker进程已经在 watch(const PlatformProcess &child) 中被干掉了)。





以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




ASP.NET 2.0技术内幕

ASP.NET 2.0技术内幕

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Base64 编码/解码

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