今天来讲讲 redis 当中set的一种实现形式intset,顾名思义,其应用场景只是在集合当中只包含整数值并且元素数量不多时,set才会采用的一种实现方式。
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- typedef struct intset {
- uint32_t encoding ; / / 编码规则,具体见下面三个宏定义
- uint32_t length ; / / 所存元素个数
- int8_t contents [ ] ; / / 元素存储位置
- } intset ;
- #define INTSET_ENC_INT16 ( sizeof ( int16_t ) )
- #define INTSET_ENC_INT32 ( sizeof ( int32_t ) )
- #define INTSET_ENC_INT64 ( sizeof ( int64_t ) )
其中三个宏定义表示的是encoding字段的可能取值,分别对应intset中的contents数组的三种不同的解析方式(16位整数,32位整数,64位整数)。 这里需要注意的是由于不同的机器本地 的endian可能 不同,redis使用了endianconv.h文件中的函数对这方面进行了统一。 在contents中存放的实际数字时按照从小到大的顺序排列好的,并且没有重复项。
- 根据插入的元素类型,适当扩展intset所占的空间
- 在维持低层数组存储数据不变的基础上,按照 从后到前的顺序(避免覆盖) 拷贝到新的位置上
- 将新添加的元素插入到intset当中
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- / * Insert an integer in the intset * /
- intset * intsetAdd ( intset * is , int64_t value , uint8_t * success ) {
- uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding ( value ) ;
- uint32_t pos ;
- if ( success ) * success = 1 ;
- / * Upgrade encoding if necessary . If we need to upgrade , we know that
- * this value should be either appended ( if > 0 ) or prepended ( if < 0 ) ,
- * because it lies outside the range of existing values . * /
- if ( valenc > intrev32ifbe ( is - > encoding ) ) {
- / * This always succeeds , so we don ' t need to curry * success . * /
- return intsetUpgradeAndAdd ( is , value ) ;
- } else {
- / * Abort if the value is already present in the set .
- * This call will populate "pos" with the right position to insert
- * the value when it cannot be found . * /
- if ( intsetSearch ( is , value , & pos ) ) {
- if ( success ) * success = 0 ;
- return is ;
- }
- is = intsetResize ( is , intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) + 1 ) ;
- if ( pos < intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) ) intsetMoveTail ( is , pos , pos + 1 ) ;
- }
- _intsetSet ( is , pos , value ) ;
- is - > length = intrev32ifbe ( intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) + 1 ) ;
- return is ;
- }
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- / * Upgrades the intset to a larger encoding and inserts the given integer . * /
- static intset * intsetUpgradeAndAdd ( intset * is , int64_t value ) {
- uint8_t curenc = intrev32ifbe ( is - > encoding ) ;
- uint8_t newenc = _intsetValueEncoding ( value ) ;
- int length = intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) ;
- int prepend = value < 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
- / * First set new encoding and resize * /
- is - > encoding = intrev32ifbe ( newenc ) ;
- is = intsetResize ( is , intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) + 1 ) ;
- / * Upgrade back - to - front so we don ' t overwrite values .
- * Note that the "prepend" variable is used to make sure we have an empty
- * space at either the beginning or the end of the intset .
- * 通俗的将就是对新插入的元素,我们应该插在头部还是插在尾部 * /
- while ( length - - )
- _intsetSet ( is , length + prepend , _intsetGetEncoded ( is , length , curenc ) ) ;
- / * Set the value at the beginning or the end . * /
- if ( prepend )
- _intsetSet ( is , 0 , value ) ;
- else
- _intsetSet ( is , intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) , value ) ;
- is - > length = intrev32ifbe ( intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) + 1 ) ;
- return is ;
- }
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- / * Delete integer from intset * /
- intset * intsetRemove ( intset * is , int64_t value , int * success ) {
- uint8_t valenc = _intsetValueEncoding ( value ) ;
- uint32_t pos ;
- if ( success ) * success = 0 ;
- if ( valenc < = intrev32ifbe ( is - > encoding ) & & intsetSearch ( is , value , & pos ) ) {
- uint32_t len = intrev32ifbe ( is - > length ) ;
- / * We know we can delete * /
- if ( success ) * success = 1 ;
- / * Overwrite value with tail and update length * /
- if ( pos < ( len - 1 ) ) intsetMoveTail ( is , pos + 1 , pos ) ;
- is = intsetResize ( is , len - 1 ) ;
- is - > length = intrev32ifbe ( len - 1 ) ;
- }
- return is ;
- }
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Google 广告优化与工具
宫鑫 / 电子工业出版社 / 2010-7 / 60.00元
《Google 广告优化与工具》全面地阐述了Google AdWords这个高效广告投放平台的各方面内容,包括Google广告的渠道组成、质量得分、关键词和广告语策略、后期跟踪机制以及各种辅助工具的使用等。引导读者一步步建立一个强大的Google搜索引擎营销投放策略。本书案例丰富、知识面广且层次清晰,适用于各个层次的搜索引擎营销优化人员,不论是电商企业的领导人、工作在账户优化第一线的具体操作者、营......一起来看看 《Google 广告优化与工具》 这本书的介绍吧!